Would like to add Art and character Ideas?

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Razibone's picture
Joined: 2007-03-09
Would like to add Art and character Ideas?

Laughing out loud

I am constantly creating characters for my planescape campaign. I would love to contribute some of them to this site. I am a good illustrator and would be happy if I could contribute in that fashion as well.

The problem is that I suck with tecnology and would appreciate any advice to help become more accessable to such a worthy cause as keeping Planescape alive.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Would like to add Art and character Ideas?

Well - there's a couple of ways you can get your artwork up here. Smiling

First is to just host it someplace like deviant art and link to it on the forums.

Or you can host it someplace and imbed it using the BBCode for embedding images (click on the button labeled "Img" in the edit post form and it'll demonstrate it for you.

If you want to submit art as an article to us - you'll want to host your image someplace, and link it or embed it in your submission. Create and submit your submission over in the My Planewalker section of the site: /mypw/ (As a shortcut you can make a forum post and use the 'Make this an Article' button to get it up to the submission system pronto.)

The last option for art is to get some of it into the PDF releases we make. That can be done by either contacting a manager for them directly, or looking at some of the development threads on the forums (usually under the Projects section). Most of the managers for those sections have created threads listing what sort of artwork they need for any particular release - sort of like a wish list.

And of course as usual with all of these, Planewalker makes no claims on your artwork, no profit, won't redistribute it, and will always credit you for it. Smiling

Planescape, Dungeons & Dragons, their logos, Wizards of the Coast, and the Wizards of the Coast logo are ©2008, Wizards of the Coast, a subsidiary of Hasbro Inc. and used with permission.