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Glasya is the daughter of the Dark+Lord+of+Nessus. Her mother was Bensozia, the former Queen of Baator who was killed by Levistus when he failed to turn her to his cause.

Glasya resembles an Erinyes with copper skin and batlike wings. She had a torrid affair with Mammon in spite of her father's disapproval, but was recalled to serve as as a leader of the Erinyes in Nessus after the Reckoning.

Less than a year ago, she seized control of Malbolge upon the death of the Hag Countess, building a bizarre fortress in the hag's absurdly bloated skull.

She is now the Archduchess of Malbolge.

Dragon #75
Dungeon #25
Guide to Hell
Book of Vile Darkness
Faces of Evil: The Fiends
Fiendish Codex II
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