What is your favorite race?

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Korimyr the Rat's picture
Joined: 2005-03-01
What is your favorite race?

There's just so many...

On the mainly Planar end of things, the planetouched... they're a little less, and a little more, than pure humans, and that makes all the difference.

The Gith. I have no preference for Zerth or Yanki, because it's the duality that makes them fascinating. Societies of unwavering discipline, but nonnegotiable freedom. Absolute loyalty and absolute independence. Law and Chaos. Love and hatred... and so much of their culture revolves around opposing my favorite villains.

Thri-Kreen. Such a deliciously alien mindset.

Dromites-- so physically alien, but so mentally like us... and in my opinion, best used in concert with Kreen.

Kobolds. So small, so unimposing, so laughable... but beyond their scrawny bodies and their cowardly natures, the blood of dragons flows through their veins, and on the rare occassions it comes out...

Ith-Kon, from Dragonstar Galactic Races. Like the Jaffa to the Goa'uld, these warriors serve the Illithids.

Hobgoblins... the only real goblins. Such a perfect foil to the insane, rampaging Orcs. In a way, they're like the Githyanki of the Prime... and they can actually sneak up on you in full platemail.

I'd better stop now, or I'll be at this all night.

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
What is your favorite race?

I am actually after my convention experience kind of fond of Modrons at least as the Rouge Version as an NPC in the party. I also really liked the Bariaur and Shad as they seem to work pretty easily into the campaign.

Agamemnon's picture
Joined: 2004-11-17
What is your favorite race?

Beyond the shadow of a doubt, Tieflings!

Most memorable character: a half-orc with high charisma and comeliness!

Too pretty for the orcs and still too ugly for the humans but as suave as a used car salesman!

Iydkmigthtky's picture
Joined: 2005-04-20
What is your favorite race?


Thanatos Syl's picture
Joined: 2005-08-01
What is your favorite race?

Tieflings because well, frankly I enjoy playing evil characters and what's better than something that has a trickle of fiendish blood in its veins & you might be a bit more acceptable in most of the places that my group usually explored.

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