What about the 'zerai ?

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edobrzel's picture
Joined: 2003-11-22
What about the 'zerai ?

Githyanki this, githyanki that. What about the githzerai?! Laughing out loud

Ever since Torment, I've been in love with the githzerai. I know that Incursion is/was a big deal. It opens up so many possibilities and ideas. It just seems like the githzerai are pushed aside. I'm always looking to learn more about them.

For those that still want to involve the 'yanki and Incursion, I ask this: What are the githzerai doing about the fall of Vlaakith? What plans are being made in the fortresses of Limbo? The power vacuum left by Vlaakith's demise should be pulling the githyanki's main rival as well.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
What about the 'zerai ?

Well, that's the thing that I find a bit unsettling about a Githyanki civil war. If we assume the 'zerai and the 'yanki are evenly matched when each empire is at full strength, then surely a weakened divided githyanki empire would be easing pickings for the githzerai? What is to prevent the githzerai from overrunning the Astral in a heartbeat and wiping out their hated brethren?

I think we need some sort of plot device explosion in the Githzerai limbo-states to create an equivalent weakness and disrupt them too. Or perhaps some long-forgotten githyanki defences activate when the githzerai invade the Astral, preventing the thin monks from taking over, but at a price to the githyanki. Maybe the githzerai have altered the Astral around their citadels in some way to make it inimicable to their brothers?

Mechalich's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
What about the 'zerai ?

War on a large scale is always a matter of incredibly solvent variables. Numbers are only a small part of the recipe for victory or defeat, and generally defense is always easier than attack. The Githzerai are certainly a dangerous enemy for the Githyanki, but a civil war doesn't simply allow them to conquer the Githyanki like they were nothing. Logistics, unfamilliarity with the territory (most Githzerai have never even been to the Astral) and the difficulty in assaulting magically secure fortresses in an environment where the enmy cannot be starved out make any major victories difficult to achieve. There is a reason the conflict has lasted many millenia even through major planar upheavals.

I find a far more likely Githzerai reaction to any Githyanki intercine conflict to be systematic attacks on Githyanki on the Prime, pushing back those Githyanki holdings is a far more reasonable objective for cautious Githzerai commanders. Additionally the Githzerai will probably bring forces to bear on Githyanki scattered about the various planes if they have fortresses there.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
What about the 'zerai ?

I think we need some sort of plot device explosion in the Githzerai limbo-states to create an equivalent weakness and disrupt them too.

Hmmm, well, dont forget that the Gith arn't the full controllers of Limbo. Maybe the war with the Slaad has reached a peak, and while they can hold it back, they simply don't have enough forces to rally against the Githyanbki at this point to make much of a differance. When the Sladd are pushed back, maybe. But untill then....

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
What about the 'zerai ?

The slaadi certainly help make Limbo hazardous for the githzerai, but they're not actually at war. The slaadi aren't organized enough to be at war with anything, except possibly themselves. The two species coexist, and githzerai defend themselves when they need to. That is all. They've even been known to make alliances at times.

Korimyr the Rat's picture
Joined: 2005-03-01
What about the 'zerai ?

Part of the run-up to the Lich Queen's Beloved is that there is a secret organization dedicated to the reunification of the Gith. With the loss of their single leader, Githyanki society will become disorganized, and most Githyanki will be seeking some kind of explanation or new purpose.

I've always assumed that the death of Vlaakith gives them both the ability to operate openly, and considerable stature within both societies-- leading to at least a temporary cease-fire and perhaps renewed diplomatic efforts. In my opinion, a couple of centuries after Vlaakith's death, the two races of Gith will have reunited, and will be slowly becoming a single Gith race again.

Of course, there will be factions of both races that will oppose this move, and splinter Githyanki factions will find other unifying causes-- the usurper warlord, or worship of Tiamat, or a suicide campaign against some Illithid stronghold.

Erik's picture
Joined: 2005-03-11
What about the 'zerai ?

Well, now that Vlaakith is dead, the Githyanki won't have any problems with the pirates. Maybe they'll help 'em out against the Zerth's.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
What about the 'zerai ?

I don't think that the githyanki will be pushovers at this point. They may have lost one powerful unifying leader, but the githyanki are practically made to be fanatics- they'll find other causes to which to be devoted, such as the ones we've outlined for this project. They may be fighting with each other, but no group will just sit back and allow the githzerai to invade the Astral... except for those sissy integrationists. But they're as bad as the hated betrayers of Gith with whom they associate...

Maybe there doesn't need to be a lot of change for the githzerai. Maybe the most powerful burgs are waiting to see what will happen to the githyanki now--who knows? Maybe they'll kill each other off. While there is increased raiding on the Astral, without the backing of the strongest githzerai figures, there isn't much momentum in the anti-githyanki war.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
What about the 'zerai ?

I agree that the githyanki aren't going to be pushovers, and that githzerai figures like the god-king won't want to rush into a bad situation (Mechalich's military notes were good, I hadn't even thought about seiges!). I think that an increase of small githzerai raids is more than likely, though, since the 'zerai are about freedom after all. Maybe the god-king doesn't want to commit the whole army right now, but no Son of Zerthimon would think about stopping others from doing what they want. Increased githzerai raids would also lend credibility to the military cabals, who scare the People with warnings of githzerai terrorist threats (sound familiar?).

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
What about the 'zerai ?

This is what I love about this project. Githyanki being terrorized by crazed githzerai invaders, githyanki serving dragons, it's all so warped.

BrokenUnity's picture
Joined: 2006-04-14
What about the 'zerai ?

If the Githyanki have some kind of fortifications then even if there are less of them they could defend successfully.

(Ie. the templar castles during the crusades could hold out even if the defenders where a fraction of the number of attackers)

Wouldn't the Githzerai be at a disadvantage on the Astral plane rather than in their home in Limbo?

Finally, would the Githzerai really attack? They really dont like the Githyanki but to attack you'd have to be prepared for really heavy causalties, and the associated grief etc

Lothem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-21
What about the 'zerai ?

Broken Unity brings up a good point. You need an overwhelming reason to go to war when it will almost inevitably become a total war, which this looks to me like it might easily become. The Githyanki don't seem to me to really have anything the Zerai want badly enough to go through the trouble of such a costly (in terms of lives) conflict.


Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
by the way, I used to be called Darkmantle, but I had to start a

It occurs to me the 'Zerai were always the more numerous, on the planes in any case, for they made a significant part of the population of Sigil and the Burgs on the chaotic side of the ring, while the Githyanki were mostly restricted to one plane.

Of the two, the 'Yanki would probably be more committed to the war with the 'Zerai than the other way around. The 'Yanki are more warlike in general, and 'Zerai society would not demand that any individual take up that particular fight. Indeed, the 'Zerai seem a little more committed to the eradication of the Illithid, what with their tradition of the Rrakkma, than even the loyal children of Gith (dash of irony, anyone?)

I like the idea of Githzerai infiltrators. I also think that Githzerai society, with such an empisis on freedom, was always so fragmented that there really ins't likely to be any coordinated response to the situation, just individual responses, as Mephit James says.

Another little dash of irony, what if the God-King of the Githzerai decides to solidify his powerbase, or bring the Zerth and the Monastaries under his control? The roles of the races could be reversed!

Barking_Wilder's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
What about the 'zerai ?

Just out of interest...is it commonly known across the planes that Vlaakith is dead? Or...destroyed...she was already kinda dead Puzzled

Im out of touch with the githyanki...could never understand something I read about anyone over a certain level being eaten...but is it not possible that due to the extreme xenophobia of the 'yanki and the fact that time and all other such concepts on the astral do not exist, people (and more importantly the Githzerai) simply havent noticed the break down in 'yanki politics?

To say the planes are vast is an understatement and not to be nasty but the 'yanki are far from important to most people and their everyday planar life. Vlaakith was just a Lich...a very powerful one but rulers come and go. Im not sure, what happened last time the yanki ruler died? Surely not all Githyanki structure fell into ruin?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
What about the 'zerai ?

As I recall - when the idea was discussed - it was such that if she died, none of the yanki would want to let that news slip, but after awhile it just can't be concealed. There's persistant rumors that Vlakith was not just *a* lich - but *the* lich. That's she's the one who betrayed Gith in the first place. Now - of interest here for us to remember, is that even if the rumor isn'tr true, she was not just your run of the mill lich. She'd built herself up with the souls of her followers. And left no heirs behind - previous transistions or power moved fairly easily from mother to daughter, but such a transistion hasn't happened in a Long Time (see that bit above about the rumor). She's spent centuries building up her control and the avid cult-worship of her followers. she's a very very core piece of their mentality. We're talking about a society where the most powerful members felt it a great honor to go to their queen to be *consumed*... It's not like we're talking about the British royal family here.

Immediately after her death, those nearest and those under direct command would be able to respond first. The news would probably travel throughout the 'yanki society with them being *very* careful not to mention it to outsiders. In fact, on the outskirts of things there's probably a few hold-out 'yankis who think she's in hiding or not dead.

At the same time, those races with which the yanki are in direct confrontation with (psurlon, illithids) will notice a sudden shift in the direction, command style, and possibly the coordination of their opponents. They may not know *why* the yanki are suddenly softer targets - but heck if they care...

Meanwhile all of her non-yanki allies are certainly aware of it. I mean, they call up her kip and no one answers the phone - they'll know something's wrong. Maybe not that she's dead yet though... This includes Tiamat, and by extension the red dragons who are bound to the deal she and their goddess had. Inevitably someone will let something slip, or a spy within the 'yanki society will notice it...

There may be a great deal of doubt about her death outside of the 'yanki society, and the news is likely to only travel on intellegence networks at first. It's likely, unless the 'yanki do something within a year or two to either actively conceal the death, spin it, or find a replacement - that the news will burst on the scene, and everything'll just go up in chaos. This is probably what concerns a great number of the factions that are developing in the society - they know they have to move, and move *fast* to avoid one of their outside enemies from coming down on them or noticing the problem. That means that for at least a few of them, they consider the situation to 'have no time for debate'.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
What about the 'zerai ?

Try this on for size....

It has become known tho Githzerai intelligence operatives that the Vlaakith is gone, while it is still in the rumor stages of the population at large. The God-King believes that a crushing blow will bring the githyanki to their knees, so he begins to consolidate his powerbase, calling in loyal forces in a grand muster. Meanwhile, he makes firey speeches to those assembling in his fortress, against the evils of the githyanki and admonishing those who do not answer his call as cowards and fools. Royalist recruiters scour limbo and the planes for any who will accompany them back to the God-King's palace, while treating with distain any who choose not to go. Distain quickly turns into imtimidation, and even isolated violence between "loyalists" and "determinists" (so called because they determine thier own lives, and the God-King can pike it).

Lines are being drawn in Githzerai society, where lines and borders have little place. Many of the monetaries in limbo, though initially contributing many eager young recruits, come to oppose "The Call", percieving a slippery slope to tyrany. The Zerth, on the other hand, are flocking in, eagar to do battle with their enemis, the Gish. This pleases the God-King to no end, as he had long wished that he had more control over the Zerth. The Monks remain a thorn in his side, though, for they are seen as wise and many githzerai would follow their example. If only there were a way to take care of the problem before setting forth...

This story line does three (naturally) things;

1 - Explains why the 'zerai havent attacked the astral plane en masse`....yet. They are musteing their forces for a massive strike, but the God-King is reluctant to leave while the Monks oppose him in limbo, because it leaves a power vacuum and several rivals behind him.

2 - Sets up an ironic parallel. The Lich-Queen is dead, and Githyanki society is becoming more chaotic. At the same time the God-King of the Githzerai is trying to exert more power over Githzerai society. In a subtle way and in keeping with tradition, of course, but at their core all gith are gith, so it isn't a stretch to think that history could repeat itself and another tyrant appear. Besides, I love irony!

3 - Makes another parallel, and reason the 'Zerai haven't attacked, they too are factioning. This could add a whole new dimension to the three-way war, and perhaps make the Illithid become a greater threat to the multiverse at large. :shock:

Question; how might other factions within the Githzerai shape up? Like the Anarch Guilds, the Xaositect 'Zerai, Major fortress-cities and their leaders, etc....

Howarth Davin ag-Talaron's picture
Joined: 2006-06-28

Just a thought (and I haven't read every single post, so if I'm repeating something just ignore, maybe the starting assumption is her death), but what if Vlaakith somehow survives the Incursion campaign? Her (final) death is hardly the only possible outcome of the events following the invasion of Pharagos and the PCs taking the fight back to her in Tu'narath. The invasion plans could be foiled without this occurring.

Or, if we're assuming her name's been scribed in the Dead Book once and for all, another possibility could be the "Return of Gith". If there were foul play involved in Gith's disappearance, in contradiction to the "official" story that she was taken as payment by Tiamat for the service of Ephelemon's kin on the Prime, we could surmise that the Vlaakiths had a hand in removing her, and perhaps imprisoning her on some demiplane or remote Prime world (or Baator, of course). The death of Vlaakith CLXVII might automatically release Gith from bondage/hibernation/whatever, or 'yanki knights and warlocks examining Vlaakith's notes and spellbooks might discover references to the details of Gith's imprisonment.

The return of Gith as leader of the Githyanki (who would resist, the change would be almost guaranteed), perhaps as a demigod, would certainly maintain the balance of power between 'yanki and 'zerai at very least. Gith would still need to rebuild her power base and the 'yanki population after Vlaakith's excesses, the character of Githyanki culture would likely not change dramatically (except perhaps for the addition of actual clerics if you go with the demigod angle).

In my homebrew campaign (which is a Planescape/Dragonstar mix), I just had Vlaakith survive (her philactery was never found by the PCs, so she wasn't destroyed), albeit in a somewhat weakened state. Of course, most of the action in this campaign takes place on the edges of the Dark Zone, and the Githyanki inhabit the planet (you guessed it) "Gith", which was ceded to them by the red dragon Emperor. Anyway, I'm starting to ramble.

Howarth Davin ag-Talaron's picture
Joined: 2006-06-28

Sorry, just saw the title of the thread (The Lich-Queen is Dead, now what do we do?). Sorry 'bout that.

Daylen's picture
Joined: 2006-04-16
What about the 'zerai ?

kill the rest of them?

Howarth Davin ag-Talaron's picture
Joined: 2006-06-28
You Got It

Yeah, being a big fan of the Githzerai, I'd say exterminating the 'yanki would probably be a decent next step. What with all the enemies they have accumulated over the years (read millennia), it shouldn't be all that difficult to muster up a multiverse-wide strike force to wipe them from the "face" of the Astral Plane. Since the Astral is basically just a superhighway, we can call it road cleanup They might be a bunch of bad-asses, and now that they aren't being automatically soul-sucked at 11th (or is it 17th?) level they're likely even tougher, but what can really stand against the arsenal the d20 system has to offer?

Just kidding. In all seriousness, say that Vlaakith the whateverith is really gone for good. My guess, from a sociological standpoint (I have an M.A., for all the good it's done me) is that Githyanki civilization would more or less completely collapse.

Think of it this way... from everything we've read, 'yanki culture is completely (almost religiously, literally) centered on serving the lich-queen. She's gone. She's not coming back.......ever. Do we serve Tiamat. Fuck no, she took the founder of our F'ing race, Gith. Yeah, sure, it's nice to ride those big red flying lizards while we're on the Prime, but we've had about 8,000 years to get used to the idea of not needing a god/dess. We're too piking arrogant to go begging at the 'zerai doorstep, so we don't just head to Limbo to ask the God-King to let us become one with "The People".

We're lost, we're desperate. But.... we're still reasonably powerful. We're skilled (we're "gish" one might say). So what do we do? We take advantage of the 100,000 plus Prime worlds we've infiltrated with egg hatcheries and outposts, we make deals with the Devil (again, literally). We join the Blood War as tactical advisors, we hire yugoloth mercenaries with god-silver from the isles, we become every Prime tyrant's right-hand man/woman, we train whole generations of PM humans in the arts of blackweave magic (and of course twisted morality simultaneously).

Hell, we came from the Prime, it's time to go back and show those Clueless buggers who's boss! The Illithids aren't the only ones who can live in the shadows, in the Underdark. The drow are nothing compared to the might of the Sons of Gith. Drive them from the Underdark, purge their taint and that of the illithid filth from the subterranean strongholds of the worlds (hell, we've got darkvision too Smiling. Take back WHAT IS OURS, AND THEN SOME!

Who needs some shriveled up bitch-queen anyway? Vlaakith is not what made the Githyanki strong! The spirit of freedom, hatred of all that is not of our own, and the everlasting drive to exterminate the enslavers and their weak-willed servitors from existence is all that matters! Excel, conquer, and glorify the name of Gith!!!!!!!!

Invisig0th's picture
Joined: 2005-11-30
What about the 'zerai ?

Two important points deserve mentioning here. Yes, it is important to think about the githzerai response to the Lich-Queen's death.

1. To predict a reaction, you must first analyze existing motivation. Blind hatred only gets you so far, and as has been mentioned, warfare without any serious intention to aquire resources is an enormous drain on any attacker. So why do the githzerai wage this neverending "war of extinction" against their "mortal enemies" in the first place? In at least some of the material, it's explained like this:

... and acted out in their frequent raids upon the githyanki. To the githzerai, these raids are considered a matter of survival. They believe that if they don't keep the githyanki perpetually off balance, that evil race will put in motion a plan to obliterate the githzerai completely. (from "Planes of Chaos", I believe)
Well, the death of Vlaakith sure as hell can be described as putting githyanki societly off balance. So even for old-school githzerai, there's a healthy chance that the death of the lich-queen offers the githzerai the first moment of relaxation in millenia. Instead of trying to wipe out the githyanki, a wise alternative would be regroup, acquire resources, increase the side of your army, and train them. These are people with a very long-term view of this situation, after all. If they are looking forward to having to fight githyanki that have risen to unprecidented, even epic, levels, then making hasty moves at this critical period could mean winning a few more battles, but losing the war.

And don't forget that an easing of the fighting with the githyanki gives the githzerai breathing room to hit the illithids extra hard, which is more important anyway.

2. For at least some githyanki and githzerai, there need not even be a war to win. In Dungeon 100, the death of the lich-queen adventure begins when the PCs are contracted by a coaltion of radical githzerai and githyanki who have decided to call a truce. They are called the Sha'sal Khou

The Sha'sal Khou are githyanki and githzerai radicals working towards the reunification of their respective peoples. They labor to end the warfare between the githyanki and githzerai and create a unified nation of gith. Members of the Sha'sal Khou work secretly within their respective societies, subtly discouraging attacks on the other gith racewhile carefully recruiting like-minded individuals.
They support a githyanki warlord who is a member of the Sha'sal Khou by name of Zetch'r'r. Zetch'r'r will happily dethrone the lich-queen, but he needs the PCs to do the deed as mercenaries while he plays political intrigue games. In exchange, Zetch'r'r swears that if the PCs kill Vlaakith, he will do his best to unite the gith, focus their aggressions on the illithids, and most importantly, declare the PC's homeworld perpetually off-limits to any gith attacks.

Zetch'r'r may or may not gain a foothold after the death of the lich-queen. But if the Sha'sal Khou can gather momentum, that deemphasizes the githyanki-githzerai conflict, at least for some of the population. Again, the time seems ripe for concerted attacks against the illithids, the one thing all gith can agree is priority one, and this will can easily lead to successes not rivaled in many centuries.

Either way, the githzerai will be attacked by the githyanki less for a while (because they really couldn't be attacked more). They have the freedom to deploy their armies in other ways for the short term, and they may not have a choice. The fact that githyanki society is in chaos opens up all sort sof new opportunities other than simply trying to wipe out githyanki.

Now, the issue of how the mindflayers react to sudden githyanki weakness is another thread entirely... Smiling

Mogget's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
If the Zerai come..

The People shall unite to destroy this rabble!! All differences will be set aside until the threat of the betrayers is settled once and for all! To achieve our ultimate goals, we cannot face this fractioning! Death to our blood enemies, the Illithids and the Betrayers!!

Basically, which has been mentioned before, the Zerai are probably going to enjoy their breathing room to train, concentrate on illithids, and all the other things they like to do. If they made a concentrated attack on the yanki, that might cause the yanki to regroup quickly and would only serve to help the yanki regain their lost strength sooner.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
What about the 'zerai ?

If there's interest, there's certainly room to work on githzerai, too. Rrakkma is all about both of those races. This death-of-Vlaakith development expands on githyanki material, but you could certainly come up with a theme for some githzerai ideas. I'd be happy to contribute to that discussion.

What about detailing a band of anarchs? You could start with them, their base of operations in Limbo, and their philosophy, and then expand to describe the entire githzerai race from their point of view.

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