What's the turnaround on "My Submissions"?

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Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
What's the turnaround on "My Submissions"?

I posted a couple of ideas back in February and was encouraged to submit them as articles. I tossed them into "My Development," submitted them so they showed up in "My Submissions," and they've since been "In-Edit" for the last couple of months.

None of them are big complex ideas, just some quick color and some adventure seeds. Have I missed some intermediate step to send them somewhere for review, or is there just a lag time to wait through? I'd be happy to make revisions if any are needed, or a good suggestion comes in. I'm in no rush, I just have no clue what the standard process is for these things. (They're my first real submissions; I sent one in earlier but it wasn't a planescape sort of thing and I withdrew it.)

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
What's the turnaround on "My Submissions"?

There's a bit of a lag time as right now it's sorta just me turning over the stacks. Thank you for reminding me to go poking through those again. There's a sizable backlog from even earlier too so I'm gonna see if I can get some of those set up to post tomorrow. So you know - when they're passed through you'll get an email telling you when to keep an eye out. Smiling

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