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Baatezu (bay-AT-eh-zoo) are the ruling race of Baator's nine hells. Most are created from lawful and evil petitioners, but some rise fully formed from Baator's twisted mathematics. Female baatezu are sterile, so they cannot reproduce their own kind through breeding (although half-breeds are possible).

Baatezu (bay-AT-eh-zoo) are the ruling race of Baator's nine hells. Most are created from lawful and evil petitioners, but some rise fully formed from Baator's twisted mathematics. Female baatezu are sterile, so they cannot reproduce their own kind through breeding (although half-breeds are possible).

Baatezu are the spirits of corrupt and murderous governments, evil military dictatorships, and ruthless lawyers made flesh. Often they are scaly and gargoyle-like, although some are beautiful to mortal eyes. They seek to ensnare the entire multiverse in their despotic vision of Law. They endlessly war with their archenemies, the Tanar'ri. Most baatezu can manifest powerful illusions.

Least baatezu: Nupperibo, Spinagon, Lemure
Lesser baatezu: Abishai, Barbazu, Erinyes, Hamatula, Osyluth, Mezzikim
Greater baatezu: Amnizu, Cornugon, Gelugon, Pit Fiend, Logokron

Planescape Monstrous Compendium, Volume I and II
Planes of Law
Hellbound: The Blood War
Faces of Evil: The Fiends
Guide to Hell
Monster Manual I, II, III, and Fiend Folio (3e)
Manual of the Planes (3e)
D&D Glossary, D&D Alumni: A look back at Devils:
Planescape, Dungeons & Dragons, their logos, Wizards of the Coast, and the Wizards of the Coast logo are ©2008, Wizards of the Coast, a subsidiary of Hasbro Inc. and used with permission.