At what point are the PCs exceptional?

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Tim4488's picture
Joined: 2010-01-19
At what point are the PCs exceptional?

One of the themes of Planescape, of course, is that there is ALWAYS a bigger fish. Between all the demon princes and archdevils and Powers and Not-Quite-Powers running around, sometimes it's hard to remember that mortal adventurers can do anything at all. But every setting, it seems to me, has a point at which the PCs graduate from run-of-the-mill adventurer to something that people recognize as above average. In Eberron, it might be 6th-8th level, in some especially gritty games maybe even 5th level is impressive.

I want there to be a point in Planescape where the PCs are recognized, maybe not as historically terribly important (given the nature of "history"), but as significant figures of personal power in their time. Obviously, it is not a strict correlation with level, but rather something that will come from their exploits, but it's hard to gauge what's an impressive accomplishment in terms of Planescape. Do people recognize your name after you've been to Hell once and survived? What about if you defeated a cornugon? A pit fiend? What does it take to gain some level of fame or notoriety, and what is considered relatively standard for adventurers?

My hunch is that the kind of adventures PCs can succeed in around 15th-16th level are the kinds of things that can impress even Planescape residents, because while this shouldn't be strictly tied to level, well, you can do bigger and better things at higher levels. Does that sound roughly right, or can PCs stand out before then (even besides those occasional truly phenomenal stories)? Or is it the case that the PCs will never be recognized as exceptional outside of their personal circles, because the Great Wheel is just too big? Thoughts?

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: At what point are the PCs exceptional?

I'd go with the planes just being too big of a place for the PCs to have much of an impact outside of their personal circle. Too many people, too large of an area, and planar cynicism seems to be a power unto itself. Even if the PCs manage to accomplish some amazing feats, the kind of reaction it's likely to generate is "Yeah yeah, I know twelve other berks who did pretty much what you did. You're amazing, just like them and every other basher who's done it."

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: At what point are the PCs exceptional?

I would localize this exceptionalism. There are plenty of people who are adventuring across the planes, but the majority (heh, I know, fractions of infinity!) are likely doing nothing more than hanging out in a single area or traveling shorter distances.

Lawful travelers who have been to Limbo/Pandemonium and returned unscathed in mind/body should have some cred among other lawfuls, vice-versa for Xaos. Now this should be a protracted amount of time, same with Good/Evil as well as Outer/Inner.

I also suspect, as loathe as planars are to admit it, that the variation of crystal spheres makes certain prime adventurers garner a reputation. Athas pushed back a githyanki invasion, various gods were born in the Prime, etc.

People who've seen the Lady of Pain would likely have a bit of fame for a time.

People exposed to the Far Realms or Vestiges, which I suspect on the overall order of things is rare. People capable of psionics might have a bit of a rep in some areas.

Other celebrities (like your PCs) are also likely to come about for things other than adventuring:

Mathematicians -> I had one propose the Fractal Heresy where all chaos is complex order so everyone on Mechanus can do whatever they want.

Journalists who've, say, interviewed demon princes, daemons, and researched demodands. You know, like my own B. Agnus. Eye-wink

Artists (especially if a big name buys your stuff or is rumored/known to be your patron), martyrs, witnesses to other great planar events. People who've had planar lords as lovers.


Health Resources: Register family with 911 services, so providers will have info prior to emergency/disaster. Also mental health info & hotlines, articles, treatment assistance options, prescription assistance, special needs registries, legal aid, and more!

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: At what point are the PCs exceptional?

Run-of-the-mill stock townsfolk NPCs tend to range from level 1 to 5 IIRC, so I would go with that. In very rare instances, you can find a town NPC at level 7. This depends somewhat on the setting, of course, but in 3x at least, that is the rule; IIRC they don't go above level 7, and even those people are considered exceptional.
Therefore, I would say level 6 is when they become exceptional.

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