and alignment in real life do you think you would affiliate your self with?
What faction..
I keep taking alignment quizzes on the Web and getting Lawful Good. :^)
I'd prefer Neutral Good... but as such rankings go, I tend to rank Lawful Neutral before Neutral Good. Guess that counts as a minor character flaw, but it's pretty minor in my opinion. I'm happy with my ethics and morality.
As for factions, thse are very much dependent on the reality of the Planescape setting. My problem with joining many of them, were I really to want to do so, is the behavioral oaths they exact -- I'm not interesting in following the laws of any place I happen to find myself in, if I regard those laws as unjust; or refusing divine healing as a matter of principle; or blindly plunging forward into a new sensation when one is offered. (The Guvners, Athar, and Sensates being the most appealing options.)
I'd probably attempt to synthesize the above, joining the Sensates or the Fraternity of Order if there was a social need to do so, then adapting the philosphy of the group to look for truth in my own way. Really, I feel that those two both have half the method: to find out truth, you need data, and you need pattern-spotting.
I've always used playing through Torment as my alignment indicator, and if I'm not trying for something else I always end up Chaotic Neutral or Chaotic Good. As for faction, I've always had a penchant for creation (actually sat down one time, worked out how chain mail works, and made a full high quality suit out of electric fence wire) and have aspired to improve myself, so the Godsmen, or whatever they became in Post FW, seem a logical choice for me.
Transcendent Order. I usually kind of waver between CG and N; if I were to focus more as a Cipher adept I'd probably slide more firmly into N.
Pants of the North!
This is kind of odd but I consider myself someting like Neutral Lawfull Good, (or is it Lawfull Neutral Good, or even Lawfull neutral I´m still not quite shure), as of faction I think I´m closest to Godsmen philosopy (we are destined for something more) with heawy dosage of Athar (yes, higher being exist but it is not old man with beard, sorry if I offendend someone) and Free league.
EDIT: Hmph. I did aligment quiz at WotC site out curiosity and it says that im neutral. That was bit of disapointment.
One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."
This being Planescape, you've got a couple of options there. Bytopia? Arcadia? Or maybe even K'un Lun. :^)
Neutral Good with shadings of Law is Bytopia. "I care about doing the right thing, or what's best for people, or however you want to put it. It seems to me that following the rules and encouraging others to do so, staying disciplined and on task, is the right way to go about it. I suppose there are situations in which following the rules just isn't the right thing to do, in which case I think I'd have to break the rules -- engage in civil disobedience, or something."
Lawful Neutral with shadings of Good is Arcadia. "People should follow the rules. If they do, they'll be happier personally, and things will work out better for everyone overall too. People that can't behave are dangerous, and ought to be taken in hand firmly. Grow up already."
I myself, personally believe that I am Chaotic nuetral, I embrace and follow such a philosphy, maybe chaotic good, maybe chaotic evil. I could also be bordering on true nuetral so CG seem the best option.
As for faction, Doomguard. Maybe Xaositect, through other peoples opinions of me and my own embrace of madness. I was Bleak Cabal for a time a well, nearly lost it completly. But Doomguard above all else I'd say, lets destroy it all!!
And after doing an alignment test on the internet just then, it seems I'm nuetral evil! Hahahahaa! Oops.
I suppose I'm too lawful for the Xaositects... but I'm definitely too chaotic for any of the lawful factions.
So for me, it would be Free League, Anarchists, or the Sensates. Probably the Sensates, though.
I like to think that all the factions have a small piece of the bigger picture, I for one would try to synthesize all the conflicting philosophies into one. That is, I'd probably try working with every faction if possible (except, probably, the anarchists. I like the factions, I wouldn't want to try and destroy them.).
Bleaker is closest fit.
BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!
Fraternity of Order.
I am Lawful Neutral and already exhibit the Namer ability to use Tongues as an amateur lingaphile and speaker of several languages.
I kinda figured a lot of people would consider themelves lawful nuertral, too modest or self indulgent to be considered good or evil. Plus logical and hardworking. I myself am quite logical, but I'm very creative and a bonified lunatic!
I'd prefer "Chaotic Good", although in truth my real-life alignment is probably closer to "Chaotic Neutral"...
Forgot to give myself a Faction! - Probably Free League...
I can't really pin myself down with one alignment, but if the nine alignments were arranged in the three-by-three format, I'd definitely be bouncing around somewhere in the upper left quadrant... Lawful Neutral with Good tendencies, perhaps.
As for the factions, well, that's even harder. My strongest personal beliefs seem a mash of Athar, Guvner, and Bleaker philosophies—there is no higher power, and everything is actually quite orderly and follows an extraordinarily complex set of laws and equations when you look at it all closely, yet despite the orderly nature of the universe there is no real *reason* for anything. I'm certainly depressed enough to be a Bleaker, too , though I find the Guvner idea of working around the laws of the universe absurd.
Despite that, though, there is something that appeals to me in many of the factions. I may not approve of the Mercykillers themselves, but I find justice a mighty fine idea; I approve of the Godsmen's quest for self-improvement; that the universe and everything in it is slowly (or in some cases not so slowly) dying and decaying seems obvious; experiencing new things is quite delightful, though the Sensates take it a bit too far; and bringing down the government is always fun. Even the Xaositects speak to something deep within my mostly-Lawful soul, calling out the wilder, madder side of myself—though as I have noted the idea that everything is chaos does not agree with me.
So, uh... I guess I'm a Convert?
Neutral Good, with Chaotic tendencies. Sometimes I snap and turn into a real jerk (guess that'd be Neutral Evil) but it happening less and less throughout the years.
Faction? Hm... I suppose I'd be a Free Leaguer. Me no like politics.
Funny how everyone seems to be of good alignement, yet most of the people I meet I would labelize evil, or sometimes neutral.
I guess no on seems to realize he´s selfish. (oh, and by the way, of course i´m definitely neutral good, of the bleakers)
Probably Neutral Good, with lawful tendencies - I like things to be orderly until they get out of hand, then I enjoy that. I tend to be good, but sometimes my own satisfaction and desires get in the way of that ...
Deffinately a Sensate - I enjoy experiencing many things for briefs periods of time - tasting experiences, then moving on in pursuit of something more. I am a bard at heart and the sensates are deffinately the guild for that.
I might point out, though, that the Sensates don't blindly through themselves into new experiences, as someone suggested - it clearly states in the books that they understand self preservation and getting one's self flayed, eaten and raped by a demon, not neccessarily in that order, just for the experience isn't going to be high on any but the barmiest of sensate's agenda.
I don't think being selfish makes a person evil ... everyone is selfish, it is the nature of humanity. It is when you place that selfishness ahead of the well being of others that you start treading closer to that line. (and it really depends in what way ... eating the last of the ice cream, even though you know it is someone else's favorite doesn't make you evil, just makes you a bit of a jerk)
To be evil a person has to be almost purely selfish, thinking only of themselves - even when they think of others, or "believe" in a cause, it is always to justify themselves.
Most people, I think, are generally good ... but place them in the right situation and that little shoulder imp takes control. That is why the three alignment system, or the tendancies system, works much better.
Like I state in my post, I consider myself Neutral Good with Lawful tendencies ... I might do things you find distasteful, and given the opportunity even evil, but I am a typically a giving, generous and thoughtful person - so I don't qualify as evil, taken as a whole, not even close.
(note: I'd have no problem calling myself evil if it fit, and even considered it, but if I'm being honest, it simply doesn't fit)
There is a good definition of evil in faces of evil. "To be willfully, wontonly and maliciously indifferent to the needs of others, just for the sake of doing it, not because you neccessarily have anything to gain from it." or something like that.
I'd consider myself evil, only because a lot of do gooders a bloody idiots. Not all of them, but a good deal of em. However I feel I'm just a wild and crazy kinda person. I loves insigting chaos, simply for chaos' sake. I quite generous and would like to help those I love, but I am also quite selfish and cold to a lot of people. But people think I'm crazy, I think I'm crazy and I'm not a fan of authority. I'd definately say I'd be chaotic neutral.
I don't bring it up in polite company often, but I have strong ties to the Communals. Internally I'm a Bleaker. As for alignment, Good, but with the vagueness of Law/Chaos I don't know. One or the other, by your standard, but probably not neutral.
I'm either Lawful Good with a Neutral leaning or neutral good with a Lawful leaning. Either way, Bytopia suits me fine.
As for the Factions, the Guvners, Harmonium, Bleakers, and Athar and Free League are the only ones that make any sense to me. But even of those factions, the Guvners are too willing to follow unjust laws, the Harmonium are too conformist and too violent, the Bleakers are too hopeless, the Athar are too confrontational, and the Free League are too Libertarian.
If I were in a faction though, I think I'd either be a Guvner who didn't mind breaking the rules occasionally or a totally sane and surprisingly optimistic Bleaker.
>>the Guvners are too willing to follow unjust laws<<
You have to remember, though, that part of the reason Guvners, at least some Guvners, learn the laws is so they can find the loopholes and make those laws work for them, not against them. So, while a Guvner who sometimes breaks the rules isn't a very good faction member, a Guv who makes those rules dance to his tune is.
As for the Bleakers ... kind of difficult to remain upbeat when you're philosophy is "There's no point to anything". Dispite that, the Bleak Cabal does run a charity institution in my game ... not sure if that was from canon material ... but it can be important to remember that since there is no point to the future, you might as well make the best of today - no point to that either, but it makes life easier.
They run many. The entire gatehouse is a effectively a charity institution. Heck, they nearly gained control of Sigil thanks to their selflessness.
The Wizard's Alignment Test says I'm Neutral. Then, this test isn't really useful: If offered enough money, would you slip a poison into your king's drink? Erm, yes. I'd rather get a nice place on Elysium.
As with this nobody admits he'd be evil: Well, everyone thinks he's right. That's why the good-evil dichotomy doesn't work in real life. Moral is something entirely subjective (as well as to individuals or social systems). In my view the lines between Mount Celestia and Baator are very thin.
I've never liked the way the Bleak Cabal were represented. Sure they don't believe there is any higher purpose to the universe, but that doesn't mean they should all go nuts or slide into depression. I, personally, don't really believe there is much purpose to the universe and I've managed to stay happy and sane. I suspect it's the same theist bias that said that all atheists were bound for Asmodeus' belly cropping up again.
Well I think you could use this critics against every consequense drawn out of any Faction's major viewpoints. That said, your individual Bleaker might see things quite different or is affected in another way.
You do have to realize, though, that for someone living on the planes, to truly believe in any one thing requires a greater level of dedication ... you are out there seeing the very stuff of creation rolling about, shifting, changing. The Gods aren't just nameless, theoretical entities, but real beings which can be seen face to face - good and evil aren't merely philosophical differences, they are manifest in full tangible planes. When standing upon all that, seeing all these powers at work and the greatness at the tips of your fingers every day, those with the strength to believe will certainly believe more strongly than most clueless primes.
The Bleakers don't just "not really believe in a higher power", they truly believe that all this, everything around them means nothing, is going nowhere ... there is no salvation, no hope for tomorrow, no great mystery to strive for; we won't become touched by the ultimate purpose ... we are just going to live and die ... and so is everything - the planes, the gods, the primes, the fire of hades, the winds on Mt. Celestia, every creature living, dead or born did it for nothing - because there is nothing, nothing but this and it has no meaning.
So next time you see a sunrise, or hear a baby's laugh, think to yourself "how utterly meaningless", and see if it doesn't depress you a bit.
Hmm. Being a cynical and not terribly nice person that I am, all the alignment quizzes tend to plot me somewhere in the grey area between True Neutral or Neutral Evil, leaning slightly towards the latter. This strikes me as accurate. I'm out for Number One, and while I don't particularly want to cause trouble for anyone, if it comes down to a choice between them and me, well, too bad for them (Selfish? I prefer the term enlightened self-interest). I like order and regulation, they give life structure, but I'm too cynical to be very lawful, and given to occasional flights of whimsy.
As for factions, either Fated or Athar. I'm an atheist, so I like the Athar, but they're a little to vitriolic for my tastes. I'm a quiet, placid person. The Fated suit my "Look out for Number One" philosophy.
The response of a Bleaker that wasn't the type to slide into depression, and I think Duckluck and I are in agreement on this, would probably be that lack of ultimate intent behind the affair doesn't require complete meaninglessness in the short term. Every experience I have is meaningful to me insofar as I choose to remember and learn from it. And here the Sensate goes, "Yeah!" and then can't believe he's just found himself agreeing with a member of the Bleak Cabal. ;^)
I'm probably Chaotic Neutral but leaning heavily toward Chaotic Good. While I have certain lawful tendencies, particularly in some obsessive compulsive behaviour that I notice in myself, my love for personal freedom supersedes all. I'm very empathic and sympathetic to others' plights and try to help out when I can, but I can hardly describe myself as exalted enough for the Good heading. My respect for nature is also on the one hand druidically neutral, but on the other Elysium/Beastlands/Arborea style wild.
Either Indep, as per the whole personal freedom thing mentioned above, or Cipher, since I can actually believe in a real-life version of that particular philosophy. Likewise, the Godsmen idea of self improvement is favorable, butI see too much power-hunger in it. I can sympathize with Bleakers, but do not share that pessimistic view. Parts of the knowledge and sensation seeking of the Guvners and Sensates, respectively, appeal to me, but only parts. Finally, Chaosmen live constantly in a kind of mood that I occasionally fall into, but they are too wavey on the Good/Evil axis for my tastes.
And yet everything you learn will come to naught. That ultimate meaninglessness (for lack of a better term) has a way of trickling down and coloring one's perception of everything else, though. The child's laugh is cute, but he'll soon grow old and die, his life having no meaning, because anything he does will have no meaning in the greater scheme ... because there is no greater scheme. Mind you, I realize that there are always exceptions to the rule ... hell, Planescape is about exceptions to the rules ... but on the whole you won't find alot of Bleakers adopting the optimistic approach. (if they did, they wouldn't carry the reputation they do ... and reputations like that don't manifest out of nowhere.)
It might be interesting to have a very small breakaway sect which followed the old saw "eat, sleep and be merry, for tomorrow we may die." But I think the older Bleakers would just shake their heads at the foolishness of youth.
As for the Sensate - while he might agree with the sentiment, he'll know that it is a sad loss, because the Bleaker will never achieve the ultimate understanding from his experiences ... since Bleakers don't believe in the idea of an Ultimate Understanding.
The bleakers are one of the largest factions in sigil, if not. Because at one time or another people lose hope and fall into the realisation of pointlessness. They don't really care how other people act, because it doesn't really matter, this includes themselves. Eventually some slip into a depressive madness because of a lack of anything better to do. Remember depression is a mental illness, not an emotion. Being sad, is something you just wouldn't do if you were a bleaker, you wouldn't care enough to be. Instead you'd be gripped by dispair. Unmoving and uncaring. The do gooders of the faction would open soup kitchens and aylums coz as they say "Just because life is meaningless doesn't mean people have to suffer because of it." It can be a very selfless faction in a way. Creating a group of people who act in accordance with their alignment for no better reason other than its the right or wrong thing to do.
Personally, I LIKE the Bleakers, probably because I'm a pestimist in real life and think their viewpoint a pretty accurate take on reality. Yet even so, they care for people, expecting no reward... yes, they're a little mad, but life'll do that to a body...
Alignment: I would like to say I'm Chaotic Neutral, but I'm probably more like Chaotic Good.
Faction: I really like the Cipher philosophy and before I even knew anything about the Planescape setting (beyond PS:T) or the Transcendant Order, I followed a fairly similar the Transcendant Order it is for me.
High five, JellyPooga!
I would probably be True Neutral. It seems to make the most sense to me. However, I've been accused of being Chaotic Good. I'll let someone concerned over such matters determine that and catalog it. May sound strange coming from a supposed modron, hmm? Perhaps it's strange only dependent upon one's own point of view relative to this.
Faction? I've had the strongest feelings of connection to the Transcendant Order or Free League. They don't seem overly concerned over the details. They are concerned with themselves first and how they relate to the multiverse second. I've been accused of being a Signer before, though. But isn't anyone, with a strong belief in themselves and their ideology?
I think the thing to remember about alignment is that it only works if it is measured in actions, rather than ideals. So, while many of us may have roughly the same philosophy as, say, the Revolutionary League or Xaoxitects, we rarely perform acts associated with those factions because doing so would quickly get us removed from polite society. One of the core traits of chaotic individuals is a willingness to defy the law when it suits their interests. Since very few of us are willing to break the law on a whim, very few of us are genuinely chaotic in the D&D sense of the word.
Sure many people like to flout tradition and go against the grain of society, but doing so is only enough to make them neutral, in and of itself. The stoned hippy who grows marijuana behind the government's back is Chaotic. The kid who buys it might also be Chaotic, but probably isn't unless there are other things in his life pushing him that way. The kid's non-smoking friend, who's only crimes are speeding and thinking a Che Guavera shirt and a tongue ring make him a rebel, definitely isn't.
First of all I'd like to say I'm pretty sure that the wizards alignment detector is a little shitty. It tends to be good, evil and nuetral orientated. Also I am pretty sure I'm chaotic, I'm barmier than a bleaker, too barmy for em. I break the law whenever I want to and when I don't think I'll get caught. Rememeber Chaotic is NOT stupidity! Second of all I have morals, especially when it comes to drugs. Just because i don't take em doesn't mean I'm not chaotic. I took all of the people I had with me at the time after uni one day on a trip to the next city over because i was bored and was offering. We all had obligations but I managed to convince the others to put them off! I'm prone to bursts of inspiration and creativity and I like my individuality over anything group oriented. Unless I don't wanna do work. I often give away things out of the blue and steal things I like. (although I'm very careful at doing so.) I seek fame and fortune and love and respect. I think I'm less prone to acting out my faction then my alignment as that is something a little harder to do.
Here's some skin back!
I am a true neutral free leaguer. I don't need any halfwit berk telling me what to do or any shoddy alignment detector telling me how I think. If I want advice, I'll seek out a friend who I know to be a real blood.
I'd join the Xaositects in a New York minute, fixating on the absurdist/dada/fluxist/pomo side of them. My alignment is Chaotic Awesome. I totally stole that. I resent anyone claiming that chaos isn't stupidity - it definitely is; it's stupid awesome is what it is. Also, drugs.
I'm already proficient in Babble.
Sensates. What, can't you tell? My class would probably be a Bard, too (despite my abject hatred for them as a core class).
Chaotic Good. Maybe with a slight leaning towards Chaotic Neutral, but not too much.
Happy doomguard/xaositect. I like breaking stuff way too much for my own good and I'm generally random and unpredictable in a sanse kinda way. As for class I'd 'like' be a wizard. Realisticly I wouldn't have the attention span or the ability to spell words right. I'd more likely be a fighter with unarmed combat feats. As for alignment, CN leaning towards neutral and good.
And yet, you did.
If I told you I had to look over my post twice to do it?

Then the answer'd be ritalin.
No, jus kiddin. You'd be a really bad mage, at least if you don't try out some Chaosmagic. And I think no one would really want this to happen.
Oh, if we're talking classes, I am emphatically a wizard. I mean come on, it's a nerd's dream come true. And I can't imagine casting magic missile as being harder then studying the financial policy of Andrew Jackson.
Well, either that or I'd be a clerk somewhere, with ink stained fingers and a supercilious expression towards all those dirty adventurers who come traipsing messing up my neat scrolls.
That would be so awesome... (Yes, I have very strange definitions of awesome).
Ohhh and class! Good one!!! My class would definately be Rogue, maybe multiclassed as a fighter or mage or sorcerer. But definately some rogue in there. I mean I'm smart, but not very disciplined in all that much. I'd add Bard to the list, but I can't play many instruments well.
The Guvners would be quite likely for me. Though possibly the Indeps as well. I'm too harsh for the Sons of Mercy, too faithful for the Athar, too logical for the chaosmen, too free-thinking for the hardheads, too much of a pacifist for the sodkillers, etc.