Which Factions Do You Relate To?

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Tequila Sunrise's picture
Joined: 2006-11-17
Which Factions Do You Relate To?

After nijineko mentioned why he doesn't relate to the Athar in the Athairs* thread, I got curious about other Planescape bloods. Which factions do you agree with, or sympathize with? Which would you join, if you accidentally stepped thru a portal and discovered that Sigil and the planes are real? Do any of them just plain make your hackles rise?

Me, I think the Hardheads, the Mercykillers, and the Doomguard are dangerous idiots, for similar reasons. I don't trust the Takers for obvious reasons, especially with Darkwood getting aggressive with tax code. My reaction to the Anarchists, the Dustmen, and the Signers is pretty much "lolwut? Get back to me when you grow up."

I think the Cabal and the Athar have it exactly right, though too many factioneers seem to be vocally bitter about it. Oddly, I also think the Fraternity has the right idea -- I'm a student of the real world's equivalent to wizardry, and a determinist, so "Figure out how stuff works" is pretty much what I do. So I'd be a Guvner, or a not-so-bleak Bleaker.

*Sorry, shirreknight, couldn't resist carrying over your misspelling. Smiling

KnightOfDecay's picture
Joined: 2013-02-14
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

I agree that imho the Athar and the Bleakers seem to be on the right tracks. Many Athar are too fanatic though and becoming a Bleaker seems to be a harsh choice/fate, so I'd avoid to join any of these two.

The Godsmen ans Sensates philosophies seem acceptable but they're not really interesting to me. Same with The Guvners and the Xaositects. Why beeing fanatic about order or chaos?
The Dustmen philosophy is rather pointless and I don't think that I'd like to be too close with the undead. Signers and Takers are too self centered, so they are out.

In my opinion the Doomguard with their destructiveness and their arms trade are rather immoral and dangerous (the Regulators are way too underrepresented). The same with the Mercykillers.
The Harmonium is too authoritarian and definitely not an option as are the Anarchists with their revolution for revolutions sake.

As I have no tendency to affiliate myself with groups and organisations, the Indeps seem to be a logical choice. Still, I don't like extreme forms of Libertarianism.
The most probable option would be the Transcendend Order. Beeing in tune with the multiverse and the cadence of the planes seems to be a great goal and they are one of the more reasonable and openminded factions. Plus they have great headquarters and one of the most impressing factols.

Tequila Sunrise's picture
Joined: 2006-11-17
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

Haha, yeah I agree about the Chaosmen -- being down with chaos is one thing, but chaos for the sake of chaos? That's insane -- literally, certifiably insane. The Guvners might be fanatical in the other direction, but at least they end up with practical benefits -- knowledge, respect, clout...little luxuries like food, beds, and roofs over their heads. Smiling

I just read the Cabal's entry in the Factol's Manifesto -- I know, I know, but better late than never right? -- and jeez, what's with the pervasive madness? I'm a lifelong existentialist, and I've never once even been depressed "Because none of it means anything." Seeing no underlying meaning in the universe is a liberating belief, IME. There must be some kind of magical curse on the Cabal, so they're off my list!

I have to say, I envy Ciphers for being able to simply act. I'm prone to analysis and indecision in social situations, so I'm working on incorporating a little of the Order's attitude into mine. Smiling

KnightOfDecay's picture
Joined: 2013-02-14
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

Yeah, better buy a copy of the Factols Manifesto before joining a faction. "I'll have to go mad? Aw crap!"

I don't consider myself to be a very spontaneous person either, but given the choice and backed up by a faction, the Cipher philosophy seems very appealing.

I found a test:

Guess what?

Trancendent Order (100%)
Harmonium (81%)
Society of sensation (81%)
Believers of the Source (74%)
Free League (70%)
Revolutionary League (66%)
Athar (54%)
Sign of One (54%)
Fraternity of Order (50%)
Expansionist (47%)
Incantifiers (47%)
Mercykillers (47%)
Doomguard (39%)
Dustmen (35%)
Xaositects (35%)
Bleak Cabal (27%)
Fated (27%)
Outsider (0%)

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

Society of sensation (100%)
Xaositects (89%)
Fraternity of Order (77%)
Trancendent Order (77%)
Sign of One (66%)
Bleak Cabal (50%)
Harmonium (50%)
Mercykillers (50%)
Revolutionary League (50%)
Believers of the Source (35%)
Free League (35%)
Athar (31%)
Doomguard (31%)
Outsider (31%)
Expansionnist (27%)
Dustmen (20%)
Fated (12%)
Incantifiers (0%)

Absent the survey, I picked the Ciphers, the Xaositects with just a touch of the Guvners. I would've figured the Sensates would've come in a distant fourth.

The thing to understand about the Xaositects is that while superficially they might be all about Chaos and its promotion, they're really a collection of artists. Consider: The biggest efforts of the faction are all creative acts, whether painting murals or flash-mobbing different neighborhoods of Sigil. The entire multiple Karan episode of Faction War (whether you liked the module or not) could be considered a massive performance art piece.

The ones who don't last long in the faction are the ones who act stupid and silly and get all crazy for the sake of craziness. They either get killed or they get dropped out of the faction. They're also the ones sent out to cause dissent while the higher-ups of the faction slip in behind the scenes during the confusion. The ones that last are the ones that act purposely insane to disarm people's expectations. Karan's shrewd and insightful, and keeps a finger to Sigil's political pulse.

In my mind, there's a razors edge difference between the Ciphers and the Xaositects and their willingness to act. They're almost inversions of one another. Low level Xaositects act on impulse, whereas low level Ciphers have to stop overthinking their actions. High level Xaositects deliberate over their actions, where the high level Ciphers have learned to act on pure impulse. I see the Ciphers are much more disciplined though.

I like the Guvners because they're all about going in and understanding things before they act.

KnightOfDecay's picture
Joined: 2013-02-14
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

Wicke wrote:
The thing to understand about the Xaositects is that while superficially they might be all about Chaos and its promotion, they're really a collection of artists. Consider: The biggest efforts of the faction are all creative acts, whether painting murals or flash-mobbing different neighborhoods of Sigil. The entire multiple Karan episode of Faction War (whether you liked the module or not) could be considered a massive performance art piece.

The ones who don't last long in the faction are the ones who act stupid and silly and get all crazy for the sake of craziness. They either get killed or they get dropped out of the faction. They're also the ones sent out to cause dissent while the higher-ups of the faction slip in behind the scenes during the confusion. The ones that last are the ones that act purposely insane to disarm people's expectations. Karan's shrewd and insightful, and keeps a finger to Sigil's political pulse.

I'm right there with you. Karan, The Painter, Sly Nye etc. are definetely among the smartest and most creative cutters in the Cage.

On the other hand, I think that number of these true (Performance-)Artists among the Xaositects is actually comparably small. Considering that many Chaosmen hail from the Hive I can't see art as their top priority.

Another interesting question is the age at which factioneers usually join their factions. Is there any comment on that topic in the official sources? The only example I can remember is Nilesia being rejected at the age of 11 (12?) and being accepted as a Mercykiller at about 15.
Youths tend to be interested in all kinds of subcultures and to leave them behind when they grow older. What if in PS you joined a faction like the Dustmen or the Doomguard (Entropy sounds so kewl!) at the age of 16? Dropping out and becoming a reputable bank clerk doesn't seem to be very common.

Tequila Sunrise's picture
Joined: 2006-11-17
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

@ Wicke, Xaositects as artists makes some sense, I have to admit. I guess it's that the boxed set goes to such lengths to describe chaosmen as too undisciplined to do anything productive, so I imagined all of them as loonies.

It's funny how you think there's a razor's edge between the Xaositects and the Order, because I see a similar razor's edge between them and the Cabal. One is all 'WAHOO CHAOS!' while the other is all 'I write beat poetry about the meaninglessness of it all, and someday I'll inexplicably go mad.'

@ KnightOfDecay, that's a good question. It's interesting to imagine some factions as mostly teen-magnets with high turnover rates. Though factions are pretty jealous and peery of anyone who turns stag on his last faction, so I imagine twenty-somethings who decide to leave their 'teen faction' might have a hard time convincing a mature faction to take them on. "Oh, this ram-skull tattoo? No, that's not the Sinker sign, that was just, er, a drunken mistake..."

Tequila Sunrise's picture
Joined: 2006-11-17
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

Oh, and the test says I'm 1) a Guvner, 2) a Bleaker, 3) a Dustman, and 4) a Defier.

Don't know how my Defier rating came in fourth rather than third, but it's a cute test!

cromlich's picture
Joined: 2012-09-13
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

Bleak Cabal 100 %
Athar 100 %
Free League 100 %

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

For those commenting that the Bleak Cabal is disappointing because of its madness, the last Planescape game I played in had the GM replace them with the Dadaists. Everything was still meaningless, but they weren't depressed about it. They drank a lot of coffee and did poetry slams instead. ^_^

I would certainly be Guvner, with a strong desire to synthesize their research faculties with the Society of Sensation's records. Need data to find patterns in!

In this world, I am atheist and it is a strong component of my outlook, but in that world I would likely have to reconsider the position -- I might still come to the Athars' conclusion, but there are many interpretations of the Powers, and it would depend on what kind seemed to be present in the world I had fallen in to.

(Oh, and I got 100% Fraternity of Order on the test. No shock.)

Munin's picture
Joined: 2006-05-22
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

Two surprises, I thought I'd be less of a Hardhead and more of a Guvner.
Disregarding the test, my top 3 would have been 1. Mercykillers, 2. Fraternity of Order and 3. Doomguard.

Harmonium (100%)
Mercykillers (86%)
Bleak Cabal (83%)
Outsider (69%)
Dustmen (60%)
Incantifiers (58%)
Athar (52%)
Believers of the Source (49%)
Fated (46%)
Doomguard (43%)
Fraternity of Order (43%)
Trancendent Order (43%)
Free League (40%)
Revolutionary League (40%)
Expansionnist (32%)
Xaositects (18%)
Sign of One (9%)
Society of sensation (0%)

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

I'm the only Sensate/Xaositect on the boards, aren't I?

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

It's probably not an uncommon combination in Sigil, although you might want to watch out for tendencies to fall in with Children of the Vine.

However, I doubt there are a lot of second-place-Xaositects third-place-Guvners across the planes. :^)

Quale's picture
Joined: 2008-01-11
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

I relate to the Revolutionary League, and all other factions except Harmonium.

Karsus's picture
Joined: 2011-07-05
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

Xaositects (100%)
Incantifiers (86%)
Athar (67%)
Doomguard (58%)
Fated (58%)
Society of sensation (58%)
Trancendent Order (58%)
Believers of the Source (43%)
Outsider (43%)
Revolutionary League (43%)
Bleak Cabal (29%)
Dustmen (29%)
Expansionnist (29%)
Free League (29%)
Sign of One (29%)
Fraternity of Order (17%)
Harmonium (0%)
Mercykillers (0%)

Quiz aside, I think I relate fairly well to several of the factions. My personal philosophy could be pretty well described to hold elements of that of the Xaositects, Bleakers, Sensates, and Seekers. I don't believe there's any overarching goal or meaning to existence, no such thing as predetermination or fate, but that things happen mostly as a blend of random chance and cause-and-effect. I highly value chaos for its associations with creativity, freedom, and individuality, as well as being just plain fun; whereas law and order strike me as too rigid and conformist, with little appreciation for difference of opinion. I think the point of life is simply to live, to enjoy life. Nothing lasts forever, including a mortal's life, so we should make the most of it, to go do and see and experience whatever we can.
I've always been fairly self-sufficient, and I like that aspect of the Fated, if I'm not so keen on the conduct of many of them.

With divinities having such a prominent a place in the Outer Planes, it seems to me it'd be fairly difficult not to believe in their existence or power, especially when one can just walk up to a realm and see enough that even the most dedicated skeptic could believe. That said, they're not the be-all-end-all their clerics claim them to be, and if the Athar want to defy them, more power to 'em.
I'm still not entirely sure what the Free League is all about, but I like their openness, as well as the Guvner's drive for knowledge, and the Anarchists for keeping other booming organizations in check (a few more of these guys would be useful in some parts of the real world...).

The intuition and reflexes of the Transcendent Order would be useful to have, but their philosophy of harmony or oneness with the multiverse feels a bit too much like the beginnings of a loss of the self for my comfort.
I don't really agree with the philosophy of the Dustmen. I feel that even if you don't believe this existence to be a true one, that doesn't mean it should necessarily be condemned. If you have more time to simply be before death, make the most of it. I for one am in no hurry to reach True Death.
The Ring-Givers I see as merely unsatisfied with what they have. They give with the expectation of getting something back; I see no reason why they wouldn't think to try giving things they have and don't want in the hope of receiving something they want but don't already have. It hardly seems much different than glorified consumerism to me.
I don't know terribly much about the Mercykillers, but what I've seen doesn't seem to paint them as much more than self-righteous, dirty cops. And I absolutely despise individuals and organizations that attempt to force their beliefs on others, like the Hardheads.

Were I to join any of the factions, I'm not sure which I'd pick in the end, but it'd be between the Xaositects, Sensates, Mind's Eye, or Free League.

Wicke wrote:
I'm the only Sensate/Xaositect on the boards, aren't I?
I'd say not. Smiling

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

*high fives all around*

I will agree with Jem's assessment that there probably aren't too many "second-place-Xaositects third-place-Guvners" though. I understand the whole order/chaos thing to be two halves of the same coin. It's my inner Taoist shining through, I think.

I don't mind the Harmonium, though I think the entire faction would be better served by less zealotry, and pursuing more peace, less order. It also needs to root out corruption within its ranks. Beyond that, it doesn't particularly bother me as a faction.

The Doomguard are dangerous. Likewise with the Mercykillers.

The Dustmen are...well, I see no particular reason to hang around with somebody so morose. But hey, if they're getting some kind of meaning out of their particular outlook, who am I to cast judgement their way?

I can appreciate the aims of the Bleakers, though I can't get behind their nihilism. Compassion for the sake of compassion, even in the face of the complete meaninglessness of the universe is kinda noble.

The Fated I'd probably keep at an arm's length from me as I wouldn't trust them.

The Anarchists are...very angry. I can understand and appreciate the need to overthrow authority, but it's not something that always needs to be done. I see them in sort of the same way I see Anonymous.

I see the Indeps as sorta apathetic, in a "Leave me the hell alone" sort of way. I can dig that, but it seems too focused on the everyday and the immediate.

More power to the Athars. I'm functionally an atheist, though my own personal philosophical beliefs are mostly orthogonal to questions about the (non)existence of the divine. Decrying the Powers seems like a dangerous past-time when there's an entire multiverse out there filled with beings who consider themselves to be Powers. No thanks.

Believers of the Source? I generally figure that this is the only life I have. I'm going to be the best person I can right now and if that somehow folds back in to me being forged into a higher being, woot! That's not the end goal for me though.

The Sign of One's philosophy seems like just so much mental slight of hand and full of cognitive dissonance. It's not something I could get behind as a long-term philosophical practice.

I like the Fraternity of Order because of its endless pursuit of understanding. I'm ever inquisitive when it comes to understanding something, though I'm perhaps not the most orderly person in approach. I'll try something random to see what happens. Then again. Eventually I try enough bits of randomness that I build up a good picture of how something works.

I never would've pegged myself as a Sensate, though I suppose I can get behind the faction's philosophies. The best way to understand something is to experience it, the good and the bad. But it's only through understanding something that you can overcome and move past it.

I can get behind the Xaositects. I call myself an Erisian Taoist, only half-jokingly. It's not about chaos for me, but spontaneity which is why I see the Xaositects and the Ciphers as being very similar.

If I ever found myself in the Planescape universe, I'd aim to join with the Ciphers. I don't particularly care about notions surrounding the loss of self. Moving in cadence with the universe is something that appeals to me and it's a sort of ideal that I already hold already.

Karsus's picture
Joined: 2011-07-05
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

Wicke, I completely agree with what you said about the Guvners and Sensates. Couldn't have said it better meself. Smiling
I think my interpretation on the Harmonium just reminds me far too much of certain real-world organizations whose loudest advocates are close-minded bigots. I've had it with people like that, and can't help but see a similar viewpoint in the Hardheads. /:

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

The Hardheads are certainly played up as a faction full of power mad types in canon. I'd be willing to take a far more charitable view of the faction if they could get rid of the intolerant types and those who think the best way to deal with people is brainwashing them. In any case, taking on the role of authority and responsibility is often thankless, so I can appreciate the faction from that standpoint.

Tequila Sunrise's picture
Joined: 2006-11-17
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

I think there's an important difference to be seen between a faction's basic philosophy, and how that faction currently operates. Most everyone alive is in favor of laws which deter violence and abuse, and punishments which deter people from breaking those laws. So on some level, most of us can agree with the Harmonium and the Mercykillers. But those factions seem to operate as caricatures, and often mockeries, of their ideals -- at least according to canon, at the present point in time on Sigil's timeline.

If other factols were to take power, who knows how operations might change? Sounds like a job for the PCs...

@ Jem: I can certainly get behind your DM's 'replacement Cabal'! Smiling If I ever DM a PS game, I'll simply be removing the madness theme.

@ Quale: In real life, or in my hypothetical scenario, or both? I don't think I've ever met an honest-to-goodness anarchist.

Quale's picture
Joined: 2008-01-11
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

In a way, both. In the game, one of my favorite old npcs was an Anarchist that infiltrated the Sensates, he wanted to break down the illusory world created by the senses, using this philosophy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qualia . In real life I'm not sure if any system of anarchy would work, it's just that I have no respect for the system in place right now. In the future perhaps there could be a society like the Culture from Iain M. Banks' novels.

Tequila Sunrise's picture
Joined: 2006-11-17
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

As it happens, I just read Iain Banks' The Player of Games, and loved it! I wasn't aware that he used the same Culture setting in other books.

I do sympathize with your frustration with the system we have now -- sometimes it seems like there's crooked politicians and maniacs everywhere, and the system itself really does need improvement. But I'd be hard-pressed to think of a whole new system that's fundamentally better than what we've got.

A utopia like the Culture is worth striving toward, but I don't think we'll get there until we master genetic engineering. Then maybe we'll be able to rid ourselves of our destructive and self-destructive impulses. If the world's wealthiest don't simply use genetic engineering to make themselves even more dominant, that is. :/

Tequila Sunrise's picture
Joined: 2006-11-17
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

"I don't believe there's any overarching goal or meaning to existence, no such thing as predetermination or fate, but that things happen mostly as a blend of random chance and cause-and-effect."

Hey Karsus, I just want to reply to this because I think I'm on the same page with you. Or maybe not; the italicized part might mean a couple of things.

Personally, I'm a determinist. I think everything is the result of cause-and-effect, from the flip of a coin to spontaneous ideas to irrational emotions. Of course, we don't have the knowledge, the brainpower, or the tools to see most of the microscopic dominos which began with the big bang. So we call it random chance, which is just fine for practical purposes. Smiling

Rob Roy's picture
Joined: 2011-05-26
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

I'm surprised by how high the Bleakers (and the Signers ) are on the list, and how low the Indeps and Athar are. Disreguarding the quiz, I would've had my top 3 be Indep, Athar, with the Ciphers being a distant third.

Bleak Cabal (100%)
Trancendent Order (75%)
Believers of the Source (63%)
Free League (63%)
Outsider (63%)
Revolutionary League (63%)
Sign of One (63%)
Society of sensation (50%)
Xaositects (50%)
Athar (38%)
Fated (38%)
Fraternity of Order (38%)
Harmonium (38%)
Mercykillers (38%)
Doomguard (25%)
Dustmen (25%)
Expansionnist (25%)
Incantifiers (0%)

Jenx's picture
Joined: 2011-11-04
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

Mine showed up mainly Bleak Cabal, Godsmen and Indeps, which is odd since I mostly consider myself Free League. My philosophy for most of my life, where I've actually had enough of a brain to have a philosophy, was that you can't just decide you believe in something and stick with that trough everything. An appropriate reaction must be chosen to each event that occurs in your life, and a proper set of mind is needed as well.

As such I most sympathize with the Indeps, agreeing with them that all the factions suffer from tunnel vision. They aren't flexible enough. Well except for the Transcendent Order, but then again the Ciphers are the most awesome thing in the Planes anyway.

Also, as Tequila Sunrise pointed out a few comments above, it's important to differentiate between the core of a faction's philosophy and the personal take and political ambitions of it's factol and factors. I was just reading up on the Fated again, and was thinking that I'd actually sympathize with them a lot more if they dropped the extreme obsession with taxing, money-grabbing and extortion of people and went back to the self-sufficiency and survivalist philosophy from which they sprang from (and to which they return after the events of the Faction War when the Duke gets a nice lesson on what happens when you poke the wrong bear in the woods)

Edit: Also, something which I literally remembered I was going to write just as I hit the "save" button - People should really keep in mind the context of which many of these philosophies spring up. Tequila Sunrise, I wouldn't really tell any dedicated factotum of any of the factions you listed to "grow up". One should always be aware of the cultural, geographical and in this case - metaphysical context from which a philosophy springs up. While I love reading about a lot of ancient Greek philosophy, 99.9% of it is completely irrelevant now, due to the fact that it is a product of a different time and culture. The same thing can, and should be applied to the Factions. I don't see the Sign of One's solipsistic and ego-centric philosophy as juvenile, mostly because they are right - the mind does influence the world around them. Belief manifests in the Outer Planes as direct change in your environment.
Same with the Dustmen - we don't have people reincarnating left and right here, do we? (Supposedly there was this one guy a few thousand years ago who did it ONCE...and look what that ended up looking like!/lolreligiousjoke). What I'm saying is - we can't conceivably relate to their world view and mindset because we don't exist in the same world as them.

Tequila Sunrise's picture
Joined: 2006-11-17
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

You know, a different poster in a different forum in a different discussion said something very similar about the Dustmen when I mentioned that I had pruned them out of my personal take on PS. It's possible that being able to see and visit the afterlife would make the Dustman philosophy appealing beyond the teenage goth population, but I don't see how. I'm open to persuasive arguments though. Smiling

Yeah the Fated would definitely be more sympathetic with different leadership, though I'd never be able to get totally on board with their "Everyone's got what it takes to succeed" ideal. Even aside from the possibility that some people just don't have the raw smarts or talent to achieve their dreams, there're sods like me -- I was born with a a chronic medical condition, and I'm only alive today thanks to modern medicine. So where do I, and even less lucky individuals, fit into the whole "The gods gave everyone the wherewithal to get what we want" idea?

Quickleaf's picture
Joined: 2012-02-03
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

I'd say tied between Godsmen and Cipher.

Let me do that test thing...

I'm New Age baby! Smiling 100% Sensates, 88% Godsman, 88% Cipher!

Jenx's picture
Joined: 2011-11-04
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

Tequila - I'm not saying *I* absolutely agree with Fated philosophy either. Like I said - I'd mostly be Free League, since I can see all factions having valid points, but also being restricted by their own philosophy.

As for the Dustmen...well for starters I think the "teenage goth" line can easily be applied to the Bleak Cabal as well, if not even more so. After all, the Cabal almost make it a point of how depressed and hopeless and sad and meaningless everything is, some of them even becoming Bleakniks and droning out poems and music about how they feel. (Also, I think it's a bit offensive to use "only teenage goths would like it"as a sort of insult towards a philosophy. Nihilism and existentialism have existed as movements long before the Goth subculture has.)

In comparison, the Dustmen are closer to Stoics or even Buddhists. They don't mope, they don't take effort to make an overt display of themselves (taking effort would imply being passionate about it, after all). Sure, a lot of Dustman namers might still be unable to curb their emotions and go around with heavy makeup under their eyes to make them look skeletal and wear black and so on, but you can't also judge a faction's philosophy by it's namers alone.
And most factotums and above in the Dustmen are not black and gloomy. No, they're in fact grey and dull. They are lifeless, emotionless and passionless. The removal of desires and passions is a major theme in what is known in the western world as Zen Buddhism. Are you going to tell me that all Buddhists are just a bunch of teenagers who don't know how the world works as well?

And in the end, all of this is irrelevant (and not only because the Dustmen are a fictional organization), because, as I said, we could not possibly relate to their environment, and as such we could never truly understand where their philosophy comes from. We do not live where the gods and the souls of the dead are, we do not have walking dead shuffling around the place.

To me, the Dustmen are probably the most original of the 15 Factions as far as it's philosophy goes, since while the others have very strong ties to real-world philosophical or religious movements and ideas, the Dustmen are a unique product of their own culture and surroundings. I think the only ones even close to them are the Godsmen, which is funny, considering how much the two groups dislike each other.

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

As a practicing Buddhist, I have to yet again shake my head at the parallels people keep finding between Zen Buddhism and the Dustmen.
Yes, Buddhists advocate a "negation of passions" but except for the more austere sects, this applies more to a change of mindset to stop thinking that the world should conform to the way you think it should and to shift to a mindset that isn't focused on oneself.
It's like if someone were to say that the central most important image of Christianity was a man being slowly tortured to death. Yes, it's true on one level; but it REALLY misses the point of the religious faith that means so much to many millions.
Watch the Dalai Lama speak for ten minutes and then tell me if you think that he would make a good Dustman (not the way I picture that faction). In my mind, the Cyphers are closer to Zen Buddhism than the Dustmen

Tequila Sunrise's picture
Joined: 2006-11-17
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

Quickleaf wrote:
I'm New Age baby! Smiling 100% Sensates, 88% Godsman, 88% Cipher!
You young yuppie, you. Eye-wink

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

Palomides, I'd be interested in your views on what elements of Buddhism might be found in the faction philosophies, especially what might be accessible for a respectful, entertaining treatment by a nonpracticing Westerner GM. I understand that not all Buddhists are glum, but then, the image of Buddhism as a dour, world-rejecting religion of ascetics goes as far back as The Vinegar Tasters. (Admittedly, that particular painting was probably Taoist propaganda, but the Confucian/Buddhic/Daoic divide could be reasonably applied to several of the faction philosophies as well -- the Harmonium and the Fraternity would find a lot to agree with in Confucianism.)

I see elements of Western religions in many of the factions -- Deism in the Godsmen and Athar, for instance. Interestingly, the closest to the opposite of the revealed religions, a personality-centered prophetic religion, probably is the Dustmen: their founder is still around and preaching! So I'd be curious what elements you can see of the traditions you're familiar with in these philosophies.

Tequila Sunrise's picture
Joined: 2006-11-17
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

It's funny that Buddhism has come up in reference to the Dustmen, because I replaced the Dustmen with a faction which I largely based on Buddhism! 'Stop wanting what you don't have, stop fearing what you can't change, and know thy inner self to achieve peace' is the credo. 'Course, many faction members also achieve power and prosperity in the process of finding peace. Being a charitable faction, they occupy and run the Gatehouse rather than the Cabal. The faction is popular among Sigil's poor folk, but sadly underfunded.

Anyway, I get where you're coming from, Jenx. I never interpreted your post as "Yeah, the Fated have it totally spot on!"

And I understand that PS is a whole new universe, so some philosophies might be more or less viable there than in the real world. But people, real and imagined, look for two basic things in a belief system: Is it true, and is it emotionally satisfying? Some factions get by with only one 'yes' to those questions; it's pretty easy to see truth in the Cabal's philosophy with the universe being as it is, but it ain't a very satisfying belief for most folks. Meanwhile the Signers' "I'm the center of the universe because I imagined it all up" credo is a philosophical pretzel, but it has huge emotional appeal to many folks. "I'm important?! Sign me up!"

On the other hand, the Dustmen can't answer with a strong 'yes' to either question. Is the whole multiverse just a shadow of some true life that will come when we all become zombies? Well anything is possible, but I don't see any particular evidence to support such a specific belief. Is the voluntary loss of passion and desire, to the point of the utter numbness of undeath, emotionally or practically appealing? Unless you're living with your parents and getting a generous allowance, probably not. People who have to work for their meals and who have responsibilities simply can't afford to act like zombies. Besides, it's a sodding depressing way of life, and who wants to be depressed?

Anyway, that's why I myself don't see the Dustmen as a viable faction; though they have potential as a clique of my Buddha-inspired faction. Smiling

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

Jem - First off, thank you for being civil as it is easy, when talking about religion, to get nasty (intentionally or not) quickly. Hopefully, I wasn’t guilty of that with comments above

Second, I apologize in advance for this digression

I have never viewed Buddhism as being glum (again, with the exception of some of the more austere sects). The Dalai Lama is a much more happy and upbeat person than many of the Popes have been. Further, Buddha is possibly the only religious figure that is frequently portrayed as laughing (again, depending on the culture depicting him – but still, while I’ve seen pictures of Jesus benignly smiling; I’ve never seen him with a belly laugh)
This might be colored heavily by my breakthrough insight into Buddhism. I read about Buddhism and had picked up the “passionless” themes; but having lived in Japan and other eastern nations, I knew that it obviously wasn’t about being Vulcan-like; but I still didn’t “get it”. Then I read a book about comedy and what makes things funny. Then it clicked.
Much of humor works because it breaks a person out of a mental rut. For example, there is an old joke where a man is amorously pursuing a woman. Finally, she turns to him and explains, “My heart belongs to someone else”, to which he replies “That’s OK. That wasn’t the part of your body I was interested in”
Now while you may or may not find that joke amusing, it does illustrate the point. We use the term “heart” so ubiquitously when talking about love or emotion that it is a small surprise when someone uses it strictly anatomically again (and also adds a layer of less noble romantic interests)
To my mind (and I am not a master of satori), Zen Buddhism is trying to do the same thing. We get stuck in our mental ruts, obsessing about ourselves and the way things “ought to be” and what we "should" possess. That's what causes our suffering. The koans and other somewhat Absurdist strategies that are sometimes used are attempts to break us out of our mental ruts and to approach things from a different angle.
The other example I use is to think back to your first date. Most of us will smirk at our cluelessness and anxiety about that first date because we can look back on it from the experience of years. But if younger versions of ourselves heard us giggling, the younger versions of us would get really upset because of how colossally important that first date was at that moment in our lives. Same event, but different perspectives determine how much suffering or humor we find in any moment.

[Tequla Sunrise – your replacement faction is much closer to what I identify with my religious beliefs]

Now off the personal and back to the game:
To my mind, each faction was inspired by but not perfectly mirroring “real” philosophical/religious system. (And I think that is as it should be). But here are some of the eastern elements I’ve seen in the factions.
-Based on my approach to Buddhism (don’t obsess on how things “ought” to be and embrace the now), I see the most parallels with the Cyphers being in tune with the planes. But the Cyphers seem (in my interpretation) to avoid mental contemplation
-The Dustmen do advocate a passionlessness; but to my mind this doesn’t equate to the Buddhist admonishment to “remove desires/passions”. Their obsession with death seems to be the opposite of a religion I see as embracing (but not trying to control) life. But the Dustmen would fit with any of the more severe sects of any religion that advocate renouncing “worldly things”
-The Godsmen believing that we are continually tested in our advancement to godhood can be seen as the parallel to the eastern beliefs of reincarnation to attain Nirvana. But, Zen Buddhism (at least my denomination) doesn’t stress the goal of future lives and the ability to “advance” to the next higher level. I think both Hindus and Buddhists would agree that if you are striving to be good in order to “advance” (as opposed to doing it to be good) then you are probably being too egotistical and actually working against your spiritual well-being
-As you pointed out, the (I’ll call it) exactness of Confucianism would mesh pretty well with the Harmonium and the Guvners

I’m pushing the rest of these analogies; but
-One could argue that the Bleakers push to find meaning within oneself instead of in an external source fits with the Buddhist de-emphasis on God and on self-reliance for salvation (the Buddha is a “saint” who found the way to Nirvana not a godly being – although many cultures effectively treat him as a godly figure calling upon him for divine intervention)
-One could view the Doomguard’s belief in the inevitability of entropy as the embrace of the impermanent (and subsequent unimportance) of all worldly things which meshes well with the austere sects of both eastern and western religions
-While not an expert on Hinduism, I believe the Sign of One was inspired (in part) by the concept of Maya and the waking dream of physical existence. But whereas I believe the goal in Hinduism is to see through this to the greater spiritual existence (parallels to Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave”); I always saw the Signers as embracing this walking dream and seeking to control it

Anyone else more knowledgeable have anything to add?

Jenx's picture
Joined: 2011-11-04
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

I don't believe I ever said that Dustmen philosophy and Buddhist beliefs are a perfect match for each other. I just said they are close to them. Also, they have quite a lot in common with classical Stoicism, where one of the important ways in achieving perfection (or in the case of the Dustmen - True Death) was to abolish all emotions within you.
As for Christianity...well, no, that's not really all there is to it, but a lot of modern Christianity is centered around that very image. But let's not make this into a thread about religion, because there is no way that will ever end well.

Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Unless you're living with your parents and getting a generous allowance, probably not. People who have to work for their meals and who have responsibilities simply can't afford to act like zombies. Besides, it's a sodding depressing way of life, and who wants to be depressed?

Except they work for their meals. They dispose of the dead in Sigil, and considering their headquarters are located in the Hive, you can imagine that they have quite a bit of work to do every day. You might also remember that there are zombies who work in the Mortuary, real ones too. Skeletons as well, for that matter. Being lively and being enthusiastic about your life and work are not, in fact, requirements to do your job right.

As for it being a depressing way of life - being depressed is against Dustmen philosophy too Sticking out tongue In fact, in the Factol's Manifesto it says that quite a few Dustmen namers actually just can't shake the feeling if depression and hopelessness and end up abandoning the faction to join with the Bleak Cabal, who, might I remind you, probably DO want to be depressed, since that, in a way, validates their point of view of the world.

I'm not saying you should like or even use the Dustmen as a faction, but what I'm saying is that you should not just dismiss all of it as juvenile.

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

I agree that we should tread lightly regarding comparing/misunderstandings of current popular religions. I have always respected the general civility of the contributers to this web site; and I do want to contribute to that general sense of goodwill; so if I came off as too preachy or too argumentative, I apologize

Back to the topic and especially the Dustmen. I guess it depends on how one handles them. It is very easy to give them the label of "goth teenager" and they still work as a faction (although it makes them less likely for a serious gamer to want to join them or care about them)
I always try to have one or two members of a faction that are the comical extremes (e.g. a cartoonishly greedy member of the Fated, a Eeyore-like member of the Bleakers) just because they are easy to remember and can provide some comedy to the game. But I do try to find some meaningful truth to the faction's core philosophy to provide motivations that actually carry some weight. Then if the PCs run a mission for them, the mission will actually have some importance to the world around them.

The faction I always have the hardest time integrating are the Signers. It's hard for me to think of ways that a group of people so self-absorbed as to think they are creating the universe are able to work together towards any meaningful goals. As a result, I do usually fall back on the comic portrayal of burnt-out hippies saying things like "Man, that was some trippy stuff I thought of to create the Abyss"

Tequila Sunrise's picture
Joined: 2006-11-17
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

@ Palomides: Glad my new faction rings a bell or two -- it should, considering I know a couple of Buddhists and recently researched its history for a paper. Smiling

@ Jenx: Fair enough. Skall handing out jobs to (some? all?) of his 'children' does create a practical appeal for potential recruits. But then, most factions provide job opportunities for their members, so I don't see that as a convincing explanation for how the Dustmen can survive.

It's not that being lively and friendly are required to dispose of the dead -- it's that cracking a smile or a frown once in a while is almost necessary for human interaction. Nobody outside of the faction would want to deal with people who idolize the undead. Essentially, the Dustmen must by necessity be their own isolated community -- in a way that factions whose members are willing to crack a smile are not -- and isolation is bad for both individuals and groups. I mean heck, how do you go about making baby Dustmen when sex is an expression of passion? At least of physical passion, if not emotional.

Anyway, yeah, the Bleakers also deserve to be called juvenile -- at least as they're presented in canon. But in their case -- as in the case of most factions -- they're not deserving of the juvenile label because of their philosophy. They're juvenile simply because Zeb Cook took many factions to a comical extreme, much like Palomides takes occasional NPCs to comical extremes. The Bleakers kinda remind me of countless anime angst-ridden teens: "My life is now meaningless! What shall I do without a sensai to tell me how to live, and what to pursue?! I just might have to kill myself...nevermind, I'll just whine about poor, poor meeeee!"

Anyway, this thread has made me realize that I really don't like such comical extremes being applied to entire factions. I think I'll take a note from Palomides, and reserve the comic relief for occasional zany NPCs!

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

Palomides wrote:
The faction I always have the hardest time integrating are the Signers. It's hard for me to think of ways that a group of people so self-absorbed as to think they are creating the universe are able to work together towards any meaningful goals.

The paternal Signer: I created you, therefore I have a responsibility to see to your happiness as best I can. Obviously I can't help everybody everywhere... yet. But perhaps some day I'll figure it out. In the meantime, these are the people most willing to help me toward my goal.

The artistic Signer: Isn't my universe awesome?!? Come on, let's make it even better! These guys? I work with them because they understand where I'm coming from.

The propagandistic Signer: The more people understand the basic principles of the philosophy, the easier it will be to make my unique status manifest to the Multiverse. Let's begin with "Everyone creates the universe they experience, not only through the medium of but indeed by the action of their own consciousness, which is eternally isolated from any other possible monad of identity..."

The skeptic Signer: Well, I'm not saying they're 100% right; but I am saying that you can't know anything beyond yourself, so it's the only faction that really sounds coherent to me. That's why I joined up. I don't know about me creating the Multiverse, but maybe.

The sociopathic Signer: People are tools for my manipulation. Other Signers commonly have goals that overlap mine; presumably I created them for that specific purpose. In the meantime, remember to smile and have your stories prepped.

Although the faction is designed around the supposition that PC Signers all think they are the ones doing the imagining, consider the possibility of a large group of namer Signers that harbor the secret suspicion that this is not in fact the case, and that instead they have glimpsed evidence that some other Signer is the One!

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

Also, for another hook to hang faction philosophies on, one suspicion I harbor is that the fifteen factions are actually based on... RPG play styles.

Signer: Fanfic writer; solo gamer. "I'm just making things up, so I can do what I want / tell a good story: and this is the protagonist's point of view."

Guvners: Rules lawyers. "And now that you've picked up my coin purse, you're one pound in to Medium encumbrance. Since you can't use that ability suite anymore, I attack..."

Harmonium: shiny-armored team players. "Let's go save some villagers from bandits!" Or, military RPers: "I order my squad into wedge formation. Remember, I gave the front rank shieldwall training and the next rank is armed with halberds..."

Xaositects: loonies. "Buck tha police, it's role-playing, so I can be completely random!"

Sensates: tourists. "Hey, this setting sounds cool! Anybody want to visit Shendilavri?"

Fated: looters. "What's the drop on one of those advanced to CR 10?"

Sinkers: griefers. "Hah hah, burn it all down!"

Bleakers: ...well, emo RPers. "My character is in the tavern. Darksun Blackswamp of Grimwald has been waiting. In the shadows. For hours."

Athar: don't know if there's a name for this one, but basically referring to some meta knowledge. "Look, I just can't wrap my head around my character worshiping something the book says eats my daily prayers to survive."

Not a perfect match, of course, but it does seem like most of them fit stereotypical play styles you hear about on RP boards.

Jenx's picture
Joined: 2011-11-04
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

Signers...well, while i find Solipsism to be rather pointless in real life, you do have to consider the fact that in the Outer Planes things are a bit different. The Center-of-All is, after all, one of the three most basic rules that are considered true in the Multiverse. By having enough people simply think or believe something, that thing happens, sometimes moving entire towns from one plane to another.

As such, the Signer philosophy is not entirely unreasonable. Plus, this is not how they started, originally. After all, the Factol's Manifesto says that their roots were as an organization promoting the concept of "positive over negative thinking", which tried to make people better their lives trough the power of their own minds, with the concept of the One that surely imagines everything in the Multiverse evolved within their philosophy with time.

Also, with all faction philosophies in Planescape there is something else to consider - The factions have a lot of members. Some more, some less. And because of the large amount of belief in these philosophies, a lot of them become true. They are self-affirming. (It's paradoxical, sure, but that's what the Unity-of-Rings states. everything goes in a circle).

Could mortals ascend to Godhood by virtue of their own power and experience before the Believers of the Source were around? Who knows! They can now, so that's a pointless argument. The Godsmen believe people can ascend, because they can. And people can ascend, because the Godsmen believe it.

@Tequila Sunrise - there is no need for "Dustmen babies". Aside from the Harmonium, none of the factions really force their philosophies down people's throats that much, and most people can chose a faction based on what feels right to them, instead of the one their parents are up to.

Also, trust me, people don't really just need to think something is true or is emotionally satisfying. (Nor do they need as much as you think they need to cntinue existing. Smiles, interaction and a stable job are nice, but hardly a necessity from a biological standpoint. People can survive on a lot less.) Maybe in this day and age, on our own planet - sure. But you can't even say that with certainty about people from so close back as 200 years ago, let alone 2000 years ago, and even less so for people who exist in a completely alien universe, who's principals are fundamentally different to our own.

This, I feel, is why I can stomach almost everything in Planescape - the very basis of the setting is that ""Cause > Effect" is not always the case. A lot of times, in fact, things just are. They exist because they are there. As such I am not ready to dismiss any of the faction philosophies as silly or juvenile.

Quickleaf's picture
Joined: 2012-02-03
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

Jem wrote:
Also, for another hook to hang faction philosophies on, one suspicion I harbor is that the fifteen factions are actually based on... RPG play styles.

Signer: Fanfic writer; solo gamer. "I'm just making things up, so I can do what I want / tell a good story: and this is the protagonist's point of view."

Guvners: Rules lawyers. "And now that you've picked up my coin purse, you're one pound in to Medium encumbrance. Since you can't use that ability suite anymore, I attack..."

Harmonium: shiny-armored team players. "Let's go save some villagers from bandits!" Or, military RPers: "I order my squad into wedge formation. Remember, I gave the front rank shieldwall training and the next rank is armed with halberds..."

Xaositects: loonies. "Buck tha police, it's role-playing, so I can be completely random!"

Sensates: tourists. "Hey, this setting sounds cool! Anybody want to visit Shendilavri?"

Fated: looters. "What's the drop on one of those advanced to CR 10?"

Sinkers: griefers. "Hah hah, burn it all down!"

Bleakers: ...well, emo RPers. "My character is in the tavern. Darksun Blackswamp of Grimwald has been waiting. In the shadows. For hours."

Athar: don't know if there's a name for this one, but basically referring to some meta knowledge. "Look, I just can't wrap my head around my character worshiping something the book says eats my daily prayers to survive."

Not a perfect match, of course, but it does seem like most of them fit stereotypical play styles you hear about on RP boards.

Haha, first time I've seen this. Love it!

Anarchists: instigators. "oh, look its a quest giver. Hmm he's got a nice keep here. He'll probably betray us later knowing our DM, so I backstab him and claim the keep!"

Ciphers: impatient players. "ok, I charge the otyugh--" "dude, I wasn't done with my turn yet!" "oh."

Dustmen: a subtype of emo gamers?

Godsmen: method actors. "citizens, hear me! Rise up, cast off your chains binding you to inequity, avarice, and delusion. Be luminous souls as the gods intended you!"

cromlich's picture
Joined: 2012-09-13
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

All factions were designed with something imperfect in them, I think they had to be, as far as I know all real world philosophies have their critics. To me Dustmen always seemed like gnostics, trying to find a way to break all attachments from the illusory world. Real Bleakers are like Sartre, they never act unhappy, those who cry are a minority.

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

Jenx wrote:
The Signer philosophy is not entirely unreasonable.

My problem isn't with the Signer philosophy per se (although it is a bit self-absorbed for my personal taste). I just have a tough time integrating them into game play.
By comparison, the factions of the Hardheads, Guvners and Mercykillers are all fairly easy (for me) to assign goals to include the PCs or for the PCs to oppose (e.g. Guvners seek a clue to a "rule" or "loophole" and set off on an expedition, the Mercykillers get a bit too zealous in their pursuit of "justice", etc.) Sensates are built for exploration. Anachirst are built for political intrigue.

But aside from the Indeps (who with my limited imagination only have missions that involve the keeping the other factions out of the Indeps lives), I have the most difficulty using the Signers to motivate some action. It seems that if they believe they create everything, then they should be isolating themselves to concentrate on their navel-staring.
Again this is probably more my limitation, but I just can't find much use for them.
Jem's list of types of Signers should help me to make a few unique (non-comical) Signer NPCs; but even going over the list, I can't think of too many goals they would have that would involve the PCs

Another problem with them (in my mind) is that while they all agree on the power of their minds to alter reality; they don't seem to have any shared vision of how to alter it. So it seems like they would be about as effective as 100 guys trying to paint their own murals on the same wall
The one adventure I had involving Signers that I thought was OK involved various Signers being brainwashed and forced to work in unison to create a new reality (one that favored the brainwasher)

I guess I could have a more light-hearted one where a mischevious Signer targets one PC for a string of "bad luck" and have a series of minor inconveniences and annoyances occur (solely to that one PC) encouraging the PCs to track down a number of false leads to find the cause of the "curse"
But other than those two ideas, I'm tapped out for adventures/goals involving the Signers

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

Have you read the (canonical) rumor that the faction is trying to demonstrate its power by concentrating their belief to reawaken one of the dead gods on the Astral? If they're even coming close to succeeding a lot of peculiar things might start happening.

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

True, I had forgotten that one. The one drawback to my mind is reviving a god would be huge final adventure and I like to get the PCs involved with/opposed to a faction on smaller scales prior to something big like this so that the event will have more impact.
I supposed there might be some preliminary steps the Signers will have to do prior to that. And I'm sure the Athar (and others) would be opposed so that could generate some conflict

But even with prelimiary steps, it seems hard to get the PCs involved. E.g. the Signers need a special herb to boost their mental powers for this feat. Other factions would set out to fetch it (wiith subsequent adventures). But what would prevent/discourage the Signers from just "thinking" a pile of the herb into existance in the headquarters? No need to have PCs/outsiders involved

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

...well, the fact that the universe has a lot of inertia when it comes to believing things in to existence. :^)

Serious solipsist theory generally supposes that the mind running the show has to operate according to certain rules -- possibly to make the game interesting, possibly because they are a causeless part of its nature. Creating things from thin air normally involves hefty magic; doing it with raw visualization is presumably something that only an incredibly advanced Signer can do. Even then, they'll likely be starting with simple things; magically potent or belief-reactive substances will be even trickier.

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

Is creating pile of herbs out of nothing more difficult than resurrecting a god? Seems like if they have a chance at the later, they would have to be able to do the former - but still I get your point

Jenx's picture
Joined: 2011-11-04
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

Actually, I know this is not much of a defense (which is good, because it's not supposed to be one), but the fact that the Sign of One is scattered and composed of just small sects and groups each pulling towards their own plans is part of the idea. Their faction has twisted it's original philosophy way too much. They have lost sight of where they started, and after the events of the Faction War they are one of the factions that simply breaks up, because they realized they no longer can even claim to be a unified faction, but a just a collection of cliques and gangs.

If you want to use the Signers in your game, maybe don't use them in the form they are presented during the time period of the published material, but push their philosophy back to their roots, with them striving to promote positive thinking and to make people use their minds to solve their own problems.

You can have all kinds of quest hooks for PCs that way, like the Signers requesting the help of people to go do a big positive act in some place to help the people there, or to stop some Gatetown from shifting.

Or the Signers have a project to imagine something into existence, like, let's say, make trees in Sigil (ala that one NPC in Planescape: Torment), and so they want the PCs to think about spreading trees, and want them to go around recruiting other people to do the same.

This makes it a lot easier to have Signer PCs too, who are not just self-centered assholes, but ones who want to help themselves and others become better trough the power of their minds.

cromlich's picture
Joined: 2012-09-13
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

Concerning the Signers, I've considered one adventure with the Scratcher, he discovered the observer effect from physics, and discovered a ''demiplane'' where everything was on the quantum level - that drove him barmy.

Tequila Sunrise's picture
Joined: 2006-11-17
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

@ Jem: Factions as player types, I love it!

@ Palomides: I see what you mean; the Signers are probably one of the more disorganized factions with a high turnover rate. If there weren't so many of them, the faction would probably be just a footnote in Sigil's history.

Anyway, a couple of Signer adventure ideas: One Signer clique wants their ringleader to fill a recently vacated position, and needs a few outside adventurers to demonstrate the power of the cutter's vision. (And possibly to create the vacated position to begin with!) If you read between the lines of the FM, you'll note that many Signer 'miracles' are probably the result of underhanded trickery. Hey, experienced Signers know that positive thinking doesn't take immediate effect -- there needs to be an initial event to begin the belief-snowball! Darius can't just get a bunch of Signers together to concentrate hard, and expect to raise a god -- first she needs some resourceful adventurers to create rumors of the god's cult resurfacing after centuries of dormancy, then to find the god's obscure prime world of origin, retrieve the unique herb that the god favored, and then go plant it on the god's corpse so that the smell can help focus his divine life force. And so on.

@ Jenx: I can respect your acceptance of anything in PS. I can stomach just about any philosophy in PS, as a short-lived movement such as the Ragers (MC2) or a small clique within a larger faction. But a philosophy has to have a certain amount of mass appeal for me to buy into its continued existence as a faction in the brutal idealogical world that is Sigil. (And the Dustmen aren't the only faction I've excised because I don't think they make the cut.)

Jenx's picture
Joined: 2011-11-04
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

I'd just like to add - at no point am I saying that the Dustmen should, or indeed, are a very large faction. Let's not forget that what separates a Faction from a Sect is recognition in Sigil and not much else. Keeping that in mind, I feel that the Dustmen, while few in numbers (due to their particularly philosophy and their disinterest in recruitment) do have a couple of things going for them that other factions do not, namely:
1. They perform an absolutely vital civic service. While policing the streets and handling criminals can be done via mob justice and, as Faction War points out, the taxes being collected don't actually DO anything, the Dusties have a very important job - making sure there's some place to live by getting rid of all of the dead.
and 2. Clarity of purpose. The philosophies of most factions are nowhere near what they originally began as, but the Dustmen keep their sunken eyes on the prize, and this is due to the unique position of having their factol be the same one who created the organization in the first place. This allows for very little change or mutation of philosophy over time, except for ones that Skall thinks would be good to occur.

Now, speaking of factions one can't quite grasp - I honestly have no clue what to do with the Mercykillers. They just...don't seem interesting. Ok, so they're all about "JUSTICE!", I get that..except that's not much of an idea to base a whole organization on, considering that most of them can't agree just what justice is, how it should be applied or even when it's correct to or not. Then again, they basically are just an artificial organization, combining two very different previous factions during the Great Upheaval, so I guess that makes some kind of sense.

Tequila Sunrise's picture
Joined: 2006-11-17
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

Yeah I agree about the Mercykillers, and in fact I almost axed them too. But I wanted to keep Sigil's lawful trinity intact, I couldn't think of a better faction to replace them, and I figured it'd be fun to someday end a PS campaign by giving the PCs the opportunity to replace the Red Death with a faction of their own creation. Smiling

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Which Factions Do You Relate To?

While not the most difficult in my eyes, the Mercykillers are somewhat tricky. Since the Harmonium usually get to play the role of cops; the Mercykillers are somewhat relegated to the more passive role of jailors.
But regarding the split purpose(s) of the faction, that usually works for me. It raises the questions of what is justice? Revenge? Making the offender suffer equally (an eye for an eye)? Forcing the offender make restitution (heal an eye for an eye)? Does restitution have to be applied to the victim or do general good deeds count? Does the offender have to experience empathy for justice to count? Is the goal of prison punishment or rehabilitation?

While these various approaches might make their big goals a little less cohesive, it makes me think of a lot of smaller adventures/conflicts both within and without the faction.
I came across an adventure online where a group of Mercykillers were using a spore from a group of mycanoids (sp? -mushroom-men) because it made people docile and easily jailed. It raised questions of whether imprisoning a near-comatose prisoner serves any value, questions of what kind of crimes (if any) justify striping someone of their will, and (since the Mercykillers were aggressively pursuing the mycanoids) what injustices to others are acceptable when pursuing justice against another?

Additionally, I find it fun to have one lone Mercykiller running about acting like the comic character of the Punisher

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