What's a good introductory PS adventure for new players?

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Darvon's picture
Joined: 2006-10-09
What's a good introductory PS adventure for new players?

First a quick intro: I've been playing DMing D&D campaigns for many years now, mostly in the FR campaign setting. I got interested in Planescape years ago, like many people, after playing PS:Torment.

Well I finnally got around to doing something about it and managed to get hold of a brand new(!!) PS:Campaign Setting Box Set on ebay and I'm going to start a new campaign for my players this week or next. I'm well versed in the lore of the setting, however my players know little to nothing about it.

So, to cut to the chase, I wanted to know what a good adventure might be for them to cut their teeth on and introduce the setting to them. I was thinking making them roll new mid level prime characters, then sending them off to Sigil so their characters will be as clueless as they are sure to be, but I'm open to all suggestions.

Thanks Smiling

Darvon's picture
Joined: 2006-10-09
What's a good introductory PS adventure for new players?

2601 PSM1 The Eternal Boundary and 2604 The Well of the Worlds look promising...

Tarion'sCousin's picture
Joined: 2006-10-13
What's a good introductory PS adventure for new players?

I've never run a PS module, so I can't recommend any.

However, you could look here for more info about the published stuff:

nasrat's picture
Joined: 2004-11-11
What's a good introductory PS adventure for new players?

I love To Baator and Back from Well of Worlds as an introductory adventure. I setup Arklemens to be "very" greatful to the PCs and trying to help them out. Having a caring Baatezu who is trying to go up the ranks.

The Eternal Boundary is good for odd goings on, plus you can use the Green Marvent/Shadowknave/Illuminated in other adventures as adverseries (eg Recruiters from Well of Worlds).

Doors to the Unknown can work well with the Society of Locked Doors making primes feel prejudiced about and targetted.

Darvon's picture
Joined: 2006-10-09
What's a good introductory PS adventure for new players?

Thanks Smiling

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
What's a good introductory PS adventure for new players?

Have you started you PS campaign yet? How's it going?

If not, have you considered this adventure, currently being knocked around right here on planewalker. We'd really appreciate a playtest


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