Denizens of the Inner Planes

Anonymous's picture

Release: v1.0, 16 March 2006, 2.32 MB, 148 pages

This collection details the native creatures from the Elemental Planes, Paraelemental Planes, Quasielemental Planes, and the Energy Planes. The following old edition monsters have been converted to v3.5 rules - aerial servant, archomental, balhiir, blazon, bzastra, chososion, darklight, denzelian, dharum suhn, dragon horse, drelb, egarus, element creature, elemental of chaos, elemental of law, negative elementite swarm, entrope, firetail, facet, noble genies, tasked genies, giggag swarm, helian, hgaun, horde, khargra, klyndes, lavaworm, mephits, mihstu, nimbus, giant nautilus, ooze sprite, pech, negative pseudoelemental, negative quasielementals (ash, dust, salt, & vacuum), positive quasielementals (lightning, mineral, radiance, & steam), ruvoka, sandling, sandman, scape, scile swarm, shad, grand shadow, shocker, sislan, spectral death, sootbeast, suisseen, tome guardian, tsnng, ungulosin, elemental vermin, vacuous, vapor rat, vortex, waiveras, wavefire, and wind walker.

DIPv1.0.zip2.32 MB
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