Yugoloth References

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Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Yugoloth References

Crawling City:

I've scanned all of the entirety of 2e Planes of Conflict front to back looking for any reference to the Crawling City. Aside from a short blurb about the General of Gehenna, who is made out to be wandering the slopes on his own to feet, there is nothing that I could find regarding the fabled city. Does anybody know where it is first mentioned, if indeed the 3e Manual of the Planes was not the first to create the legged town?


Is the head hog Arcanaloth mentioned anywhere besides the short quote in 2e Planes of Conflict? I'm namely looking for a description, because while I know him as a brown haired, red robed arcanaloth with glasses, I'm beginning to get a creeping suspicion that this is because I read too much of Shemeska's Story Hour. I can't seem to find anything outside of it that suggests that he is even an arcanaloth, much less all the other details.

Any help with these two points would be most appreciated.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Yugoloth References

'Iavas' wrote:
Is the head hog Arcanaloth mentioned anywhere besides the short quote in 2e Planes of Conflict?

That quote is all he has in canon. Anything else we know was probably written by Shemmy.


Pants of the North!

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Yugoloth References

A computer-assisted search of my pdf copy of Planes of Conflict (legitimately bought from an RPG site!) reveals no references to a Crawling City on Gehenna, though this might not be regarded as conclusive.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Yugoloth References

H'man's information in canon is in fact only from that quote. Shemmy expanded pretty much everything else you've seen of him based on personality and description. (No doubt given the chance he'd make that information canon if he could.)

Re: The Crawling City - I believe there are other references to it. But you may need to look in Faces of Evil for it.

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
Yugoloth References

'Iavas' wrote:
Does anybody know where it is first mentioned, if indeed the 3e Manual of the Planes was not the first to create the legged town?

The Crawling City actually originates in the 3e Manual of the Planes. For all the faults of omission or brevity in the name of simplification that I can criticize the book for, the Crawling City was a genuinely awesome idea and a killer contribution to the planar canon. Smiling


Is the head hog Arcanaloth mentioned anywhere besides the short quote in 2e Planes of Conflict? I'm namely looking for a description, because while I know him as a brown haired, red robed arcanaloth with glasses, I'm beginning to get a creeping suspicion that this is because I read too much of Shemeska's Story Hour. I can't seem to find anything outside of it that suggests that he is even an arcanaloth, much less all the other details.

Helekanalaith originates in the short quote in PoC, but he's mentioned in 3.5 in the module 'Diplomacy' by Chris Wissel in Dungeon #144. Jacobs asked me to go over the module so far as planar material was concerned, and I had a chance in the editing process to offer some suggestions and additions. Helekanalaith (as Keeper of the Tower Arcane) is listed there among ranking members of the yugoloth heirarchy that might take an interest in the events of the module.

Any physical description, history, and personality that you might find is probably something I wrote however, and the same thing about his (putative) predecessor Larsdana Ap Neut who appears in only about 3 sentences in 2e, and not (yet) in 3.x.

I attempted to sneak in a line in Dragon 353 about Helekanalaith and his connection to Larsdana Ap Neut, but that whole section got trimmed for space considerations. But who knows, I might manage to sneak in a bit about one of them in the future.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Yugoloth References

I thought so about H(ardtospell)elekanalaith. I'll have to ask Shemeska later if I can use that particular character, since he's mostly his except for the name.

As for the Crawling City, I looked for it in Faces of Evil without luck as well. I was thinking it might have been introduced in some Dragon article first, but if not then it is probably a 3e addition - one of the nice ones, I might add.

EDIT: Beaten to the punch! Hey, Shemmy. So, uh, while you're looking at this topic, can I use Helawhatshisname in my campaigns in the form you describe him?

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
Yugoloth References

'Iavas' wrote:
EDIT: Beaten to the punch! Hey, Shemmy. So, uh, while you're looking at this topic, can I use Helawhatshisname in my campaigns in the form you describe him?

Be my guest Smiling

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Yugoloth References

'Iavas' wrote:

There's a reason I call him H-man. Eye-wink

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Yugoloth References

'Shemeska the Marauder' wrote:
Be my guest Smiling

Thank you muchly!

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