What Happens to a Posatai When...

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Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
What Happens to a Posatai When...

Fidrikon and I were debating a very unusual subject, what happens when a Positai dies, we know that it's sent through the astral and then the positive energy plane to be sent to another plane according to alignment... but positai are immune to the effects of the positive enrgy plane- so what would happen if a positai died?

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Re: What Happens to a Posatai When...

"Tenshi" wrote:
Fidrikon and I were debating a very unusual subject, what happens when a Positai dies, we know that it's sent through the astral and then the positive energy plane to be sent to another plane according to alignment... but positai are immune to the effects of the positive enrgy plane- so what would happen if a positai died?

What's the source of their immunity? Supernatural immunities as a rule of thumb are lost when the creature dies (relatively speaking for undead) and tend to represent aspects of the creature's being. Extrodinary immunities tend to represent more how the creature is built physically (such as a dragon's scales) and thus does not end as often. For example when a fire elemental dies its body burns, it just doesn't keep burning as it did in life as it is no longer alive to sustain the intrinsic effect. Whereas a red dragon's scales are unaffected, or mostly, by fire andn would not burn because they are made of stuff that simply doesn't. Other parts of the dragon would burn if it where wounded enough.

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Re: What Happens to a Posatai When...

"Tenshi" wrote:
Fidrikon and I were debating a very unusual subject, what happens when a Positai dies, we know that it's sent through the astral and then the positive energy plane to be sent to another plane according to alignment... but positai are immune to the effects of the positive enrgy plane- so what would happen if a positai died?

I would think the positai afterlife is more or less the same as everyone else's (assuming they're native outsiders or humanoids, and thus have souls).

Their spirits travel through Astral conduits directly to the outer plane that matches their alignment, or the outer plane where their god lives.

The Positive Energy Plane is way out of their way; it doesn't touch the Outer Planes (or, in the Planescape cosmology, the Astral). Even though they have something of the Energy Plane flowing through their veins, even mingled with their soul, they have no reason to travel there after their death unless they actually worshipped it (or worshipped a god who lives there, such as Brahma).

In summary, I don't think there's any reason for their spirits to travel to the Positive Energy Plane in most circumstances; it'd be like taking a sidetrip to Mexico on a trip from Seattle to Anchorage, Alaska.

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
What Happens to a Posatai When...

Thanks for the info- it really was confusing, so I guess they end up just like everyone else. This is a good thing ^^

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