RPG Discussion

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default Which Factions Do You Relate To? (Page: 1, 2)
by Tequila Sunrise on 2013-05-18 12:06
56 1,003 by Zagreus
2013-11-26 23:30
default PS Novels: Teen Fic, or Something More?
by Tequila Sunrise on 2013-08-04 11:36
7 230 by Mississippi Bennu
2013-11-23 18:09
default Anybody tried to use Gurps to play a game of Planescape?
by elderbrain on 2013-11-13 18:08
2 136 by elderbrain
2013-11-14 19:41
default Bestiary 4 in PS
by cromlich on 2013-11-08 13:20
2 159 by Dagon
2013-11-09 04:37
default Planar puzzles
by cromlich on 2013-10-05 02:56
6 301 by cromlich
2013-11-08 13:05
default Duration of the Great Modron March in your campaigns
by KnightOfDecay on 2013-11-04 16:52
2 137 by KnightOfDecay
2013-11-07 08:12
default Why dont hivers leave for upper planes?
by ShirreKnight on 2013-09-27 15:11
14 370 by CeruleanSpirit
2013-10-30 12:45
default Priestly and Magical Access rules
by glaucon on 2013-10-24 15:23
1 159 by Palomides
2013-10-28 17:46
default Planar Renovation Project (sort of): Arborea
by Palomides on 2013-09-18 22:13
15 396 by Ozymandias
2013-10-05 08:30
default World building: Cascade
by Wicke on 2013-05-22 20:00
22 498 by Wicke
2013-10-04 10:06
default Complete book of Elves, "Infiltrator" ability prioritization.
by ShirreKnight on 2013-10-03 10:46
1 138 by sciborg2
2013-10-03 13:05
default Planar Renovation Project - List
by Palomides on 2010-10-22 13:36
1 1,246 by robb stark
2013-10-03 12:02
default Anyone play the Blood Wars Card Game?
by bonemage on 2005-03-02 13:49
4 961 by annawbecerra
2013-09-15 06:55
default Planar Renovation Project: Gehenna (Page: 1, 2)
by Palomides on 2010-08-18 11:06
59 2,280 by Githyankee
2013-09-14 21:54
default Demiplane of Shadows, Gloomshield, Kalamein - OLD web resource
by JCurwen3 on 2013-08-28 17:07
6 185 by JCurwen3
2013-09-03 09:08
default Ancient Baatorians - Ilshari, old write up
by JCurwen3 on 2013-08-28 17:17
153 by JCurwen3
2013-08-28 17:17
default What would be some good alternative names for D&D Alignments? Should they have Degrees (i.e. "Strongly Lawful")?
by elderbrain on 2013-06-26 19:44
9 319 by cromlich
2013-08-23 13:36
default Elven tiefling, source question
by Shemeska the Ma... on 2013-08-22 16:52
3 160 by cromlich
2013-08-23 13:29
default Open Design of Dark Roads and Golden Hells
by sciborg2 on 2011-06-29 22:11
49 1,643 by Mask
2013-08-20 17:10
default Why doesn't Anubis chase off the githyani?
by Palomides on 2010-07-02 11:42
18 1,051 by Palomides
2013-08-16 15:50
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