Motivating Horror

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Motivating Horror Illusion (Fear)
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 6, Bard 6
Components: V, S
Time: 2 rounds
Target: One sentient being
Range: Medium (100 ft.+10 ft./caster level)
Area: Target
Effect: Terrorize target to influence actions.
Duration: 1 hour/caster level; 1 round/caster level; See text
Save: Will Save negates; See text
Spell Resistance: Yes

Internally, this spell takes control of parts of the nervous system, giving the ability to send horrifing images to the subject instantly. However, the victim still can control themselves, and can fight the mental control. A victim of this spell who fails their Will save can be bombarded with psyche-shattering pictures once per hour. The target is shaken for a number of rounds equal to the caster's caster level (Max rounds twenty). The spell itself lasts a number of hours equal to the caster's caster level (Again, maximum twenty).

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