Worshiping The Source, The Cadence of the Planes, and the Great Unknown...

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Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
Worshiping The Source, The Cadence of the Planes, and the Great Unknown...

In Planescape, characters can worship The Source, The Cadence of the Planes, and the Great Unknown. My question is, in 3rd Edition, what domains should priests of these forces receive access to, and what alignment restrictions should there be, if any...

Narfi Ref's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Worshiping The Source, The Cadence of the Planes, and the Great

Personally, I don't like artificially limiting the number of Domains available to a Cleric by setting a numerical limit, therefore I just limit by theme. These are just ideas; I'm expecting that I've been to permissive about some Domains, and not permissive enough about others.

The Source (any alignment)
Artifice, Celerity, Celestial, Chaos, Charm, Competition, Courage, Craft, Creation, Destiny, Domination, Endurance, Evil, Fate, Glory, Good, Hatred, Healing, Life, Herald, Joy, Knowledge, Law, Life, Luck, Meditation, Mentalism, Mind, Mysticism, Nobility, Oracle, Passion, Pleasure, Renewal, Spirit, Strength, Transformation, Truth, Tyrant

Cadence of the Planes (any Neutral)
Balance, Celerity, Endurance, Fate, Meditation, Strength, Time, Travel

Great Unkown (any alignment)
Air, Balance, Celerity, Chaos, Cold, Courage, Creation, Darkness, Death, Decay, Destruction, Dream, Earth, Endurance, Evil, Fire, Force, Good, Hatred, Healing, Hunger, Inquisition, Joy, Knowledge, Law, Liberation, Life, Luck, Magic, Mind, Nobility, Oracle, Passion, Protection, Retribution, Shadow, Strength, Suffering, Time, Travel, Trickery, Truth, Wrath

note: I reffered to www.crystalkeep.com/d20/rules/DnD3.5Index-Spells-ClericalDomains.pdf when making up this list. There may be Domains that have come out since this file's creation that should be included in the above lists.

Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13

Thank you!

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