Working for THE Devil

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Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27
Working for THE Devil

I have an idea for a low-level PS adventure, in which good/neutral characters end up having the choice to work for one of the Lords of the Nine or some other evil Power directly or allow the Multiverse to possibly suffer some kind of major shakeup.

The basic idea is this: Someone has something the fiend wants, but can't get, because they're in Sigil and hiding out. Of course, the item is such that if another fiend gets it, it could have serious repercussions and allow the balance of power of the Lower Planes to tip. Thus, there's only one option left: get someone who's relatively unknown to the Sigilian and Planar community at large to get it for him.

The advantage is that if the PCs actually manage to retrieve the item and survive, they are now likely to be quite rich, even by adventurer standards... and can even perhaps bargain for a favor from the fiend (however, this is rather like a wish from a genie... the chances of things going wrong in some fashion are almost 100%) which would effectively 'make' them as adventurers to be reckoned with.

The downside is that whatever happens, they'll likely to have to be on constant guard, since some will want to know what the item is so they can get it for themselves, others will simply want to kill the PCs, and yet others will now try and use them as pawns in Lower Planar politics. Since they're still relatively low-level, there's not necessarily much they can do about all of this.

If they don't get the item, there's many of the downsides listed above, but the PCs also have to contend with the worry of maybe having started an interplanar war, or simply escalating the Blood War further. However, they're also somewhat less likely to get kidnapped, assassinated or suffer other unsavory consequence.

In the end, it's rather like the phrase "damned if you do, damned if you don't" in a slightly more literal fashion. I was assuming that, for the sake of Paladins (and the believability of the storyline) that the fiend would likely travel to some fiend-controlled area on a Prime somewhere, disguise themselves as an ordinary mortal, and bargain with the PCs in that guise. Any thoughts on that idea?

MakThuumNgatha's picture
Joined: 2006-11-12
Working for THE Devil

Sounds good; my only suggestion would be that if the characters are low level they would never be interacting in anyway with a cosmic entity as grand as a Lord of the Nine or a Power. If you want the characters to be low level have them work for something around the lines of a Cornugon or Pit Fiend at the most.

Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27
Working for THE Devil

I'd imagine there'd be reasons for such a thing, if only that the other 'big fiends' would simply know likely 'big shots' (aka people above about 10th level or so) who would be likely to take on jobs that would be of apparent interest to the others they are in a position to make attempts at overthrowing.

Another reason I'd want to avoid something like that, is that a high-level party can afford to protect themselves heavily, and they're likely to hole away somewhere relatively safe, or simply take out the fiend that they happen to have worked for, if it's a normal pit fiend. However, since they can't easily outFIGHT a Lord of the Nine, somehow, they'd have to outmaneuver him/her/it. Thus, I could arc it up to 20th level with no problem, or simply leave it as a low-level oneshot/short campaign without revealing the eventual Power involved, or reveal that there's been a Power involved all along.. which would then explain the unusual things that have plagued the party all along.

Rei's picture
Joined: 2006-12-08
Working for THE Devil

Just my 2 copper, but I have to agree with Mak and say make the first fiend the party would be working for should not much stronger then a Pit Fiend or so. You could add some to the adventure though, perhaps the item the PCs reteive turns out to be some minor artifact and when the fiend takes / is given the item one of the weaker lord of the nine approaches the PC because the fiend that has now retrieved this artifact is a position to overthow them or in some way subvert their power,and they dont like that, and so the lord forces the PC to help him in some manner perhaps in retrieving the artifact again or to find out the fiends plans for overthrowing the lord. This Kind of adventure no matter how you do it thought could ealisy intertain your in to the epic lvls, even if its a normal pit fiend. Just one question I have though is, when are you starting this adventure and can I get in...

Sorry about and spell and gramatical errors i am doing this realy late for myself and it feels pritty run on.

MakThuumNgatha's picture
Joined: 2006-11-12
Working for THE Devil

I'm with the drunk piscoloth; if you put this campaign online, I'll play it.

Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27
Working for THE Devil

Ahh, there's the rub. I'd need to work up stats. I'm horrible with stats. Absolutely effing pitiful. The combination of ADD-like tendencies and a rather lazy way of going about things means I don't have anything ready, ATM, and I'm unlikely to get it going immediately. So I'd need a few weeks, at the least, plus some time for stats and to figure out a story arc. At least there's some interest, so now I have something to keep me going creatively on this.

Rei's picture
Joined: 2006-12-08
Working for THE Devil

Yes, sorry about the drunken post, people are interested so, GO GO GO!!!

If your need some help with stats I dont mind helping a little but I would rather you not reavle anything to me that is all important aboutt he story. Good luck thought and keep us informed if you could.

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