What else does Issue 3 need?

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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
What else does Issue 3 need?

Wanted to give props to Anerta for taking the lead on this one.

By my count Ish-3 has Settlement rules, Mechanus locales, Modron stats. What else are we looking to include?

Given that we're almost set for our Q4 2012 issue, want to see what art/crunch we might want to work on for Ish-3 which is Q1 2013.




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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: What else does Issue 3 need?

trying to keep track before I forget or end up swamped later -> here's a picture of Jenx's modron for the issue:


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Anetra's picture
Joined: 2009-04-03
Re: What else does Issue 3 need?

That modron is so cute, aaaahh!!

1. I'm hoping to get a Planar Druid archetype for Pathfinder done for issue 3, as well, alongside an article on how planar druids can differ from prime druids and how to embrace those differences to push a character concept. OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT.

2. I still want to include a LN nature god of "Natural Order," natural laws, and that kind of jazz, if at all possible.

3. And a Modron "subdomain" for Pathfinder. Advanced Player's Guide introduced the subdomains and included an "Inevitable" subdomain for Law, but since we <3 dem Modrons and are a Planescape zine that gets to use Modrons, I say they deserve some subdomain love.

4. Axis is getting really fleshed out, too, so much so that we may want to separate it from the Mechanus Settlements and maybe use it as an entry into a regular article that introduces one new planar metropolis per issue. With Axis as its own feature, we can really push it and include key NPCs and locations within the city.

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: What else does Issue 3 need?

I'll keep hammering away at Axis. (Came up with a notable character for the town today: A rogue pentadrone. Captain of the guard by day, poet/musician by night)

Oh, and if you want, I can maybe take a look at converting the moignos and/or gear spirit to 3.5 or Pathfinder.

Anetra's picture
Joined: 2009-04-03
Re: What else does Issue 3 need?


I found a 3.5 Moigno that I tweaked to preference and converted to Pathfinder for use in my own games, but I wouldn't feel comfortable submitting it to the zine as, pre-tweaks, it was someone else's work on ENWorld.

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: What else does Issue 3 need?

Fair enough.

We should start seeing about maybe including some more crunchy bits for the zine. A new monster/creature or two. Honestly, I suggested the gear spirit and moignos for that mostly because they're low hanging fruit. Hehe...

Anetra's picture
Joined: 2009-04-03
Re: What else does Issue 3 need?

Yeah, for sure; convert a storm up on those guys! Was an official conversion ever made for the Parai? You could do them, too.

I also have a stat block for Nancias Garabutos, the head of the Guvners on Mechanus and lady in charge of the Fortress of Disciplined Enlightenment, if we want her. (The version of her I'm using is this, but I'm kind of doing weird things with faction abilities and I'd be stripping that off for the zine.)

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: What else does Issue 3 need?

Seems like Issue 3 gets better and better given the development I'm seeing.

We should probably figure out art requests.

Jenx has offered to do more modrons, he just needs to know what modrons he should be drawing.

Beyond that seems like art for Axis is a definite right?


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Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: What else does Issue 3 need?

Yes, definitely need some art for Axis. If I can find some time, maybe I'll try my hand at putting together a map (though I suspect that it'll prove to be more difficult than it may first seem).

For putting together the actual city, we should probably work up a Planar Metropolis template, so that each one we develop follows the same format. I suppose we could probably crib the layout from the PS books for a site, but something one the scale of a full city seems like it would be better served with its own template.

Beyond that, what articles exactly do we have for the issue right now and how many pages are we looking at filling? That'll probably give us a good idea of how much more we need or how much we need to trim out.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: What else does Issue 3 need?

Any thoughts for an interview? (Not that it's necessary, but I think it helps to get the word out.)

We could also, if ya'll want, add in a Campaign Spotlight. (I'd like to use a spotlight on Loki's Planejammer Campaign for Issue 4 as it aligns to the themes there.)

Also, given the "Law" theme you could, if you so desire, put some Ortho stuff in?


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: What else does Issue 3 need?

Checking in.

Also, the following made me think of Planescape and the Mathematician sect:

"I think that I have always had a basic liking for the natural numbers. To me they are the one real thing. We can conceive of a chemistry that is different from ours, or a biology, but we cannot conceive of a different mathematics of numbers.

What is proved about numbers will be a fact in any universe."
-Julia Robinson


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