RPG Discussion

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default What's a good introductory PS adventure for new players?
by Darvon on 2006-10-09 22:41
5 251 by Armoury99
2008-07-04 23:24
default What's a Cutter to Do?
by Tequila Sunrise on 2006-11-17 23:16
2 284 by ripvanwormer
2008-07-04 23:29
default What year is it in Sigil now?
by Anime Fan on 2010-06-16 17:39
2 517 by ripvanwormer
2010-06-17 06:45
default What would you include/change in a 4th Edition...?
by Anime Fan on 2007-08-01 15:48
30 239 by astralsahu
2008-07-04 23:31
default What would you do... (Page: 1, 2)
by The_Basilisk on 2008-02-22 02:18
75 499 by HeavenShallBurn
2008-07-04 23:34
default What would they say on Ysgard?
by DMDaddy on 2010-12-18 01:24
9 621 by Ciper
2011-01-01 14:12
default What would happen if a flying character in Sigil...
by Anime Fan on 2008-01-02 18:01
4 247 by Bob the Efreet
2008-07-04 23:33
default What would be some good alternative names for D&D Alignments? Should they have Degrees (i.e. "Strongly Lawful")?
by elderbrain on 2013-06-26 19:44
9 319 by cromlich
2013-08-23 13:36
default What would be in your Revisionist version of Die Vecna Die as a Backstory?
by Kobold Avenger on 2006-10-26 03:33
3 194 by Iavas
2008-07-04 23:25
default What Would a Druid From Limbo Wildshape Into
by Kobold Avenger on 2010-01-14 10:34
6 537 by xidoraven
2010-01-16 20:00
default What version of D&D are most Planescape fans running?
by Quickleaf on 2013-06-06 16:26
9 373 by Mask
2013-06-08 14:16
default What to do with this concept?
by Calmar on 2009-06-01 10:47
7 602 by BlackDaggr
2009-06-23 10:14
default What to do to my party?
by Tarholt on 2012-04-12 11:05
7 590 by Tarholt
2012-05-17 20:09
default What Sensates will and will not do
by Anime Fan on 2007-11-15 12:35
16 257 by Squaff
2008-07-04 23:32
default What of the Warper?
by atomicb on 2013-04-05 19:52
4 213 by cromlich
2013-04-27 02:56
default What monsters were in the Planes of Chaos monster apendix?
by Anime Fan on 2008-07-21 19:19
2 292 by Anime Fan
2008-07-22 16:58
default What monsters can be what gender?
by Anime Fan on 2007-12-26 16:41
12 258 by Anime Fan
2008-07-04 23:33
default What Malcanthet and Pazuzu have been up to...
by Kobold Avenger on 2007-06-13 20:09
2 274 by Anonymous
2008-07-04 23:31
default What Makes PS Cool?
by Tequila Sunrise on 2008-10-30 16:02
23 1,120 by Jack of tears
2009-01-02 23:53
default What Makes Planescape Planescape?
by Ultimatecalibur on 2007-10-30 15:53
28 264 by El Capitan
2008-07-04 23:32
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