Where do Planescape fans live?

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Spiteful Crow's picture
Joined: 2007-10-10
Where do Planescape fans live?

I'm half expecting someone to say they're from New Mexico and are sick of people asking for their passport. :mrgreen:

Karno_Fevik's picture
Joined: 2008-03-02

Chester County to be more precise.

Wyrmwood's picture
Joined: 2005-11-22
Where do Planescape fans live?

Florida Keys here, no other PS fans that I've found. Sad


Is this where I'm supposed to write something clever?

Ramses135's picture
Joined: 2008-01-20
Where do Planescape fans live?

Hey, back to the thesis of many Czech Rep/Poland/Russia Planescape fans... I actually am from Czechia Laughing out loud

And yes, there's a great community. Many of my friends became interested in Planescape after PS: Torment. Sad thing is, that in my neighbourhood are only two others, which is not enough for a good game...

There are plenty of jokes about american education system, but let be honest, if someone put a map of USA before me and told me to find for example West Virginia, I'll be lost Smiling

Karno_Fevik's picture
Joined: 2008-03-02
Where do Planescape fans live?

'Ramses135' wrote:
There are plenty of jokes about american education system, but let be honest, if someone put a map of USA before me and told me to find for example West Virginia, I'll be lost Smiling

I could find the Czech Republic on a map, but that's only because the company I work for has an office in Prague.

Now could you find Naratyr on a map of Thanatos? That, I want to know. Smiling

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Where do Planescape fans live?

'Spiteful Crow' wrote:
I'm half expecting someone to say they're from New Mexico and are sick of people asking for their passport. :mrgreen:

I went to high school with a girl from Alaska. People kept asking her if she was an exchange student.


Pants of the North!

Narfi Ref's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Where do Planescape fans live?

'Clueless' wrote:

And - wait - there's 3 people (counting myself) from NC on here? Do you guys attend the ENworld NC GameDay at NCSU?

I haven't, and I didn't know that there was such a thing. Truthfully, I tend to be rather busy between work (especially on weekends) and family (2 month old son.) I'll look into it, 'though.

Augerric's picture
Joined: 2008-03-03
Where do Planescape fans live?

I'm from So Cal, but I'm going to school in Oregon. I cant find any other PS fans. But then it is Oregon.

Wexquif's picture
Joined: 2007-04-07
Where do Planescape fans live?

'Spiteful Crow' wrote:
'Azure' wrote:
As for misperceptions, most people I've met traveling (I've been to England, Scotland, Wales, Germany, France, and Israel, also Canada but that barely counts) don't really understand that all of New York isn't "The City" (yes, that's what we call NYC here, as if any other city is 'A' city, while NY is 'THE' city Puzzled )

Kind of like how the rest of the world seems to think that the state of Illinois consists entirely of the city of Chicago. When I tell people "I'm from Illinois." people respond with "Chicago?"

Yeah, normally when I say I'm from Chicago people say something like, "Oh, what town?"
I have only recently gotten past my instinct to just stare at them, like they're idiots.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Where do Planescape fans live?

I get asked about weed about half of time, based on where I'm from. I do enjoy the ganja, but I'm not selling any of it or carrying lots and lots of it. It's at least something that others now about my province. Though the times I've traveled a lot people assume I'm an Asian tourist or assume that I'm a Native once I've said I'm from Canada.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Where do Planescape fans live?

'Ordbyrht' wrote:
'Clueless' wrote:
Why exile?
Work and college keep me too busy, so I try to stay away from anything that might suck me in. Unfortunately that includes Planescape, I was researching an article about the primordial planes before and I had to put that and my own PS campaign on the back burner.

Awww Sad
Well - at least we'll be here waiting (with a toast in hand) when you get that piece of paper signifying a sizable part of your life's effort. Eye-wink

I only get the insanely stupid jokes about backwards / idiot Southerners aimed in my direction. They can at least point at us on the map - but mostly to make fun of us and ask where the moonshine and nascar racing is.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Where do Planescape fans live?

But... There's nothing more American than watching cars drive fast and turn left! Laughing out loud

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Where do Planescape fans live?

Bah! Eye-wink

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Where do Planescape fans live?

Yeah, we all have stereotypes we have to deal with. Everyone in the Northeast seems to think California is a magical paradise of eternal sunshine and then they show up in winter and wonder why it's so cold and rainy -- well actually, today was sunny and gorgeous, so I guess I shouldn't complain...

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Where do Planescape fans live?

I have to say though, the steriotype of the American who doesn't know where anything is does not apply to me. I love geography. Give me the right maps and I'll tell you where everything is.

And, Googe Earth rocks!

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Where do Planescape fans live?

I'm from Melbourne, Australia.

Heh, we have a great time with tourists mis-perceptions.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Pale Night's picture
Joined: 2008-01-02
Where do Planescape fans live?

quick mate, chuck me a fosters and throw another shrimp on the barbie! But hurry up, I've got a 'roo to catch in a few minutes!

Spiteful Crow's picture
Joined: 2007-10-10
Where do Planescape fans live?

'Duckluck' wrote:
Yeah, we all have stereotypes we have to deal with. Everyone in the Northeast seems to think California is a magical paradise of eternal sunshine and then they show up in winter and wonder why it's so cold and rainy -- well actually, today was sunny and gorgeous, so I guess I shouldn't complain...

Admittedly, even California's chilly, rainy winters seem like a desert wind compared to being buried in snow up north. Sticking out tongue

Ramses135's picture
Joined: 2008-01-20
Where do Planescape fans live?

'Azure' wrote:
I have to say though, the steriotype of the American who doesn't know where anything is does not apply to me. I love geography. Give me the right maps and I'll tell you where everything is.

And, Googe Earth rocks!

Fine. Find my town, Příbram Cool

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Where do Planescape fans live?

http://www.planetware.com/czech-republic/pribram-cz-st-pri.htm <-- ? That it?

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Where do Planescape fans live?

'Spiteful Crow' wrote:
Admittedly, even California's chilly, rainy winters seem like a desert wind compared to being buried in snow up north. Sticking out tongue

Well yeah, it is a lot warmer down here, but you'd be amazed how many people seem genuinely offended every time it rains. Also, most places along the coast will be cool and foggy most mornings until about mid-July. Tourists are always shocked by that one.

On, the other hand, a lot of Californians seem to have the odd notion that everywhere north of Oregon is uninhabitable tundra and we're always shocked that there are people who live in cold places and like it, so I guess I shouldn't really talk.

Ramses135's picture
Joined: 2008-01-20
Where do Planescape fans live?

Wow Smiling

Zsu-Et-Am's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Where do Planescape fans live?

Why do you think this chart must be broken? I'm actually from Poland, and though the FR is the most popular setting here, the Planescape is the really close second. What's surprising, we don't have too much fanarts on our Planescape-oriented websites (for instance: http://dnd.polter.pl/Planescape-a273 - official Polish D&D fansite - or http://sfery.org - unnoficial Polish PS fansite ). Lion's share of Polish Planescape communities originated thanks to PS:T cRPG - and I'm an exception from this general rule - which main spring is the fact that it was the sole polonized PS-product. Nevertheless, we're still around, lurking for most of the time, though constantly working on the popularization of this magnificent game setting Planescape is on our own ground.

Believe well!

amnezjusz's picture
Joined: 2006-02-24
Where do Planescape fans live?

Indeed Zsu-Et-Am. And yes, I'm also from Poland ( form city called Leszno:)).

Mindark's picture
Joined: 2008-03-06
Where do Planescape fans live?

Yay, I'm from Poland too! :mrgreen:

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Where do Planescape fans live?

Bah, those Polish dared to defy the pope I had installed to serve my interests and then invade my German allies. They must by dealt with harshly, and the first way I'll do that is by luring away their generals with my family's daughters. Once I've done that to as many as possible I shall crush them like the insects they are... After they sufficiently weaken themselves fighting the Empire that is. Rule Britannia! Except for the Scots! :x

Hm, on a related note, The Witcher came out of Poland, so maybe real modern Polish aren't as bad as fictional medieval Polish. Laughing out loud

Caramba's picture
Joined: 2008-03-06
Where do Planescape fans live?

Hello, I'm also from Poland!

Thx, Zsu za informacje.

Corrick's picture
Joined: 2008-03-06
Where do Planescape fans live?

"Caramba znany w Polsce jako $limaq" wrote:
Hello, I'm also from Poland!

Thx, Zsu za informacje.

Caramba +1.

Polish people really love Planescape! See that! Who know polish language, maybe can read it Eye-wink
I'm from Poland, too.

Cz&amp;#322;ek's picture
Joined: 2008-03-06
Polish answer! :-P

One more Polish... I didn't expect that statistics would be as much surprising but it's the truth... ^.^

Llewelyn_MT's picture
Joined: 2008-03-06
Where do Planescape fans live?

I just had to register when I saw this one. I'm from Poland, like many PS fans. I have even translated some Planewalker.com stuff (with permission of course).

Just like the guy from Czech Rep. said above, PS in Poland is popular because of the great classic cRPG, PS: Torment. The "dark" settings are in general very popular over here. WoD, Planewalker, Cthulhu, Ravenloft, all of this and more. I don't know why really, maybe we don't get as much sun as you guys from Hawaii, or California.

The funny thing is Planescape never had I Polish edition. There's a lot of quality private fansites though.

[hint] Playing Planescape? Learn Polish! [/hint]

Me? Truth to be told I prefer FRCS. Smiling

Just how slow can a forum get? I feel like I'm posting it to a site on Mars...

Varmus's picture
Joined: 2008-03-06
Where do Planescape fans live?

I'm from Poland, too! I'd write "Bogurodzica" in here, but I doubt you'd have required fonts. Laughing out loud EDIT: Well, you did, it's in my sig xD.

Well, after Zsu, I'm another exception from the "I'd fallen in love in Planescape when I played PS:T" rule. Never played Torment, but still I find The Planes incredible an wonderful, with their vast (im)possibilities and astounding climate.

Long live the Planes!

And we inhabit 90% of Sigil. Sticking out tongue

Seriously now, find me a place on this planet where there are no Poles. Winner gets a virtual cookie. Eye-wink

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Where do Planescape fans live?

Polish also seem to get bad connections to Planewalker. Laughing out loud

I wouldn't know if I met a Pole here. If I did they'd probably be a whole bunch of other things as well. It was funny watching the rerun of the Colbert Report (Or was it The Daily Show?) this morning and hearing him talk about race. He asked something like, "When will America be ready for an "other" president?" That is, referring to a president who was not "White" or "Black". The guest pointed out that Barack Obama is technically "Other" but has chosen to be black. I didn't know that he's actually from Hawaii.

For those Europeans/Asians/Australians/Australians/Oceanicans who have no idea what I'm talking about, Obama is a potential US Presidential candidate for the Democratic party, and The Colbert Report is a semi-satirical news/talk show. Often called a late night show for the fact that most shows of that type air late at night.

Varmus's picture
Joined: 2008-03-06
Where do Planescape fans live?

'Dire Lemon' wrote:
Polish also seem to get bad connections to Planewalker. Laughing out loud

I wouldn't know if I met a Pole here. If I did they'd probably be a whole bunch of other things as well. It was funny watching the rerun of the Colbert Report (Or was it The Daily Show?) this morning and hearing him talk about race. He asked something like, "When will America be ready for an "other" president?" That is, referring to a president who was not "White" or "Black". The guest pointed out that Barack Obama is technically "Other" but has chosen to be black. I didn't know that he's actually from Hawaii.

For those Europeans/Asians/Australians/Australians/Oceanicans who have no idea what I'm talking about, Obama is a potential US Presidential candidate for the Democratic party, and The Colbert Report is a semi-satirical news/talk show. Often called a late night show for the fact that most shows of that type air late at night.

About Obama, well, mister. What's surprising, we in Poland actually do know something about events taking place in other countries. Eye-wink

And about "not knowing a Pole here" thingy... Maybe we'll all write "Bogurodzica" in our sigs? First polish written text, hard to find something more polish...

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Where do Planescape fans live?

The "not knowing a Pole here" thing, I actually meant in Hawaii.

And since you're quite well informed, I'm sure you realize that there are people who aren't. Eye-wink

Varmus's picture
Joined: 2008-03-06
Where do Planescape fans live?

Irony, beautiful thing, isn't it? Laughing out loud

Llewelyn_MT's picture
Joined: 2008-03-06
Where do Planescape fans live?

'Dire Lemon' wrote:
For those Europeans/Asians/Australians/Australians/Oceanicans who have no idea what I'm talking about, Obama is a potential US Presidential candidate for the Democratic party, and The Colbert Report is a semi-satirical news/talk show. Often called a late night show for the fact that most shows of that type air late at night.
Just as my Polish colleague has stated above, we get more media coverage on the US elections, that are about to take place in half a year, that we can bear. Elect your president so that we can live normally once more!

BTW, Polish people (on average) tend to know a thing about the world in general.

If you'd like to get to know some Polish people my advice would be to:

  • start to learn Polish language (you'd need it for PS anyway)
  • write to your local Congressman to support lifting tourist visas for us (so I can come and see the Hawaii)
  • get your ass over here and visit the most twisted country in Europe

Zsu-Et-Am's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Where do Planescape fans live?

Pardon this OT.

Thanks to my brother in the California, I also watch (sometimes... Eye-wink) The Colbert Report. Dire - have you already seen the "End of an Era" episode? If not, please watch it now. Have fun!


Looks like there are more (sub)active PS fans from Poland than you have assumed Eye-wink.

Venomus's picture
Joined: 2008-03-06
Where do Planescape fans live?

Buahahaha! Be prepared for the Polish invasion! :mrgreen:

Poznań, the oldest city in Poland, speaking here...

Yeah, come to our country...one of a kind, really. Cool
Beware of the Zsu... God of the Polish side of Planes.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Where do Planescape fans live?

'Zsu-Et-Am' wrote:
Pardon this OT.

Thanks to my brother in the California, I also watch (sometimes... Eye-wink) The Colbert Report. Dire - have you already seen the "End of an Era" episode? If not, please watch it now. Have fun!


Looks like there are more (sub)active PS fans from Poland than you have assumed Eye-wink.

That video is wonderful. Laughing out loud

Archibald's picture
Joined: 2007-03-13
Where do Planescape fans live?

whow! Poland being a Planescape superpower is so unexpected! Maybe is it because of the famed slavic somber mood?

But people, don't complain about people not knowing there are other towns in Illinoï than Chicago, most people know, at best, the NAME of my place! (and I mean, country, not state, even though we have them as well)
Ah, dear Belgium, like the Astral, in the middle of it all, everybody goes through you at some point, yet no one ever gets to stop and have a look...

Archibald's picture
Joined: 2007-03-13
Where do Planescape fans live?

Oh, and BtW, even though I'm Belgian, I actually live in Denmark (Kobenhavn), is there any other in the case? (I mean, living in Copenhagen, not being Belgian and living there)

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Where do Planescape fans live?


Zsu-Et-Am's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Where do Planescape fans live?

Another OT on the way...

Archi - it's probably because... duh, your country is rather flat, isn't it? When someone goes through it, he rarely see anything but road and buildings. Almost no hills, plains in all directions, up to the horizon... Though I believe there aren't, at least in Poland, too many people who haven't heard the 't Smidje song... or leastwise, anyone remember about the Waterloo, and about role of your country (and it's capital city) in the EU, so it isn't all that bad, you know.

Thanks, Venomus, though I don't feel really "divine"... Rather "Great Old One" or something like that, nevertheless: blasphemously, non-Euclidean-and-all-mossy-alike Lovecraftian Eye-wink.

Venomus's picture
Joined: 2008-03-06
Where do Planescape fans live?

Zsu: well yeah, youre next to Great Cthulhu and Yog-Shogoth....you look quite the same Eye-wink If we are in the divine thing...I wanna be in the only-men-in-hot-female-pantheon. Thank you Laughing out loud

As for Planscape...well it's a damn shame it never been translated in Poland...oh, well, English is still common in the Lower Planes...

Aureus's picture
Joined: 2008-03-06
Where do Planescape fans live?

Azeli nie jest polska scena aktywwną i prężną niczym młodzieniec, który wyrasta na silnego mężczyznę? Hm... W zasadzie nie, ale może kiedyś...

Poland, Luboń - near to Poznań. Hello there and enjoy our (un)beautiful language - some dose above : )

Ramses135's picture
Joined: 2008-01-20
Where do Planescape fans live?

Polish is beautiful in the fact, that it's a Slavic language, so it can be learned quickly by Czech fans of planescape Smiling

But you COULD simplify the spelling as we did - "G" instead of "H" and all these "CZ", "RZ" etc instead of "Č" and "Ř", that's so confusing for me Laughing out loud Anyway, I tried to read the article in Polish, and I understand only about 30%-40%... Sad

To US elections - yeah, too much information already. Who cares here in Europe about choosing a candidate inside the parties? Just tell us about two major candidates, then tell us what the results of elections are Smiling

Grayson_Mournblade's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
Where do Planescape fans live?

Berlin, Germany, in Friedrichshain, to be precise, a tourist area of the city. Some days I wonder where those temporary planar portals are hidden, when the average creatures roaming the streets are tipsy tieflings or stoned giths again. But hey, I get inspiration for my dungeon mastering on such days so I don't mind (much). :twisted:

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Where do Planescape fans live?

'Archibald' wrote:
Oh, and BtW, even though I'm Belgian, I actually live in Denmark (Kobenhavn), is there any other in the case? (I mean, living in Copenhagen, not being Belgian and living there)
Der kan man se, endnu en Planescape fan i min by.

(What do you know, another Planescape fan in my city. Smiling )

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Where do Planescape fans live?

'Ramses135' wrote:
To US elections - yeah, too much information already. Who cares here in Europe about choosing a candidate inside the parties? Just tell us about two major candidates, then tell us what the results of elections are Smiling
Normally I would say you shouldn't care. But let's face it - whoever doesn't run under the Republican ticket this year has a *massive* advantage because of the current president's party. What you're seeing right now is probably *more* decisive than the election will be unless the Republican candidate does something unusual. The primaries are getting the coverage because chances are very very good that this effectively is the election. (And that is as far as I'll go into politics on the site.)

schpeelah's picture
Joined: 2007-01-13
Where do Planescape fans live?

Another one from Poland (Kielce)

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