X-Files-esk campaign brainstorming needed!

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sirgivesacrap's picture
Joined: 2011-10-17
X-Files-esk campaign brainstorming needed!


Im new here folks, old school gamer and just getting back into the swing of things. This looks like a great site for Plane scape and have been loving pouring over all the info.

So I was hoping to bounce a few ideas off the creative minds in here

I have a mixed group of players that I will be running a campaign with, one Vet like myself but he has no experience with planescape, one vet who has played for years but never taken much seriously and one brand spanky new green newb, couple other folks may or may not come in as well.

I want to create a X-Files esk feel to the campaign, something I think could work well with the PS setting, and looking for some brain storming from you folks.

The Guvners of course represent the Government, the Hard heads the police and Mercy Killers would act as the special units…ie….swat, the guys in black helicopters and what not.

The Players would essentially be the FBI agents, sent out to investigate the "Strange events" of the planes, Or alternatively ….highly trained killing machines secretly employed by the Mercy Killers….that in it self could be interesting…………… or I might have one player from each that would create some interesting roll playing possibilities.

Not sure if I want to start them on the Prime or in Sigil?..........i see positive and negatives to both.

What I need however is the one big "Secret" for the players to strive for and discover

The X-files had the characters looking to prove the existence of Aliens…….We already know the Fiends exist so taking that road from a prime point of view doesn't really work with the players.

I remember reading a story somewhere (I think on the net) about how there were only 8 levels in the hells, and billions of souls had been purposely harvested and then slaughter to drop the entire layer down to the 9th…………….i was thinking this could be the One secret?.........then of course once its discovered The fiends are on a frenzy to have the players silenced?

There is the one source book out there that tells of Asmodeus serpent body laying at the bottom of the ninth layer, could always have the players discover something along those lines……….but in the very end find out that it’s a lie?

Also read somewhere (might be the same book) about Asmodeus's right hand pit fiend with broken wings?..........defiantly have him involved somehow.

I want the Loths to be in the back ground heavily, pulling all the strings and what not.

Anyhoo -

If anyone has and ideas, brainstorms or advice I would greatly appreciate them, or criticisms.


(Oh…..dont know if it matters or not but I will be running it in 2nd ed)

atomicb's picture
Joined: 2011-06-19
Re: X-Files-esk campaign brainstorming needed!

If you're looking for a serious coverup and aren't particularly wedded to canon, I'd recommend The Gilded Darkness as worth reading. There are actually a number of things in that thread that may provide some conspiratorial inspiration - take a look around.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: X-Files-esk campaign brainstorming needed!

If you'd prefer canon, however, just make it a Gehenna campaign. The 'loths are pretty Illuminati-like, and instead of FBI agents, the characters can simply be adventurers hired to solve a recent murder or something extremely simple, but end up entangled in a thick, tangled web of espionage, The Blood War, and intrigue. Though the big secret wouldn't necessarily be the Blood War thing. Maybe the 'loths have some elaborate plot towards overthrowing The Lady and taking over Sigil (maybe an artifact capable of destroying her)

Another idea instead is a chain of adventures I made seeds for but haven't posted here yet.

(14. An epidemic of half-elemental kidnappings has taken place over the past several years, among multiple races. Tracing it to its source, the PCs discover that the victims are "sacrificed" by being thrown (unbeknownst to the cultists) into portals leading to the lairs of the Princes of Elemental Evil, whereupon they become slaves or servants of the archomentals. The PCs also uncover the escalation of a plot for a vast breeding program between elementals and mortals to produce half-elemental progency.

(9. Cryonax seeks to collect the 999 fragments of Winter's Resurrection, an orb-shaped artifact of epic power used after the Law-Chaos war to end the long age of Fire that dominated since the beginning of the Permian analogue, and tipping the elemental balance from Fire and Earth to Air and Water, resulting in an ice age on most prime worlds. (it was so powerful that a single use shattered the vessel containing its power, scattering its fragments across the inner planes) Cryonax already possesses most of the shards, but has yet to collect the Chillsword from Magma (the Chillsword is an artifact forged from a tiny sliver of the orb, and has frozen a square mile radius of the plane), the one in possession by Yan-C-Bin, and finally, the one which fuels the glacier serving as Levistus's prison.
Since the completion of the orb requires that Levistus be freed, this adventure could have some interesting long-term reprecussions even if the players are successful in shattering the orb before Cryonax gets a chance to use it. (Glacial Inferno from Dungeon 103 may be used to build up to this adventure, as it involves a major artifact which could easily be a shard of the Winter's Resurrection. Of course, the concusion of the adventure would have to involve Cryonax's minions taking the shard, rather than it being destroyed, providing a sort of Deus-Ex-Machina for that adventure)

--The next adventure might possibly involve the ramifications of Levistus being freed. Alternatively, you might use this as the plot of an entire adventure path for the next batch of PCs your players create after retiring the current ones.

The climax: (8. The cult of the Elder Elemental Eye and the Doomdreamers are about to release Tharizdun from his prison. The players may have to enlist the help of Cryonax and Yan-C-Bin in order to stop such a disaster from occurring. (the Doomdreamers themselves are very secretive and are the hidden front behind the Cult of the Elder Elemental Eye)

The cult of The Eye, the Scarlet Brotherhood, and even the Doomdreamers could provide background noise until scenario #8 (in all likelihood the link bet. 9, --, and 8 is that Doomdreamers and the Scarlet Brotherhood played a hand in attempting to get Levistus freed, and were also involved in making sure that Cryonax succeeds in reforging the Winter's Resurrection.)

Back to the Yugoloth campaign, you could alternatively start with Inner Planar adventure seed # 17, as there are aquatic species of Yugoloth on the Elemental Plane of Water (it's a bit silly, though)
(17. A beer spill of epic proportions in Sigil forces the PCs and NPCs to open a huge one-way gate into the Paraelemental Plane of Ooze in order to empty the deadly torrent. However, due to some miscalculations, they accidentally open a portal to Elemental Water instead, earning the wrath of the Padisha of the Marid, Ben-Hadar, Blibdoolpoolp, and several other big names of the plane.

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: X-Files-esk campaign brainstorming needed!

[I think I lost my post; I apologize if this ends up as a quasi-double post]

If you wanted to do something less sinister (or at least, less fiendish) you could make the focus the attempt of all the factions to find the "Big Secret" of the multiverse. Didn't the factol of the Guvners disappear/transcend to a higher level after seeming to discover something tremendous?

While this doesn't have as many pawns already in place as the suggestions above, every faction (and perhaps powers outside of Sigil) would be desperate to uncover this potentially powerful secret. I could see it playing out along the lines of the race to unlock atomic energy in WWII. Whoever can unlock the "Secret" would have the potential to re-write all of existance.
The Guvners don't know the "Secret" yet (as the factol disappeared without explaining it) but everyone knows that they have most (if not all) of the pieces to the puzzle.

Some want to get the secret to make themselves equal in power to the Guvners (an existantial mutually-assured destruction deterance, if you will); some want to steal the secret so that they can lord over everyone else in existance (or to re-write all of existance); others feel that the secret is too great for anyone to have and seek to destroy all the clues/research that exists.

Given the power of this secret, even traditional allies of the Guvners might turn against them (at least they would work against them covertly in ways that couldn't be tracked back to them). Lots of potential for espionage, betrayals, attacks/actions for covert agents (the alliegence of whom the PCs can't determine), etc.

If you wanted to add a touch of humor, the secret could turn out to be that all of the multiverse is the creation of a Signer called "the DM"

Idran's picture
Joined: 2007-06-10
Re: X-Files-esk campaign brainstorming needed!

While I don't have any specific plot ideas to suggest, I would definitely suggest involving the Keepers somehow. They're perfect for an X-Files-esque game; they're mysterious, otherworldly, there's a big conspiracy around them, the "government" (the Guvners) is involved in their existence. They even have sort of a Man-In-Black look to them.

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: X-Files-esk campaign brainstorming needed!

At the heart of the main story behind the X-Files is a conspiracy, so you need something sufficiently significant to fuel said conspiracy.

My suggestion is that you could center a campaign around what happened to the third layer of Arcadia. Start it off by weirdness happening with displaced Arcadian petitioners being found in unusual locales, and and then disappearing just after the arrival of Inevitables/Modrons. Natural antagonists could be Harmonium enforcer-types ("Don't go looking for answers!").

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: X-Files-esk campaign brainstorming needed!

At the heart of the main story behind the X-Files is a conspiracy, so you need something sufficiently significant to fuel said conspiracy.

Well, the Tharizdun/Inner planes campaign seeds I mentioned would fit that, as would the whole Yugoloth thing. The Yugoloth thing could actually climax with a physical encounter with the General of Gehenna (I always imagined him as being surrounded by a pall of shadow to diurnal creatures, appearing as an indistinct silhouette, while to nocturnal and light-sensitive creatures, he appears as a bright being surrounded by a corona, with the luminousness of his body giving him an indistinct appearance) The PCs (assuming this climax doesn't occur at 20th level) are henceforth hunted by the 'loths and their minions since they've enjoyed a glimpse at the Yugoloth patriarch.

sirgivesacrap's picture
Joined: 2011-10-17
Re: X-Files-esk campaign brainstorming needed!

Thanks to everyone for there ideas, they will most defiantly be put to good use in one way or another!.

- So im thinking of a Sect that has or will be in the mists of breaking away from the Gov'ners, the sects main priority is to keep track and attempt to protect the prime worlds to the best of its abilities from planner influence.

(I think something like this is already in existence I just cant find them lol)

Initially created as a division of record keeping on the primes some more fanatical members are now attempting to take it to a more proactive role. IE keeping track and prevention of fined, celestial activity…..ect.

From the players perspective they will be introduced to the sect whilst on the prime and slowly introduced to elements of the planes until they are comfortable with being stationed right out of Sigil.

So a few questions for you folks, mostly because as im slowly re-education myself on the PS material and I can't remember where this information is lol

I know a outlands town on the outer rim can and will descend into its plane when certain events happen that truly mirror the planes alignment.

I cannot remember the rules or philosophy on if a "prime" town is able to descend (or ascend for that matter) into a plane of alignment if a drastic event and alignment of the town happens.

I was contemplating the PC's home town descending into one of the fiends layers, most likely an abyssal layer……………….or perhaps the gray waste?........mmmmmmm black and white zombie scenarios lol.

Hmmmmmmm how about a perfect storm of Tanar'ri & Baatezu fighting over the souls of the town and end up sending it to the Gray Waste?.............lol…….that might work.

Comments, suggestions, criticizeations are all welcomed!!! (is this a concept that’s been done a thousand times??)

Idran's picture
Joined: 2007-06-10
Re: X-Files-esk campaign brainstorming needed!

sirgivesacrap wrote:
So a few questions for you folks, mostly because as im slowly re-education myself on the PS material and I can't remember where this information is lol

I know a outlands town on the outer rim can and will descend into its plane when certain events happen that truly mirror the planes alignment.

I cannot remember the rules or philosophy on if a "prime" town is able to descend (or ascend for that matter) into a plane of alignment if a drastic event and alignment of the town happens.

While your campaign has whatever rules for the planes you want, canonically it's only planar towns and regions that shift around like that.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: X-Files-esk campaign brainstorming needed!

I cannot remember the rules or philosophy on if a "prime" town is able to descend (or ascend for that matter) into a plane of alignment if a drastic event and alignment of the town happens.

There are cases in which entire prime worlds were either pulled into the Abyss, or an abyssal lord such as Lolth or Orcus attempted and failed to do such a thing. My understanding is that it requires special rituals to take place.

Idran's picture
Joined: 2007-06-10
Re: X-Files-esk campaign brainstorming needed!

Hyena of Ice wrote:
There are cases in which entire prime worlds were either pulled into the Abyss

There were? I honestly don't remember that offhand, where an entire world was sucked in. What was that, out of curiosity?

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: X-Files-esk campaign brainstorming needed!

I believe in Hordes of the Abyss in mentions a Prime World sucked into the Demon Web?


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Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: X-Files-esk campaign brainstorming needed!

^^Yeah, I believe that's it.. or maybe it was Expedition to the Demonweb Pits.... At any rate, even that tidbit was reprinted and updated from the Queen of Spiders trilogy from 1E. I'm pretty sure there's also a 3x book or Dragon/Dungeon issue that also mentions Orcus attempting such a thing with either a city or prime world, but failed.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: X-Files-esk campaign brainstorming needed!

Grazz't wanted a crystal sphere...this may or may not have been the point of For Duty and Deity. Have that PDF from Paizo, but on old hard drive. Dang I need to get all my D&D stuff off of there...


Health Resources: Register family with 911 services, so providers will have info prior to emergency/disaster. Also mental health info & hotlines, articles, treatment assistance options, prescription assistance, special needs registries, legal aid, and more!

Idran's picture
Joined: 2007-06-10
Re: X-Files-esk campaign brainstorming needed!

Hyena of Ice wrote:
^^Yeah, I believe that's it.. or maybe it was Expedition to the Demonweb Pits.... At any rate, even that tidbit was reprinted and updated from the Queen of Spiders trilogy from 1E. I'm pretty sure there's also a 3x book or Dragon/Dungeon issue that also mentions Orcus attempting such a thing with either a city or prime world, but failed.

That was Moil, On the world of...R-something. Ranais? Something like that.

Anyway, he made it into a demiplane, though, he didn't pull it to the Abyss. It played a major role in Return to the Tomb of Horrors.

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