Sigil Style Guide: Spikes and Towers

Another page out of the style guide. The thought behind this was really "What would be the best way to deter crime in Sigil?" The answer I came up with is to simply remind them that the Lady and the Dabus are watching. It also would create a nice little bladed shadow effect on the ground, which would make some berks really paranoid.

Duster's picture
Joined: 2006-06-14
Re: Sigil Style Guide: Spikes and Towers

I love that you are looking more into the desing of the buildings.

I also think that the spikes on buildings was built on Chinese mythology concernig their curved roofs.
Well as I recall the curvyness of the roofs is there because they usually fly & or fall from heavens(and those pesky hopping vampires) and when they would fall on the roof and the design of the roof would let them slide down the roof and the be propelled right back up into the sky.

Anyway, Sigilians are a little bit more greedy, vengeful and they had those spikes installed to catch the flying/teleporting perps into those spikes to be processed by the Mercykillers(if they survive). I guess most of the roofs are also greased up or have a sticky quality to them.

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