What's inside the Spire....

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Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
What's inside the Spire....

"Yeah I heard this one fella recently, we had him in a cell few blocks back. One of the padded ones; bugger still managed to bash his own brains out. Kept on rattling bout what he had seen... Well yeah I know most of em do but this guy. Hells there was something about this guy. You just don't get ones that rattle their bone cages about the spire much; well not as much as about other things.
...I dunno, cutter, it might just be that Pandemonium is more senic. Anyway, it just seems that not many of the barmies are rattling on about the spire is alls I'm saying.
Anyweh. Where was I? Oh thanks for the drink. mmm Well this berk said he had been INSIDE the spire. In it! He didn't say much, just that it was hollow and filled with words. He kept screaming about the cold burning words and how we weren't really existing or some such. ...I dunno! Berk that's why we call em barking barmies an put em in padded rooms! They don't make sense now do they?"

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
What's inside the Spire....

The Words used in Creation?

Is the Spire the ultimate form of storage for the most significant and reality altering powers in the multiverse? If that's so, then who put them there and who first uttered them?

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
What's inside the Spire....

"Fell" wrote:
The Words used in Creation?

Is the Spire the ultimate form of storage for the most significant and reality altering powers in the multiverse? If that's so, then who put them there and who first uttered them?

Who knows? It might be like the DNA of the multiverse or the outer planes. The core which is only viewed from the outside. Who knows?

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
What's inside the Spire....

"Fell" wrote:
The Words used in Creation?
Given the "how we weren't really existing" part, I was thinking he meant the PSCS Boxed Set... but that's a good idea too.

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
What's inside the Spire....

"Eco-Mono" wrote:
"Fell" wrote:
The Words used in Creation?
Given the "how we weren't really existing" part, I was thinking he meant the PSCS Boxed Set... but that's a good idea too.
Yes, I'd guessed that.

But tangents can be fun. And they can teach us more sometimes, than established fact.

LegatoX's picture
Joined: 2005-01-30
What's inside the Spire....

A Chaositech told me it was filled with candy.

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
What's inside the Spire....

"LegatoX" wrote:
A Chaositech told me it was filled with candy.
Curse you. Now I have this hideous image of a Hecatonchires keg party trying to use the Spire as a pinata.

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