RPG Discussion

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default Planescape: "An unnammed project" for Warcraft3
by Baernoloth on 2004-05-24 22:43
31 1,613 by Gerzel
2008-07-04 23:14
default WotC's Lady of Pain cartoon
by Kobold Avenger on 2009-09-23 09:44
7 1,622 by Jem
2009-10-03 13:21
default 4E Player's Handbook II and new "Primal" material
by Anime Fan on 2009-03-26 17:19
7 1,630 by Kobold Avenger
2009-04-02 10:11
default Planescape Torment in 4th edition
by Shadow of Torment on 2009-08-02 18:15
16 1,635 by Dire Lemon
2009-09-05 17:01
default Open Design of Dark Roads and Golden Hells
by sciborg2 on 2011-06-29 22:11
49 1,638 by Mask
2013-08-20 17:10
default Playing with Planescape, but not in D&D
by Halikarnassian on 2008-07-18 00:07
36 1,641 by Hans
2009-03-08 03:34
default Is there something that keeps technology in check within the setting? (Page: 1, 2)
by Clockworkdeity on 2010-09-10 23:50
81 1,667 by Anetra
2011-10-11 03:46
default The Mesopotamian Pantheon
by mos_anted on 2011-05-10 23:54
28 1,672 by Planeslord
2012-03-01 13:04
default Sigil to appear in 4E adventure module "E2 - Kingdom of the Ghouls"
by Anime Fan on 2009-05-11 14:44
16 1,685 by Anime Fan
2009-07-08 17:34
default 4th Edition ruined Genasi
by CrimsonLotus on 2010-07-21 17:32
7 1,688 by ripvanwormer
2010-07-22 18:15
default Fiendish names
by MakThuumNgatha on 2007-09-18 02:29
6 1,768 by 420
2008-07-04 23:32
default Who Owns Planescape?
by Im Hiding In Yo... on 2009-12-12 03:01
38 1,797 by Yaballa
2010-01-28 09:46
default Sigil
by Zeniel on 2008-01-01 09:03
11 1,837 by Zeniel
2008-07-04 23:33
default So how do we fit the Dal Quor into Planescape/mainstream D&D?
by Hyena of Ice on 2010-05-19 16:46
16 1,840 by Hyena of Ice
2011-10-18 18:26
default Why is 4E's cosmology so bad?
by Shadow of Torment on 2008-07-19 18:34
27 1,849 by The Bleaker
2008-08-17 10:26
default Primordials in Planescape
by Kobold Avenger on 2010-05-21 21:12
42 1,850 by Hyena of Ice
2010-07-24 11:36
default Time travel in D&D/Planescape
by Anime Fan on 2007-07-12 11:49
12 1,865 by Hyena of Ice
2011-03-07 04:52
default The Fey
by Calmar on 2008-10-31 16:59
12 1,867 by MythMage
2009-04-08 16:11
default Duat - the Egyptian Underworld
by Palomides on 2010-10-20 13:19
4 1,868 by Palomides
2010-10-20 20:25
default Sigil or Sigil?
by Sarrin on 2004-08-12 17:17
21 1,897 by Samloyal23
2008-07-04 23:16
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