Hey everyone! I, like alot of other DnD players I know, absolutely love web comics, so I figured I would make a thread in which to link up to them! Here's a few good ones I really enjoy......
mind flayed
Alien loves predator
Jack of All Blades
Zombie Love
and of course, everyones favorite Planescape webcomic,Planescape survival guide
Web comic lovers
Not a bad comic, there.
Let's see... other than some comics that have already been mentioned...
www.schlockmercenary.com www.levelmanga.com www.flipsidecomics.com http://freefall.purrsia.com www.dominic-deegan.com www.sluggy.com www.nuklearpower.com www.misfile.com www.marilith.com http://npc.comicgenesis.com www.themidlands.net www.ctrlaltdel-online.com www.vgcats.com www.go-girly.com
There's more, I'll post them as I think of them.
-Saturday morning breakfast cereal
-Alien Loves Predator
-Something Positive
-Order of the stick
-Percy the chicken
-Monkey island
-Partially Clips
btw. monkey island is a remake of the game but it was never finished
order of the stick actually has an overarching story that has bene going on for some years... very funny (to me at least)
*does the happy dance*
A PS comic I like is Darken. It is about an evil group, rather than good guys (though one or two characters are perhaps neutral in alignment) endeavoring to rule the planes and make some jink.