Why not treat 4E as an Alternate Universe?

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Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
Why not treat 4E as an Alternate Universe?

That is, the Core Planescape Universe is still the default (WOTC dogma notwitstanding), and the 4E game is treated as a Parallel reality which characters can visit if they like ("Dude, there's this totally weird Cosmology next door, with this Plane called the Feywild, and Eladrins are really Elves, and..." etc, etc...) Maybe some interesting 4E monsters can be ported over to 3E/3.5... That is, treat 4E as an ADDITION to the game, not as a REPLACEMENT...

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Why not treat 4E as an Alternate Universe?

That's certainly a possibility, if you can think of a reason to have both cosmologies in the same campaign. If so, more power to you.

I like the idea of multiple cosmologies, but I'd rather they were more different from one another. Two multiverses with near-identical Abysses except for one doesn't have succubi or petitioners doesn't suggest any interesting adventure possibilities to me. I'd rather use just one of the Abysses, one or the other, and introduce new planes that are actually new. "To us in Bizarro World, the name you use for a monster is the name we use for a very different monster" (archon, eladrin, etc.) isn't very interesting to me either, though of course your mileage may vary. If you can think of a great adventure idea that comes from the concept other than "Oh, that's mildly odd, I wonder what they call eladrins in the next multiverse over?" I'd love to hear it.

Edit: On the other hand, using the default 4e "points of light" world as one world on the Prime Material Plane among many does appeal to me. It could be that they merely see the planes in a different way, but it's the same cosmology for everyone.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Why not treat 4E as an Alternate Universe?

In true Sliders tradition, 4e would be a 'parallel multiverse,' similar in most ways, but vastly different in others. Officially making it a conjoined parallel multiverse would mean doubles of certain NPCs. I don't know about you, but I don't want to see an Orcus/Orcus teamup.

Now, if you want to do something really fun: Base multiverse physics carry over. Translation? In the 4e multiverse, they follow 4e rules. 4e characters that cross over still follow 4e rules in a 3.5 setting, and vice versa. A clash of two differant laws of physics could be interesting to see.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Why not treat 4E as an Alternate Universe?

I don't know. I'm getting the impression that 4E PCs are meant to be allot more powerful. Then again, maybe it's just that 4E monsters are meant to be weaker...

Jack of tears's picture
Joined: 2005-12-13

Someone once posted a comment about running planescape utilizing multipe systems for each of the major prime spheres - such as using Champions to run Superhero characters, right beside Glitterboys from Rifts, all effecting their environments as their systems dictated. Thus Glitterboys did mega-damage, and even the average superheroe is walking around with a 12d6 punch attack.

While it would be a mess to play with, until you got the hang of it, the idea does have some distinct possibilities.

Zeniel's picture
Joined: 2007-03-27
Why not treat 4E as an Alternate Universe?

Yeah but we shouldn't have to. that and I kinda like the idea of earth being in the mix somewhere.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Why not treat 4E as an Alternate Universe?

Shouldn't have to? I think you misunderstand. At least from my point of view, we would GET to.

BlackDaggr's picture
Joined: 2007-11-15
Using 4E material

I actually have an article in the works that could be used as a springboard for dealing with the Eladrin and Feywild from 4E. But its been in Submitted state since the end of Nov. - hopefully the planewalker editors will look at it soon.

As far as the variant cosmology, I agree that there should be one Abyss (and one Orcus, etc.), not multiple copies. The whole 4E cosmology frankly turns me off - at least what I've read about so far.

I had the same initial reaction to the Eberron orrery cosmology, until I realized that the various 'moons' were simply gateways to well-known planes on the Great Wheel (and elsewhere) with different names. Its certainly possible that the new 4E cosmology can be retro-edited into the Great Wheel.

Of course, that leaves the *&^%$#@! decision to change succubi, eladrin, etc. My take? Ignore it.

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