Chapter 6: Faunel

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Chapter 6: FaunelCopyright © 2000 by Bart Van Riet

Dear Esca'ele,

Faunel is no ordinary city. The gate-town to the Beastlands is in reality a ruined city. Everywhere you look you see streets covered with weeds and buildings turned into overgrown ruins. Trees uproot every square and every statue is damaged in one way or another. I had a hard time imagining why anyone would want to live in a town like this. I admit I wanted to leave this place as fast as I could. Since I wanted to eat first before going back to Looptoren, I entered the "Boomgaard", a small restaurant located in the ruin of a former smithy. The food is cooked in the forge. The roof is missing, but a bright red/green canvas can be pulled over the roof when Faunel suffers one of its heavy downpours. I was enjoying a simple meal when a Rammas asked if he could join me. He told me his name was Eervolle Strijder and he asked if he could help me, since I had a sad and troubled expression. I told him my troubles were not of a serious kind, but if he could give me a positive view on Faunel I would be grateful.

That afternoon Eervolle led me through Faunel, pointing to buildings and trees alike and telling what he knew. That changed my view on the city. Although it looks as if the town lies in ruins, the inhabitants have used the available materials to build their homes by combining ruin, tree and tent. This is not because the populace tries to make the best of the situation, but because this is the situation they like best. Eervolle pointed out to me that most of the inhabitants are lycanthropes and sentient animal petitioners from the Beastlands. The ruins reflect their civilized side and the nature reflects their animal side. Therefore, Faunel is the perfect mix in which they feel happy.

The gate to the Beastlands is a wide pool. A monolith with a human face and glowing blue eyes, named Wrath, guards the gate. Eervolle told me that Wrath asks questions of everyone who wishes to enter the Beastlands. If a body ignores Wrath, or lies to him, he will come to an unfortunate end at the other side of the portal. But rumors are flying that Wrath himself is on a dead-list. These rumors state that an organization called the Vile Hunt wants to kill every petitioner on the Beastlands. So, in order to get control over the gate, they want Wrath out of the way. As a Rammas, Eervolle felt it his duty to protect the petitioners in Faunel, and especially Wrath who can not defend himself. But even Rammas have their limits. Eervolle told me he is totally fed up with the populace of Faunel. It seems that most of the residents are Signers. This makes them believe that they can think the Vile Hunt away. Even after putting four alleged members of the Vile Hunt with their hounds in the dead-book, the only reaction he got from the inhabitants was to be told to pack his bags and leave them alone before they would think him away. [Erg starts a political talk about factions in general and the Signers in particular. Therefore, it is removed. Ed.]

If you are a loner with some animal blood in your veins, this city is the perfect place to be. On the other hand, if you are more sociable and like to visit real cities - like me - Faunel will be a short stop. That is why I am leaving Faunel after a visit of only two days. A positive point is that Eervolle asked me if he could join me, and of course I agreed. So now we are on the way to Sylvania, curious as to what we will encounter there.

Erg Nieuwsgierig

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