Xaositect Rant

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Zeniel's picture
Joined: 2007-03-27
Xaositect Rant

My arm chair is what?
Are you not a clueless?
Granted thee too many why but I'm not one of them.
Peter fought and began the slow inclination to repair the foundations.
Sadly no. Gladly yes. Pardon? I misread your iteration.
Three powers for every ant. nine ants to the baker butchery.
Half! Hold I say! Stop that breathing it makes fool of no one but arthur!
Plenty, might your seems be, unseemly bothered waters, run stagnant like bees to a, bonfire. Shortened stakes broken on a loft of mighty alhoons! Scream at the rocks for they are the most terrifying secret your little toes have ever stubbed under. Grated bones on a salmons lungs. Aaah! Loot the beggers! save the villian! rescue that dragon, push that boulder. Sleep on cold hard stone, dine on naught but ice. Freeze those eels before the baator breaks for the abyss. Never again walk upon the grassy fields of acheron! You are doomed to the clockwork nirvana of elysium. Modrons talk to fast time up reel good. My uncle can fix those for eighteen castles and a dagger of finest wine! Live ylno erom. Tricked me that deva! Said I was part trouble and all manacle! Your pillars are on fire but mine are only as much as they say they are. NO. ON! Alicorns are fakes except for the genuine ones. Starvation makes me hungry for greed.

Sort of but never in that large a Quiver.

You've said you weren't here! I belived you but I wanted to check anyway. Zanquast more mast less open round duck market square in the nugget of my salad foot. Most people I know can't think let alone make such wild accusations! Was he ever in the ladys gaze? Mine own love said so once. Ignore that lawyer he is never going he only going only gioing in and in and again. Ageing is nine tenths of the law in Ysgard. I alone can help you, but I don't wanna. Haven't you ever wondered why the planes only talk to me? Its because you aren't what. Sadly I am no longer in the aura on my line. Gold..... Muin added it alllllll up
Buzz the jester I know so stop telling me other wise. Oh dear your all dry here let me clean your emptyness. What you need is a good trip to the ground. Don't make me call for the doom guard those berks are two bubbers to the basher and they've more knights of the post than the powers ave barmy sods plowing the clueless trinkets of mimirs spire ward ha.

Sodddder us was that was look for my ring then run all day.

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Xaositect Rant

Quiver? Quiverfolded! Unfolksy and undeservedly and unrepenteantlyed catalogued erasured and all the rest of them Edwards! Can't you not see the cat-knots, what whom cannot cross across those caltrops! Stumbled down, surely you surly few. Flue up the flew, and out the chim-chimmery charoo!

And what's with all this hullabaloo about Acheron cakes and fishpaste? Pleasantly taste and all the Salt's that's worth's the hundered weirded anded petulanted Edwards again! Count them out at your own hazarded Edward 'cause they'll sneak up on your, crafty bloods that they are. Ed'ed knows the dark of the the things that happened in the back past, 'cause all they do is sit and watch it happen. Watch and watch and watch like its some sort of piking magic show. Glowing box and they just reach their hand in and pull out a rabbit. 'course that poor long eared (more Edwards, you SEE?!?) came just in from the Beastlands and he knows the sore score of the Eds.

And those damned EDitors! You see berk?? Or are you just leatherheadED!? It's pretty obvious from this perch (FISHPASTE AGAIN! Them Ed's donna like 'em!) that the view affordED to me is petty and pretty clear: just steer clear of the whole mess and your be jess fin (to finish out the obligitory threes with another fishing trip).

Do we understand one another berk?

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Xaositect Rant

heh - Good stuff!


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