Where can I find and get a detailed map of city of sigil?!!!

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michaelalas's picture
Joined: 2005-04-22
Where can I find and get a detailed map of city of sigil?!!!

hey building my own campaign world called star earth. Its cosmology is composed of the prime planet. riftspace and the planes.
has 3 city's. 1 planar city on the prime 1 planar like city in rift space and the 3rd city is Sigil.

the players will start in 1 of these 3 cities. making maps of the 1st 2 cities.

I need a good detailed map of sigil. the map of sigil in planar handbook is the crappiest city map I have ever seen. I dont want to have to draw out the map myself based on my playing experience of torment.

that would take to ff in long.

So please if there is anybody who can help please tell me where I can get a good map of sigil

thanks for your help

LegatoX's picture
Joined: 2005-01-30
Where can I find and get a detailed map of city of sigil?!!!

Why did you post this in two sections?


Why did you post this in THREE sections?!

Post in one section and wait for a damn response. Everyone here checks every section pretty much. What you did was spam the forum with three identical topics . . .

Ohtar Turinson's picture
Joined: 2004-06-01
Where can I find and get a detailed map of city of sigil?!!!

There isn't a detailed, accurate map of Sigil anywhere, at least to my knowledge. There are set landmarks, and general areas, but things change relatively quickly in the city, so trying to map it in detail is something of a waste of time.

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Where can I find and get a detailed map of city of sigil?!!!

The city is twenty miles long and five miles wide. The buildings shift, appear out of nowhere, disappear, and reappear as the DM wills it. The major buildings, the ones everyone believes in, are more stable than others but even they can drift across wards over the centuries.

You can't map it. Not really.

But see this page for a tiny, simplified beginning: http://mimir.net/psmush/maps.shtml

See this page for the map from the boxed set: http://fantasyland.info/planescape/sigil.jpg

Here's the map from Torment: http://www.cdaccess.com/gifs/screen/tormentmap.jpg

Here's a very detailed map, perhaps from In the Cage: http://www.shadowland.org/Planescape/maps.html

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