Wild Magic for Spells Chapter. Comments for revision needed.

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cityofdoors's picture
Joined: 2004-07-27
Wild Magic for Spells Chapter. Comments for revision needed.

Suggestions would be great. This system is based on Sean K Reynolds' wild magic on his website ( http://www.seankreynolds.com/ ), so a great thanks for the core mechanic.

Here it is nicely formatted. Gonna have to cut and paste...

Wild Magic
“The forces of chaos are best avoided.” Ex-Factol Hashkar of the Fraternity of Order spoke these words not more than three years before his death. Wild magic theorists understand these words, but for one reason or another choose to ignore them. Some fancy themselves pioneers in the field, willing to take the risks that others would not, all in the name of discovery. Others, those lacking in their character that vital bit of self-preservation required to survive on the planes very long, find bliss in constantly risking themselves and those around them to the untamable and fickle spirit of chaos. The truth is, every student of wild magic has his reasons, and no two students have the same reasons.
However, whatever an individual wild mage’s reasons for his entrance into the field might be, their goal is always the same--to push the limits of magic, bringing its very essence to its breaking point, with the goal of increasing their spells potency and versatility. Some see the greater wild surges (and their often dangerous effects) as a pleasantly surprising, while others see it as a glitch that must be stomped out to perfect their magical ability.

Wild Magic Zones.
In a dead magic zone, magic is suppressed to non-existence. The reasons for this vary. In some cases, the magical energy of the area has simply been used up. In other cases, by terrible accident or divine intervention, these locations are stripped of their energy for a questionable length of time.
In the same way, by some of the same forces that create dead magic zones, wild magic zones are brought into existence. In these places, magical energy is in a constant state of flux. In most cases, this simply means that every arcane spell cast causes a wild surge, but other, less predictable effects have been known to occur. Some report that the wildlife of the area was given sentience or that one could only move if walking backwards.

Wild Surges.
Unless the caster is in some type of wild magic zone, a Wild Magic Point (WMP) must be expended to induce a wild surge. In such a scenario, an otherwise streamlined and safe spell is pushed to its breaking point, sometimes decreasing, but oftentimes increasing the effectiveness of the spell.
The mechanic is as such: When a spellcaster induces a wild surge, the corresponding player rolls 4d6, drops the lowest, and compares his roll to ‘Table 1-1: Ability Modifiers’ in the Player's Handbook. The result is known as the Surge Modifier. The surge modifier is applied to the caster level of the spell. The caster level can never be modified below 1. If a spell can no longer reach its target, the spell instead targets the closest spot it can along the imaginary line between the caster and the target. If the Surge Modifier is an even number or 0, a Greater Surge occurs.

Greater Surges.
Pushing magical essence in such a manner sometimes causes the space and time around the caster to change in unpredictable ways. We call this a Greater Surge.
The mechanic is as such: The caster may roll a Willpower saving throw (DC 15+spell level) to prevent the Greater Surge, or may voluntarily fail. If he succeeds, the fabric of existence remains unaltered. If he fails his saving throw, the player must roll a 1d% and compare the results to the Greater Surge chart (below) to see what happens. Use the caster level modified by the Surge Modifier for any effects which depend on caster level.
DM’s are encouraged to look over the Greater Surge chart and change any lines that do not fit his campaign style. What one might do is create a different chart for each plane (some being wilder than others) or planar group. Perhaps he instead slowly, over the course of the campaign, changes lines and rearranges others. Or better, he replaces the lines that the resident wild mage hits, ensuring that no wild effect is ever repeated.

Wild Mages.
Wild Mages are those individuals willing to take the risks required to harness the illusive arcane energy which we still known so little about. However, not all ‘Wild Mages’ take their studies in Wild Theory as far as others. Those who do dedicate themselves to the field often take their research in very different directions.
To be more specific, wild magic theory research branches out in a tree of feats (as shown below). A wild mage may choose only to dabble in wild magic, climbing the tree only part way, while another might seek better understanding, giving up feats otherwise used for item creation or metamagic in the name of progress. A minor prestige class is offered below (at the DM’s option), for those who want to more seriously apply themselves to the field.
DM’s are once again strongly encouraged to add to the Wild Magic Theory tree or to use it as the basis for other types of magical specialization in his campaign. The arcane casters on the Beastlands might have developed some theories on fusing arcane energy with nature spirits and some on the Outlands might be studying that planes ancient Mirror Magic. Doing so would allow caster’s distinction, allowing some to focus on one type of magic theory or dabble in a few.

Advanced Wild Magic Theory [Wild Magic]
You are an expert in wild magic and are able to wield it much more frequently.
Prerequisite: Iron Will, Wild Magic Theory, Potent Surge, Powerful Surge
Benefit: You now have 2/3rds more WMPs, rounded down. This feat still counts as a wild magic feat for purposes of establishing a WMP pool. Thus, if a character has all nine wild magic feats listed here, including this one, then he would have 15 WMPs.

Control Greater Surge [Wild Magic]
You studies allow not only give you control over magical energies, but over randomness itself.
Prerequisite: Iron Will, Wild Magic Theory, Potent Surge, Force Greater Surge
Benefit: When you roll a Greater Wild Surge, you may alter the result by one number up or down. For every WMP you dedicate to the cause, you can alter the result by one additional number up or down.

Deaden Magic Zone [Wild Magic]
You learned so much about repressing magic that you may deaden magic in an area for a limited amount of time.
Prerequisite: Iron Will, Wild Magic Theory, Repress Greater Surge, Wild Counterspell
Benefit: You may create a 30-foot radius dead magic zone, centered on an area, an object, or the caster. The area stays deadened for 10 minutes per WMP spent. No magical effect or spell may be initiated within the spell, nor can any magical effect or spell target anything within the area. All magical items cease to function. All magic is dead.

Force Greater Surge [Wild Magic]
You can cause chaos where there is none.
Prerequisite: Iron Will, Wild Magic Theory, Potent Surge
Benefit: You can opt to cause a Greater Wild Surge even when you roll an odd Surge Modifier.

Potent Surge [Wild Magic]
You can eliminate some of the negative effects of wild surges.
Prerequisite: Iron Will, Wild Magic Theory
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to your Surge Modifier

Powerful Surge [Wild Magic]
You almost completely eliminate the negative effects of wild surges.
Prerequisite: Iron Will, Wild Magic Theory, Potent Surge
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to your Surge Modifier. This bonus does not stack with the bonus from Potent Surge.

Repress Greater Surge [Wild Magic]
You’ve learned to repress some of chaotic aspects of wild magic.
Prerequisites: Iron Will, Wild Magic Theory
Benefit: You may spend one WMP to keep a Greater Wild Surge from occurring.

Wild Counterspell [Wild Magic]
You have learned to mutate spell energy in order to counter aggressive spells.
Prerequisite: Iron Will, Wild Magic Theory
Benefit: You may counter a spell being cast with any spell of one or more levels higher than the target spell.

Wild Magic Theory [Wild Magic]
Your studies in the field allow you to cause wild surges in your arcane spells.
Prerequisite: Iron Will
Benefit: You now have an amount of Wild Magic Points (WMP) equal to the number of Wild Magic feats you possess, counting this one. While casting an arcane spell, you may expend one WMP to cause a wild surge.
Special: Any person with this feat may accept a -2 non-magical penalty to their Wisdom score to cause a Wild Surge without expending a WMP. These penalties stack and is recovered at the standard rate of 1 point per day.
As a character’s wisdom score decreases, he finds it harder to make logical decisions and cannot stay focused on anything for too long. He begins to have strange emotional sensations that he cannot explain and does not react to normal stimuli in a consistent manner. He might hallucinate. He might loose his sense of space and time. If a character’s Wisdom score ever drops to below 1, he falls unconscious and is trapped within vivid nightmares until he recovers.

Wild Magic Feat Tree
Iron Will
Wild Magic Theory
| |
Repress Greater Surge Potent Surge
| | |
Wild Counterspell Powerful Surge Force Greater Surge
| | |
Deaden Magic Zone Advanced Wild Magic Theory Control Greater Surge

Wild Mage Prestige Class
Hit Die: d4.

Feats: Iron Will, Wild Magic Theory, any other wild magic feat
Saves: Base Willpower Save +5
Skills: Concentration 9 ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 9 ranks, Spellcraft 9 ranks.
Spellcasting: Able to cast arcane spells.

Class Skills:
The wild mage's class skill are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Knowledge: Arcana (Int), Knowledge: The Planes (Int), Profession (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Intelligence modifier.

Level Base AB/Fort Save/Ref Save/Will Save Special
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 +1 level, Wild Magic skill
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 +1 level, Wild Magic feat
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 +1 level, Wild Magic feat
4th +2 +1 +1 +4 +1 level, Wild Magic feat
5th +2 +1 +1 +4 +1 level, Wild Magic feat

Class Features:
Weapon and Armor: Wild mages gain no proficiency with any weapons, armor, or shields.
Spellcasting: A wild mage continues training in arcane magic. Thus, when a new wild mage level is gained, the character gains new spells known and spells per day as if he had also gained a level in an arcane spellcasting class he belonged to before he added the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (such as metamagic or item creation feats). This essentially means that he adds the level of wild mage to the level of some other arcane spellcasting class the character has, then determines spells per day and caster level accordingly.
Wild Magic Skill: At 1st level, the wild mage gains a +2 bonus to Spellcraft checks regarding known wild magic effects (including, if a wizard, checks made to inscribe a wild spell into a spell book).
Wild Magic Feats: A wild mage gains one free wild magic feat at level 2, 3, 4, and 5.

Greater Surge Effects:
1-3 Re-roll until you attain three different results between 4 and 50. Use them all.
4 Spell affects random target(s) or area.
5 Caster stunned for 1d3 rounds.
6 Blue Slaadi gated to caster's location immediately.
7 Caster and target(s) smell of carrion and old cheese until they bathe.
8 Target(s) enlarged.
9 Caster blinded.
10 Identical spell targets caster.
11 Caster dazed for 1d3 rounds.
12 Caster deafened.
13 Random magic item in caster's possession disappears.
14 Area greater dispelling centered on caster.
15 All vegetable matter within 77 feet of caster dies and rots. This includes rations.
16 Razorvine sprouts, filling 1d12 random spaces near caster.
17 Random memorized (or known, if caster does not memorize spells) spell is cast instead of original spell on random target(s).
18 Violent storm typical to the plane gathers.
19 Quadrone gated to caster's location immediately.
20 1d10-1 hit points transferred from caster to a single random target of the spell.
21 Caster hiccups. One of his enemies begins planning some sort of evil against him.
22 All natural animal life within 77 feet of caster becomes feral and hungry.
23 Caster ages 1d12 years.
24 Spell fails. Spell slot and components wasted.
25 A 120-foot radius globe of silence and darkness, centered on caster's square, appears and remains for 9 rounds.
26 Target(s) becomes 2d12 years younger.
27 Caster and random target affected by the spell switch possessions.
28 Caster is faerie fired.
29 Caster's appearance is changed permanently.
30 Casting time of spell increases by 1 full round.
31 1d8 violent undead gated to caster's location.
32 Caster falls prone in a sneezing fit for 1d3 rounds.
33 Target(s) reduced.
34 Caster's speed is reduced by 10 feet for 1d3 hours.
35 All targets and caster forget all languages for 1d3 days.
36 Target remembers past sorrows and becomes fatigued until he rests.
37 Caster falls asleep.
38 Caster and random target affected by the spell switch places.
39 Target gains +4 to charisma for 1 hour.
40 Spell effect delayed for 1d4-1 round.
41 Energy type of spell changes randomly (if applicable). Otherwise, caster becomes an abberation permanently.
42 Spell is flashy and stylized, but unchanged otherwise.
43 Everyone within 30 feet grows a mustache.
44 Spell is loud and musical, but unchanged otherwise.
45 1d6 Ratatosk gated to caster's location.
46 All dead things (not undead) within 77 feet and all objects on them vanish permanently.
47 Temperature increases to 99 degrees Fahrenheit within 77 feet of the caster for 2d24 hours.
48-50 Gain an additional -3 on your surge modifier.
51-53 Gain an additional +3 on your surge modifier.
54 All allies within 77 feet of caster feather fall.
55 Caster's appearance is changed to match that of his mother for 1 hour.
56 All enemies within 77 feet of caster levitate to 3 feet off the ground for 1d3 rounds. They are considered to be on higher ground, but take a -1 to attacks, armor class, and damage rolls because they are unsteady. In addition, they can only move at 1/2 speed and that is only provided they have something to push off.
57 All dead things (not undead) within 77 feet are raised to 1 hit point and woken up.
58 All creatures within 77 feet of caster gain 1d8+5 hit point. Some fair celestial or foul fiend losses that many hit points somewhere in the multiverse.
59 Caster grows wings and can fly at a speed of 50 feet (good) for 1d10-1 hours.
60 Random target of the spell will write a brilliant paper on a random and obscure topic as soon as he has some free time.
61 All creatures within 77 feet of caster need not sleep for 1d3 days. Following this period, all have good dreams for 1d3 weeks. 1d3 months later, all of them experience deja` vu.
62 Spell is extended (as the feat).
63 Temperature decreases to 0 degrees Fahrenheit within 77 feet of the caster for 2d24 hours.
64 Caster is hastened.
65 Caster and all targets of the spell vomit roses, prone for 1d3 rounds.
66 Target is blinded.
67 Caster burps. A random goblin learns to fly somewhere in the multiverse. His ability scores and alignment change to match that of the caster. Someday, the twain shall meet.
68 Invisibility sphere centered on the caster for 9 rounds.
69 Target dazed for 1d3 rounds.
70 All vegetable matter within 77 feet of caster triples in size. Rations included.
71 Random magic item in random target of the spell's possession is destroyed.
72 Target stunned for 1d3 rounds.
73 Target is deafened.
74 1d100-1 gold pieces, 1d100-1 silver pieces, and 1d100-1 copper pieces falls from the sky within a 30-foot radius of the caster.
75 All non-magical weapons within 77 feet of the caster break.
76 Caster has the option to be enlarged or reduced. He must choose one.
77 Lucky 7’s! Caster may select any effect on this chart.
78 Caster gains 3 ranks in perform with a random specialty that he does not already possess.
79 1d8 pacifistic mimes, friendly to the caster, are gated to the caster's location.
80 Target is teleported to a safe location 77 miles away and his appearance is permanently altered.
81 1d10-1 hit points transferred to caster from random target of the spell.
82 Spell maximized (as the feat).
83 Random creature within 77 feet of the caster gains low-light vision permanently.
84 1d4 Githyanki gated to caster's location.
85 Spell is cast normally, but another random spell in the caster's memory (or a spell the caster knows, if he does not memorize) is also cast on random targets. The spell slot for the second spell is expended.
86 Caster becomes 1d12 years younger.
87 Caster's speed is increased by 10 feet for 1d3 hours.
88 All females within 77 feet of the caster are impregnated by the energies of a nearby plane (or the one they are currently on).
89 Spell is heightened (as the feat).
90 Target is compelled to remove all of his clothing and will defend himself, but take no other action, until this task is complete.
91 All glass within 77 feet of the caster turns to colored sand.
92 All clothing within 77 feet of the caster is replaced with magnificent costumes.
93 Caster and all allies within 77 feet are blessed.
94 Caster and all creatures within 77 feet of him blink out of existence for 1d100 hours. They return to precisely the same spots they were in at the end of this time, or are jolted to the nearest free space of some object blocks their return. Creatures jolted as such takes 1d6 damage.
95 Random garbage from the far corners of the multiverse falls from the sky within 77 feet of the caster for 3 rounds. Every round, creatures within this area must make a reflex save versus DC 15 or suffer 1d6 points of damage.
96 The area within 77 feet of the caster's space becomes a wild magic zone for 3d12 years.
97 The area within 77 feet of the caster's space becomes a dead magic zone for 3d12 days.
98-00 Re-roll until you attain three different results between 50 and 97. Use them all.

cityofdoors's picture
Joined: 2004-07-27

27 views and no replies?

Does that mean no one likes it?

Tevish Szat's picture
Joined: 2004-08-07
Wild Magic for Spells Chapter. Comments for revision needed.

It means we are all ambivilant... or at least I am.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Wild Magic for Spells Chapter. Comments for revision needed.

Okay, some proofreading...

Greater Surges. ... Willpower saving throw ...

Will save

Wild Magic Theory [Wild Magic] ... -2 non-magical penalty to their Wisdom score...

2 Wisdom damage

Wild Magic Theory [Wild Magic] ... These penalties stack and is recovered at the standard rate of 1 point per day. ... If a character’s Wisdom score ever drops to below 1, he falls unconscious and is trapped within vivid nightmares until he recovers.
You should delete these. They are redundant.

All ranges are in units of 5 feet. Round the ranges of the Greater Surge effects to 75 feet.

Also, when are Wild Magic Points regained? Every day? Every Level? Never? You don't specify.

Isbo's picture
Joined: 2004-08-01
Wild Magic for Spells Chapter. Comments for revision needed.

The concept is interesting, but it is just too wild for my tastes (and yes, some of this probably is just a difference in taste)--for one, I don't like how easy it is to kick off a greater surge. I also find the list of possible wild effects more than a little overwhelming. As a DM, it would drive me nuts to have a pc causing some very powerful and random changes to the game at the drop of a hat. As a player who wasn't playing a wild mage, I suspect I would get annoyed with the wild mage constantly tweaking things.

I would like a greater attention to balance. I know that part of the appeal of the wild magic is its incredible variability, but some constraint is appropriate. Perhaps it might be as simple as limiting how greater surges work--I like the idea of low-level wild mages setting off lesser surges and higher-level ones having a much more dramatic effect on their environs. Since the effects are magical, that might be accomplished by having the great surges related to spells of a similar power level as the one being modified. In that way, a 'wild cantrip' might result in every object in the area being subject to a mend or acid splash, but not gate a slaad in. A magic missile might result in a widespread grease spell, but not raise all the dead in the area....you get the idea.

As an aside, I wonder how a single table can capture the random dimension of great surges. It might seem better to provide DM's with guidelines for them so that they can provide on the fly descriptions appropriate to the scene in which they occur.

Have you looked at the Chaos Magic supplement from Mongoose Publishing? It might be of interest to you--its author has hammered out some novel ways to balance flexibility and power...most of it is OG content, so you could freely borrow and tweak the mechanics.

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Wild Magic for Spells Chapter. Comments for revision needed.

I suggest you modle the wild magic more after that outlined inn 2nd edition. it's pretty simple, and makes wild magi really cool. you cand find all the material on it in the tomb of magic. if you don't have access to that, I'll get you anything you need if you like.

Sildatorak's picture
Joined: 2004-06-11
Wild Magic for Spells Chapter. Comments for revision needed.

Wild Counterspell [Wild Magic] You have learned to mutate spell energy in order to counter aggressive spells. Prerequisite: Iron Will, Wild Magic Theory Benefit: You may counter a spell being cast with any spell of one or more levels higher than the target spell.

There should also be the prerequisite of Improved Counterspell for this feat and/or require the expenditure of WMP. As written it is vastly more useful than Improved Counterspell (especially for sorcerers), and two prereq feats will not offset that, particularly since they are prereqs for other feats.

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