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Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
Now I know none of you have read my posts ever. I never made Belief Points a requirement. I've posted the templates several times on the PS mailing list that show how to use templates without using Belief Points, but again, you've never seen them, which suggests either you don't subscribe to the mailing list, or you deleted the posts.

It's possible they're still in my inbox. I browsed them, but you've got me: I seldom read your posts thoroughly.

Anyway, what I meant was: no one's dismissing the idea of belief points in general just because we like Planewalker's faction system (which is pretty much the one that Zach Shuford came up with).

Not everyone uses belief points (I never have), but I've never seen anyone philosophically opposed to any use of them. Factions as templates on the other hand - yeah, that's a philosophical issue. But what isn't, when factions are involved?

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29

"Kaelyn" wrote:
"Emperor Xan" wrote:
Now I know none of you have read my posts ever. I never made Belief Points a requirement. I've posted the templates several times on the PS mailing list that show how to use templates without using Belief Points, but again, you've never seen them, which suggests either you don't subscribe to the mailing list, or you deleted the posts.

It's possible they're still in my inbox. I browsed them, but you've got me: I seldom read your posts thoroughly.

Anyway, what I meant was: no one's dismissing the idea of belief points in general just because we like Planewalker's faction system (which is pretty much the one that Zach Shuford came up with).

Not everyone uses belief points (I never have), but I've never seen anyone philosophically opposed to any use of them. Factions as templates on the other hand - yeah, that's a philosophical issue. But what isn't, when factions are involved?

I'm not suprised by this revelation. The compiler of the PS3e as well as the people running this website did the same with a project I was asked to do.

I stand firmly by my beliefs that this is politically motivated because of someone's pet project.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30

You had what happened explained in very complete detail on the yahoo group list when this was first brought up.

You recieved apologies from the person who was responsible for it. You also recieved additional apologies from two others who were not even involved in what happened. Including myself.

You recieved offers almost immediately to use the material in site or product. One of those offers was from me. You ignored both offers in favor of continuing to abuse those who made the offer.

To be blunt, at this point I have to ask you just what *could* make you happy? My first born?

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26

"Emperor Xan" wrote:

I'm not suprised by this revelation. The compiler of the PS3e as well as the people running this website did the same with a project I was asked to do.

I stand firmly by my beliefs that this is politically motivated because of someone's pet project.

Oh will you get off of it already. I was largely ambivalent here and I read about half of the posts on the list, but I'm usually too busy or working on things of my own to seriously comment. But ambivalence is gone, and I'm verging somewhere between a disappointed sigh, rolling my eyes, or honestly getting annoyed with this.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29

"Clueless" wrote:
You had what happened explained in very complete detail on the yahoo group list when this was first brought up.

Right, that explains 4+ years of excuses and snubs... That's right, my suggestions for people to search the archives to see why I'm upset, like my work, fell on deaf ears.

"Clueless" wrote:
You recieved apologies from the person who was responsible for it. You also recieved additional apologies from two others who were not even involved in what happened. Including myself.

I received apologies from 2 people, you and Ken. Not the person who the project was passed on to. He said he never got the doc. I posted it on the list, again, and haven't heard anything from anyone. I'm just making all of this up to cause problems. It's not like I've been promised a project or two or even a chance to aid the site in all of its incarnations far longer than d20's been out.

"Clueless" wrote:
You recieved offers almost immediately to use the material in site or product. One of those offers was from me. You ignored both offers in favor of continuing to abuse those who made the offer.

Right, I forgot, I didn't submit some of my core items as well as e-mail my master list as well as all the electronic letters in .doc formats....

"Clueless" wrote:
To be blunt, at this point I have to ask you just what *could* make you happy? My first born?

That's a very good question. But to answer it would require the searching of the archives to see just how much I've had my work marginalized by the caretakers of the varous incarnations of the "official" PS websites well before this latest incident.

But what should I expect when I'm not a moderator of the list or part of the staff...Even though I was part of the staff at one point. But none of that seems to matter, same with the work I get asked.

I would say that what I want is for the caretakers of Planewalker to read the various archives and find out what you want from me and stop stringing me along. I'm tired of being told I can help only to be cast aside because I do things differently that what you've decided to go with. The part that's most annoying is that the "official" project has taken over 3 years to get off the ground and while I plod away designing my stuff and posting it on the PS mailing list so it's an option for people, it doesn't seem to matter, even though I kept working through the hiatuses.

I lost count of the number of times I asked to be notified when things were going to get started so I could help out. Even though I'm on PW-members, nothing was said to me. Using the guidelines that Brannon set up well before the post-d20 hiatus, I've been using WotC sources to build everything for eventual use. Lo and behold someone rolls out some pages of material and without any discussions as to what direction should the community proceed, something that a site manager created is the only source considered for the "official" material. No debate, no commentaries on possible tweaks or reconsiderations, just one choice for the community to accept from the website and all "official" material will be written exclusively from that point of view...

I don't see any egos involved, do you?

Yeah, I'm angry. I'm angry for a good reason, I have a very long memory and I do read the e-mails that go out. I weigh and measure everything for balance and keep most everything that's got potential for my game. I don't marginalize the works of others wholesale unless it's severely flawed and ill-conceived. Not only that, but when the 3e Planear Handbook get's released, hey, what do we see...prestige classes for factions, but not as the factions but as a niche within the factions, just like what I did.

No feats for factions, no templates to give the old 2e feel that made the setting cool, just info on the beliefs of a few factions - which Rhys stated emphatically we don't need, because all of us already know it - and a prestige class. Really, the heart and soul of Planescape in 3e for new players. Isn't that what we want, just the one source offered in 3e about Planescape's factions in game mechanics, but no real meat behind them?

"Some groups are so enamored of their own particular philosophies that they teach their members special kinds of prestigious abilities. These philosophical teachings and abilities can take a character in an entirely diffeent direction from that which she originally followed.

"Of course, only a fraction of those who join philosophical plane-inspired factions take a prestige class associated with that group. Moreovere, it is possible that a given faction could offer more than a single prestige class."

Planar Handbook, p 43

Hey, what do I know, right? It's not like I got a 300-page book to write by 8/1/05 on planes of existence and do-it-yourself cosmologies.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30

Posts split from thread /forums/viewtopic.php?p=3872#3872 to allow other thread to continue on original subject.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29

This is what I'm referring to. You remove the posts to a "safe" thread and don't respond to my questions.

What's worse, none of the "official" designers will address the issues of mechanics that I questioned.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30

I just watch and tend the forums. If I don't have anything to contribute constructively, then I don't say it. I've already said what I'm going to say on the subject.

moogle001's picture
Joined: 2004-01-02

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
Right, that explains 4+ years of excuses and snubs... That's right, my suggestions for people to search the archives to see why I'm upset, like my work, fell on deaf ears.
To begin with, not everyone on the forums gets messages from the yahoo group pw_members, and not everyone who gets messages from that list has access to the group to read the archives.
"Emperor Xan" wrote:
I received apologies from 2 people, you and Ken. Not the person who the project was passed on to. He said he never got the doc. I posted it on the list, again, and haven't heard anything from anyone. I'm just making all of this up to cause problems. It's not like I've been promised a project or two or even a chance to aid the site in all of its incarnations far longer than d20's been out.
Actually, you received an apology from me rather quickly, the person who the project was passed on to. But in case you forgot,
"moogle001" wrote:
If anyone, you should be directing your complaints at me, not Bast. I've been in charge of the PSCS for some time now and handle most staff assignments. Though I do not what you're referring to, I'm sorry to say hat it's often been the case that I've forgotten about emails for quite some time and have failed to keep up with people. I won't make excuses for myself, I'll just say I'm continually trying to improve in that regard and you can always feel free to send me a couple email pokes to get my attention.

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
That's a very good question. But to answer it would require the searching of the archives to see just how much I've had my work marginalized by the caretakers of the varous incarnations of the "official" PS websites well before this latest incident.
Let me make this perfectly clear: Just because you have submitted work to this project does not mean it will be used, does not mean it will be considered, does not you will receive any reward (aside from credit, in the case that it is used). There are numerous people that have submitted work to the project, good work, that was eventually not used for one reason or another and now sits idle in the archives. That is why this incarnation of planewalker exists: to provide an outlet for people who have other ideas for Planescape and the planes in general. We are willing to host just about anything you request, provided you do so through the process that has been detailed to you.

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
But what should I expect when I'm not a moderator of the list or part of the staff...Even though I was part of the staff at one point. But none of that seems to matter, same with the work I get asked.
Just because you were a part of the staff at one point does not mean you are now. Few people are. Aside from the web staff, only a handful of people have stayed with the project or otherwise been included in its continued development. Let me make this clear as well: This project owes you nothing.
"Emperor Xan" wrote:
I would say that what I want is for the caretakers of Planewalker to read the various archives and find out what you want from me and stop stringing me along. I'm tired of being told I can help only to be cast aside because I do things differently that what you've decided to go with. The part that's most annoying is that the "official" project has taken over 3 years to get off the ground and while I plod away designing my stuff and posting it on the PS mailing list so it's an option for people, it doesn't seem to matter, even though I kept working through the hiatuses.
Ask and you shall receive. I do not want anything from you. Thank you for your continued dedication to the Planescape setting, but all positions have been filled. I apologize to you and every other contributor that has stuck by our side. Please know that we are happy to host any ideas that you have within the Planewalker database.
"Emperor Xan" wrote:
I lost count of the number of times I asked to be notified when things were going to get started so I could help out. Even though I'm on PW-members, nothing was said to me. Using the guidelines that Brannon set up well before the post-d20 hiatus, I've been using WotC sources to build everything for eventual use. Lo and behold someone rolls out some pages of material and without any discussions as to what direction should the community proceed, something that a site manager created is the only source considered for the "official" material. No debate, no commentaries on possible tweaks or reconsiderations, just one choice for the community to accept from the website and all "official" material will be written exclusively from that point of view...

I don't see any egos involved, do you?

And in this, you are wrong. There were months of discussion about how to represent the factions in a group of one dozen to two dozen people that had been selected to work on that aspect of the project. Perhaps you were unaware that there were yahoo groups other than pw_members? Not everyone had access to it. And if you were in that group, then you know that it was not a decision made by any one person and you know the reasons why this system was ultimately chosen.

Regardless, the debate was endless, and eventually we had to make a decision. Of the systems on the table, there was a template and a belief system similiar to what you have described. In fact, I was a strong proponent for a template system till the end, but eventually worked with the concensus. Even when the project was "passed on to me", I did not seek to change the system and have no intention of doing so now.

At some point you have to pick a path and go with it. We did. I'm sorry if you don't approve, but in terms of "official" products, that's the path we are taking. We have always been open to the idea of presenting variant rules for how to deal with the factions, belief, and everything else within the official products. That is of the lowest priority, however. Feel free to continue discussing how to make this system better or put your system in the Planewalker database and discuss here. But remember, you have the right to speak, not the right to have everyone listen to you.


-Gabriel Sorrel, www.planewalker.com

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29

So, anyone want to believe that it wasn't politically motivated still that I was never allowed to participate in anything?

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
So, anyone want to believe that it wasn't politically motivated still that I was never allowed to participate in anything?
There's not enough information to come to that conclusion.

First, it's entirely possible that your work never left the pipeline, and so the people "in charge" may not have read you (quite in-depth and detailed) work. We know that you weren't chosen for the private panel, but this could have merely been due to an un-awareness of your standing, or due to it simply being full of still more qualified candidates.

I would assume, personally, that the reasoning behind your not being on the panel was legitimate until substantial evidence to the contrary comes forward. Innocent until proven guilty, etc. And either way, it's a moot point now, insofar as your material is available as a houserule and the official situation is unlikely to change.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29

It doesn't chang anything. What was done to select the "official" rules amounts to back-room politiking. How many on that panel were professional game designers?

Elethíus's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
It doesn't chang anything. What was done to select the "official" rules amounts to back-room politiking. How many on that panel were professional game designers?

Is there such a thing as a professional game designer?

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29

What profession title would you give someone like Gary Gygax, Steve Jackson, or Monte Cook?

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11

Xan, everyone you've talked to here has been quite accomodating to your complaints, which, to be completely honest, are unfounded and amount to not much more than petty bitterness at having someone else's ideas selected for the official setting. That's official, not "official," because, like it or not, the PSCS uses rules that are different from what you would prefer, but is what this community will base its rules on. I wasn't selected to design the factions or how they are run, either. The point of a community is that some people design some parts of the setting, and others design other parts. I don't complain that I wasn't invited to share my views on parts of the setting in which I have an interest. There are certainly parts that I would prefer to be handled in a different way, but there are people in this community whose job it is to select the best option from all the available suggestions for each section of the PSCS, and whose goal is to make Planescape in 3.5 edition be cohesive, useful, faithful to the Planescape setting, and fun to play. If an idea you have isn't selected for any reason, the appropriate response is not to attack the community on at least four separate threads, as you have elected to do, but rather to move on and use the material you want in your own game. You've submitted your ideas to Planewalker, they're available in House Rules for the whole world to review, so they'll get exactly as much use as people want them to get.

Don't accuse Planewalker of "backroom politiking" because you don't get your way. At this point, your complaints aren't about your writing and material as much as they are about your opinions not being reciprocated. You make far too much out of what has happened. If your system wasn't implemented, it could have been for any number of valid reasons, but don't insult us all by claiming that you were individually singled out to recieve some kind of "political" (absurd) slight because we don't like templates for factions. Your complaints with this community are insulting and completely counterproductive. It isn't "years of snubbing and excuses" nor your "very long memory" but rather your petty grudge bearing and bitterness that prompt you to abuse this community and its members and leaders every time you speak. And it needs to stop.

Elethíus's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11

Let me rephrase.

Does a project like this need professional game designers?

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29

Given the fact that no one has addressed the issues I've raised concerning game mechanics, yes.

Zjelani's picture
Joined: 2003-11-24

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
Given the fact that no one has addressed the issues I've raised concerning game mechanics, yes.

OR... they may be busy with other portions at this time.
OR... they may disagree. Even "professional" game designers do that.

Oh, and "professional" game designers were in fact involved. However, that's a loaded term that doesn't carry any weight around here anyway. We're fans doing a fan project.

I have professional publications with some pretty big name publishers, but did I start throwing that around to mean my opinion was more important than others? No, because that would be totally counter-productive.

Did Christopher Campbell throw the fact that he actually had his Faction prestige classes printed in Dragon magazine around and claim that his way was best? No, he offered them up as possible use for us, but was willing to work with the group and go with the group's decisions even when he disagreed.

And those are just two examples of people who were team-players helping out. And working well on a team has a whole lot more effect on being involved on these projects than our game mechanic preferences.

Having some credits to your name is cool, and we're happy for ALL of the Planewalker staffers who are professional game designers and artists. But does it give your opinion any more weight than someone else who hasn't happened to submit to a publishers? Well, coming from one of the people in charge of this whole operation, I will tell you the official policy is NO, it does not give your opinion any more weight.* There are plenty of great designers who have never been published, and there are definitely many really poor designers who have been. It doesn't mean anything around these parts. We're all just fans here.

So, bottom line. I really am happy that you are being published. I'd like to hear more about it. Maybe we should start a thread for PW'ers who have gone pro to list our publications - be they writing or artwork. But, in the end, it gives your opinion absolutely no more weight. Sorry.

-Ken Marable

* Unless, of course, you happen to be one of the original PS designers. Then, yeah, we'll give your opinion a little more weight, but we still won't be afraid to out-vote you. Laughing out loud

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29

"Zjelani" wrote:
OR... they may be busy with other portions at this time. OR... they may disagree. Even "professional" game designers do that.
To disagree still requires a response. But I did not ask yes or no questions. I asked very specific questions as to how certain elements of the Planescape campaign would be addressed mechanically in 3.5.

"Zjelani" wrote:
Oh, and "professional" game designers were in fact involved. However, that's a loaded term that doesn't carry any weight around here anyway. We're fans doing a fan project.

I have professional publications with some pretty big name publishers, but did I start throwing that around to mean my opinion was more important than others? No, because that would be totally counter-productive.

I never said anything about my own work beyond asking if I won a contract for an RPG book based off of the sample chapter I wrote. As far as professional quality beein needed, yes we do need it. Why do I feel so strongly about this? I have three reasons: John W. Mangrum, Andrew Cermak, and Andrew Wyatt. They wrote the Ravenloft 3.0 book for Sword & Sorcery Studios. Those names probably don't mean much to you, but their website should. They started out in a similar manner to this community. The biggest difference: they organized and stuck with their projects and had a standing operating procedure.

"Zjelani" wrote:
Did Christopher Campbell throw the fact that he actually had his Faction prestige classes printed in Dragon magazine around and claim that his way was best? No, he offered them up as possible use for us, but was willing to work with the group and go with the group's decisions even when he disagreed.

And I'll say it publically again, factions as prestige classes sucked then and they suck now because it reduces the factions to power-gaming.

"Zjelani" wrote:
And those are just two examples of people who were team-players helping out. And working well on a team has a whole lot more effect on being involved on these projects than our game mechanic preferences.

Is that why more than 4 chapters have been released over the last 2-3 years?

"Zjelani" wrote:
Having some credits to your name is cool, and we're happy for ALL of the Planewalker staffers who are professional game designers and artists. But does it give your opinion any more weight than someone else who hasn't happened to submit to a publishers? Well, coming from one of the people in charge of this whole operation, I will tell you the official policy is NO, it does not give your opinion any more weight.* There are plenty of great designers who have never been published, and there are definitely many really poor designers who have been. It doesn't mean anything around these parts. We're all just fans here.

So, bottom line. I really am happy that you are being published. I'd like to hear more about it. Maybe we should start a thread for PW'ers who have gone pro to list our publications - be they writing or artwork. But, in the end, it gives your opinion absolutely no more weight. Sorry.

Who said I was using my skills and status as a way to add weight to my way of doing things? I addressed several key issues as to why the system as it stands is essentially a bastardized version of Planescape. Why I'm using my skills is to illustrate a very valuable point. What I find so humorous, although it's sad at the same time, is that everyone's in an uproar over my questionings.

Didn't anyone pay attention to the results of the fantasy world sumbmission contest? Better yet, did anyone pay attention to the 5 questions that WotC specifically asked for in the beginning?

Ohtar Turinson's picture
Joined: 2004-06-01

And I'll say it publically again, factions as prestige classes sucked then and they suck now because it reduces the factions to power-gaming.

Xan, what exactly are your objections? I haven't seen much beyond your calling prestige classes power gaming (which I'm a tad unclear on how, so long as they're balanced, but that's beside the point). The factions have always granted powers. The only difference I can see is that now you give up a feat slot (or a class level, or whatever) to gain those levels, instead of gaining them at the whim of the DM-- which isn't power-gaming, just giving players choices, and the DM has veto power anyway, so it's effectively unchanged. I've looked through your Templates, and they strike me as too unnecesarily complex- there's no point to having all these extra statistics, when the existing system handles it fine. Some of the existing feats and prestige classes might have a "must be of x rank in faction y" appended, and have the same thing with less fuss. That still has the roleplaying control, without the system that doesn't mesh well with existing material.

It really does come across as you being bitter because your system didn't get chosen, and your ad hominum attacks aren't really helping your position. Accidents happen, and you've presented no evidence that anyone really is conspiring against you, which is what you seem to be claiming.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07

I'd like to slip in here and call everyone's attention to the fact that this thread no longer has to do with producing a better ps3e project. To be blunt, Xan, this is a laundry list of your gripes with aspects of the project that have already been decided and established by the community. Responses to your "complaints" (for lack of a better word) have ceased to be patient and everyone posting on this thread (myself included) seems to be worked up and frustrated. Personally, I've reached my breaking point and want to inform you that no one is impressed by your claims to grammatical infallibility, your ability to drop names of other people in game designing, or any other products that you may or may not have "secured the contract" for. This is a site for discussing Planescape, especially the ps3e project, and if you're not going to be a productive part of the community, you're not part of it. I don't mean that you always have to agree with everyone, I think your submissions to the Planewalker database of your alternatives (the scalable templates and madness rules for instance) were fine home rules to submit. But to regularly write purposefully abrasive posts and to carry on such a condescending tone is unacceptable and insulting to those who want to use planewalker as more than a place to flex egos. If you have such a problem with the organization of this site, an organization which no one but you has serious problems with, then it might be worthwhile for you to find a more agreeable match for your writings.

Allow me to say this in simple English without any five-dollar words: Communities like planewalker don't work when there are overbearing people who can't accept anyone's opinions but their own. That means you, Xan, the one who has been pushing his agenda on-and-off for years without compromising.

Narfi Ref's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09

And I'll say it publically again, factions as prestige classes sucked then and they suck now because it reduces the factions to power-gaming.

Beyond what has been said in regards to PrCs being power gaming one thing seems to need to be addressed. It seems, Xan, that you think that the way Factions will be represented in the finished version of PS3E is something other than the way they will be. Now seeing as how i'm not a staff member I might not have this right, but the way I've interpreted what I've read on Planewalker on this subject is this:

1) A Faction is an in-game organization that a character may either begin game as a member, or join through roleplaying provided the character meets all requirements.

2) Membership in a Faction does not automatically confer upon the member any special powers.

3) Membership in a Faction may cause dificulty for the character through roleplaying scenarios, or through special game mechanic penalties at the discretion of the DM (as per Rule 0).

4) Membership does not require the purchase of a feat.

5) Membership does allow a character to purchase special feats exclusive (with a few exceptions) to that Faction.

6) Membership does not require the character to take any prestige class.

7) Membership does allow the character to take up one of at least three prestige classes that correspond to niches and specializations within the faction. In no way are these prestige classes indicative of the entire Faction philosophy.

I think that's about it. I'm only posting this because your posts, Xan, give me the impression that you believe the PS3E rules to be something other than what they are.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29

Let me make this perfectly blunt to you. This site will never grow beyond a small dying core of people if you continue this track. You will kill interest in Planescape as a viable line if you do not focus on making a statistical representation of the factions, both pre- and post-FW.

Let's address the points one at a time, just to show you how closed-minded you are because Planescape is now "yours" to do with as you please.

The folks over at www.kargatane.com spent seven years painstakingly keeping Ravenloft going as a viable campaign by adhering to a strict set of guidelines for not just quality of product produced, but for what would be accepted as material to be considered for Kargatane's canonization.

It took seven years of dedication to preserve the quality of the material from just being fan-based stuff that eveyone-and-their-dog submitted to be on par with what TSR and WotC had produced for the setting. SEVEN YEARS! And, where is the setting now? It's back in print with the core writers of the Kargatane at the healm.

Why am I so pissed? This community has disintergrated into cliques since the release of Faction War. Everyone has gone their own way while a few people tried some three times to get the setting organized without any guiding doctrine for keeping operations running. I developed some simple ideas for addressing the questions of converting the setting to the new edition. You don't seem to like the way I did things, that's fine. What it doesn't free this community from is addressing the material statistically.

Yes, I am unwilling to compromize on some very key issues. It is not the means by which the mechanics are built that bothers me. It's the lack of creating them for outsiders to enter the community and dazzle us with their own creations based on a solid system. They're not going to be interested if they don't know on paper how everything's supposed to work in Planescape without the stats there. Does that mean that you have to use the stats to play the game? Of course not. However, if you want to see Planescape grow, you must do this. Not for the sake of placating me or anyone else, but in order to encourage others to join the community that played Torment or heard about Planescape, but didn't have the chance to buy the books.

All of the work needed to create a solid system must start from a basic mechanic. This is the principle upon which d20 is designed. Every setting for d20 published by WotC, with the exception of Greyhawk, is not only based on the d20 mechanic, but it adds its own unique rule to the setting. In the case of Forgotten Realms, there are three: regions, spellfire, and the shadow weave. They are game mechanics. They are also detailed statisticaly as to how they function.

Oriental Adventures has three unique mechanics: humans belong to a clan or are considered clanless (a mechanic that has an impact), taint, and ancestral feats.

Wheel of Time has madness ratings, spells that can be cast with differing levels for effects, and uses the regional system.

Ghostwalk allows you to play spectral characters, has feats for such apparitions, and rules for crossing from life to death and back again.

Dragonlance has the three moons, which do penalize wizards as they did in 2nd edition. It also has draconians as PCs and the Mystic.

Ebberon uses action points, has the artificer, and an unstable outer planar cosmology that orbits the prime. However, even the planes have orbital periods and statistical connotations.

Planescape's unique traits in 2e were the faction abilities and their drawbacks. What is the unique mechanic in 3e?

Now, I turn my attention to the Fantasy Setting Submission Template that Ebberon had applied to it....

1. Core Ethos Sentence. What is the core themes that make this setting unique?

2. The heroes of the setting asks who's the most important people of that world. In Planescape, such figures aren't truly heroes to you and I, but to those who share their beliefs, they are their champions.

3. To achieve their goals, what do the various heroes do or use? The factions draw upon the powers created by their deep beliefs. Thus, the heroes of Planescape use the power of their philosophies to manifest changes in the cosmology.

4. Threats, conflicts & villains. What in the setting constitutes a threat, a conflict, and who are the primary villains? In Planescape, anyone who doesn't share you beliefs can become a threat. Conflicts abound throughout the setting from a war of words, to a war of weapons. Villains aren't necessarily evil in Planescape. Thus, it is not easy to define what makes someone a villain until they oppose you.

5. The nature of magic is affected how in the setting? For Planescape, it depends on the location. Each plane, and indeed each realm, can have very different effects on magic not encountered elsewhere. The Outlands have a concentric disruption effect on all powers, magical and psionic alike.

6. What makes this setting unique is it's emphasis on belief. How do you represent this emphasis to allow new players to understand the importance of this issue? Where's the statistical illustration to emphasize the point?

It has been nearly seven years since the last Planescape pen-and-paper product was published. What have we accomplished as a community in that time?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30

This approach may be flawed at the very basic level though.

If factions *are* the key element of the Planescape setting - why then can entire games be run in the Elemental planes? Where belief did not create the environment, and factions are not primary movers and shakers? The same applies for Blood War campaigns, Astral based, or games revolving around the movements of dieties. What about games where none of the players actually want to play factions? This is not Vampire the Masquerade where you are *required* to be in a clan or clanless.

While I agree that working out a coherant 'target' in terms of game mechanics and concepts is not a bad idea. I think you are over emphasizing the scope of factions in this scenario.

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
Let me make this perfectly blunt to you.

There's one thing I don't quite get: Are you trying to persuade somebody of something, or are you just venting? If the former is true, the adage about flies and vinegar applies.

There's a reason I seldom read your posts.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29

Not really. See, by defining what the factions are first, you can place limits on them in terms of the disadvantages first shown in 2e as well as ones similar to the variant limits I placed on the effectiveness of faction powers the further one gets from the Great Ring.

True, you don't have to belong to a faction or sect. I never said you did. What the factions represent are structured or en masse groupings of like-mined people and how the way they believe has a physical impact on the "world" around them. These groups have disadvantages for their ability to change things around them as a way to show the limits of a narrow viewpoint.

What the factions do provide is a measuring stick. When we look at what the writers did, it's like someone displaying a picture of sorts and saying "this is what the affects of philosophical power do when they are made manifest."

As for the Blood War, it is a war of belief. The difference here is that it's one that's fought along racial lines. One of the interesting aspects of the Blood War is that it has this feel that "so long as those people are killing each other, they won't bother us," then there's no worries from any conflicts spilling over. Well, who are "those people" and why do people want them to keep killing one another and leaving the rest of the multiverse alone? Why are others, if you will, involved in these "racially motivated killings"?

Sects exist in the Inner Planes as well as having the potential to exist anywhere. However, these groups are small. Part of the reason could be that the closer one gets to physical reality over philosophical reality, the less potent beliefs are.

Since the emphasis in Planescape has always been on philosophy, it is necessary that the base unique mechanic be faction membership. To prevent it from being the only option because factions are everywhere or because they get powerful benefits, it is necessary to have a counterbalance mechanism to show why nobody has come to dominate the multiverse.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30

Ok - that begs a question then. *Why* do you consider factions the only options? Or to be more exact in the question: Why do you consider that the normal player will desire to play factions and *only* factions? And don't simply say because the current ones are powergamer paradises - that's descriptive, but nothing resembling a proof of concept.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29

"Clueless" wrote:
Ok - that begs a question then. *Why* do you consider factions the only options? Or to be more exact in the question: Why do you consider that the normal player will desire to play factions and *only* factions? And don't simply say because the current ones are powergamer paradises - that's descriptive, but nothing resembling a proof of concept.

I never claimed that the factions were the only options. Nor did I say that normal players would desire to play factions. The factions serve as the unique mechanic of Planescape. It is the basis from which all other aspects of the setting are measured. How powerful are beliefs and what are their limitations? This is what the unique mechanic is designed to address. We're talking about a setting where philosophy made manifest is the reality, not the exception.

The problem with past incarnations and the current system are simple. Using prestige classes to represent the factions trivializes the philosophy since it can easily be ignored. Feats are neat additions to a game, but just claiming membership to a faction shouldn't be the only access requirement to the faction feats. Where's the counterbalance mechanism? Feats give advantages without any disadvantages from their selection.

The point of the unique mechanic in this regard not only gives a quantifiable representation of the effects of belief, but also the downside to beliefs. By selecting a feat, what have you proven in terms of what you believe? The counterbalance mechanism of a sysem would be used to show how strong beliefs can come back and bite you in the ass.

I've never accused die-hard loyalists that they would use the current incarnation of the rules for power-gaming. However, this site has published 4 chapters for the PSCS. But there's no counterbalance mechanism for the design choices that were made. This isn't important to someone who's been with the setting since '94, but to new players, it's a big difference.

To use you own response, we're talking about Rule Zero here. Yes, I'm aware that no system is fail-safe when Rule Zero is applied, but with a counterbalance mechansim serving as a check against the powers beliefs grant, you make it that much harder to ignore what the implications are supposed to have on game play. I can easily ignore the prerequisites for prestige classes and faction feats if I want "cool" things in my game.

Factions are meant as an option. The deeper your convictions, the more they manifest in the planes. However, they also penalize you in other ways. People who don't want to bother with such foolish single-minded devotions wouldn't suffer from the drawbacks that deep convictions create. Then again, they wouldn't have any bonuses either.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30

So, boiling down the arguement a bit... (I post short messages because my brain has a small RAM cache.)

In essence, you believe that if someone gains abilities from their beliefs there should be a formalized way to remove those beliefs if the player does not perform properly?

It took a damn long time for that to become apparent in your messages here, so I'm confirming that I have it right.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29

That's always been part of my arguement. Nobody seems to care, because the majority wants to play free-form. That's fine if it works for you, but what about everyone else trying to make sense of the setting's unique properties?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30

The problem with your posts in the past is that you cloud them with other topics or with emotion. It obscures your message.

So, given the following as true:

In essence, you believe that if someone gains abilities from their beliefs there should be a formalized way to remove those beliefs if the player does not perform properly?

What game mechanic do you apply for paladins in your games?

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29

I've never actually had anyone play a paladin in any games I've ran. However if they did, they would have to adhere strictly to the tenents of their faith. This doesn't mean they couldn't slip every once in a while, but it would have effects. They're supposed to live by a code of faith. Their powers are supposed to stem from that faith by their god or alignment dictates.

Also, I would allow someone to play a paladin of a different alignment. I was happy when Dragon presented the 8 alternates.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30

I agree - I like seeing someone play paladin of Sharess for example - talk about a way to turn the idea on it's head.

But. Then. Isn't the above an example of rule 0? You judge when someone has slipped enough, their powers fade until they return to the path or abandon it. That form of mechanism closely resembles how faction belief (or in this case, faction non-belief) is intended to be handled under the PSCS. It's familar to new players, and it's relatively simple to enforce.

If it's good enough for paladins, why is it not good enough for our faction classes and feats?

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29

It's not an example of Rule Zero because it's written into the class. Key point here is that faith for paladins and clerics is the unique aspect of their function. They lose their abilities when they violate the tenets of their beliefs. This is represented as falling out of favor with one's god or disregard for the required alignment and code of conduct. For paladins, laws are everything.

Factions are not classes and do not have classes tied to them. Prestige classes may be the provinence of one faction over another, but even that is debatable when similar beliefs could fill the same niche.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10

"Clueless" wrote:
I agree - I like seeing someone play paladin of Sharess for example - talk about a way to turn the idea on it's head.

But. Then. Isn't the above an example of rule 0? You judge when someone has slipped enough, their powers fade until they return to the path or abandon it. That form of mechanism closely resembles how faction belief (or in this case, faction non-belief) is intended to be handled under the PSCS. It's familar to new players, and it's relatively simple to enforce.

If it's good enough for paladins, why is it not good enough for our faction classes and feats?

Paladin of Sharess? Lancalot comes to mind.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
Factions are not classes and do not have classes tied to them. Prestige classes may be the provinence of one faction over another, but even that is debatable when similar beliefs could fill the same niche.

Factions in and of themselves do not need numbers associated with them. They have the same need for numbers as a guild, or government does (which is to say, define how many there are in the faction, generally how large their HQ are, and describe them). So there's no need to define the faction itself, or it's standard members in formal numbers. Therefor no need for a method of tracking belief. Right?

That need arises when the members develop powers from their belief. Again, just to make sure we're on the same track - this is correct, yes? This would, hypothetically, be when they are PCs or NPCs and have feats or classes that prove them power?

At that point they are in exactly the same position as a paladin. It has always been implied in faction powers that if you abandon your faith/belief you abandon your powers as well. If this is not stated formally in the releases it will be by the next revision of them.

Is there anything in the way this is lined out that makes this not work?

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29

You still haven't shown me how the drawbacks to faction beliefs are manifested. What are the problems created by their convictions?

The reason why you analogy fails is that even members of the factions do not agree with one another on some of the finer points of their beliefs. Paladins can't argue what it means to be lawful good in the same fashion. Not only that, but faction membership does not place restrictions on alignment the way being a paladin or a cleric does.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
You still haven't shown me how the drawbacks to faction beliefs are manifested. What are the problems created by their convictions?
Why do I have to? I asked you about paladins and you said there were no formalized drawbacks needed there? If they fall from their faith - they loose the goodies, simple enough to me. Following the faith in good RP would bring in the advantages and disadvantages approriate - a paladin of Tyr refusing to let a thief go, and as a result becoming known through out the realms as a jerk, even if the thief stole bread to feed his family for example. (Suddenly hears strains of Les Miserables in the background...) Or a cleric of Sharess refusing to hunt down a man eating tiger on her faiths convictions. Or a paladin/antipaladin of Shar getting his butt wooped by a Choosen of Mystra...

(Yes, the majority of powers I know are FR.)

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
The reason why you analogy fails is that even members of the factions do not agree with one another on some of the finer points of their beliefs. Paladins can't argue what it means to be lawful good in the same fashion. Not only that, but faction membership does not place restrictions on alignment the way being a paladin or a cleric does.
... And Chaotic Nuetral paladins that we agreed above would be really cool, all agree on their finer points?

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29

You're not going to hem me in, if that's what you're thinking.

Factions give benefits. There are no drawbacks associated with the system that's considered "official." Paladins have their drawbacks built in. They're paladins! Just by their actions, they attract enemies. There are many people who dislike them because of who they are. In some nations, they may very well be considered outlaws and therefore suffer Diplomacy checks and other similar penalties.

Paladins can't hide who they are. Faction memebers can. Unless they belong to a group that doesn't believe in lying, faction members have less restrictions than paladins. As a faction member, I can lie, cheat, steal, and kill so long as it doesn't violate my philosophy. In fact, I may even be allowed to kill if the victim opposes my beliefs. Factions allow rationalization, which is why they're fractious. Lawful good paladins are not afforded the same freedoms, although two LG paladins could still be enemies due to their national identities.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30

Factions don't have negatives? Tell that to the Athar cowering at the foot of the Spire. There's *plenty* of ways a DM can work with faction beliefs - I think my current DM gets off on tossing slavers in the path of my Indep for example. Paladins aren't tested every minute of every day, and neither do faction members need to be. What *is* needed is that they are sometimes tested - and that's a DM perogative.


Back to that CE paladin idea? With the hiding and the sneaking and the murdering? Or are paladins (or paladin like critters) for all alignments *not* cool anymore?

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29

You're trying to hem me in and force me to take a side in your either/or position. That's a logical fallacy. There is no either/or answer here. And you still have not shown statistically how the factions are penalized for their beliefs.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
You're trying to hem me in and force me to take a side in your either/or position. That's a logical fallacy. There is no either/or answer here. And you still have not shown statistically how the factions are penalized for their beliefs.

You've not shown me statistically where factions are power gamer tools. You distinctly avoided doing so earlier in this thread.

One thing that I *am* saying, is that factions require statistical penalties at the same rate that paladins do. Which is to say - they don't.

If you are not willing to listen to logic or to conceed on points that you've lost - then this is not truely a debate is it? I'm not trying to hem you in - I'm trying to point out where your arguement falls apart and where you are wrong. If you're not willing to give the other person in the debate a chance to win you over - why debate? Why is it a logical fallacy to attempt to persuade you to another viewpoint? After all - is that not what you're trying to do?

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29

Either/or tactics are not methods of persuasion, they are methods of coersion.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
You're trying to hem me in and force me to take a side in your either/or position. That's a logical fallacy. There is no either/or answer here. And you still have not shown statistically how the factions are penalized for their beliefs.

How dare she not ignore your past posts! The persumption!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
Either/or tactics are not methods of persuasion, they are methods of coersion.

And that's simply rhetoric playing on the audience reaction, as opposed to either of the other two 'pillars' of rhetoric.

You have stated contradictory beliefs. Both cannot be in existance unless you lie, change your mind *very* quickly, or simply did not realize that you were contradicting yourself. In either case, it's only fair and rational to realize that you have contradicted yourself - and pick one or the other.

Look at your own arguements, you use the same tactics - though with a good deal more emotion to them.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29

You want me to back up my views on your flawed sysetm? Fine, let me quote the text of chapter 3....

"During character creation players may choose to start in any faction. Otherwise, players cannot simply join or leave a faction."

Isn't this contradictory as you say I have been? You still defend it as not being contradictory.

"The process must be role-played in game as described below."

How do you plan on enforcing this?

" One additional perk of being a faction member is that factioneers look after their own and react well to those of like-mind. Thus, faction members gain a +2 circumstance bonus on any Charisma-based skill check when interacting with members of the same faction. This only applies if both parties are aware of each other’s faction membership."

You give a bonus for being a member of a faction, yet you were critical on how factions were seen as the "only" choice in my system. Where's the drawback? Why is there a bonus for dealing with your faction and no penalities for dealing with anyone else?

"Truly belonging, however, requires two things: belief and recognition of that belief. The only real way to prove one's belief is through actions, and so most factions take into account the doings of any would-be member. If they don't seem to be in accord with their credo, they may set additional requirements."

Oh, and how do you know if someone really believes or not? All clerics and paladins serve gods, right? Their powers are divine.

"Even now, the majority of Cagers are faction members of some sort, and planars across the multiverse are beginning to sign up in increasing numbers as the factions strengthen their influence abroad. "

Isn't this statement contrary to what you say about belonging to a faction?

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29

From chapter 4 of the PSCS

" Some faction feats represent the training that comes from being in that faction, while others represent the belief manifested by that faction’s principles."

Do clerics have the same restrictions in terms of needing to belong to an organization for their domain choices?

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29

One of your feats:

Surprise Factioneers [General]
Your knowledge of the factions allows you to catch them off guard with unexpected comments about their philosophy or faction.
Faction: Free League.
Prerequisite: Wis 13+, Cha 13+, 6 ranks in Knowledge (factions and guilds).
Benefit: As a full-round action, you can make a Knowledge (factions and guilds) check (DC 15) to come up with a particularly shocking comment against one faction. Shouting the comment allows you to “shock” any member of that faction in a 30 feet cone from you as the spell daze. The targets may make a Will save (DC 10 + ½ ranks in Knowledge (factions and guilds) + Wisdom modifier). You may use this ability once a minute, and only on the same targets once a day.

You don't find this excessive?

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10

Soo... Your saying since we are not perfect then we automatically have to listen to you?

Don't you find that a little excessive?

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
Factions give benefits. There are no drawbacks associated with the system that's considered "official." Paladins have their drawbacks built in. They're paladins! Just by their actions, they attract enemies. There are many people who dislike them because of who they are. In some nations, they may very well be considered outlaws and therefore suffer Diplomacy checks and other similar penalties.

Paladins can't hide who they are. Faction memebers can. Unless they belong to a group that doesn't believe in lying, faction members have less restrictions than paladins. As a faction member, I can lie, cheat, steal, and kill so long as it doesn't violate my philosophy. In fact, I may even be allowed to kill if the victim opposes my beliefs. Factions allow rationalization, which is why they're fractious. Lawful good paladins are not afforded the same freedoms, although two LG paladins could still be enemies due to their national identities.

You've just invented a complex political system built around paladinhood that has never existed before. Outlaw paladins? Are you honestly trying to pass that off as a drawback to the class?

And assuming that it's just an interpretation that part of a paladin's life must be dealing with those who hold drastically different philosophies and see him as an enemy, how can you claim that RP drawbacks for factions is not sufficient? A paladin having a philosophical code to which he must adhere in order to maintain the powers he receives is the same as a factioneer having to adhere to his faction's philosophy in order to continue receiving power from that philosophy.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11

But you say you want more severe penalties associated with it. Original Planescape didn't really have these, only vague and unenforceable roleplaying requirements like "Sensates cannot refuse an offer that could lead to new experiences" or "Mercykillers must always obey the law" and so why should Planewalker invent new ones? Since when is belief "not only power, but equal and corresponding weakness in exact proportion to the strength derived so as to make all belief equal"?

Planewalker's system works better because (a) it can be taken further than the old edition's faction powers could, since it doesn't have to be such minor advantages and (b) it doesn't require crippling the character as he gains increased powers; he pays for his abilities in feat slots, not in weaknesses.

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