Depends if I read Planewalker and the PS cannon or not . Then I'd find something big and pointy. After that, I'd find out where I could learn to learn to be a wizard.
What would you do...
Honestly? assuming i knew what was going on, I'd make a beeline for the harmonium and sign up as something other than a grunt. I'm just a commoner, man. I need protection, and a place to get me some class levels. Militant organization hellbent to saving the world from itself should do the trick.
After that, I use the close ties between the Harmonium and the Fraternity of order to learn some reality bendy magic from the guvners.
My plan is PURE GOLD.

Actually, I like this idea too.
BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!
Oh, an optomized specialist wizard. I'd also make a smappy remark about how I wanna play Halo.
In addition to "find someone who can train me in the arcane arts," I would also spend at least a few days exploring the various temples/churches in Sigil to see if I feel any sort of religious calling. (Not to mention that spending a few days doing this would be pretty interesting all by itself.)
BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!
Well, since according to your scenario I was headed to the bathroom anyway, I'd probably go ahead and do that - most likely involuntarily.
Afterwards, if I find that I am able to speak and understand planar common, I'd try to buy the dark on how to get back to Earth. Otherwise, I'd get a dabus to translate. The jink is simple enough to get, considering how many secrets I know from reading the 2e books. "Yeah, basher, I can spill the dark on Tenebrous... but you'll have to do something for me." If I find that there is no going back, I'll sign up with the ciphers, get some experience under my belt, and then make my way to Arborea.
I'll admit to wanting to see if there's a Portal Jammer in town. If there is - heck - I'm Factol of the Signers then.
Oddly enough, I've thought of this before. But kinda imagined this as another step in a long line of mishaps starting with me landing in the demiplane of dread.
I'd go join the converts and/or the sensates and try to see as much as possible.
Oh, and learn arcane magic. :mrgreen:
Heehee, some good answers here. One that a few people mentioned I thought of too, and that was learning magic. Assuming I had the "gift".
Oh, and about my personal alignment, I think I would be quite comfortable in Elysium, as I consider myself fairly Neutral Good. I mean, being able to cross an infinite plane in a matter of hours just by being nice to people along the way? I'm there.
I'd get myself to the Great Gymnasium. Sign up as a Cipher and learn some Sigilian kung fu. After that it's up to the Cadence what I do.
Pants of the North!
I'd bring break dancing to the planes. I mean anyone who can pop, lock and boogaloo to bleaknik verse is destined for great things in the Cage!
I wouldn't even look back .. Earth - eh, it was nice, but how I've got an entire multiverse to play in. First thing, though, is to make my way to the Sensates and join up - spend some time training my instrumental skills and play the part of the bard. Being a history major, I could probably make enough jink to pay my way by telling stories.
Then I'd probably get someone to polymorph me to look the way I always wanted - should be easy enough to convince some Sensate magic user that I want to try a new look out, just for the experience ... get a discount at least.
For a few years I'd stay in the Cage, unless I got the opportunity to travel to one of the more pleasurable and less hostile planes ... otherwise I'd learn everything I could speaking to the other faction members and eventually hook up with a low level party, with the promise of immortalizing them in verse.
I'd make D&D related coments about stuff just because I could. (Ooh, you failed your saving throw against my mightly color spray!)
Panic, most likely.
Oh yes, there would definately be some panicing. I mean, Sigil isn't the safest place for commoners (or maybe experts or aristrocrats for some of you) like us.
But think of all the darks you know of the place. You could make some serious jink in information alone

Or some serious enemies.
Well, that's where you'll have to be careful
...I'm starting to get the feeling I might just end up in the dead-book.

As a Clueless (with 0 class levels!), I think I'd have a fair chance of running afoul of one of Sigil's many knights of the post before getting settled. The visitors to this site do have the advantage of knowing a lot more about Sigil than the average Prime Material resident, though.
BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!
Me. I'd go find me a decent weapon. Probably a sword but I'd settle for a dagger. Then, I'd join up with an adventuring party and really experience the planes first hand. Then I'd have to remove most of clothing only wearing armor life spiked shoulder pads or something. Then get a dozer piercings, tattoos and get that planewalker look going on. Then after I'd seen my share of the planes, which would take a really long time. I'd go find me a nice empty patch o' limbo and shape into a place I could call kip.
Then die and do it all over again!
Then after a few dozen lifetimes of that I'd help the sinkers bring an end to everything. Just because I care.
First, I'd be DELIGHTED to know I was in a cosmology where people are definitely rewarded or punished in the afterlife BASED ON THEIR ALIGNMENT, NOT what deity they did or didn't serve! Now, maybe I'd still wind up someplace unpleasant, but at least I'd have the consolation of knowing for sure that I DESERVED to be there!!! (end of rant...) As for what I'd do while living, I'd definitely have to give that some thought... I'd probaby become a wizard since I'm fairly weak and wouldn't make a good fighter or rogue (cleric maybe; there are a lot of genuinely admirable Powers in Planescape, maybe one from Elysium...) I'd probably join the Indeps.
good question:
I would probably follow one of two paths, depending on my mood, and how patient I felt:
#1) not too patient - first I would try and will myself back to earth.. after failing miserably at this, I would probably join the Gymnasium (but not the Ciphers) to hone my butt-kicking skills. Then I would go pick on weak-looking sods and harlots on the streets - bully them out of their jink, killing only when absolutely necessary. then I would blow all of the jink at the sensoriums... and start all over again..
#2) the patient route - I would go make out with a succubus, and have my soul damned to the abyss. There, I would respawn amongst the lowest of the Tan'aari, and over the centuries, work my way up to Incubus status, return to Sigil, repress my damning powers, and go seduce/make out with a lot of Sigilian chits (my personal favorites are aasimar, but I certainly do not discriminate).
OOg, what have I done to Trias? :shock:
And if you're going to go through that, you might as well have stayed on earth.
Except on earth you eventually die. :mrgreen: Yay!
Um... BTW, it's spelled Tanar'ri. [url]/encyclopedia/node/]
LOL!!! Oh my goodness, I just realized that both #1 and #2 pertain to Samael in some way or another... that is hilarious!
Given that, even assuming the planes are kind and English is indeed planar common, anyone travelling from modern earth to Sigil, unless they regularly wear valuable jewelry, is going to arrive completely penniless the amount of freedom of action one would have in the city is rather limited. Sigil is a very, very, bad place to be poor and homeless, especially when you have no real skills that can be applied directly to a world still in the medieval-renaissance technology stage.
Therefore the essential thing to do upon arriving in Sigil is find some way to either A. get to an Upper Plane where nice people will be able to help you out or B. desperately try the factions in order to leverage some piece of 20th century knowledge/training into something that will persuade them to feed you and give you some plac to sleep. Personally that probably means trying to remember as much chemistry as I possibly can. the alternative is likely getting knifed in the Hive or Lower Ward.
Naturally, it depends in which ward you arive. If you pop into the Hive ... well, good luck making it anywhere safe ... you have best hope you're very clever, because that's likely the only thing to save you long enough to establish yourself as anything but lunch.
I guess it would depend on which side of the mortuary slab you wake up on. I could also see me getting along fine with the xaositects.
If the portal's two-way, I'm going back to my house and take my stuff to the Great Bazaar to hawk; I'm sure I'd get good jink for some of my stuff! Heck, I could probaby make a FORTUNE importing such goodies as handheld electronic games (and the batteries!), maybe some TVs and DVD players (no actual TV reception, of course, but they could watch movies using the player!) Nah, maybe not; I wouldn't want to corrupt the poor sods with the Earth consumer mentality...
The standard laws of physics don't necessarily work in D&D settings. For example, gunpowder works in some settings, but not in others. This means that modern electronics might not work, even in the presence of an appropriate power source.
BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!
Speaking of two way portals... if you go back to Earth and rewrite some Planescape canon (getting enough people to accept and thus believe in those changes) and then go back, will those changes have taken place?
I see instant factolship in the Signers. :mrgreen:
Yeah, Spiteful Crow, that's defin..ite..l.. what was I saying? Your avatar... it's so... distracting------------ I just wanna shake my head along... (<_< ).......( >_>).......(<_< ).......( >_>)
I bet that's some good coffee...
BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!
Me? Well first of all, I'd probably pee my pants. Then spend a few days running in terror from Sigils various citizens. If I managed to live, I'd either try and get a job, maybe work in a shop or something. OR find the first portal to Elysium. I mean, is being entrapped in Elysium really all that bad?
First thing I'd say the moment I stepped through the portal and saw where I was.... "About sodding time!"
Since I was originally headed to the bathroom I'd finish my search at a nearby tavern or public outhouse then head to the Gymnasium to sign up with the Transcendent Order. After kipping up for the night I'd hit the Gym's job boards or look at postings in the Great Bazaar for seamstress/waitress openings so I can make some jink.
After about the first week I'd be taking classes on Diplomacy and Mediation at my faction base. I'd also begin learning as many languages as possible starting with Celestial or Abyssal just in case my first job searches don't land; at the very least I could be a translator.
Once I made up enough money I'd hire a wizard or psionist to scry for my partner on Earth/Terra and bring him there.
I've got it all figured out! 0.0
Seriously though I love my life here but walking the planes would be great.
And my career life there wouldn't be much of a change to my life here. I'm mostly focused on Storytelling, crafting and digital illustrations; I wouldn't lose anything as a bard but I would for the Internet/computer and would definitely give it up in less than a heartbeat for a chance to walk the planes.
2Ed/Ad&D Planewalker - Signer & Cipher Friend. Xaositect Artist. Hugger of Bleakers.
I'd search the 1st temple of Sharess or Sune and I'd join the ranks and then I'd move to Brightwaters on Arborea.
Being a cleric is cool: you can heal, you aren't worried about food, water, cold, lies and illness. You can create stuff and become even an artist.
A happy life indeed. And if you worship Sune you'll proably find a lot of beautiful girls.
If I had to be a cleric, I'd worship Zagy. Magic, humor, innovation, and insanity. That's an awesome portfolio.
I probably wouldn't even notice at first. I live in downtown San Francisco and sometimes I suspect I actually did pass into Sigil but then I see a Starbucks and I know The Lady wouldn't stand for that.
Also, I'd assume that I was completely clueless about what Sigil and the planes were really like. Because, how accurate can game books that were written by some hippy from a back-water prime world be?
(and lol @ San Fran comment; wish my city was that varied)
In the case of 'Sigil' turning out to be nothing like it is in the books then I'd probably be a bit more cautious but still try to pass myself off as a regular cager by trying [hopefully] to not look surprised with everything. At the very least I'd head for the nearest friendly temple. Any alignment would do provided they don't try to have me sign any contracts.
And still, even if the heavens and hells were completely different it'd be a nice change from a boring little prime world.
2Ed/Ad&D Planewalker - Signer & Cipher Friend. Xaositect Artist. Hugger of Bleakers.
Assuming things are at least close to PS canon I would make contact with a temple preferably of Moradin, St. Cuthbert or Heironeous. Though Hextor would do in a pinch. Because even if English isn't Common they can cast Tongues until I learn the language. (And if my suspicions about Earth in a PS context are right it's languages are probably all debased variations of Fiendish tongues) I would offer my services in both crafting and information (though what info I'd be careful with), trying to get training as a wizard as rapidly as possible.
If I couldn't find a temple to one of those gods I'd go looking for a celestial, preferably a Guardinal. I mean I KNOW I'm not Good, not with the sort of things I've done. But that doesn't mean I couldn't be with some guidance.
Depends on your alignment.
BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!