Chaos Shaping

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Type: Regional
You can control the chaos soup that forms the plane of Limbo, and can create stable terrain from it. Applies: Githzerai, Members of the Anarch's Guild, Slaadi, and pretty much anyone who dwells on Limbo. Prereqs: Wisdom 11+, Membership in the Anarch’s Guild. Benefits: You can create a circular area of stable terrain on Limbo with one of the following dimensions, accordingly to your Wisdom score: 10 yards in range, plus 10 extra yards per point of Wisdom above 10, up to 14; 100 yards in range, plus 100 extra yards per point of Wisdom above 14, up to 16; 1 mile in range, plus 1 extra mile per point of Wisdom beyond 16. You can keep this terrain stable without trouble or conscious effort, and can make it with the amount of detail desired, including buildings. If you have a Intelligence score of 15 or higher, you can create animals and plants on the terrain you keep. You can dismiss the terrain created (and any creatures or buildings brought to existence) anytime you wish. Normal: You must make Concentration checks each round to create and keep stable terrain on Limbo, and can only take partial actions while concentrating to keep terrain. The DC of the check is equal to the range of the area kept stable, in yards. Special Notes: This feat only works on the plane of Limbo. Slaadi and other cretures native to Limbo have this feat for free. By: Luiz SimiImported from a previous version of
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