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Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10

This material is offered in elaboration on the basic idea of the Sisterhood of Lenience.

Many of the trappings of the night hag are what Americans generally think of as relating to witches. We may wish to consider building up a class that evokes those connections; there is no straightforward "witch" character class, though there are some specific types. In particular, constructing a class around Unearthed Arcana's concept of incantations -- http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/35/sovelior_sage/unearthedIncant... -- nicely models the weird ability of hags (and thus, their students') predilection for achieving substantial magical effects apparently through study of eldritch lore and unique constructions rather than standard spell lists. It also explains why hags are so interested in magical research: incantations are constructed for specific purposes, and need a lot of specific information to design. In a sense, they're "assembly-level" magic, as opposed to the "high-level language" of regular arcane magic, or the ultimate "DWIM algorithm" of a wish.

This might be an NPC class or a PC class. Before I go through all the effort of constructing a Witch class for the Darkest Gray project, your comments on the usefulness of such a class would be appreciated. Here are some of my basic ideas:

Hit die, armor, shield, BAB, saves, skill points: as wizard.

Weapon: One simple weapon (as commoner).

Equipment and treasure: As wizard. A book of incantations is possible but hardly necessary -- incantations are skill-based, and can be learned by rote. For that matter, many witches may be illiterate.

Class skills: Knowledge (Arcana) is vital for incantations and Bluff is good for those who have to hide their identity. Concentration and certain languages are useful for the rituals themselves. Knowledge (the Planes) and Spellcraft may be useful for researching new incantations. Craft, Handle Animal, Profession, and Ride would all not only be part of the knowledge base of the commoner population the Sisterhood draws from, they could be useful if advanced witches get opportunities to summon nightmares.

Feats: Summon Familiar. Skill Focus (K(Arcana)). Later bonus feats to defray or foist off the costs of backlash or failure on an incantation, modeled after the XP transfer methods described here (a free WotC web enhancement, though as I post there is another object there). Some of these may only be useful to those of evil alignment, and/or those neutral on the law-chaos axis. A list of available variants of Brew Potion and Craft Wand for incantations. Ability to rapidly research a new incantation for a specific situation.

In particular, I rather like "Fundamental casting: the magical training offered to a witch is of a primitive, inefficient type, but employs concepts that underlie magic in general. Her witch levels stack with levels she later takes in any spellcasting PC class to determine caster level for that class, whether divine, arcane, or other. They grant no other benefit of that class, such as number of spell slots or level of spells known."

Incantations: a list of these, with a starting witch knowing a certain number and able to obtain more whenever she can study one (probably a K(Arcana) check) or receives one in training upon gaining levels. Intricate and slow, with unpleasant backlashes and difficult material or XP costs for most, in addition to being very specific in their purpose. Yet colorful and evocative, in the style of Cook's Unearthed Arcana, drawing from real-world hedge superstitions and the ravings of our world's more fanatical witch-hunters. Broomsticks, yarrow stalks, flying ointment! Poisoned apples! Trysts with demons at midnight! Hexing the cow, poxing your rival in love, and giving that lecherous old Mayor the Evil Eye! Snatching babies, cooking up larvae, eye of newt and wing of bat! How about an incantation that requires the witch to eat her own familiar? Cackling, lots of cackling!

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01

Hmmm. Interesting. I like the idea of using incantations to represent the subtle magics of a Hag. If you're interested in more ideas for possible magics to be worked, I have a copy of Jacobus Sprenger and Heinrich Kramer's Malleus Maleficarum lying around here that i could re-read with the intent of finding some things. As the handbook of the Inquisition it has quite a list of accusations, but it'll take a bit of digging for me to get them in a reasonable order.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07

Have you read 'Tome of Magic'? A number of the things that you mention have parallels to the variant styles of magic (Pact, Shadow and Truename) in that book.


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Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10

Hymneth: %^D Yes, please. Also, there are etext versions of the Malleus in English, so I'll join you in poking around, and feel free to point us to neat stuff.

One thing I might want to ask folks, especially joyblood and other people who will be collating this, is what level of maturity is going to be asked for. Striking a rival barren is one thing, but the Malleus includes an incredible number of accusations of quite sexually themed effects, such as an illusion that causes a man (and everyone else) to think that his penis has disappeared. (ISYN. Not 'impotent.' Gone. It's hilarious now, but it's still a bit adult.) One might almost suspect that the writers were a wee bit sex-obsessed...

Azriael: I have had access to "Tome of Magic" in the past, though I don't own it. Pact and truename magic don't strike me as very witchy or evocative of hagdom, though I don't recall shadow magic at all. And, of course, using OGL material would make the project more widely accessible.

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30

I had been considering a similar mechanic to the 'sacrifice' system in Book of Vile Darkness as a way for Hags to work magic without a class. This system seems stylistically much the same as I was thinking of, and mechanically similar too (just more defined and with individual incantations rather than a single table of effects). It certainly fits the 'witchcraft' angle of hags, so I could certainly get behind it.

'Jem' wrote:
One thing I might want to ask folks, especially joyblood and other people who will be collating this, is what level of maturity is going to be asked for.

I think a mature content, produced maturely and in the spirit of the terrible place we are depicting, is certainly appropriate. Personally I'd avoid overly brutal and graphic descriptions in favour of more sophisticated language of gothic horror. And as your, errm, 'spell description' demonstrates, its all too easy to sound silly. Rendering your enemies barren also just sounds more stylish than "ha! I vanished your penis!" The other danger, of course, is offending (or just grossing out) your reader. When Ravenloft was at its best, it got the level about right, if that example means anything to you.

Its a bit late now (almost the 'witching hour'), so apols if I'm not making much sense...

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07

'Jem' wrote:
Azriael: I have had access to "Tome of Magic" in the past, though I don't own it. Pact and truename magic don't strike me as very witchy or evocative of hagdom, though I don't recall shadow magic at all. And, of course, using OGL material would make the project more widely accessible.
I was referring more to the mechanics of truename magic- building spells/effects from their basic components and it's ability to be melded with other styles, Pact magic because of the persecution and secrecy themes (and also because allowing (possibly) evil beings to take partial control of your body in exchange for power sounds kind of witchy to me), and shadow magic has the whole Ravel tie-in.

I'm not suggesting that you use one of these systems out of the box but it could make for some good background reading.

[edit- oh, and Heroes of Horror is probably worth a look too. A modified version of their corruption system could help turn those impressionable young women into warty old hags relatively quickly. Possibly finish off the class with the 'internal corruption' feature which hides all outward signs of corruption]


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Kay's picture
Joined: 2006-09-20

Awesome idea. Very "fluffy" (no, I'm not playing Warhammer) and the possibility of a useful spellcaster at level 1 strikes me. The system also seems pretty awesome and well thought. One could also have subtle variants that are not necessarily related to the hags, plot hooks, totally annoying witch npcs and funny side effects such as nosebleeding or puking all over the dishes.

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