What if

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Johnathan Void's picture
Joined: 2004-05-15
What if

What if an enchanter dominated something, sent it through a portal to sigil, with the instructions to start worshipping the Lady of Pain like there was no tomorrow.

Would that be a good way to get rid of an enemy you don't want to ever be raised and come back. I suppose the enchanter would never be able to go back to Sigil again.

Or maybe the Lady would break the enchantment, knowing full well that the person didn't really want worship her?


Baernoloth's picture
Joined: 2004-05-24
What if

It would probably depend on how long the enchantment lasts.... The Lady probably doesn't waste her time with the errant misplaced words of worship, but someone that devotes their entire life to her will certainly get the mazes, or her shadow. *creepy*

She is known to be relatively remorseless, and killed the worshippers in Bloodgem park (followers of Trolan the Mad from Harbinger House adventure) who were misled, albeit they still consciously chose to worship her.

My guess is yes, she'd flay them if they took a serious effort to worship her, and certainly in any number.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
What if

Sympathetic Her Serentity is not known to be.

By allowing a poor controlled berk to worship and not flay him instantly, She would weaken Her 'stance' in the eyes of the public. Something not allowed.

On the *other* hand - and here's a nice twist for you - She has control over Her portals. It's quite likely She may be able to just strip the spell out of the poor controlled fellow as he went through, viewing that attempt by the dominator as an effort to force Her to become someone's tool.

Johnathan Void's picture
Joined: 2004-05-15
What if

So, it seems the consenus is, that if you can make the domination last long enough, it's a way to make sure they die a horrible painful flayey death. Thanks.

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
What if

They might also not walk into Sigil... a threat to Sigil or The Lady such as a worshipper might just not gain entry to the city through any given portal. Much as how Abyssal Lords and Gods, etc are barred from Sigil, that ban might overlap here to block such things.

I'd leave that at the discretion of each individual DM though. It is an idea I hadn't really considered before. Smiling

There was a time though I was playing and not running that we tried to metagame (kinda) to get one of the annoying players to worship a Lady of Pain doll to get 'special gifts and powers'. He eventually got booted from the group for, among other things, refusing to tithe to his church (Tyr) despite being a paladin, demanding to see 'in the rules' where it said he had to live up to any sort of code of honor or charity.

Mechalich's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
What if

I would consider that an enchanted/dominated being cannot be considered to be actively worshipping anything, since without free will displaying faith of any kind, whether true or false, is impossible. So this might not really be a threat to the Lady. I figure the Dabus would show up, haul said worshipper off and break the spell. The Lady of Pain is generally not so easily mocked or manipulated.

It's also quite possible that mystically inclined Sigilians would recognize such a charmed worshipper and do something about it long before the Lady actually has to take any action. I have a feeling that someone probably put a law on the books at some point that makes worshipping the Lady of Pain a capital crime.

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
except for the insults and the fistfight

I tend to agree with Mechalich that bowing and praying because you were geased to isn't really worship. Or, if it is worship, it is worship on the part of the spellcaster and not her instrument. They'd be like a human (or pick your species) prayer wheel.

Ohtar Turinson's picture
Joined: 2004-06-01
What if

Seems to me that the enchanter would get flayed if the dominated person managed to get to sigil at all. The worshiper might too- as has been said, merciful the Lady is not.

Iegan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-25
What if

I don't know what you folks are talking about. The Lady of Pain is an absolute doll! I love her to death, 100%, and she's very understanding of follies such as the one described above.

Hang on, someone's at the door. I'll be right back.

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