What is the Macrocosm?

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MakThuumNgatha's picture
Joined: 2006-11-12
What is the Macrocosm?

I have heard the plane known as the "Macrocosm" mentioned. All I know of it is that it exists outside of the conventional boundaries of the multiverse, is home to the chososion, and since the chososion are only seen in the Inner Planes the Macrocosm is likely most easily accessed from there. The name "Macrocosm" suggests the possibility that the Macrocosm could be a "larger" representation of the conventional multiverse. Since "larger" means nothing in regard to that which is infinite, [insert several intuitive leaps] it seems possible that given its relation to the Inner Planes, which are the building blocks of the larger multiverse, that the "Macrocosm" could be a "representation" that the rest of the multiverse was based off of; though what this entails is unknown.

Anyone else have any ideas or further knowledge of the Macrocosm?

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
What is the Macrocosm?

My theory was that the Macrocosm was where the Ethereal Plane touches the Far Realms, which the Far Realms are 'the outside' of the Multiverse and are a collection of planes rather than a single plane.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
What is the Macrocosm?

The Macrocosm is much the same idea as the Ordial Plane - a plane outside the traditional cosmology, connected vaguely via the Inner Planes. I would assume they were one and the same.

MakThuumNgatha's picture
Joined: 2006-11-12
What is the Macrocosm?

Rip, while the Macrocosm shares the traits you mentioned with the Ordial plane; I do not believe they can be considered one and the same. If that were the case, the planes inhabitants would encountered as frequently in the Outer Planes as in the Inner Planes. Also, the meaning of the term Macrocosm essentially precludes it being a transitive plane.

Kobold, I agree with you that the Far Realms are multiple planes (though their sheer incomprehensibility to mortal minds prevents one from knowing where one starts and another begins) that exist outside of the multiverse. I don't entirely accept your theory, in so far as it involves a connection between the Ethereal and the Far Realms (which would mean that the Far Realms are not truly outside of the multiverse); but the idea of the Macrocosm being a contact point with the Far Realms does seem feasible. Since the only known denizen of the Macrocosm is seen in the Inner Planes, it seems quite possible that the Macrocosm is a realm that loosely connects the Far Realms with the Inner Planes.

It is well known that the Far Realms exist outside of time and precede the existence of this multiverse. If it is granted, for the sake of discussion, that the Inner Planes are the oldest component of this multiverse and make up the building blocks of the rest of it; it is possible that it was the Macrocosm that first “split off” (does not even begin to address the truth of the situation but it will suffice for now) from the rest of the Far Realms and lead to the formation of the Inner Planes.

Of course, this is just one theory and I would like to hear others.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
What is the Macrocosm?

'MakThuumNgatha' wrote:
If that were the case, the planes inhabitants would encountered as frequently in the Outer Planes as in the Inner Planes.

That's a fair point, but the only known inhabitant of the Macrocosm is the chososion. Is it not possible that there is some essential nutrient, for example, that the chososion feeds on that is found on the Inner Planar side that is not found on the Outer Planar side?

I would argue that this is very possible. Many creatures inhabit one ecological niche and avoid others. Surely the Inner Planar side of the Ordial Plane would be very different from the Outer Planar end, particularly for a creature that can exist in two planes at once.

If the Outer Planes and the Inner Planes were identical, it would indeed be logical to assume that a given creature would favor them both equally. Because they are very different, we cannot assume this.

Also, the meaning of the term Macrocosm essentially precludes it being a transitive plane.

"Macrocosm" is only a word presented in-character by "Vivian," who was not in any position to know how appropriate it is. Vivian has never been to the Macrocosm, nor has Vivian (so far as we know) performed any meaningful experiments. In fact, Vivian resides in Sigil's Gatehouse with the barmies (which lends some support to Jason's Far Realm hypothesis).

All Vivian knows is that chososions apparently exist partially on an unknown plane. We can infer nothing from the name Vivian chose for this hypothetical plane. "Ordial" works just as well.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
What is the Macrocosm?

Another possibility is that the chososion we're familiar with only looks like that if seen from the Inner Planes. From the Macrocosm, it might look entirely different. If the Macrocosm also touches the Outer Planes, it's possible that chososions exist in the Outer Planes as well - but they're completely unrecognizable from that perspective. They might even be some creature we think we know and understand, like the incarnate or the dabus.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
What is the Macrocosm?

'MakThuumNgatha' wrote:
I don't entirely accept your theory, in so far as it involves a connection between the Ethereal and the Far Realms (which would mean that the Far Realms are not truly outside of the multiverse)

Ether gaps.


Pants of the North!

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
What is the Macrocosm?

Touche, Bob.

I just want to add my two cents to the conversation. Although I know nothing outside of what has been said about the Macrocosm (if it was mentioned in any 2e or 3e works, I either did not read it or don't remember) but I can say this about the Far Realm: People underestimate it. They think it's just another infinite plane, albeit a really weird one.

To me, it seems that the Far Realm is another level of infinity. For all we know, the known multiverse is like a single molecule in the entire universe that is the Far Realm. It seems so strange because any order that it might possess is not comparable to the order of the particular multiverse we are all familiar with. So, there's no point in thinking that it only touches the Outer Planes because it is outside of the multiverse. Rather, it is everything but the multiverse. You have to think four dimensionally (am I sounding like Doc Brown yet?).

Yeah, okay. That's my rant. I'll shut up now.

MakThuumNgatha's picture
Joined: 2006-11-12
What is the Macrocosm?

Iavas, I entirely agree with you about the Far Realm, and I'm not sure who said that the Far Realm only touches the Outer Planes.

I imagine an ether gap to be a breach in the integrity of the multiverse that leads outside of the multiverse (thus into the Far Realm); it is not actually a point where the Far Realm and the ethereal plane touch. Granted the energies of the Far Realm would impact the Ethereal Plane in the areas around the gap, but that would no constitute a plane.

Vaevictis Asmadi's picture
Joined: 2006-05-31
What is the Macrocosm?

So now I have to ask: what is an Ether gap? Sticking out tongue

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
What is the Macrocosm?

Ah, I must have misunderstood your intent, Mak.

An ether gap can best be described is a black hole in the Ethereal Plane that sucks stuff in and collects an ever densening ring of ether matter around it. One famous gap also produces some weird thing around it, many of which resemble reports of the Far Realm.

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