Who is at fault for 4th Edition?

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Zenosaga's picture
Joined: 2006-06-23
Who is at fault for 4th Edition?

Blizzard Entertainment is solely responsible for 4th edition and the needless sanitization of our beloved game. World of WarCraft ruined the entire planet.

Even when White Wolf brought the Old World of Darkness to an end and created the New World of Darkness, which sadly created a massive schism between the Old World and the New World, the newest setting was far from being generic (despite claims to the contrary).

I predict that a day will come when the world has lost all concept of role-playing as a form of entertainment. Why become a professional actor and storyteller when you can indiscriminately murder innocent people and loot their bodies? This is why I hate modern video games.

And Hollywood is also the root of all our problems.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Who is at fault for 4th Edition?

'Zenosaga' wrote:
I predict that a day will come when the world has lost all concept of role-playing as a form of entertainment. Why become a professional actor and storyteller when you can indiscriminately murder innocent people and loot their bodies? This is why I hate modern video games.

In the defense of hack-n-slash gaming, First Edition D&D definitely had a tradition of hack-n-slash.

That said, more RolEplaying would sure be nice.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Who is at fault for 4th Edition?

I'd have to disagree with that and say Hasbro is responsible. As with other franchises they've bought, they try to make them more mainstream and more apealing to younger customers, and usually fail in the long run.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Who is at fault for 4th Edition?

I'm sorry, Zenosaga, but that just sounds ignorant. As much as I like to rant about 4e, nobody is really at fault. WotC is following what they believe to be the current trend in the market. Sure, it might be the same trend that Blizzard cashed in on with WoW, but they are hardly responsible for it. If the majority cares more for hack & slash than they do for storytelling or roleplaying, it's only sensible, from the business point of view, to cater to those preferences. Also, if you've ever played WoW, you'll realize that they have quite a story woven through the thousands of quests. Just because many people power level and goldfarm does not mean that the game itself is solely hack & slash, although it does make it less interesting than intended (and this is one of the reasons that I quit). I agree that 4e is far less story-driven than 2e Planescape, but you could say that it is going back to its roots. After all, D&D started out with more dungeon crawling than talking. The genre slowly evolved to focus on the roleplaying aspects, but it had a limited following. The fanbase swelled grealty with 3e and moreso still from the popularity of such games as WoW. Most of the new people who come to tabletop roleplaying through such a route start at the beginning of the genre... that is, dungeoncrawling. It is only logical for WotC to attempt to attract those people, as they are probably much more numerous than oldschool roleplayers. As for people like you and me, as well as the longevity of such a market strategy... that's a separate issue. To be sure, nothing is stopping us from roleplaying. It might be a bit more difficult, because the new rules do not focus on it, but it is still possible. It gets more difficult still to update older settings like Planescape, because the monster stats do not follow the 2e fluff, but then again, that was never their plan. It's annoying, I agree, but it's not an evil plot. There's no secret plan to ruin roleplaying games.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Who is at fault for 4th Edition?

'Zenosaga' wrote:
Blizzard Entertainment is solely responsible for 4th edition and the needless sanitization of our beloved game. World of WarCraft ruined the entire planet.

Even when White Wolf brought the Old World of Darkness to an end and created the New World of Darkness, which sadly created a massive schism between the Old World and the New World, the newest setting was far from being generic (despite claims to the contrary).

I predict that a day will come when the world has lost all concept of role-playing as a form of entertainment. Why become a professional actor and storyteller when you can indiscriminately murder innocent people and loot their bodies? This is why I hate modern video games.

And Hollywood is also the root of all our problems.

This almost doesn't sound like trolling.

By the way, what's the deal with misspelling Xenosaga in your name? Puzzled

There's nothing much I can add after Iavas' post, though I would have come of as allot angrier if I'd said it.

Pale Night's picture
Joined: 2008-01-02
Who is at fault for 4th Edition?

Surely the Spanish Inquisition are the ones to blame?

Zeniel's picture
Joined: 2007-03-27
Who is at fault for 4th Edition?

Yeah sorry Zenosaga, mate, but your just not thinking about this clearly. The reason, blizzard is doing so well is because people seem to like mindlessly killing things and nothing else. WOTC are just jumping on board the money train.

Pisses me off to no end that people are just so dull and typical, but you can't do anything about it save massacring the entire hacknslash population of the world.

I and I'm sure we're glad you wanna stick to a more artistic form of role playing, but blaming others because the majority doesn't like what you do doesn't achieve anything good.

I say, fight back and help us make a damn great online game. Stop blaming and help out the RPG community rather than shouting at the action RPGers. Gods know we could use the numbers.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Who is at fault for 4th Edition?

'Zeniel' wrote:
Yeah sorry Zenosaga, mate, but your just not thinking about this clearly. The reason, blizzard is doing so well is because people seem to like mindlessly killing things and nothing else.

I'm gonna disagree with this one. WoW and tabletop RPGs are not the same animal, and never were really intended to be. (I'm also of the opinion that the video game medium by its very nature restricts rather than enhances rolEplaying. I think that's one reason why tabletop and PBPs still exist when much more advanced technology is available.)

I think WoW is doing well because it has a well designed, easy-to-figure-out UI, and good, addictive gameplay. It doesn't hurt that it has decent graphics and is relatively free of game-breaking bugs. Video games and 'real' RPGs seem like comparing apples and oranges to me, though.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
spell levels

My memory is kinda creaky, but wasn't a d20-compatible version of WoW released that had spells levels going up past 9th, just like D&D 4E will have? Seems like that's where they stole the idea... I remember skimming the book and seeing 15th and 16th level spells...

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Who is at fault for 4th Edition?

Huh? Does 4E have spell levels that match class levels now? Wouldn't surprise me.

Zim, you gotta remember that WoW is really really popular, and that WotC is only out to increase it's profits. It'd make perfect sense to try to cater to MMORPG players. How well it allows roleplaying isn't an issue if the majority of the audience thinks roleplaying is running around slaughtering wolves and designing your own costume.

There is currently a concerted effort on the parts of game makers to dumb down all games and gamers so that all they need for a good game is pretty graphics and lots of hype. Look at Oblivion. That is what people think an RPG is now days.

Zeniel's picture
Joined: 2007-03-27
Who is at fault for 4th Edition?

Thank you Direlemon. Once again exactly what I was thinking.

Kids these days think that Oblivion is the idea of a good RPG. Course people these are more clueless than a blood who willingly steps on a mud puddle in Sigil.

WOTC are able to cash in on this new trend because people are idiots!

Darvon's picture
Joined: 2006-10-09
Who is at fault for 4th Edition?

'Zenosaga' wrote:
Blah blah blah

We'll need fire or acid to kill this one.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Who is at fault for 4th Edition?

'Darvon' wrote:
'Zenosaga' wrote:
Blah blah blah

We'll need fire or acid to kill this one.

Erased post or did I miss something?

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
Who is at fault for 4th Edition?

'Iavas' wrote:
'Darvon' wrote:
'Zenosaga' wrote:
Blah blah blah

We'll need fire or acid to kill this one.

Erased post or did I miss something?

Methinks it's an implication that everything Zenosaga said was evidence of the presence of a troll. But I'm staying out of it

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Who is at fault for 4th Edition?

[mod]I'm thinking this thread can probably be let be, as it has slid considerably away from it's original concept. There are multiple threads discussing 4th ed, so feel free to contribute to those instead.[/mod]

Topic locked
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