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Bran Dawri's picture
Joined: 2006-07-30

Hello everyone,

longtime lurker, few-time poster here.
Just something I had to get off my chest. I went to the Spiel gaming convention in Essen, Germany, yesterday and after several years of trying to find *any* PS-related material, managed to scoop up:

PS campaing setting boxed set,
Planes of Chaos boxed set
Planes of Conflict boxed set
Blood War boxed set
Uncaged: Faces of Sigil
2nd edition manual of the planes.

Dtinks are on me, folks!

Needless to say, a campaign will be starting shortly after I've devoured all this...

That said, I do have some questions.
What other PS material is out there, and which are must-haves? How useful are the ones I do have?

Kay's picture
Joined: 2006-09-20

You lucky, lucky berk! How much jink did you have to spill on that?

Anyway.. useful material, apart from adventures, I do not know. Planes of Law? If its useful or not, its not on your list. I think you have plenty o' good stuff there. I especially like Planes of Chaos, the setting, the art.. ! Go for it. Hopefully your campaign will lead to Ysgard or Pandemonium (two of my fav planes). Smiling

Bran Dawri's picture
Joined: 2006-07-30

Waayyy too much jink, I had to spend on that. The whole deal set me back about 350 euros - around 400 US dollars if memory serves.

I've got a few ideas about that campaign. For now, Ysgard and Pandemonium aren't really on the list, but I've got a hugely powerful mage in mind that I have yet to situate somewhere, and I definitely plan to send the PCs running all over the planes and then some.

Kay's picture
Joined: 2006-09-20

'Bran Dawri' wrote:
I definitely plan to send the PCs running all over the planes and then some.
That's my favourite. And its 500 $ actually Eye-wink Euro is on an all high at the moment (somewhere around 1:1,42).

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