Where can I ask "generic" D&D questions?

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Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
Where can I ask "generic" D&D questions?

Is there a website (or area on THIS website) where you can ask D&D questions that don't relate specifically to Planescape? I had two such questions... 1) Is there a spell to Awaken animated objects, and if so in what book, and 2) Can a Stone to Flesh spell be used to create a living being, assuming you had a soul available to inhabit the body?

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Where can I ask "generic" D&D questions?

WOTC's website works, but this isn't covered in the rules, so you should houserule it yourself. I would say yes to both. Make an arcane version of awaken for animate objects. Combined with permanance or the craft construct feat, this should work. Like undead, limits would have to be set for the number of creatures controlled. For the second question, I would also say yes. (Stone to flesh, permanance, magic jar + craft construct.)

Calmar's picture
Joined: 2006-06-07
Where can I ask "generic" D&D questions?

Rocks >> Steaks >> Persons Eye-wink


"La la la, I'm a girl, I'm a pretty little girl!"

--Bel the Pit Fiend, Lord of the First (in a quiet hour of privacy)

Kay's picture
Joined: 2006-09-20
Where can I ask "generic" D&D questions?

You are the DM. You are the author. Be creative and it'll work.

Kalidor's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Where can I ask "generic" D&D questions?

'Kay' wrote:
You are the DM. You are the author. Be creative and it'll work.

I second that.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
As for a place to ask

As for a place to ask generic game questions - the RPG discussion boards here are intended for that. So you don't have to go to another forum to ask. Eye-wink You're already in the right spot.

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