Which Factions Do You Relate To?

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Jenx's picture
Joined: 2011-11-04
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

Nah see, I'd be okay if they did that, or if they replace the Harmonium as the police force (or maybe combine with them, and have mixed harmonium and mercykiller patrols). But I I recall reading in one of the soucebooks that the Mercykillers make it a point to never actually judge someone, just inflict the punishment decreed by someone else, which to make makes it almost impossible to have them as PCs. Because a proper Mercykiller PC wouldn't be able to go out and root out injustice as he or she perceives it, because that would go against the Red Death philosophy of not making the judgments of what is right or wrong yourself.

So yeah, I honestly prefer them much more after the split back up into the Sons of Mercy (who are such hopeless idealists it's almost endearing) and the Sodkillers which basically just want to break people's legs.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

That's the case officially, but unofficially the faction realizes that sometimes the Harmonium and the Guvners don't see true Justice, and they send out their own hounds -- usually elsewhere in the planes, although slightly more subtle berks can work in Sigil. On the up-and-up, a PC Mercykiller may also be a bounty hunter, working independently in an area where the faction is permitted.

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

I keep thinking it would be interesting to see an FBI-styled faction to the Hardhead's police force.

Tequila Sunrise's picture
Joined: 2006-11-17
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

Wicke wrote:
I keep thinking it would be interesting to see an FBI-styled faction to the Hardhead's police force.
I believe that would be the caster contingent of the Harmonium. Eye-wink

Jenx's picture
Joined: 2011-11-04
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

I was just thinking about the relationship between the Harmonium and Mercykillers and was thinking of an interesting twist to it, also combining with the idea of the City Guard that formed after the Faction War.

Have the City Guard be a thing before the war too, with mixed numbers of Harmonium and Mercykillers, with street patrol squads always having to consist of a mixed group from the two factions. The Guard's headquarters would be a building near the City Prison, so that criminals that have been brought in can be processed and sent to the Prison if needed. Have a few Fraternity of Order lawyers around the place to handle quicker cases or to arrange for proper trials of more serious criminals. The City Guard would probably also have several other stations around Sigil, at least one in each Ward, with a station on either side of The Hive so patrol squads can at least maintain some sort of grip on things on the outskirts, if not the heart of the slums.

The whole thing could have a very Discworld's Ankh-Morpork's City Watch feel to it, with patrol squads of Harmonium dwarfs and a couple of Mercykiller Warforged roaming around the place, trying to work together to bring around peace and justice. It would provide internal tension between the factions too, when an arrest is made that one side or the other feels could have been handled differently.

I feel this would make the Mercykillers a bit more involved with the workings of Sigil, and therefore more likely to be involved with the PCs and their doings. They will still have Justicars and bounty hunters going out in the Planes to bring down fugitives, but the ones stuck in Sigil would have a lot more to do than just chop people's heads off from time to time and guard cells all day long.

Zagreus's picture
Joined: 2013-11-26
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

Expansionist (100%)
Athar (86%)
Incantifiers (86%)
Fraternity of Order (58%)
Free League (43%)
Harmonium (43%)
Bleak Cabal (29%)
Dustmen (29%)
Trancendent Order (29%)
Believers of the Source (15%)
Fated (15%)
Mercykillers (15%)
Outsider (15%)
Revolutionary League (15%)
Sign of One (15%)
Doomguard (0%)
Society of sensation (0%)
Xaositects (0%)

Expansionist is essentially how I "headcanoned" my playthrough of Planescape: Torment, the game that first introduced me to this amazing setting, but I never knew anything about them until I actually got the test results and googled them out of curiosity.

Seems like a good fit, really.

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