Well known loths?

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Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Well known loths?

I'm looking to figure out a quick work up of who's who in lothdom. Specifically Acanaloths and greater yugoloths. Who are the movers and shakers.

Basically I want to make a listing of name, species of loth, aliases(if any), a short (one to two sentence) physical description of how they ussually appear, and a short rundown of what they do and where they operate/who they work for all in that order.

so basically an entry would look like this:

Name: Evil Mc.Lothboy
Species: Arcanaloth
Alias: Poolboy, toady
Desc: He has a black and white stripe pattern on his fur and tends to wear a kilt.
Operates: He operated out of the Grey Waste making evil noodles to sell to unsuspecting visitors. He doesn't get much bussiness because most berks are the suspecting variety.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Well known loths?


If the loth in question is from a canonical source and/or is in published PS matirial please add that information as a new catagory Source: thanks.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: Well known loths?

Name: A'kin
Species: Arcanaloth
Alias: The Friendly Fiend
Desc: Head of a fanged jackal. Wide, white strip of fur partially encircling his golden eyes like a bandit's mask. Six golden hoop earrings in his ears. Hair pulled into multiple tiny tufts, held together by golden bands. Clean, sandy brown fur. Wears a robe speckled with teal, gold, and black. Low, raspy voice.
Operates: "The Friendly Fiend", a magic item shop in Sigil
Source: Uncaged: Faces of Sigil

Name: Duke Dyavin B'Wee
Species: Arcanaloth
Alias: Dyavin
Desc: Thin, almost skeletal, covered in stiff white fur.
Operates: Dyavin is a record-keeper in the Tower Arcane in Gehenna. His title "Duke" probably indicates he's quite a high-up there. He's also an ally of A'kin, helping the Friendly Fiend procure documents and bits of chant in exchange for favors.
Source: Hellbound: The Blood War

Name: M'trenz Ro
Species: Ultroloth
Alias: M'trenz
Desc: Faceless, eyes like fire-opals.
Operates: Wanders the Outlands, claiming to be on the run from his race. Often hires mortal pawns for missions to the Lower Planes.
Source: Hellbound: The Blood War

Name: Krell
Species: Arcanaloth
Alias: none
Desc: Wolf-headed, so gaunt her ribs visibly show through her skin. Her cape is in tatters, her brown fur is mangy, and her eyes are red from weeping. She stinks of urine and arcanaloth-poo.
Operates: From a cave in Colothys in Carceri, where she fled after being stripped of her rank and power due to political disagreements with a higher-ranking arcanaloth. May ultimately turn to good in desperation, but will become evil again if she gets her power back.
Source: Well of Worlds

Name: Shemeshka the Marauder
Species: Arcanaloth
Alias: King of the Cross-Trade
Desc: Face like a groomed fox from the fields of Arcadia. Her spotless coppery fur is soft and tangle-free, and thin white streaks fan out from the end of her snout to the edges of her face. She's never without her spidery razorvine headdress, and would not be caught dead without her garish beads, jewelry, bracelets, ring, or regal robe.
Operates: The Fortune's Wheel, an opulent gambling bar in The Lady's Ward where the rich and powerful conduct secretive dealings.
Source: Uncaged: Faces of Sigil

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
unknown 'loths

Name: The General of Gehenna
Species: Ultroloth? (probably)
Alias: unknown
Desc: unknown
Operates: The Crawling City in Gehenna. Controls the entire yugoloth race. Puppetmaster of the Blood War.
Source: Planescape Monstrous Compendium, Hellbound: The Blood War, Faces of Evil: The Fiends, 3rd edition Manual of the Planes

Name: unknown
Species: Ultroloth
Alias: unknown
Desc: Bald, fire-opal eyes
Operates: Is an observer of the Blood War roaming the Field of Nettles in the Gray Waste. If the PCs don't bother it, it won't bother them.
Source: Hellbound: The Blood War

Name: unknown
Species: Ultroloth
Alias: unknown
Desc: Motionless, its spare frame covered by a voluminous black cloak. Ebony eyes. Voice like the buzzing of strange bees in a hive or the crash of acidic waves on a sulfurous shore.
Operates: In a cavern in the Outlands or a house in Hopeless, angered by arms shipments from the Upper Planes. Wants the celestials to keep their noses out of the Blood War.
Source: Hellbound: The Blood War

Name: unknown
Species: Ultroloth
Alias: Crassag's Master
Desc: Its form melds to its throne like clay, its smooth, supple hands caressing the arms of the rough stone seat. Piercing, fiery white eyes. Capable of agile leaps.
Operates: A cavern made from the living, agonized bodies of yugoloths of every type. It sits on an animate throne.
Source: Hellbound: The Blood War

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Well known loths?

Name: Infestix
Species: Altraloth
Alias: The Reaper
Desc: Skeletal; red flesh, crawling with worms. Speaks in hollow rasp.
Operates: Former Oinoloth (preceding Anthraxus).
Source: Dance of Demons by Gary Gygax

Name: Anthraxus
Species: Altraloth (former ultroloth)
Alias: The Diseased
Desc: 10' tall man in a rotting gray suit and cape, ram's head grossly deformed by disease. Foamy spittle drips constantly from his mouth, and the matted wool on his body pulls away from his skin in handfuls. Anthraxus' skin is covered with festering boils which continually burst spraying out foul yellow pus while peeling Anthraxus' skin away from the fleshy tissue underneath.
Operates. Former Oinoloth (preceding Mydianchlarus). He wanders between numerous hidden keeps and safehouses throughout the Lower Planes filled with magical items and money. He uses these riches to finance the obsessive schemes that bring him ever closer to reclaiming Khin-Oin.
Source: Dragon Magazine Annual #2

Name: Mydianchlarus
Species: Ultroloth
Alias: unknown
Desc: Faceless humanoid with large eyes that resemble fire-opals. Dark gray skin and flowing cloak. Unlike every other Oinoloth, the power of the Siege Malicious has left no marks on the face of Mydianchlarus; it is as smooth and unsullied as it was when he first became an ultroloth. Only three physical changes are known: his footprints are bloody; the hem of his robe is red and dripping even in the gloom of the Waste; a trail of blood follows him wherever he goes. This, for Mydianchlarus, is curse enough; his cherished anonymity is now gone forever.
Operates: From the Wasting Tower of Khin-Oin in the Gray Waste, where he rules as the current Oinoloth. Chant is that he made Anthraxus give up his post by whispering a single secret in his ear.
Source: Faces of Evil: The Fiends, Description by me

Name: Bubonix
Species: Altraloth (former arcanaloth)
Alias: Overlord of Carceri
Desc: 12' tall hideous humanoid covered in putrid black lumpy sores. His body exudes the stench of decayed, rotting flesh. Bubonix always wears a military uniform of the purest white, which is somehow not stained from the constant flow of blackest pus oozing from his sores.
Operates: Patiently camped outside the still-under-construction Tower of Incarnate Pain in Carceri. Bubonix sees himself as eventually becoming the self-styled counterpart of the General of Gehenna.
Source: Dragon Magazine Annual #2

Name: Cholerix
Species: Altraloth (former nycaloth)
Alias: unknown
Desc: A dehydrated nycaloth stands, its wings withered into vestigial limbs, its face nothing more than a skull with sickly jaundiced, faintly green tinged skin stretched over it. Dressed in a deep red robe that hurts the eyes while in the Waste, the altraloth is decked in gold and jewels. Though you cannot explain why, you know this being is female. The stench of urea and vomit surround her, though her emaciated body seems paradoxically sterile. This is the form of Cholerix, an altraloth whose only seeming ambition is to serve Bubonix in return for wealth unending.
Operates: Oversees the yugoloth army camped outside the still-under-construction Tower of Incarnate Pain in Carceri and personally meets with tanar'ri lords to forge mercenary contracts on behalf of Bubonix.
Source: Dragon Magazine Annual #2, sciborg from the Wizards boards (who I stole the description from)

Name: Xengahra
Species: Altraloth
Alias: Death-Bringer, the Fallen One
Desc: Were it not for the expression of utter despair that hangs upon this altraloth's haggard face, a blood might believe herself in the presence of a true solar, the most powerful of aasimon.
Operates: As an outcast, Xengahra has taken to roaming the Outlands these past few centuries. He drains away life from even the heartiest of celestials. He is the literal embodiment of hopelessness.
Source: Dragon Magazine Annual #2

Name: Cerlic
Species: Altraloth
Alias: Charon, the Stygian Boatman, the Ferryman
Desc: He appears as a large, skeletal marraenoloth standing just 7' tall with bright green eyes that glow malevolently.
Operates: A stronghold on the Astral Plane built entirely of black ice. Cerlic is lord and defender of all the marraenoloths.
Source: Dragon Magazine Annual #2

Name: Typhus
Species: Altraloth
Alias: unknown
Desc: A 12' tall misshapen yugoloth looking much like a hunch-backed mezzoloth with a limp. Beings within 10' of him catch a terrible fever.
Operates: One of the greatest combat minds in the planes, Typhus unfortunately has a serious lack of wisdom. He commands a rag-tag mercenary army called the Infernal Front, composed of outcast baatezu, tanar'ri, tieflings, humans, slaadi, and a handful of rogue modrons. He is a rival to both the General of Gehenna and Bubonix, and plans to end the Blood War.
Source: Dragon Magazine Annual #2

Name: Taba
Species: Altraloth
Alias: Myriad
Desc: Taba is seen in any number of forms, most often female. She speaks all lower planar tongues with no accent and can radiate any evil alignment she chooses.
Operates: Taba's the ultimate master spy and thief, with the ability to take the shape of any fiend. With this ability, she is easily able to slip into and out of the depths of any of the Lower Planes without notice. Her approach to infiltration and espionage is practically foolproof. Rest assured, Taba will get you in. This altraloth never fails. Only the night hags know how to contact her.
Source: Dragon Magazine Annual #2

Name: Diptherius
Species: Altraloth
Alias: Master of Krangath
Desc: Diptherius is a grotesquely fat, swollen yugoloth, usually appearing in human guise with a thread throat like Rudra's. His face is coated with green slime, and he often slathers his prize minions with a similar substance. He can heat metal and freeze it. He has a cone of cold breath weapon and can open wounds with his mind. He is a strangler and a poisoner, fond of paralyzing his victims.
Operates: Diptherius considers himself to be master of Krangath. His domain there is a tower made of melting fat, surrounded by millions of wheezing vaporighu. The vaporighu are unaware of him, but Diptherius looks at them fondly, and communicates with them via his numerous minions.
Source: Rip Van Wormer

Name: Helekanalaith
Species: Arcanaloth
Alias: The Keeper of the Tower Arcane
Desc: He grinned ruefully and flicked the tip of one chocolate brown ear, a bit of cinder blown by the wind having struck it and smoldered. Larsdana looked at the younger Arcanaloth as hovered inches suspended over a lump of basalt, his scarlet and golden robes dangling below him, blowing softly in the wind.
Operates: Helekanalaith is in charge of the Tower of the Arcanaloths in Chamada, Gehenna's second volcano. The Tower is one of only two and a half great towers that the yugoloths control; it is one of the great sources of new mezzoloths and one of the most important sites in all 'lothdom. Helekanalaith is sadistic and ambitious. He imprisoned his mentor and former lover, Larsdana ap Nuet, in a soul gem.
Source: Planes of Conflict, Todd Stewart

Name: Larsdana ap Nuet
Species: Arcanaloth
Alias: Architect of the Tower Arcane
Desc: A slender, almost anemically thin arcanaloth with a coat of light tan and grayish fur and a shoulder length mane of brilliant scarlet hair, blending to raven black at the tips. She smiled, baring fangs. She turned, her cobalt robes swirling in the air. She has violet eyes.
Operates: She built the Tower Arcane as a focal point for the arcanaloths' power. Helekanalaith was her apprentice, and her lover, and the cause of her ruin.
Source: Planes of Conflict, Todd Stewart

Name: Shylara Akt’Atarm
Alias: Shylara the Manged
Desc: The jackal headed female was dressed almost plainly in robes of black and silver, and save for a few jewelled piercings in either of her ears, was adorned plainly and without flair. Peeling away the layers of illusion she had habitually cloaked herself in, and even many of the shapechanging spells that were her birthright as an Arcanaloth, she was a wasted wretch of a thing, her fur ravaged by mange, and nearly bald in places from where the flesh had festered and bled or where she had torn it off, scratching in vain to full the itch and irritation.
Operates: She is but one of a handful of advisors to Bubonix, Overlord of Carceri and master of the Tower of Incarnate Pain. Additionally, Shylara Akt'Atarm is a bit more than she seems, and while she's in the game entirely for herself, she has a number of allies within Carceri, as well as allies in Gehenna and within Khin-Oin itself, possibly as high as an advisor to Mydianclarus, if not the Oinoloth himself. She's certainly not telling, but it may be that the position held by Bubonix, as well as his ties to the Night Hags makes him something of an anathema in the eyes of the new Oinoloth and his own advisors. And if so, Akt'Atarm is jumping atop the opportunity to stage a revolt against her master. Its a dangerous game she plays, and the outcome is far from certain for all involved.
Source: Todd Stewart

Name: Ailanreanter
Species: Arcanaloth
Alias: unknown
Desc: unknown
Operates: Ailanreanter claims the yugoloths seek only good; it's just that their definition of "good" is different from most. He or she enjoys messing with peoples' heads.
Source: Planes of Conflict

Name: Alcain Fem'at
Species: Arcanaloth
Alias: unknown
Desc: Golden fur.
Operates: Alcain Fem'at is a contact of Enkillo the Sly, a tiefling expert on fiends. He claims that yugoloths are simply merchants, not the puppetmasters many claim they are. Alcain has a nycoloth assistant, and is probably a liar. But then, he knows you know that.
Source: Faces of Evil: The Fiends

Name: Malpheaz
Species: Ultroloth
Alias: Lord of the Seven Darks
Desc: An imposing presence, radiating darkness and chill.
Operates: an ultroloth who styles himself Master of Mungoth. He collects secrets about Baator's Dark Eight. He is an ultraloth with a fortress on a crystal river, a fortress carved from a single piece of ice five hundred feet tall.
Source: Rip Van Wormer

Name: Brucilosu
Species: Altraloth
Alias: The Eighth Diseased One
Desc: Diseased-looking yugoloth
Operates: Brucilosu was the eighth most powerful altraloth during the reign of Infestix, and thus the most disposable. Its role was field commander of Infestix's armies.
Source: Dance of Demons by Gary Gygax

Name: Pneumonis
Species: Altraloth
Alias: unknown
Desc: Diseased-looking yugoloth
Operates: Pneumonis was one of the eight most powerful altraloths during the reign of Infestix.
Source: Dance of Demons by Gary Gygax

Name: Rheumatus.
Species: Altraloth
Alias: unknown
Desc: Diseased-looking yugoloth
Operates: Rheumatus was one of the eight most powerful altraloths during the reign of Infestix
Source: Dance of Demons by Gary Gygax

Name: Yrsinius the Elder
Species: Baernaloth
Alias: Black Death
Desc: unknown
Operates: One of the creators of Yrsinius the Younger, an experiment in baernaloth procreation.
Source: Todd Stewart

Name: Incarus
Species: Yagnoloth
Desc: A large, horrible creature with two unequal arms, one man-sized and the other giant-sized. Incarus has scaly red skin, bulky muscles, and a horrid, skull-like head with wing-like ears.
Operates: Dwelling deep beneath Sigil's streets, Incarus is a scheming yugoloth who watches over and occasionally manipulates events in the City of Doors. He communicates with Ely Cromlich of the Doomguard through an artifact called the Nightmare Shaft. He hopes to conquer Sigil with an army of fiends.
Source: Faction War

Name: Lakerus
Species: Yagnoloth
Alias: The Severer
Desc: Lakerus has fallen on hard times of late; his arm has been replaced by a mechanical thing created from greensteel and a living limb cut from a retriever. Half of his head has been replaced by an enormous obsidian eye from the City of Glass and Vine.
Operates: The yagnoloth Lakerus, a sadistic bastard known for cutting pieces off his enemies, controls the most powerful faction in the city Severence in Carceri.
Source: Rip Van Wormer

Name: Targa
Species: Nycaloth
Alias: The Many
Desc: Lean and muscled, Targa has a long, doglike muzzle and vast batlike wings. Her body is covered in green scales; a long reptillian tail trails behind her. Her posture is that of a crouched gargoyle or bird of prey. She has only two arms and two legs.
Operates: Targa is the spymaster in charge of Severence in Carceri, intended to be the power behind Lakerus' throne. Though created a nycoloth, she managed to convince the populace that she was (variously) an arcane, a tiefling, an imp, a shator, a babau, a human revolutionary , and a slaad. Rooting out trouble and manipulating the various leaders and upstarts was child's play for this sly cutter, and promotion seemed assured. This was before human slaves used an artifact called the Five-Armed Prism to shatter everyone in the city into independent beings created from the many ways they were perceived by others. Targa was the hardest hit.
Source: Rip Van Wormer

Name: Vorkannis
Species: Arcanaloth
Alias: The Ebon
Desc: A jet black arcanaloth, Vorkannis the Ebon looked with the reddish pink eyes of an albino oddly contrasting with his shadowy coat. He sneered and bared gleaming fangs, pausing for effect. His eyes flashed more red than the dim corpse light of Carceri and The Ebon snarled and barked out a series of words that grated the air and caused the walls to ache and distort: the language of the baernaloths.
Operates: The Ebon had climbed the ladder of power quickly and without question. It didn’t entirely make sense. For starters he’d simply walked out of the Waste without a past, at least as far as anyone could tell. “I have a question for you both, answer me and you will have what you ask and we will set this third wheel into motion, a wheel among wheels of conspiracy, the wheel within wheels.”
Source: Todd Stewart

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Well known loths?

wow. Thanks Rip

This is a great start.

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
Well known loths?

Thanks for the credits there Rip Laughing out loud

Shylara will be jumping back into the plot of my storyhour sooner rather than later. She's too barmy for me to leave well enough alone.

I originally had Yrsinius the Elder as being a Baernaloth. I gave one or two mentions of his name in my campaign, and in a writeup of a site known as the Eternity's Doorstep.

He/she/it eventually made a physical appearance in my campaign during the last session before it ended. Eventually I'll get around to describing them elsewhere before getting to them in the storyhour. They were... different... from the typical Baernaloth body shape.

Also, there was a Planescape module in Dungeon magazine that featured a Yagnaloth bound to an abandoned building in Sigil. I'd have to either find my copy of the magazine or the pdf of that issue I've got sitting around somewhere on my hard drive.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Well known loths?

"Shemeska the Marauder" wrote:
I originally had Yrsinius the Elder as being a Baernaloth. I gave one or two mentions of his name in my campaign, and in a writeup of a site known as the Eternity's Doorstep.

Whoops! I was going by a different file, where I stored an offhand comment you made, and I didn't get around to looking in the Eternity's Doorstep file (and there is one on my computer).

I changed Yrsinius to a baernaloth (I had previously called him/it/her an altraloth). I didn't mean to start listing baernaloths yet - you're far more qualified to do that than me in any case, and the question was about greater yugoloths, not the Gloom Fathers.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Well known loths?

Good lord Rip - you're a walking archive...

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Well known loths?

"Clueless" wrote:
Good lord Rip - you're a walking archive...

Indeed. Done most of the work for me. I was thinking I'd get one or two from different people and have to sort and clean up every entry. Not that I'm complaining mind you. Laughing out loud

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Well known loths?

Name: Nisviim
Species: Arcanaloth
Alias: The Oinoloths' Right Hand
Desc: Jackal-headed
Operates: Nisviim was bound by his true name to the service of Anthraxus long ago, becoming the altraloth's most trusted servant and ultimately the seneschal of the Wasting Tower. When Anthraxus abandoned his throne in Khin-Oin, he took no servants with him, not even Nisviim. As a result, the arcanaloth continues in the role Anthraxus chose for him, serving Mydianchlarus as he once served his predecessor. However, Nisviim is not bound to Mydianchlarus as he is to Anthraxus, so his loyalty is more to Khin-Oin itself than to the Oinoloth. Nisviim also fears Anthraxus' return, and thus will do nothing against his former lord's interest.
Source: Paul Kemp (converted to the Great Wheel cosmology by me)

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
Well known loths?

This thread is saved on my desktop for future use. I am humbled by your knowledge Rip. I'll buy you lunch one day if you're at GenCon this year. Smiling

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Well known loths?

"Shemeska the Marauder" wrote:
I am humbled by your knowledge Rip.

Considering I stole about half of them from you...

I'll buy you lunch one day if you're at GenCon this year. Smiling

I'll try to make it!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Well known loths?

"ripvanwormer" wrote:
I'll try to make it!
Ya better! Eye-wink

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Well known loths?

I posted this on the Wizards boards and then forgot about it. Phlegyas is from A Tiefling's Exultation by Alex Roberts. The other yugoloths I haven't mentioned elsewhere are from Gary Gygax's Gord series.

A is for Anthraxus, exiled and shamed
who wanders the planes, dark allies to find.
B is for Bubonix, the Black Death of Carceri
at war with Apomps and all demodand-kind.
C is for Cerlic, and Cholerix as well.
One cruises the Styx, one in Bubonix's hell.
D is for Diptherius, covered in slime
who lurks in Gehenna, biding its time.
G is for the General, that which was first,
whose myriad schemes slake the Blood War's thirst.
H is for Helekanalaith, master of the Tower
of all arcanaloths, perhaps greatest in power.
L is for Larsdana, who built the Tower Arcane,
now missing, presumed dead, or writhing in pain.
M is for Mydianchlarus, subtlest of them all
whose mastery of secrets made Anthraxus fall.
P is for Phlegyas, Cerlic's proxy and herald
who rallies marraenoloths throughout the Dark River.
R is for Rheumatus, of the twisted bones
who warps your spine and makes your skull shiver
T is for Taba, and Typhus of course.
a mistress of disguise and a master of wars.
V is for Virulex, with dead black eyes.
able to penetrate even Taba's disguise.
X is for Xengahra, angel of sorrows
bringer of death, solar's shape merely borrowed.

Those are the names of all that I know
of the yugoloth lords of the planes down below.

Name: Phlegyas
Species: Ultroloth
Alias: unknown
Desc: He appears as a large, skeletal marraenoloth.
Operates: Represents Cerlic in the wider Lower Planes.
Source: A Tiefling's Exultation, Dante's Inferno (he rows Dante and Virgil across the Styx), Greek mythology (originally)

Name: Variolaz
Species: Altraloth
Desc: A diseased yugoloth (named for variola, or smallpox)
Operates: Formally one of the eight most powerful altraloths
Source: Gary Gygax

Name: Brucilousu
Alias: unknown
Species: altraloth (almost certainly not a former ultroloth)
Desc: A diseased yugoloth (named for Brucella, a disease that affects humans, cattle, goats, swine, and dogs). Probably has hybrid bestial features and power over cold and heat.
Operates: Brucilosu was the eighth most powerful altraloth during the reign of Infestix, and thus the most disposable. Its role was field commander of Infestix's armies.
Source: Dance of Demons by Gary Gygax

Name: Virulex
Species: unknown (ultroloth?)
Alias: unknown
Desc: dead black eyes
Operates: a vassal of Infestix
Source: Gary Gygax

Name: Poxpanus
Species: altroloth or ultroloth (former Oinoloth?)
Alias: Lord of All Pox
Desc: He takes a human form and has a rotting and hollow voice. His arms are putrid and he can spread highly virulent diseases by touch.
Operates: Vassal of Infestix. Has a familiar called Reachan. He, through ritual, can magically send disease to distant victims. He can ward himself against ESP, scrying, and divinatory actions. Seeks to release Tharizdun. After his familiar died, he returned to Hades in a state of madness.
Source: Gary Gygax

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Well known loths?

Well I've compiled All of Rip's list of loths into a word document, and then put them into an excell sheet to allow for easier sorting. Below I've added a loth of my own to the list.

Note: This brings the total listing of loths up to 41 Smiling

Name: Gehasst
Species: Arcanaloth
Alias: The Dire Youth
Desc: Appears to be a young Arcanaloth, but is actually just as old as most other of his brethren. Gehasst may use his shape shifting to transform into any species but due to a curse laid on him as punishment he is unable to shift into any adult forms of creatures. The nature of his crime is a dark held from most all others, even his fellow loths, but there are many rumors, most of which revolve around the fact that he is one of the few trueborn Arcanaloths to be even moderately successful. His forced child-like state not only applies to his appearance but his personality as well. At times of high stress he seems unable to cope as an adult and often seeks out a parental figure for support.
Operates: Gehasst may be found anywhere in the outer planes, but spends most of his time on the Waste. He roams about on missions given to him by his master, an ultraloth rumored to be his mother and the source of his curse. Still his forced guise as a child often allows him to gain the trust of others as well as allow him to take advantage of the underestimations of him from his enemies both for being a true-born and for being a perpetual child.
Source: Gerald Sears

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Well known loths?

Oh. While I think about it I'd like to expand my critiria to all Neutral Evil exemplars. Including Night Hags, the Baern, Intelligent Nightmares & ect.. Basically I'm interested if they are named, and/or have known operations on the planes.

Also I'm thinking about going back and adding a Location: field to the listings giving the plane on which they are most likely to be encountered.

Another Field I'm going to add is a Status: field telling if the fiend is active, reforming (slain off plane), dead (Slain on plane/perma-killed), missing, unknown, or other. The status will be 5 years PFW.

Basically these fields I think should make it easier for a DM to figure out what loth could be encountered where.

The list and database I'm compileing will eventually expand to include other types of fiends and perhaps celestials and other exemplars. Then I might go into a list of cagers. THe idea is to compile a guide to NPCs with a good listing of who they are and their sources for DMs to use to add more flavor and bredth to their games.

Rip - Most of the loths you submitted I am able to figure this last field out. I'll be reposting my compiled list at some point and if you (or anyone else) would like to see my source documents (A word file and Excell spreadsheet used for sorting.) then send me a private message with your email addy.

Ohtar Turinson's picture
Joined: 2004-06-01
Well known loths?

Name: Veriz'artorin
Species: Ultroloth
Alias: The Silent One
Desc: Veriz'artorin appears as a standard ultroloth, except that his eyes tend toward cooler colors- opal eyes, rather than fire opals.
Operates: An Ultroloth who ran a particularly twisted laboratory in the depths of Krangath. Called "The Silent One" for his unwillingness to 'speak' (via telepathy) to anyone besides his two arcanoloth lackies. The majority of the experiments he and his allies performed were on the nature of induced corruption and methods of imprisonment. Veriz'artorin was presumed destroyed when a band of mortal adventurers released his most successful experiment: a Planetar who had essentially ascended to Solar as a result of experiments they had performed, and then been driven to apparent madness and fallen. Some chant places him as still alive, imprisoned in a massive black crystal in his former fortress, tortured regularly by the very monster he created.
Status: Dead or imprisoned in the ruins of his fortress on Krangath.
Source: None

I have a couple more, but I think I better wait on posting them until this evening. I need to finish preping for my game in a few hours...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Well known loths?

If you have the Loth List in a good format pass it along and I'll add it to our download page. (Like the Gods List)

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Well known loths?

'Clueless' wrote:
If you have the Loth List in a good format pass it along and I'll add it to our download page. (Like the Gods List)

I'd have to do some polishing. Double check the editing and put in more formatting as right now it is fairly raw.

Will prolly be monday or tuesday night, as I got a exam mon afternoon.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Well known loths?

Right. You're supposed to be studying. Smiling

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Well known loths?

Heh... I'd actually forgotten half of these.

I appreciate the listing Rip Eye-wink.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Well known loths?

Laughing out loud Laughing out loud The first version of the list has been submitted to downloads! Laughing out loud Laughing out loud

I am now going to commnce phase two of the list project. I dunno it is something to do. Thanks again rip!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Well known loths?

A PDF download for the loth list has been uploaded: /downloads/lothList.php

Let me know if any corrections or additions need to be made to it.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Well known loths?

Name: Daerith
Species: Nycaloth
Alias: unknown
Desc: unknown
Operates: Tried to enter the palace of Malsheem unannounced; was torn apart by pit fiends. According to the rules in force at the time, Daerith should have eventually regenerated in Hades or Gehenna.
Source: Dragon #76 (Ed Greenwood)

Name: Tul-oc-luc
Species: Arcanaloth
Alias: unknown
Desc: unknown
Operates: An ally of the witch Iggwilv.
Source: Isle of the Ape, this site

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