We need more spells and special materials for some planes. Let's brainstorm!

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Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
We need more spells and special materials for some planes. Let's brainstorm!

Some of the things we need:
(I'd make all of these things myself if I were any good at it)

--We need more utility-based spells. There are plenty of water-based and ice/snow-based ones from Stormwrack and Frostburn respectively, but we need more fire-based utility spells. Mainly:
--Lavawalking: similar to water-walking, but allows the subject to walk over the surface of magma.
--Non-Stick: What can be more annoying than having magma stick to your body and equipment? Sure, energy protection/resistance spells prevent the damage, but you're still going to have molten lava stick to yourself and your clothes, and when you leave a hot area? Yeah, you're going to have cooled rock adhering to your body. Very annoying. Non-stick would be a spell that prevents magma from adhering to the character and his equipment, but doesn't prevent fire damage. It might prevent other types of viscous substances (say, ooze for instance) from adhering to your body as well, but of course it won't prevent other effects such as acid damage.
--I'll do this one; create salt-based variants of some of the sand spells from Sandstorm. I'll be careful not to violate any copyrights when I post the spells.

Also, some cold/ice-based spells I made:

Shape Ice, Greater
Transmutation [Cold]
This spell is identical to Greater Stone Shape from "Underdark" and the "Spell Compendium", except that it affects ice instead.

Soften Snow and Ice
Transmutation [Cold]
This spell is identical to "Soften Earth and Stone", except that it affects ice. Ice becomes packed snow which is easily molded or shaped, packed snow becomes loose snow, and loose snow becomes powdery snow.
It's more useful than "Thaw" (see Frostburn) on planes of unearthly cold such as Paraelemental Ice and Cania where the temperature is below -50f/-45c (cold enough to where water freezes in mere seconds)

Transmute Ice to Snow
Transmutation [Cold]
This spell is identical to "Transmute Rock to Mud" except that it instead turns ice into loose snow.
It's more useful than "Thaw" (see Frostburn) on planes of unearthly cold such as Paraelemental Ice and Cania where the temperature drops below -50f/-45c (cold enough where water freezes in mere seconds)

Transmute Snow to Ice
Transmutation [Cold]
This spell is identical to "Transmute Mud to Rock", except that it turns loose, packed, or powdery snow into solid ice.

--We need a melt-proof special material for Fire, or at least a form of tempering that makes the metal able to withstand temperatures of 5000 degrees or higher (this would allow it to withstand magma AND avoid becoming weakened due to reaching the half-way-to-melting-point).
--Need a special material for the Ethereal Plane
--Need a crystalline special material for the Quasielemental Plane of Lightning that doesn't attract and is resistant to lightning.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: We need more spells and special materials for some ...

For the quasielemental plane of Lightning allow me to recommend a real-world material called the aerogel, or, more evocatively, frozen smoke. This material is a glass-like foam of silica or carbon -- it's light enough that some versions can float on air, strong enough to hold thousands of times its weight in steady pressure, and highly capacitant, capable of storing a large amount of charge. Its one downside is that it shatters extremely easily to a sharp blow.

This odd cross between air and earth might be found naturally on the Plane of Air near the borders with Ice or Smoke. With its hardness magically enhanced to prevent shattering, it could make good, extremely light armor that did not attract lightning and would probably offer at least some natural electricity resistance. (Without magical enhancement it would not offer any armor protection due to its shattering problems, but it could still be made into a translucent container somewhat resistant to heat and lightning.)

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: We need more spells and special materials for some ...

Sounds good. I'll wiki it as soon as I finish working on Cryonax's herald.

On a slightly different subject, there is something else I have long thought of: language on the Paraelemental and Quasielemental planes.
For paraelemental planes, it is likely that the natives are going to speak a pidgeon language that is a cross between the languages of the two elements that their planes consist of.
An example: on Ice, the official language is 'Glacian', a cross between auran and aquan. Anyone who knows both the base languages can understand Glacian, though perhaps we should make the requirement that non-natives need an INT score of 13 or higher to understand it.

I also considered giving the Positive and Negative planes official languages (Vivacian and Entropian respectively), mostly for dealing with language on the quasi-planes (here again you'd see the same thing where the language is a blend between two)

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: We need more spells and special materials for some ...

Here's something. I'm calculating the value of different special materials based on weight. Some of the calculations may seem a bit wonky, so if you have any ideas for corrections, please tell me.

1 sp-- 1 lb of iron
5 sp-- 1 lb of copper or bronze
5 gp-- 1 lb of silver or coral
50 gp-- 1 lb of gold or dragonbone
100gp- 1 lb of clearsteel
200 gp- 1 lb of Acheronian Clearsteel, Baatorian Green Steel, Elukian Clay, or Solarian Truesteel
250 gp-- 1 lb of pearlsteel (note: technically this won't work since pearlsteel is a coating.)
400gp- 1 lb of blue ice
500gp- 1 lb of platinum or mithril
550gp- 1 lb of Abyssal Blood Iron
650gp- 1 lb of Astral Driftmetal or Gehennian Morghuth Iron
1800gp- 1 lb of Pandaemonic Silver
2500gp- 1 lb of Adamantine

As for 1 lb of mundane crystal (quartz), well that's a bit more difficult to estimate, though I'd say ohhh.... 20gp per lb sounds about right.
As for Ysgardian Heartwire, I have no idea, but considering how light-weight it supposedly is, I'm betting it's pretty expensive. Elukian clay might be 100gp/lb or 150gp/lb since it's likely to be sold as unbaked bricks.
Not sure on aurorum either, though I'm going to guess probably 650gp.

Using the above conversions, you can expand the jewelry table in Arms and Equipment to make treasure tables for various jewelry made from special materials. You'll need a calculator, however. (for instance, blue ice is 4/5ths of platinum's and mithril's price, so you therefore divide each item on the platinum jewelry table by 1.25. You can also use the jewelry table to make treasures of similar types. For instance, you can use the headband prices to also make crowns, circlets, and diadems. Then add the price for whatever gem you want to add to it. Keep in mind however that the prices given in the jewelry table are merely the base prices; looking at treasure tables throughout Draconomicon, DMG, and Magic Item Compendium, high-quality jewelry *WITHOUT the gems* can cost up to 10x more than the prices given in the table.) Creating statuettes, figurines, or idols is even easier since they generally weigh either 5 or 10 lbs.

Now, for fabrics. Most of these were calculated using the Arms and Equipment Guide (the clothing, not the caravan goods) and some other sources, and do not match up with the values given in the Draconomicon (then again, the metal values in Draconomicon don't make sense, either. I mean, they give the same price for adamantine and mithril ore for crying out loud, and both are 1/5th the price of platinum and twice the price of gold!) Note that I am not trying to equate square yards with pounds; the slash is supposed to indicate using either system. If you want to know how many lbs are in a square yard of fabric you'll have to consult the 3E draconomicon, though I must warn you the weights are off (I'm sorry, but silk is NOT lighter than cotton; that stuff is heavy.)

5cp- 1 lb/sq. yard of sackcloth
1 sp- 1 lb/sq. yard of cotton or linen
5 sp- 1lb/sq. yard of wool or leather
1 gp- 1 lb/sq. yard of velvet
5 gp- 1 lb/sq. yard of fur
10gp- 1 lb/sq. yard of silk
150gp- 1 lb/sq. yard of monstrous spider silk (drider, aranea, snowspider, etc.)
250gp- 1 lb/sq. yard of monstrous fur or dragonhide (chromatic)
350gp- 1 lb/sq. yard of dragonhide (metallic or gem)

I will not be posting mundane spices, as those can be found in the Arms&Equipment Guide and Draconomicon.
I probably won't bother to hunt up all the Outer Planar spices/fruits/wines/etc. and give them prices, either. If you want to do it, the general rule is this: exotic planar spices will likely be worth their weight in gold, half their weight in platinum, or their full weight in platinum. In short, anywhere between 50-500gp, with 200 or 400gp being the most common prices.
A good extraplanar wine... eesh... um, well, if a good wine in game costs about 100-200gp, then a good extraplanar wine will probably cost, at minimum, 800gp, and at maximum, maybe up to 5000gp. The more expensive planar wines are likely to have some rather supernatural effects on whoever drinks it. Celestial wines are likely to have some rather wonderous (but likely temporary) effects (unless you're evil aligned, in which case I wouldn't drink that if I were you). Whereas the fiendish wines are likely to have very unpleasant effects on any non-fiendish creature stupid enough to imbibe it (Stygian Amnesia sounds like a popular mixed drink for Baator). Of course, you'd have to be even crazier to drink wine from Limbo or Pandaemonium (I bet Pandaemonium wine unleashes an unearthly scream when you pop the cork, too)

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: We need more spells and special materials for some ...

Another thing I hope to accomplish for the Inner Planes (and this could probably be adapted for a few of the Outer Planes as well) is a modified encounter table of sorts. I haven't decided how to go about this, but it's probably going to be complicated (certainly I will try to make it as simple as possible.)

The primary goal of making this specialized encounter or event table is to allow the insertion of "outposts" (very small settlements). Again, I don't know how to go about this.
Now, with the Paraplane of Ice primarily in mind, part of the rolling would involve some sort of die roll to determine the racial makeup of the outpost. If the adventuring party wishes to establish contact with the outpost for whatever reason, they will have to make a Diplomacy check to determine how the settlers react to them. Certain circumstances would give a positive or negative modifier, and in one or two cases (owning a weapon, or at least having it unsheathed, of the opposite alignment or elemental affiliation as the outpost races is a surefire method for failure)

Of course, we also have to bear in mind that social encounters are not limited to permanent settlements; instead of an outpost, the adventurers might instead encounter a nomadic group, or a trade caravan. Or they might encounter a specific type of military patrol (e.g. on Ice they might get REALLY unlucky and encounter a patrol unit of Cryonax's soldiers)
Or maybe, just maybe, they will encounter an NPC adventuring group. Chances are such encounters are going to be a lot rarer than the 'nilla traditional encounter, but they could result in some interesting roleplaying opportunities. Some monster entries in the Monster Manuals and such do give organization examples for entire villages, but that is only for some types of monstrous humanoids and giantkin.

I also considered instead making something even more complicated-- an event table. An event table would basically include prettymuch anything that could happen in the wilderness of the planes, primarily encounters, outposts/random villages/caravans/etc. and environmental hazards. They would have to be customized for each plane, and possibly even each region of some planes. Most likely the first roll would take a D4 or D10 (the three categories above, plus an additional category for things like wild herbs and other such 'treasures' that can be obtained from the wilderness)

Any ideas on how to implement this? I wonder if WoTC or a 3rd D20 party has developed anything similar...

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
List of EN World Creature Catalogue Conversions

I'm not going to hyperlink them, merely make a list of converted Inner Planar monsters by Plane and CR. I will NOT be including creatures found in the Planewalker Denizens books.

varies- Neutral Dragon, Moonstone

varies- Neutral Dragon, Jade

varies- Neutral Dragon, Amber
1- Elemental, Mudman
4- Elemental, Griveling
4- Xaren
5- Elemental, Dragger
5- Elemental, Tymphanix

varies- Neutral Dragon, Jacinth
4- Dragon, Fire Drake
4- Elemental, Phantom Stalker
*9 Fire Lizard
*: The Fire Lizard's stats are not complete (should be fire subtype and possess a vulnerability to cold)

*1/4- swordfish
*1/2 Greater Urchin, Black or Green
*1 Greater Urchin, Yellow or Red
*1- sawfish/sawshark
*2 Greater Urchin, Silver
*3- Lamprey, Dire
*4- Giant angler fish
*4- Giant Moray eel
*7- Coral Beast
*7- Viper Fish, Giant
*7- Vurgens/Giant Gulper Eel
*9- Hetfish
*10- Golden Ammonite

*: Technically most fish/aquatic monsters should be possible to insert here.

1- Paraelemental, Shiverbug
2- Hoar Fox
2- Paraelemental, Snowmischief
2- Troll, Ice
3- Dragon, Ice Lizard
*3- Ice Hound
3- Paraelemental, Iceling
7- Paraelemental, Snowfury
9- Troll, Snow
14- Paraelemental, Frigidarch (I made a stronger version in the Ice topic that's more in-line with being the 'most powerful paraelemental save the Great Cryonax')
*: Ice hounds are not native inhabitants to Ice, but to Cania. Though not related to the Inner Planes, I will make a Canian Warhound for people to use in a bit. (the Ice Hound is actually from the Videogame "Savage Frontier", but this is not the only time I have seen folks try to make a cold equivalent of the hellhound)

1- Elemental, Mudman
special note: Do not forget that any kind of ooze can be found in this Paraelemental plane (source: The Inner Planes accessory) and... going by conversion terms, they always have maximum HD when encountered on this Paraelemental plane. In that vein, here are some additional oozes:
4- Crystal Ooze
4- Slithering Tracker (these things were rather feared in 2E, but without their high INT score they are essentially neutered)
4- Stunjelly
5- Olive Slime
7- Mustard Jelly
Please bear in mind that some of these oozes were not updated for 3x by WoTC because they are low-level monsters with save-or-die attacks. This is also the reason why many classic low-level monsters such as the gloom moth/tenebrous worm and rot grubs did not make the 3x cut.

3- Quasielemental, Glomus
3- Quasielemental, Shard
3- Quasielemental, Shard, Spined
3- Quasielemental, Trilling Crysmal
4- Quasielemental, Crystal Spider
7- Quasielemental, Chamrol
8- Quasielemental, Energy Pod

I'm sorry, I know there is a lot more for Ice than there is for anything else, but I'm just not as familiar with the creatures of the other elemental planes.

Misc. note: The Frostman is updated in the Frostburn accessory under "Frostfolk".
I did not list the "Polar Spider" as it is also updated in Frostburn as the "Snowspider"

2nd Misc Note: For added fun, they have a dire template on the site, though I don't know how good it is.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Additional Spells and Expanded Spell Lists

I updated the "Breathe X" spells from Planescape. Here they are.

Breathe Earth
Transmutation [Air, Earth, or Water]
Level: Clr 5, Drd 5, Purebreath Devotee 4, Sor/Wiz 5, Shugenja 5 (earth, water, metal) Wu Jen 5 (water, earth, and metal)
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Living creatures touched
Duration: 2 hours/level; see text
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
This spell allows a character to survive in an environment of solid earth or stone, such as on the planes of Earth or Mineral, although even on the Prime Material the spell can be used to prevent suffocation from an avalanche or cave-in. The spell enables the recipient to breathe areas of other solid and semisolid matter, such as the planes of Ice or even Salt (you will still need to devise a means of protection against cold and dessication, respectively). Divide the duration evenly among all the creatures you touch.
The spell does not make creatures unable to breathe air.
The material component is a small feather. (this feather need not be from a creature of flesh; the feather of an elemental, paraelemental, or quasiselemental creature with feathers will also suffice, as will the feathers from celestial or fiendish creatures)

Breathe Fire or Magma
Transmutation [Air, Earth, Fire]
Level: Drd 3, Purebreath Devotee 3, Sor/Wiz 3, Shugenja 3 (fire), Wu Jen 3 (fire)
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Living creatures touched
Duration: 2 hours/level; see text
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
This spell enables subjects to breathe in an environment comprised mostly or entirely of fire or magma. Divide the duration evenly among all the creatures you touch.
The spell does not make creatures unable to breathe air.

Breathe Smoke, Dust, or Ash
Transmutation [Air, Earth, Fire]
Level: Drd 3, Purebreath Devotee 3, Sor/Wiz 3, Shugenja 3 (air, earth), Wu Jen 3 (air, earth)
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Living creatures touched
Duration: 2 hours/level; see text
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
This spell allows a character to survive in hostile, choking atmospheres, such as those on the planes of Smoke, Dust, or Ash. On the Prime Material as well as on other planes, this spell allows the subject tyo breathe freely in areas of that would normally incapacitate him due to thick vapor or particulate matter in the air. The subject of the spell is still vulnerable to magically created vapors, such as those generated by stinking cloud or cloudkill spells.
Divide the duration evenly among all the creatures you touch.
The spell does not make creatures unable to breathe air.
The material component is a handfull of pine needles. (alternatively you could give material components which are a bit more common to the hot planes)

In addition, here are some expanded spell lists (for the non-core classes and prestige classes). This is a work in progress.

----------BASE CLASSES----------
Detect Fire (Frostburn)
Locate Water (Sandstorm)
Omen of Peril (Complete Divine)
Vigor, Lesser (Complete Divine)
Animalistic Power (Player's Handbook II)
Curse of Ill Fortune (Complete Divine)
Divine Insight (Complete Adventurer)
Ice Darts (Frostburn)
Obscuring Snow (Frostburn)
Aura of Cold, Lesser (Frostburn)
Binding Snow (Frostburn)
Energy Vulnerability (Player's Handbook II)
Vigor (Complete Divine)
Battlefield Illumination (Heroes of Battle)
Early Twilight (Heroes of Battle)
Weapon of the Deity (Complete Divine)
Weather Eye (Complete Divine)
Vigor, Greater (Complete Divine)

BEGUILER (Player's Handbook II)
Beckon, Lesser (PSCS 5)
Alibi (Exemplars of Evil)
Distract Assailant (Complete Adventurer)
Ease of Breath (Frostburn)
Friendly Face (Races of Destiny)
Incite (Miniatures Handbook)
Inhibit (Miniatures Handbook)
Scholar's Touch (Races of Destiny)
Serene Visage (Spell Compendium)
Shock and Awe (Spell Compendium)
Allied Footsteps (Complete Mage)
Bladeweave (Complete Adventurer)
Cloak Pool (Planar Handbook)
Crisis of Confidence (Heroes of Battle)
Delusions of Grandeur (Spell Compendium)
Discolor Pool (Planar Handbook)
Distracting Ray (Spell Compendium)
Entice Gift (Draconomicon)
Freedom of Breath (Sandstorm)
Obscuring Snow (Frostburn)
Proud Arrogance (Races of Destiny)
Ray of Stupidity (Spell Compendium)
Reflective Disguise (Spell Compendium)
Sting Ray (Spell Compendium)
Torrent of Tears (Complete Mage)
Beckon (PSCS 5)
Bothersome Babble (Complete Mage)
Deceptive Facade (Complete Mage)
Disobedience (Complete Scoundrel)
Enduring Scrutiny (Complete Mage)
Mask of the Ideal (Complete Mage)
Miser's Envy (Spell Compendium)
Pall of Twilight (Complete Mage)
Ray of Dizziness (Spell Compendium)
Suppress Breath Weapon (Draconomicon)
Telepathic Bond, Lesser (Complete Divine)
Tormenting Thirst (Sandstorm)
Disguise Ship (Stormwrack)
Melf's Slumber Arrows (Complete Mage)
Charm Person, Mass (Races of Destiny)
Illusory Feast (Spell Compendium)
Sleep Mote (Sandstorm)
Endless Slumber (Complete Mage)
Illusory Pit (Complete Arcane)
Interplanar Telepathic Bond (Spell Compendium)
Probe Thoughts (Complete Divine)
Reflective Disguise, Mass (Spell Compendium)
Transfix (Complete Arcane)
Solipsism (Spell Compendium)
Stun Ray (Spell Compendium)
Hindsight (Complete Adventurer)
Programmed Amnesia (Complete Arcane)
Superior Invisibility (Complete Arcane)

DREAD NECROMANCER (Heroes of Horror)
Chill of the Grave (Libris Mortis)
Death's Call (Complete Mage)
Ectoplasmic Armor (Libris Mortis)
Healer's Vision (Complete Scoundrel)
Heartache (Book of Vile Darkness)
Low-Light Vision (Complete Arcane)
Mordenkainen's Buzzing Bee (Miniatures Handbook)
Mournful Mutter (PSCS 5)
Necrotic Awareness (Libris Mortis)
Parching Touch (Sandstorm)
Reaving Aura (Complete Mage)
Remove Scent (Spell Compendium)
Shivering Touch, Lesser (Frostburn)
Summon Component (Complete Mage)
Sunstroke (Sandstorm)
Blackrot (Complete Mage)
Boneblast (Book of Vile Darkness)
Bone Chill (Frostburn)
Curse of Impending Blades (Miniatures Handbook)
Decomposition (Complete Divine)
Desiccate (Sandstorm)
Escalating Enfeeblement (Complete Mage)
Execration (Complete Champion)
Frostburn, Lesser (Frostburn)
Ghost Touch Armor (Libris Mortis)
Ghoul Glyph (Libris Mortis)
Increase Virulence (Player's Handbook II)
Kelgore's Grave Mist (Player's Handbook II)
Living Undeath (Miniatures Handbook)
Necrotic Cyst (Libris Mortis)
Necrotic Scrying (Libris Mortis)
Numbing Sphere (Frostburn)
Ray of Sickness (Spell Compendium)
Ray of Weakness (Spell Compendium)
Sap Strength (Book of Vile Darkness)
Shrivelling (Book of Vile Darkness)
Shroud of Undeath (Spell Compendium)
Spawn Screen (Libris Mortis)
Stolen Breath (Spell Compendium)
Wave of Grief (Complete Divine)
Wither Limb (Book of Vile Darkness)
Wracking Touch (Complete Adventurer)
Blood Snow (Frostburn)
Bone Blade (Book of Vile Darkness)
Caustic Smoke (Complete Mage)
Clutch of Orcus (Spell Compendium)
Crown of the Grave (Player's Handbook II)
Curse of Impending Blades, Legion's (Miniatures Handbook)
Curse of Petty Failing (Miniatures Handbook)
Delay Death (Miniatures Handbook)
Ectoplasmic Feedback (Libris Mortis)
Evard's Menacing Tentacles (Player's Handbook II)
Eyes of the Zombie (Book of Vile Darkness)
Incorporeal Enhancement (Libris Mortis)
Infestation of Maggots (Complete Divine)
Junglerazer (Spell Compendium)
Necrotic Bloat (Libris Mortis)
Negative Energy Protection (Planar Handbook, Libris Mortis)
Phantasmal Strangler (Complete Mage)
Prickling Torment (Complete Mage)
Shivering Touch (Frostburn)
Skull Watch (Spell Compendium)
Thin Air (Frostburn)
Undead Lieutenant (Spell Compendium)
Undead Torch (Spell Compendium)
Unliving Weapon (Book of Vile Darkness)
Wall of Vermin (Complete Scoundrel)
Willing Sacrifice (Exemplars of Evil)
Animate Legion (Heroes of Battle)
Bleakness (Player's Handbook II)
Consumptive Field (Libris Mortis)
Doom Scarabs (Player's Handbook II)
Finger of Agony (Complete Mage)
Flesh Armor (Book of Vile Darkness)
Frostburn (Frostburn)
Grim Revenge (Book of Vile Darkness)
Horrid Sickness (Complete Mage)
Mindfrost (Frostburn)
Necrotic Domination (Libris Mortis)
Negative Energy Aura (Planar Handbook)
Rusted Blade (Complete Mage)
Seed of Undeath (Complete Mage)
Starvation (Spell Compendium)
Stiffen (Exemplars of Evil)
Stop Heart (Book of Vile Darkness)
Summon Pest Swarm (Cityscape)
Touch of Years (Complete Mage)
Vecna's Malevolent Whisper (Complete Mage)
Wither (Sandstorm)
Wrack (Complete Divine)
Bleed (Complete Champion)
Channeled Lifetheft (Complete Mage)
Choking Sands (Sandstorm)
Cryptwarden's Grasp (Complete Mage)
Curse of Petty Failing, Legion's (Miniatures Handbook)
Fever Dream (Complete Mage)
Gelid Blood (Frostburn)
Haunt Shift (Libris Mortis)
Heartclutch (Book of Vile Darkness)
Kiss of the Vampire (Libris Mortis)
Necrotic Burst (Libris Mortis)
Night's Caress (Libris Mortis)
Plague-Mort Affliction (PSCS 5)
Plague of Rats (Complete Divine)
Soul Shackles (Book of Vile Darkness)
Spirit Guard (PSCS 5)
Spiritwall (Complete Arcane)
Thalassemia (Stormwrack)
Touch of Vecna (Complete Mage)
Toxic Weapon (Player's Handbook II)
Wall of Dispel Magic (Spell Compendium)
Arrow of Bone (Complete Arcane)
Ashen Union (Sandstorm)
Bone Craft (PSCS 5)
Contagious Touch (Complete Divine)
Desiccate, Mass (Sandstorm)
Frostburn, Mass (Frostburn)
Ghoul Gauntlet (Libris Mortis)
Heartfreeze (Frostburn)
Miasma (Complete Divine)
Mummify (Sandstorm)
Necrotic Eruption (Libris Mortis)
Revive Undead (Libris Mortis)
Spectral Touch (Libris Mortis)
Waves of Cold (Frostburn)
Avasculate (Libris Mortis)
Awaken Undead (Libris Mortis)
Bestow Curse, Greater (Complete Divine)
Consumptive Field, Greater (Libris Mortis)
Energy Ebb (Libris Mortis)
Ghost Trap (Libris Mortis)
Necromantic Curse (Complete Mage)
Necrotic Tumor (Libris Mortis)
Pulse of Hate (Player's Handbook II)
Sword of Darkness (Complete Arcane)
Withering Palm (Complete Arcane)
Avascular Mass (Libris Mortis)
Blackfire (Complete Arcane)
Dead Life (PSCS 5)
Ghostform (Libris Mortis)
Gutwrench (Book of Vile Darkness)
Necrotic Empowerment (Libris Mortis)
Plague (Player's Handbook II)
Steal Life (Book of Vile Darkness)
Touch of the Graveborn (Complete Mage)
Veil of Undead (Libris Mortis)
Wall of Dispel Magic, Greater (Spell Compendium)
Winds of Death (PSCS 5)
Death Ward, Mass (Libris Mortis)
Detonate (Player's Handbook II)
Necrotic Termination (Libris Mortis)

DUSKBLADE (Player's Handbook II)
Electric Jolt (Spell Compendium)
Corrosive Grasp (Spell Compendium)
Ice Dagger (Spell Compendium)
Orb of Acid, Lesser (Complete Arcane)
Orb of Cold, Lesser (Complete Arcane)
Orb of Electricity, Lesser (Complete Arcane)
Orb of Fire, Lesser (Complete Arcane)
Orb of Sound, Lesser (Complete Arcane
Ray of Clumsiness (Spell Compendium)
Ray of Flame (Spell Compendium)
Shivering Touch, Lesser (Frostburn)
Targeting Ray (Spell Compendium)
Bigby's Slapping Hand (Miniatures Handbook)
Blades of Fire (Complete Arcane)
Distracting Ray (Spell Compendium)
Flame Dagger (Spell Compendium)
Frost Weapon (Frostburn)
Ice Darts (Frostburn)
Numbing Sphere (Frostburn)
Obscuring Snow (Frostburn)
Rainbow Beam (Spell Compendium)
Ray of Ice (Spell Compendium)
Ray of Sickness (Spell Compendium)
Ray of Stupidity (Spell Compendium)
Ray of Weakness (Spell Compendium)
Reflective Disguise (Spell Compendium)
Turbidity (Stormwrack)
Chain Missile (Spell Compendium)
Icelance (Spell Compendium)
Ray of Dizziness (Spell Compendium)
Rust Ray (Spell Compendium)
Assay Resistance (Complete Arcane)
Thunderlance (Spell Compendium)
Orb of Acid (Complete Arcane)
Orb of Cold (Complete Arcane)
Orb of Electricity (Complete Arcane)
Orb of Fire (Complete Arcane)
Orb of Sound (Complete Arcane)
Ray Deflection (Spell Compendium)
Ray of Deanimation (Spell Compendium)
Aiming at the Target (Complete Arcane)
Ball Lightning (Spell Compendium)
Brilliant Blade (Complete Arcane)
Duelward (Complete Arcane)
Emerald Flame Fist (Complete Arcane)
Lucent Lance (Spell Compendium)
Prismatic Ray (Complete Arcane)
Stun Ray (Spell Compendium)
Ray of Light (Spell Compendium)

HEALER (Miniatures Handbook)
Summon Holy Symbol (Complete Champion)
Cloak of Shade (Sandstorm)
Delay Disease (Spell Compendium)
Ease of Breath (Frostburn)
Healer's Vision (Complete Scoundrel)
Healthful Rest (Complete Adventurer)
Locate Water (Sandstorm)
Resurgence (Complete Divine)
Rouse (Player's Handbook II)
Vigor, Lesser (Complete Divine)
Conduit of Life (Complete Champion)
Divine Insight (Complete Adventurer)
Ease Pain (Book of Exalted Deeds)
Estanna's Stew (Book of Exalted Deeds)
Freedom of Breath (Sandstorm)
Healing Lorecall (Complete Adventurer)
Hydrate (Sandstorm)
Impede Sun's Brilliance (Sandstorm)
Remove Addiction (Book of Exalted Deeds)
Healing Spirit (Player's Handbook II)
Heart's Ease (Book of Exalted Deeds)
Refreshment (Book of Exalted Deeds)
Remove Nausea (Book of Exalted Deeds)
Unicorn Horn (Complete Mage)
Vigor (Complete Divine)
Vigor, Mass, Lesser (Complete Divine)
Channeled Divine Health (Player's Handbook II)
Ice to Flesh (Frostburn)
Remove Fatigue (Book of Exalted Deeds)
Seed of Life (Complete Champion)
Status, Greater (Book of Exalted Deeds)
Convert Wand (Book of Exalted Deeds)
Dance of the Unicorn (Complete Divine)
Darts of Life (Complete Champion)
Healing Circle (Complete Champion)
Rejuvenation Cocoon (Complete Divine)
Renewed Vigor (Player's Handbook II)
Sacred Guardian (Book of Exalted Deeds)
Sanctuary, Mass (Spell Compendium)
Unicorn Blood (Complete Mage)
Vigor, Greater (Complete Divine)
Warding Gems (Book of Exalted Deeds)
Revive Outsider (Manual of the Planes)
Secure Corpse (Book of Exalted Deeds)
Vigorous Circle (Complete Divine)
Rejuvenating Light (Complete Champion)
Renewal Pact (Complete Divine)
Unicorn Heart (Complete Mage)
Death Ward, Mass (Libris Mortis)
Restoration, Mass (Libris Mortis)

HEXBLADE (Complete Warrior)
Blade of Blood (Player's Handbook II)
Ivory Flesh (Frostburn)
Black Karma Curse (Player's Handbook II)
Blinding Color Surge (Player's Handbook II)
Curse of Impending Blades (Miniatures Handbook)
Detect Spell Alteration (PSCS 5)
Frost Blade (Frostburn)
Master's Touch (Player's Handbook II)
Portal Alarm (Manual of the Planes)
Reflective Disguise (Spell Compendium)
Scimitar of Sand (Stormwrack)
Sink (Stormwrack)
Stolen Breath (Spell Compendium)
Sure Strike (Player's Handbook II)
Vertigo (Player's Handbook II)
Curse of Impending Blades, Legion's (Miniatures Handbook)
Energy Vulnerability (Player's Handbook II)
Fell the Greatest Foe (Draconomicon)
Find the Gap (Draconomicon)
Halt (Player's Handbook II)
Hesitate (Player's Handbook II)
Reverse Arrows (Spell Compendium)
Spell Vulnerability (Planar Handbook)
Tormenting Thirst (Sandstorm)
Vertigo Field (Player's Handbook II)
Baleful Blink (Player's Handbook II)
Crown of Veils (Player's Handbook II)
Mirror Image, Greater (Player's Handbook II)
Slashing Dispel (Player's Handbook II)
Stifle Spell (Player's Handbook II)
Toxic Weapon (Player's Handbook II)

PALADIN OF FREEDOM (Unearthed Arcana)
Blaze of Light (Heroes of Battle)
Bless Weapon, Swift (Miniatures Handbook)
Detect Fire (Frostburn)
Divine Sacrifice (Complete Divine)
Ease of Breath (Frostburn)
Energized Shield, Lesser (Spell Compendium)
Faith Healing (Spell Compendium)
Find Temple (Spell Compendium)
Golden Barding (Complete Divine)
Lionheart (Miniatures Handbook)
Moment of Clarity (Spell Compendium)
One Mind, Lesser (Spell Compendium)
Resurgence (Complete Divine)
Rhino's Rush (Spell Compendium)
Second Wind (Spell Compendium)
Secret Weapon (Cityscape)
Sense Heretic (Spell Compendium)
Sticky Saddle (Spell Compendium)
Summon Holy Symbol (Complete Champion)
Traveler's Mount (Complete Divine
Benediction (Complete Champion)
Blessed Aim (Complete Divine)
Cloak of Bravery (Complete Warrior)
Divine Presence (Complete Champion)
Divine Protection (Miniatures Handbook)
Energized Shield (Spell Compendium)
Hand of Divinity (Spell Compendium)
Holy Mount (Spell Compendium)
Holy Spurs (Miniatures Handbook)
Master Cavalier (Complete Champion)
One Mind (Spell Compendium)
Quick March (Miniatures Handbook)
Righteous Fury (Miniatures Handbook)
Shield of Warding (Draconomicon)
Spiritual Chariot (Spell Compendium)
Stabilize (Spell Compendium)
Steed of the Seas (Stormwrack)
Touch of Restoration (Complete Champion)
Turn Anathema (Complete Champion)
Zeal (Complete Divine)
Angelskin (Miniatures Handbook)
Blessing of Bahamut (Complete Divine)
Deific Bastion (Complete Champion)
Diamondsteel (Spell Compendium)
Fell the Greatest Foe (Draconomicon)
Find the Gap (Draconomicon)
Mantle of Chaos (Planar Handbook
Mantle of Good (Planar Handbook)
One Mind, Greater (Spell Compendium)
Resurgence, Mass (Complete Divine)
War-Mount (Complete Champion)
Aligned Aura (Complete Champion
Aura of Cold, Lesser (Frostburn)
Battlefield Illumination (Heroes of Battle)
Bolster Aura (Complete Champion)
Dispel Fire (Frostburn)
Moral Facade (Complete Champion)
Phantom Charge (Complete Champion)
Revenance (Complete Divine)
Righteous Aura (Miniatures Handbook)
Sacred Haven (Complete Divine)
Sacred Item (Complete Champion)
Spiritual Chariot (Complete Divine)
Subdue Aura (Complete Champion)
Visage of the Deity, Lesser (Complete Divine)
Weapon of the Deity (Complete Divine)
Winged Mount (Complete Divine)

Blade of Pain and Fear (Libris Mortis)
Detect Fire (Frostburn)
Divine Sacrifice (Complete Divine)
Ease of Breath (Frostburn)
Energized Shield, Lesser (Spell Compendium)
Faith Healing (Spell Compendium)
Find Temple (Spell Compendium)
Golden Barding (Complete Divine)
Lionheart (Miniatures Handbook)
Moment of Clarity (Spell Compendium)
One Mind, Lesser (Spell Compendium)
Rhino's Rush (Spell Compendium)
Second Wind (Spell Compendium)
Secret Weapon (Cityscape)
Sense Heretic (Spell Compendium)
Shivering Touch, Lesser (Frostburn)
Sticky Saddle (Spell Compendium)
Summon Holy Symbol (Complete Champion)
Summon Undead I (Libris Mortis, Heroes of Horror)
Traveler's Mount (Complete Divine)
Blessed Aim (Complete Divine)
Cloak of Bravery (Complete Warrior)
Curse of Ill Fortune (Complete Divine)
Divine Presence (Complete Champion)
Divine Protection (Miniatures Handbook)
Energized Shield (Spell Compendium)
False Peacebond (Cityscape)
Frostburn, Lesser (Frostburn)
Hand of Divinity (Spell Compendium)
Master Cavalier (Complete Champion)
One Mind (Spell Compendium)
Shield of Warding (Draconomicon)
Spiritual Chariot (Spell Compendium)
Steed of the Seas (Stormwrack)
Summon Undead II (Libris Mortis, Heroes of Horror)
Turn Anathema (Complete Champion)
Wave of Grief (Complete Divine)
Zeal (Complete Divine)
Deific Bastion (Complete Champion)
Demonhide (Miniatures Handbook)
Diamondsteel (Spell Compendium)
Fangs of the Vampire King (Libris Mortis)
Fell the Greatest Foe (Draconomicon)
Find the Gap (Draconomicon)
Mantle of Chaos (Planar Handbook)
Mantle of Evil (Planar Handbook)
One Mind, Greater (Spell Compendium)
Summon Undead III (Libris Mortis, Heroes of Horror)
War-Mount (Complete Champion)
Aligned Aura (Complete Champion)
Aura of Cold, Lesser (Frostburn)
Bolster Aura (Complete Champion)
Dispel Cold (Frostburn)
Early Twilight (Heroes of Battle)
Frostburn (Frostburn)
Moral Facade (Complete Champion)
Phantom Charge (Complete Champion)
Profane Item (Complete Champion)
Spiritual Chariot (Complete Divine)
Subdue Aura (Complete Champion)
Summon Undead IV (Libris Mortis, Heroes of Horror)
Visage of the Deity, Lesser (Complete Divine)
Weapon of the Deity (Complete Divine)
Winged Mount (Complete Divine)

PALADIN OF TYRRANY (Unearthed Arcana)
Blade of Pain and Fear (Libris Mortis)
Detect Fire (Frostburn)
Detect Weaponry (Cityscape)
Divine Sacrifice (Complete Divine)
Energized Shield, Lesser (Spell Compendium)
Faith Healing (Spell Compendium)
Find Temple (Spell Compendium)
Golden Barding (Complete Divine)
Lionheart (Miniatures Handbook)
Moment of Clarity (Spell Compendium)
One Mind, Lesser (Spell Compendium)
Rhino's Rush (Spell Compendium)
Second Wind (Spell Compendium)
Secret Weapon (Cityscape)
Sense Heretic (Spell Compendium)
Shivering Touch, Lesser (Frostburn)
Sticky Saddle (Spell Compendium)
Summon Holy Symbol (Complete Champion)
Summon Undead I (Libris Mortis, Heroes of Horror)
Traveler's Mount (Complete Divine)
Binding Snow (Frostburn)
Blessed Aim (Complete Divine)
Cloak of Bravery (Complete Warrior)
Curse of Ill Fortune (Complete Divine)
Divine Presence (Complete Champion)
Divine Protection (Miniatures Handbook)
Energized Shield (Spell Compendium)
Frostburn, Lesser (Frostburn)
Hand of Divinity (Spell Compendium)
Master Cavalier (Complete Champion)
One Mind (Spell Compendium)
Quick March (Miniatures Handbook)
Shield of Warding (Draconomicon)
Spiritual Chariot (Spell Compendium)
Steed of the Seas (Stormwrack)
Summon Undead II (Libris Mortis, Heroes of Horror)
Turn Anathema (Complete Champion)
Wave of Grief (Complete Divine)
Zeal (Complete Divine)
Deific Bastion (Complete Champion)
Demonhide (Miniatures Handbook)
Diamondsteel (Spell Compendium)
Fangs of the Vampire King (Libris Mortis)
Fell the Greatest Foe (Draconomicon)
Find the Gap (Draconomicon)
Mantle of Evil (Planar Handbook)
Mantle of Law (Planar Handbook)
One Mind, Greater (Spell Compendium)
Summon Undead III (Libris Mortis, Heroes of Horror)
War-Mount (Complete Champion)
Aligned Aura (Complete Champion
Aura of Cold, Lesser (Frostburn)
Bolster Aura (Complete Champion)
Dispel Cold (Frostburn)
Early Twilight (Heroes of Battle)
Frostburn (Frostburn)
Moral Facade (Complete Champion)
Phantom Charge (Complete Champion)
Profane Item (Complete Champion)
Spiritual Chariot (Complete Divine)
Subdue Aura (Complete Champion)
Summon Undead IV (Libris Mortis, Heroes of Horror)
Visage of the Deity, Lesser (Complete Divine)
Weapon of the Deity (Complete Divine)
Winged Mount (Complete Divine)

SHUGENJA (Complete Divine)
(I've listed the Shugenja spells from Complete Champion because they forgot to assign an element to them)
Amanuensis (Air) (Spell Compendium)
Cloudburst (Water) (Spell Compendium)
Cloak of Shade (Earth) (Sandstorm)
Deep Breath (Air) (Spell Compendium)
Ease of Breath (Water) (Frostburn)
Float (Air) (Frostburn)
Fortify Cold Creatures (Water) (Frostburn)
Guiding Light (Fire) (Miniatures Handbook)
Healer's Vision (Water) (Complete Scoundrel)
Healthful Rest (Water) (Complete Adventurer)
Locate Touchstone (Air) (Planar Handbook)
Locate Water (Water) (Sandstorm)
Portal Beacon (Air) (Manual of the Planes)
Raging Flame (Fire) (Spell Compendium)
Slow Burn (Fire) (Spell Compendium)
Snowdrift (Water) (Frostburn)
Surefooted Stride (Air) (Spell Compendium)
Updraft (Air) (Spell Compendium)
Wall of Smoke (Fire) (Spell Compendium)
Avoid Planar Effects (Earth) (Planar Handbook)
Bewildering Substitution (Air) (Complete Champion)
Bewildering Visions (Air) (Complete Champion)
Black Karma Curse (Fire) (Player's Handbook II)
Curse of Impending Blades (Fire) (Miniatures Handbook)
Desiccate (Fire) (Sandstorm)
Divine Protection (Earth) (Miniatures Handbook)
Earthbind (Earth) (Draconomicon)
Earthen Grace (Earth) (Spell Compendium)
Freedom of Breath (Water) (Sandstorm)
Healing Lorecall (Water) (Complete Adventurer)
Heart of Air (Air) (Complete Mage)
Hydrate (Water) (Sandstorm)
Interfaith Blessing (Earth) (Complete Champion)
Mountain Stance (Earth) (Spell Compendium)
Obscuring Snow (Water) (Frostburn)
Protection from Desiccation (Earth) (Sandstorm)
Quick March (Air) (Miniatures Handbook)
Tojanida Sight (Water) (Stormwrack)
Turbidity (Water) (Stormwrack)
Snow Walk (Air) (Frostburn)
Swim (Water) (Stormwrack)
Air Breathing (Air) (Stormwrack)
Arctic Haze (Water) (Frostburn)
Attune Form (Earth) (Planar Handbook)
Aura of Cold, Lesser (Water) (Frostburn)
Binding Snow (Water) (Frostburn)
Capricious Zephyr (Air) (Spell Compendium)
Close Wounds (Water) (Minatures Handbook)
Control Sand (Earth) (Sandstorm)
Control Snow and Ice (Water) (Frostburn)
Control Temperature (Fire, Water) (Frostburn)
Curse of Impending Blades, Legion's (Miniatures Handbook)
Curse of Petty Failing (Fire) (Miniatures Handbook)
Discern Shapechanger (Air) (Complete Arcane)
Downdraft (Air) (Spell Compendium)
Earth Thrust (Earth) (PSCS 5)
Extradimensional Awareness (Air) (PSCS 5)
Favorable Wind (Air) (Stormwrack)
Fly, Swift (Air) (Complete Adventurer)
Giant's Wrath (Earth) (Spell Compendium)
Haboob (Air, Earth) (Sandstorm)
Heart of Water (Water) (Complete Mage)
Meld into Ice (Water) (Frostburn)
Primal Form (all) (Spell Compendium)
Resist Energy, Mass (all) (Complete Arcane)
Scales of the Sealord (Water) (Stormwrack)
Soul of the Waste (Earth) (Sandstorm)
Storm Mote (Air, Earth) (Sandstorm)
Tremor (Earth) (Spell Compendium)
Weapon of Impact (Fire) (Spell Compendium)
Chains of Water (Water) (PSCS 5)
Contingent Energy Resistance (all) (Draconomicon)
Control Currents (Water) (Stormwrack)
Dweomer of Transference (Earth) (Expanded Psionics Handbook)
Eye of the Hurricane (Air) (Spell Compendium)
Find Planar Paths (Air) (PSCS 5)
Frostfell Slide (Air) (Frostburn)
Glacial Globe of Invulnerability (Water) (Frostburn)
Heart of Earth (Earth) (Complete Mage)
Hibernal Healing (Water) (Frostburn)
Ice Shape (Water) (Frostburn)
Ice Shield (Water) (Frostburn)
Panacea (Water) (Miniatures Handbook)
Planar Tolerance (Earth) (Planar Handbook)
Rushing Waters (Water) (Spell Compendium)
Searing Exposure (Fire) (Sandstorm)
Shadowblast (Fire) (Manual of the Planes)
Shield of Faith, Legion's (Earth) (Miniatures Handbook)
Summon Elementite Swarm (All) (Planar Handbook)
Surefooted Stride, Mass (Air) (Spell Compendium)
Touchstone Lightning (Fire) (Planar Handbook)
Wall of Salt (Fire) (Sandstorm)
Wall of Sand (Earth) (Sandstorm)
Wall of Water (Water) (Sandstorm)
Bewildering Mischance (Fire) (Complete Champion)
Boreal Wind (Air) (Frostburn)
Cloak of the Sea (Water) (Complete Adventurer)
Curse of Petty Failing, Legion's (Miniatures Handbook)
Flesh to Ice (Water) (Frostburn)
Flowsight (Water) (Stormwrack)
Heart of Fire (Complete Mage)
Hibernate (Water) (Frostburn)
Ice to Flesh (Water) (Frostburn)
Mantle of the Icy Soul (Water) (Frostburn)
Move Fire and Magma (Fire, Earth) (PSCS 5)
Parboil (Fire) (Sandstorm)
Pass Through Ice (Water) (Frostburn)
Psychic Turmoil (Fire) (Expanded Psionics Handbook)
Revivify (Water) (Miniatures Handbook)
Stone Shape, Greater (Earth) (Spell Compendium)
Swamp Stride (Air) (Spell Compendium)
Transformation of the Deeps (Water) (Stormwrack)
Vulnerability (Fire) (Draconomicon)
Wall of Magma (Fire) (Sandstorm)
Xorn Movement (Earth) (Manual of the Planes)
Zone of Revelation (Water) (Manual of the Planes, Spell Compendium)
Algid Enhancement (Water) (Frostburn)
Chasing Perfection (Earth) (Player's Handbook II)
Energy Immunity (all) (Complete Arcane, Draconomicon)
Entomb (Water) (Frostburn)
Flashflood (Water) (Sandstorm)
Ice Rift (Water) (Frostburn)
Mephit Mob (All) (Sandstorm)
Move Snow and Ice (Water) (Frostburn)
Pass Through Ice (Water) (Frostburn)
Revive Outsider (Water) (Manual of the Planes)
Scalding Mud (Fire) (Sandstorm)
Snow Wave (Water) (Frostburn)
Stormwalk (Air) (Stormwrack)
Summon Greater Elemental (All) (Frostburn)
Transmute Element to Paraelement (all) (PSCS 5)
Cloudwalkers (Air) (Spell Compendium)
Exalt (all) (PSCS 5)
Psychic Turmoil, Greater (Fire) (Expanded Psionics Handbook)
Scry Location (Air) (Complete Scoundrel)
Waterspout (Water) (Stormwrack)
Deadly Lahar (Fire) (Complete Mage)
Flashflood (Water) (Sandstorm)
Mantle of the Fiery Spirit (Fire) (Sandstorm)
Planar Union (Air) (PSCS 5)
Wall of Dispel Magic, Greater (Spell Compendium)
Ring of Fire (Fire) (Exemplars of Evil)
Summon Elemental Monolith (all) (Complete Arcane)

WARMAGE (Complete Arcane)
Electric Jolt (Spell Compendium)
Corrosive Grasp (Spell Compendium)
Ice Dagger (Spell Compendium)
Jet of Steam (Complete Mage)
Ray of Flame (Spell Compendium)
Boiling Blood (Complete Mage)
Cloud of Knives (Player's Handbook II)
Flame Dagger (Spell Compendium)
Ice Darts (Frostburn)
Icicle (Frostburn)
Molten Strike (Heroes of Battle)
Rainbow Beam (Spell Compendium)
Ray of Ice (Spell Compendium)
Seeking Ray (Player's Handbook II)
Zone of Glacial Cold (Frostburn)
Body Blaze (Sandstorm)
Chain Missile (Spell Compendium)
Energy Surge (Player's Handbook II)
Eradicate Earth (Spell Compendium)
Icelance (Spell Compendium)
Melf's Unicorn Arrow (Player's Handbook II)
Pressure Sphere (Stormwrack)
Rainbow Blast (Spell Compendium)
Storm Mote (Sandstorm)
Blast of Sand (Sandstorm)
Boiling Oil (Heroes of Battle)
Bright Worms (Player's Handbook II)
Channeled Pyroburst (Player's Handbook II)
Incendiary Surge (Complete Mage)
Ray of Deanimation (Spell Compendium)
Thunderlance (Spell Compendium)
Vortex of Teeth (Spell Compendium)
Wall of Coldfire (Frostburn)
Acid Rain (Heroes of Battle)
Ball Lightning (Spell Compendium)
Boreal Wind (Frostburn)
Channeled Sonic Blast (Complete Mage)
Cyclonic Blast (Spell Compendium)
Dance of Blades (Complete Mage)
Fire and Brimstone (Complete Mage)
Flaywind Burst (Sandstorm)
Lightning Leap (Complete Mage)
Lucent Lance (Spell Compendium)
Resounding Thunder (Complete Mage)
Shard Storm (Spell Compendium)
Shrieking Blast (Heroes of Battle)
Wall of Magma (Sandstorm)
Energy Surge, Greater (Player's Handbook II)
Ice Rift (Frostburn)
Lingering Flames (Complete Mage)
Prismatic Aura (Complete Mage)
Radiant Assault (Spell Compendium)
Waterspout (Stormwrack)
Depthsurge (Stormwrack)
Cometstrike (Frostburn)
Deadly Sunstroke (Complete Mage)
Detonate (Player's Handbook II)
Iceberg (Frostburn)
Ring of Fire (Exemplars of Evil)

WU JEN (Complete Arcane)
Accelerated Movement (--) (Complete Adventurer)
Armor Lock (Metal) (Complete Scoundrel)
Blockade (Wood) (Complete Scoundrel)
Critical Strike (--) (Complete Adventurer)
Distract (Fire) (Spell Compendium)
Distract Assailant (--) (Complete Adventurer)
Expeditious Retreat, Swift (--) (Complete Adventurer)
Glaze Lock (Water) (Frostburn)
Guiding Light (--) (Miniatures Handbook)
Ice Skate (Water) (Frostburn)
Ice Slick (Water) (Frostburn)
Incite (--) (Miniatures Handbook)
Inhibit (--) (Miniatures Handbook)
Locate Touchstone (--) (Planar Handbook)
Locate Water (Water) (Sandstorm)
Mage Burr (Metal) (Complete Scoundrel)
Master's Touch (--) (Complete Adventurer)
Mournful Mutter (--) (PSCS 5)
Parching Touch (Fire) (Sandstorm)
Raging Flame (Fire) (Spell Compendium)
Ray of Flame (Fire) (Spell Compendium)
Shivering Touch, Lesser (Water) (Frostburn)
Slow Burn (Fire) (Spell Compendium)
Snowdrift (Water) (Frostburn)
Spore Field (Wood) (Complete Scoundrel)
Sunstroke (Fire) (Sandstorm)
Wall of Smoke (Fire) (Spell Compendium)
Aerial Alarm (--) (Heroes of Battle)
Analyze Touchstone (--) (Planar Handbook)
Avoid Planar Effects (--) (Planar Handbook)
Balancing Lorecall (--) (Complete Adventurer)
Black Karma Curse (--) (Player's Handbook II)
Blaze of Light (Fire) (Heroes of Battle)
Brumal Stiffening (Metal, Water) (Frostburn)
Celerity, Lesser (--) (Player's Handbook II)
Cloud of Knives (Metal) (Player's Handbook II)
Curious Courier (--) (PSCS 5)
Curse of Impending Blades (--) (Miniatures Handbook)
Daggerspell Stance (--) (Complete Adventurer)
Desiccate (--) (Sandstorm)
Detect Spell Alteration (--) (PSCS 5)
Dispelling Touch (--) (Player's Handbook II)
Electric Vengeance (--) (Player's Handbook II)
Energy Surge, Lesser (All) (Player's Handbook II)
Faction Press (--) (PSCS 5)
Fatal Flame (Fire) (Complete Scoundrel)
Fins to Feet (--) (Stormwrack)
Flame Dagger (Fire) (Spell Compendium)
Flash-Freeze (Water) (Frostburn)
Fly, Swift (--) (Complete Adventurer)
Frost Weapon (Water) (Frostburn)
Ice Darts (Water) (Frostburn)
Icicle (Water) (Frostburn)
Kelpstrand (Wood) (Spell Compendium)
Kuo-Toa Skin (--) (Stormwrack)
Master's Touch (--) (Player's Handbook II)
Molten Strike (Fire, Earth) (Heroes of Battle)
Mountain Stance (Earth) (Spell Compendium)
Numbing Sphere (Water) (Frostburn)
Obscuring Snow (Water) (Frostburn)
Planar Tolerance (--) (Planar Handbook)
Pressure Sphere (Water) (Stormwrack)
Share Talents (--) (Player's Handbook II)
Smoke Stairs (Fire) (Complete Scoundrel)
Snake's Swiftness (--) (Miniatures Handbook)
Sonic Weapon (--) (Complete Scoundrel)
Splinterbolt (Wood) (Spell Compendium)
Stretch Weapon (Metal) (Player's Handbook II)
Tern's Persistence (--) (Stormwrack)
Trip Vine (Wood) (Heroes of Battle)
Turbidity (Water) (Stormwrack)
Undeniable Gravity (--) (Miniatures Handbook)
Urchin's Spines (Metal) (Stormwrack)
Wraithstrike (--) (Complete Adventurer)
Zone of Glacial Cold (Water) (Frostburn)
Air Breathing (--) (Stormwrack)
Alter Fortune (--) (Player's Handbook II)
Arctic Haze (Water) (Frostburn)
Battlemagic Perception (--) (Heroes of Battle)
Blood Snow (Water) (Frostburn)
Body Blaze (Fire) (Sandstorm)
Capricious Zephyr (--) (Spell Compendium)
Control Temperature (Fire, Water) (Frostburn)
Crown of Might (--) (Player's Handbook II)
Crown of Protection (--) (Player's Handbook II)
Curse of Arrow Attraction (--) (Player's Handbook II)
Curse of Impending Blades, Legion's (--) (Miniatures Handbook)
Detect Ship (--) (Stormwrack)
Diamondsteel (Metal) (Spell Compendium)
Dimensional Tether (--) (PSCS 5)
Dimension Step (--) (Player's Handbook II)
Earth Thrust (Earth) (PSCS 5)
Energy Aegis (--) (Player's Handbook II)
Energy Surge (All) (Player's Handbook II)
Energy Vulnerability (--) (Player's Handbook II)
Entangling Staff (Wood) (Complete Adventurer)
Eradicate Earth (Earth) (Spell Compendium)
Extradimensional Awareness (--) (PSCS 5)
Favorable Wind (--) (Stormwrack)
Glacial Globe of Invulnerability (Water) (Frostburn)
Haboob (Earth) (Sandstorm)
Halt (--) (Player's Handbook II)
Hesitate (--) (Player's Handbook II)
Hurtling Stone (Earth) (Heroes of Battle)
Inevitable Defeat (--) (Player's Handbook II)
Mantle of Chaos/Evil/Good/Law (--) (Planar Handbook)
Primal Form (All) (Spell Compendium)
Protection from Desiccation (--) (Sandstorm)
Protomatter Infusion (--) (PSCS 5)
Ray of the Python (--) (Player's Handbook II)
Regroup (--) (Player's Handbook II)
Scattering Trap (--) (Player's Handbook II)
Shivering Touch (Water) (Frostburn)
Siphon (--) (Complete Scoundrel)
Snake's Swiftness, Legion's (--) (Miniatures Handbook)
Spectral Weapon (--) (Complete Adventurer)
Thaw (Fire, Earth) (Frostburn)
Thin Air (--) (Frostburn)
Wand Modulation (--) (Complete Scoundrel)
Water to Acid (Water) (Stormwrack)
Weapon of Impact (Metal, Wood) (Spell Compendium)
Whispering Sand (Earth) (Sandstorm)
Blast of Sand (Earth) (Sandstorm)
Call of Stone (--) (Player's Handbook II)
Celerity (--) (Player's Handbook II)
Chains of Water (Water) (PSCS 5)
Channeled Pyroburst (Fire) (Player's Handbook II)
Column of Ice (Water) (Frostburn)
Condemnation (--) (Player's Handbook II)
Create Fetch (--) (Complete Scoundrel)
Dweomer of Transference (--) (Expanded Psionics Handbook)
Explosive Cascade (Fire) (Spell Compendium)
Find Planar Paths (--) (PSCS 5)
Fire Stride (Fire) (Spell Compendium)
Fuse Sand (Earth) (Sandstorm)
Ice Shield (Water) (Frostburn)
Mystic Surge (--) (Player's Handbook II)
Parboil (Fire) (Sandstorm)
Searing Exposure (Fire) (Sandstorm)
Slashing Dispel (--) (Player's Handbook II)
Spell Theft (--) (Complete Scoundrel)
Stifle Spell (--) (Player's Handbook II)
Stone Sphere (Earth) (Spell Compendium)
Summon Elementite Swarm (All) (Planar Handbook)
Undeniable Gravity, Legion's (--) (Miniatures Handbook)
Volund's Confounding Problem (--) (PSCS 5)
Wall of Chaos/Evil/Good/Law (--) (Spell Compendium)
Wall of Coldfire (Water) (Frostburn)
Wall of Salt (--) (Sandstorm)
Wall of Sand (Earth) (Sandstorm)
Wall of Water (Water) (Sandstorm)
Acid Rain (--) (Heroes of Battle)
Airy Water (Water) (Stormwrack)
Ball Lightning (Fire) (Spell Compendium)
Blood Creepers (Wood) (Player's Handbook II)
Boreal Wind (Water) (Frostburn)
Choking Sands (Earth) (Sandstorm)
Control Snow and Ice (Water) (Frostburn)
Electric Vengeance (--) (Player's Handbook II)
Etherealness, Swift (--) (Player's Handbook II)
Evacuation Rune (--) (Complete Scoundrel)
Field of Resistance (--) (Player's Handbook II)
Fire Shield, Legion's (--) (Miniatures Handbook)
Flaywind Burst (Earth) (Sandstorm)
Flowsight (Water) (Stormwrack)
Ice Shape (Water) (Frostburn)
Mana Flux (--) (Player's Handbook II)
Move Fire and Magma (Fire, Earth) (PSCS 5)
Pass Through Ice (Water) (Frostburn)
Psychic Turmoil (--) (Expanded Psionics Handbook)
Sonic Shield (--) (Player's Handbook II)
Wall of Dispel Magic (--) (Spell Compendium)
Wall of Magma (Fire, Earth) (Sandstorm)
Xorn Movement (Earth) (Manual of the Planes, Spell Compendium)
Animate Snow (Water) (Frostburn)
Chasing Perfection (--) (Player's Handbook II)
Cloak of the Sea (Water) (Complete Adventurer)
Control Elemental (All) (Magic of Eberron)
Curse of Spilt Water (Water) (Dragon 334)
Energy Surge, Greater (All) (Player's Handbook II)
Entomb (Water) (Frostburn)
Extract Water Elemental (Water) (Spell Compendium)
Flesh to Ice (Water) (Frostburn)
Flesh to Salt (--) (Sandstorm)
Hardening (Metal) (Spell Compendium)
Ice to Flesh (Water) (Frostburn)
Ice Rift (Water) (Frostburn)
Mental Pinnacle (--) (Expanded Psionics Handbook)
Move Snow and Ice (Water) (Frostburn)
Mudslide (Earth, Water) (Stormwrack)
Mummify (--) (Sandstorm)
Scalding Mud (Earth, Fire) (Sandstorm)
Scry Location (--) (Complete Scoundrel)
Stormwalk (--) (Stormwrack)
Summon Greater Elemental (All) (Planar Handbook)
Antimagic Ray (--) (Spell Compendium)
Elemental Body (All) (Manual of the Planes)
Obfuscate (--) (PSCS 5)
Planar Bubble (--) (Planar Handbook)
Psychic Turmoil, Greater (--) (Expanded Psionics Handbook)
Stone Shape, Greater (Earth) (Spell Compendium)
Waterspout (Water) (Stormwrack)
Celerity, Greater (--) (Player's Handbook II)
Chain Dispel (--) (Player's Handbook II)
Deadfall (Wood) (Spell Compendium)
Depthsurge (Water) (Stormwrack)
Desert Binding (--) (Sandstorm)
Excavate (Earth) (Spell Compendium)
Fimbulwinter (Water) (Frostburn)
Flesh to Salt, Mass (--) (Sandstorm)
Glacier (Water) (Frostburn)
Stormwalk (--) (Stormwrack)
Wall of Greater Dispel Magic (--) (Spell Compendium)
Detonate (Fire) (Player's Handbook II)
Dragonshape (Fire) (Player's Handbook II)
Frostfell (Water) (Frostburn)
Hindsight (--) (Complete Adventurer)
Obedient Avalanche (Water) (Frostburn, Spell Compendium)
Planar Navigation (--) (Stormwrack)
Ring of Fire (Fire) (Exemplars of Evil)
Tsunami (Water) (Spell Compendium)

-----------PRESTIGE CLASSES-----------

APOSTLE OF PEACE (Book of Exalted Deeds)
Cloak of Shade (Sandstorm)
Detect Fire (Frostburn)
Ease of Breath (Frostburn)
Healer's Vision (Complete Scoundrel)
Resist Planar Alignment (Planar Handbook)
Resurgence (Complete Divine)
Vigor, Lesser (Complete Divine)
Avoid Planar Effects (Planar Handbook)
Benediction (Complete Champion)
Body Ward (Complete Champion)
Brumal Stiffening (Frostburn)
Clarity of Mind (Underdark, Spell Compendium)
Conduit of Life (Complete Champion)
Detect Aberration (Lords of Madness)
Freedom of Breath (Sandstorm)
Halo of Sand (Sandstorm)
Healing Lorecall (Complete Adventurer)
Hydrate (Sandstorm)
Obscuring Snow (Frostburn)
Shared Healing (Magic of Eberron)
Soul Ward (Complete Champion)
Air Breathing (Stormwrack)
Channeled Divine Shield (Player's Handbook II)
Close Wounds (Miniatures Handbook)
Control Snow and Ice (Frostburn)
Control Temperature (Frostburn)
Energy Aegis (Player's Handbook II)
Entropic Shield, Mass (Forgotten Realms: Shining South)
Mantle of Good (Planar Handbook)
Meld Into Ice (Frostburn)
Protection from Desiccation (Sandstorm)
Protection from Negative Energy (Planar Handbook)
Protection from Positive Energy (Planar Handbook)
Resist Energy, Mass (Complete Arcane)
Soul of the Waste (Stormwrack)
Vigor (Complete Divine)
Vigor, Mass Lesser (Complete Divine)
Aligned Aura (Complete Champion)
Antidragon Aura (Draconomicon)
Contingent Energy Resistance (Draconomicon)
Mystic Aegis (Player's Handbook II)
Panacea (Miniatures Handbook)
Resurgence, Mass (Complete Divine)
Seed of Life (Complete Champion)
Aura of Evasion (Draconomicon)
Dance of the Unicorn (Complete Divine)
Dispel Cold (Frostburn)
Dispel Fire (Frostburn)
Healing Circle (Complete Champion)
Hibernal Healing (Frostburn)
Hibernate (Frostburn)
Revivify (Miniatures Handbook)
Sanctuary, Mass (Underdark, Spell Compendium)
Symbol of Spell Loss (Spell Compendium)
Vigor, Greater (Complete Divine)
Wall of Dispel Magic (Spell Compendium)
Energy Immunity (Complete Arcane, Draconomicon)
Vigorous Circle (Complete Divine)
Planar Bubble (Planar Handbook)
Rejuvenating Light (Complete Champion)
Spell Resistance, Mass (Complete Divine)
Chain Dispel (Player's Handbook II)
Death Ward, Mass (Libris Mortis)
Restoration, Mass (Libris Mortis)
Wall of Dispel Magic, Greater (Spell Compendium)

Ease of Breath (Frostburn)
Ivory Flesh (Frostburn)
Snowsight (Frostburn)
Faction Press (PSCS 5)
Mind of the Hunted (PSCS 5)
Obscuring Snow (Frostburn)
Scimitar of Sand (Sandstorm)
Turbidity (Stormwrack)
Snow Walk (Frostburn)
Wake Trailing (Stormwrack)

BELOVED OF VALARIAN (Book of Exalted Deeds)
Camouflage (Complete Divine)
Healer's Vision (Complete Scoundrel)
Naturewatch (Complete Divine)
Vigor, Lesser (Complete Divine)
Unicorn Horn (Complete Mage)
Vigor (Complete Divine)
Nature's Favor (Complete Divine)
Dance of the Unicorn (Complete Divine)
Panacea (Miniatures Handbook)
Unicorn Blood (Complete Mage)
Vigor, Greater (Complete Divine)

Conjure Ice Beast I (Frostburn)
Shivering Touch, Lesser (Frostburn)
Conjure Ice Beast II (Frostburn)
Frostburn, Lesser (Frostburn)
Conjure Ice Beast III (Frostburn)
Aura of Cold, Lesser (Frostburn)
Conjure Ice Beast IV (Frostburn)
Frostburn (Frostburn)

BLIGHTER (Complete Divine)
(note: I decided to give the Blighter a lot of waste-related spells from Sandstorm since, you know, that's what the forest he/she dwells will turn into once he/she has his/her way with it)
Parching Touch (Sandstorm)
Reaving Aura (Complete Mage)
Slow Consumption (Book of Vile Darkness)
Summon Undead 1 (Libris Mortis, Heroes of Horror)
Waste Strider (Sandstorm)
Blackrot (Complete Mage)
Boneblast (Book of Vile Darkness)
Combust (Spell Compendium)
Desiccate (Sandstorm)
Detect Spell Alteration (PSCS 5)
Masochism (Book of Vile Darkness)
Necrotic Cyst (Libris Mortis)
Sap Strength (Book of Vile Darkness)
Scimitar of Sand (Sandstorm)
Summon Undead 1I (Libris Mortis, Heroes of Horror)
Thaw (Frostburn)
Thin Air (Frostburn)
Wither Limb (Book of Vile Darkness)
Wracking Touch (Complete Adventurer)
Boneblade (Book of Vile Darkness)
Circle of Nausea (Book of Vile Darkness)
Clutch of Orcus (Spell Compendium)
Control Temperature (Frostburn)
Energy Vulnerability (Player's Handbook II)
Eyes of the Zombie (Book of Vile Darkness)
Necrotic Bloat (Libris Mortis)
Prickling Torment (Complete Mage)
Sadism (Book of Vile Darkness)
Shriveling (Book of Vile Darkness)
Soul of the Waste (Sandstorm)
Stiffen (Exemplars of Evil)
Summon Undead 1II (Libris Mortis, Heroes of Horror)
Tormenting Thirst (Sandstorm)
Unliving Weapon (Book of Vile Darkness)
Whispering Sand (Sandstorm)
Animate Legion (Heroes of Battle)
Bleakness (Player's Handbook II)
Consumptive Field (Libris Mortis)
Dispel Cold (Frostburn)
Dispel Water (Sandstorm)
Parboil (Sandstorm)
Profane Item (Complete Champion)
Scramble Portal (Manual of the Planes, Spell Compendium)
Searing Exposure (Sandstorm)
Seed of Undeath (Complete Mage)
Summon Undead 1V (Libris Mortis, Heroes of Horror)
Wall of Salt (Sandstorm)
Wall of Sand (Sandstorm)
Weight of Entropy (PSCS 5)
Bleed (Complete Champion)
Charnel Fire (Book of Vile Darkness)
Choking Sands (Sandstorm)
Flesh to Salt (Sandstorm)
Inferno (Spell Compendium)
Mana Flux (Player's Handbook II)
Necrotic Burst (Libris Mortis)
Plague-Mort Affliction (PSCS 5)
Precipitate Breach (Planar Handbook)
Summon Undead V (Libris Mortis, Heroes of Horror)
Wood Rot (Complete Arcane)
Ashen Union (Sandstorm)
Desecrate Battlefield (Heroes of Battle)
Desiccate, Mass (Sandstorm)
Ectoplasmic Enhancement (Book of Vile Darkness)
Howl of Pandaemonium (PSCS 5)
Icerift (Frostburn)
Necrotic Eruption (Libris Mortis)
Pox (Book of Vile Darkness, Fiendish Codex 1)
Sandstorm (Sandstorm)
Scalding Mud (Sandstorm)
Wall of Magma (Sandstorm)
Consumptive Field, Greater (Libris Mortis)
Energy Ebb (Libris Mortis)
Flesh to Salt, Mass (Sandstorm)
Harm, Greater (Heroes of Horror)
Necrotic Curse (Complete Mage)
Pestilence (Book of Vile Darkness)
Plague (Player's Handbook II)
Ravenous Darkness (COmplete Champion)
Seed of Undeath, Greater (Complete Mage)
Withering Palm (Complete Arcane)
Wrack Earth (Player's Handbook II)
Wretched Blight (Book of Vile Darkness)
Befoul (Book of Vile Darkness, Fiendish Codex 1)
Bodak Birth (Book of Vile Darkness)
Necrotic Empowerment (Libris Mortis)
Winds of Death (PSCS 5)
Despoil (Book of Vile Darkness, Fiendish Codex 1)
Detonate (Player's Handbook II)
Plague of Undead (Libris Mortis, Heroes of Horror)
Precipitate Complete Breach (Planar Handbook)
Ring of Fire (Exemplars of Evil)
Transmute Rock to Lava (Complete Arcane)

Impede (Complete Champion)
Incite (Miniatures Handbook)
Inhibit (Miniatures Handbook)
Rouse (Player's Handbook II)
Stay the Hand (Player's Handbook II)
Torrent of Tears (Complete Mage)
Crisis of Confidence (Heroes of Battle)
Deceptive Facade (Complete Mage)
Hesitate (Player's Handbook II)
Love's Lament (Champions of Ruin)
Mask of the Ideal (Complete Mage)
Charm Person, Mass (Races of Destiny)

Healer's Vision (Complete Scoundrel)
Frost Weapon (Frostburn)
Impede (Complete Champion)
Mark of Doom (Player's Handbook II)
Enduring Scrutiny (Complete Mage)
Sword of Conscience (Book of Exalted Deeds)

CORRUPT AVENGER (Heroes of Horror)
Ease of Breath (Frostburn)
Phantasmal Injury (Exemplars of Evil)

DEMONOLOGIST (Book of Vile Darkness)
Vision of Entropy (Fiendish Codex 1)
Kiss of the Succubus (PSCS 5)
Vrock's Screech (PSCS 5)
Baatezu Bane (PSCS 5)
Bebilith Blessing (Drow of the Underdark)

Alibi (Exemplars of Evil)
Detect Fire (Frostburn)
Instant Locksmith (Complete Adventurer)
Instant Search (Complete Adventurer)
Invisibility, Swift (Complete Adventurer)
Low-Light Vision (Complete Arcane)
Mimicry (Complete Scoundrel)
Rooftop Strider (Races of Destiny)
Balancing Lorecall (Complete Adventurer)
Obscuring Snow (Frostburn)
Snowwalk (Frostburn)
Spymaster's Coin (Complete Scoundrel)
Crown of Clarity (Player's Handbook II)
Enduring Scrutiny (Complete Mage)
Faction Press (PSCS 5)
Crown of Veils (Player's Handbook II)
Listening Coin (Complete Adventurer)

Detect Fire (Frostburn)
Binding Snow (Frostburn)
Dispel Cold (Frostburn)

HOARDSTEALER (Draconomicon)
Appraising Touch (Spell Compendium)
Ease of Breath (Frostburn)
Instant Locksmith (Complete Adventurer)
Instant Search (Spell Compendium)
Lucky Streak (Complete Scoundrel)
Remove Scent (Spell Compendium)
Webfoot (Stormwrack)
Invisibility, Swift (Complete Adventurer)
Spymaster's Coin (Complete Scoundrel)
Treasure Scent (Spell Compendium)

HOLY LIBERATOR (Complete Divine)
Detect Fire (Frostburn)
Ease of Breath (Frostburn)
Steed of the Seas (Stormwrack)
Disobedience (Complete Scoundrel)
Aura of Cold, Lesser (Frostburn)
Dispel Fire (Frostburn)

Ease of Breath (Frostburn)
Grave Strike (Complete Adventurer)
Necrotic Awareness (Libris Mortis)
Bone Chill (Frostburn)
Ghost Touch Armor (Libris Mortis)
Spawn Screen (Libris Mortis)
Cloak of Bravery (Complete Warrior)
Ectoplasmic Feedback (Libris Mortis)
Negative Energy Protection (Planar Handbook, Libris Mortis)
Sheltered Vitality (Libris Mortis)
Ghost Touch Weapon (Libris Mortis)
Undead Bane Weapon (Libris Mortis)

JUSTICE OF WEALD AND WOE (Champions of Ruin)
Arrow Mind (Complete Adventurer)
Branch to Branch (Complete Adventurer)
Guided Shot (Complete Adventurer)
Hawkeye (Complete Adventurer, Complete Divine)
Ivory Skin (Frostburn)
Sniper's Shot (Complete Adventurer)
Snowsight (Frostburn)
Obscuring Snow (Frostburn)
Snow Walk (Frostburn)
Mark of the Hunter (Complete Divine)
Meld into Ice (Frostburn)
Arrow Storm (Complete Adventurer)
Implacable Persuer (Complete Divine)

KNIGHT OF THE CHALICE (Complete Warrior)
Conjure Ice Beast I (Frostburn)
Detect Fire (Frostburn)
Exorcism (Fiendish Codex I)
Silvered Weapon (Book of Exalted Deeds)
Conjure Ice Beast II (Frostburn)
Crown of Smiting (Player's Handbook II)
Denounce (Fiendish Codex II)
Conjure Ice Beast III (Frostburn)
Holy Storm (Planar Handbook)
Blessing of the Righteous (Player's Handbook II)
Conjure Ice Beast IV (Frostburn)
Dispel Fire (Frostburn)

Accelerated Movement (Complete Adventurer)
Catsfeet (Complete Mage)
Distract Assailant (Complete Adventurer)
Ease of Breath (Frostburn)
Instant Search (Complete Adventurer)
Ivory Skin (Frostburn)
Low-Light Vision (Complete Arcane)
Mimicry (Complete Scoundrel)
Vigilant Slumber (Complete Mage)
Balancing Lorecall (Complete Adventurer)
Heart of Air (Complete Mage)
Freedom of Breath (Sandstorm)
Invisibility, Swift (Complete Adventurer)
Listening Lorecall (Complete Adventurer)
Obscuring Snow (Frostburn)
Smoke Stairs (Complete Scoundrel)
Snowwalk (Frostburn)
Air Breathing (Stormwrack)
Create Fetch (Complete Scoundrel)
Enduring Scrutiny (Complete Mage)
Entropic Shield, Mass (Forgotten Realms: Shining South)
Favorable Wind (Stormwrack)
Fly, Swift (Complete Adventurer)
Pall of Twilight (Complete Mage)
Cloud Spear (Wizards website)
Shadow Form (Complete Adventurer)

Accelerated Movement (Complete Adventurer)
Catsfeet (Complete Mage)
Delay Disease (Spell Compendium)
Ease of Breath (Frostburn)
Rouse (Player's Handbook II)
Vigor, Lesser (Complete Divine)
Fly, Swift (Complete Adventurer)
Freedom of Breath (Sandstorm)
Heart of Air (Complete Mage)
Hydrate (Sandstorm)
Obscuring Snow (Frostburn)
Favorable Wind (Stormwrack)
Healing Spirit (Player's Handbook II)
Vigor (Complete Divine)
Vigor, Greater (Complete Divine)

VASSAL OF BAHAMUT (Book of Exalted Deeds)
Cloak of Bravery (Complete Warrior, Draconomicon)
Blessing of Bahamut (Complete Divine)
Fell the Greatest Foe (Draconomicon)
Find the Gap (Draconomicon)
Antidragon Aura (Draconomicon)
Draconic Might (Draconomicon)

NichG's picture
Joined: 2006-07-08
Re: We need more spells and special materials for some ...

In my games I had the Radiance genasi able to do things to light like make it stop, compress it/distill it to the point where it behaves like a liquid or solid, etc. This was basically something that could only be done on the plane of Radiance or in the presence of extremely intense light, due to the huge amounts of light needed to make 'solid light'.

The resulting substance was sort of like an extremely lightweight, soft but stiff plastic that would glow softly (and evaporate over hundreds or thousands of years). It was a good clothing material (showy, didn't get wet, etc) but pretty bad for weapons or armor unless you were a Radiance genasi yourself. The really skilled could weave it into really thin threads or do other complicated stuff with it. You could also get it as a powder to use as a pigment for painting or various other such things.

For that matter, you could get liquid color (different from liquid light) which was essentially the color that a scile swarm had leached off of some unfortunate, which was then pressed out and bottled. It'd basically permanently color any surface you poured it on.

I also had a creature called the Nurasil living on Radiance that was essentially a giant manta ray that would change the reflectance/absorption of its fins in order to solar sail its way around. The material could be harvested as a sort of chameleonic leather - would be good for sneaking about in.

As far as spells go, here's one for Lightning:

Sor/Wiz 1
Range: Close
Components: V,S,M
Targets: Up to 1lb of material/objects per level
Save: Fort negates (attended objects)

This spell allows the caster to grant a set of objects either a positive or negative charge. Conductive objects will harmlessly discharge into people that touch them (a much bigger shock than a static shock on a cold day, but not enough to damage). Otherwise, objects will hold a charge and will be attracted or repelled based on their relative charge. Since this is a spell that calls upon the elemental Lightning, the effect is much bigger than one would expect for the actual amounts of charge involved, and can exert several pounds of force between a pair of objects that are in contact or nearly so.

This could be used to, e.g., make it difficult for a fighter to hold onto a wooden shield by charging his shield and his hand, or to cause objects far away to move in some fashion, or to stick things together, or to collect a lot of dust/smoke/etc out of the air onto a surface.

BlackDaggr's picture
Joined: 2007-11-15
Re: We need more spells and special materials for some ...

NichG wrote:
In my games I had the Radiance genasi able to do things to light like make it stop, compress it/distill it to the point where it behaves like a liquid or solid, etc. This was basically something that could only be done on the plane of Radiance or in the presence of extremely intense light, due to the huge amounts of light needed to make 'solid light'.

The resulting substance was sort of like an extremely lightweight, soft but stiff plastic that would glow softly (and evaporate over hundreds or thousands of years). It was a good clothing material (showy, didn't get wet, etc) but pretty bad for weapons or armor unless you were a Radiance genasi yourself. The really skilled could weave it into really thin threads or do other complicated stuff with it. You could also get it as a powder to use as a pigment for painting or various other such things.

For that matter, you could get liquid color (different from liquid light) which was essentially the color that a scile swarm had leached off of some unfortunate, which was then pressed out and bottled. It'd basically permanently color any surface you poured it on.

I also had a creature called the Nurasil living on Radiance that was essentially a giant manta ray that would change the reflectance/absorption of its fins in order to solar sail its way around. The material could be harvested as a sort of chameleonic leather - would be good for sneaking about in.

As far as spells go, here's one for Lightning:

Sor/Wiz 1
Range: Close
Components: V,S,M
Targets: Up to 1lb of material/objects per level
Save: Fort negates (attended objects)

This spell allows the caster to grant a set of objects either a positive or negative charge. Conductive objects will harmlessly discharge into people that touch them (a much bigger shock than a static shock on a cold day, but not enough to damage). Otherwise, objects will hold a charge and will be attracted or repelled based on their relative charge. Since this is a spell that calls upon the elemental Lightning, the effect is much bigger than one would expect for the actual amounts of charge involved, and can exert several pounds of force between a pair of objects that are in contact or nearly so.

This could be used to, e.g., make it difficult for a fighter to hold onto a wooden shield by charging his shield and his hand, or to cause objects far away to move in some fashion, or to stick things together, or to collect a lot of dust/smoke/etc out of the air onto a surface.

Good, though I might recommend that the effect varies depending on what is being polarized. Wood is a notoriously bad conductor of electricity, so polarizing a wooden item might have a minor effect. Polarizing a silver statue on the other hand...

NichG's picture
Joined: 2006-07-08
Re: We need more spells and special materials for some ...

The better the insulator, the better it holds static charge. But there is a difference between polarization and charging a thing... that might be a bit too fine a distinction for most people's tables though.

Also, to keep the ball rolling:

Elemental Ascendance
Druid 7, (Elemental Domain) 7
Range: Medium
Targets: 100ft radius
Duration: 1 round/level
Components: V,S,M
Saving throw: Will negates (see text)

This spell comes in various forms - one for each element. The element must be chosen when the spell is prepared. Within the area of effect, things associated strongly with the given element are enhanced. Saving throws against effects associated with the chosen element take a -1 penalty, while saves versus the opposing element are at +1. The caster level of spells of the given element cast within this region is increased by 1. Certain effects that are not of the energy type of the element are still associated (list below).

Fire: Fires burn brighter and hotter (natural fires do an extra die of damage and shed light to 1.5x the range). People's anger, rage, and passion are enhanced. Red colors are more vibrant (and easier to spot), while blues become greyish. The air feels warmer.

Water: Everything gets damp within the area of effect. Fires are hard to light (50% chance of failure) and don't catch very well. Things tend to rust or grow moldy at a rate visible to the naked eye, and the processes of disease, poison, and the growth of plants are enhanced. Rain within the area becomes a drenching storm. The air becomes foggy (enough for concealment if it is already humid). It is harder to hold one's breath underwater, etc. People's emotions become calmer and more caring.

Air: Winds become stronger by one category. The effects of airborne things (poisonous vapors, diseases) are enhanced. Open flames will gutter and may be blown out. People's emotions become flightier, enhancing curiosity and ennui as well as unpredictability/tendency to change one's mind.

Earth: People become more stubborn. Materials become harder. Loose dirt becomes hard-packed, mud dries out. Things tend to move a bit more slowly.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Optional Rules etc.

In Dragon Magazine 347, we are told that paraelementals can be summoned with elemental-summoning spells (Elemental Swarm, Summon Monster --, Summon Greater Elemental, and Summon Elemental Monolith). Logically this rule should also include quasielementals.
I would highly recommend Dragon Magazine 347, BTW, as this volume is filled with a lot of elemental-related subjects (magic items, planar hazards, the princes of elemental evil, and some new spells of elemental evil)

Here are some additional rules in the same vein:

--Complete Mage offers an "Elemental Companion" as an alternative class feature for the druid. There is no reason why one could not have a paraelemental or quasielemental instead.
--Complete Arcane offers "Elemental Savant" as a prestige class. While it might be a tad difficult with some paraelements and quasielements, overall, there is no reason why an Elemental Savant cannot devote him/herself to a paraelement or quasielement instead.

I don't know if it's covered in the official materials, but there really should be some rules in regards to spell and power emanations cast/used by larger creatures. The spell descriptions in the official sourcebooks of course assume that the caster is of small or medium size. A character of size large (or greater) is going to find very little use in a spell with an AoE of "5 foot emanation". Especially a fully-grown dragon.
So here's the modifications:
5 ft. emanation from caster: This becomes a "reach" emanation. That is to say, the emanation's range is identical to the creature's reach (e.g. the version a huge creature uses creates a 15 ft. emanation).
10 ft. emanation from the caster: Logically this would become "2x reach emanation". You might not want to use this rule, however.
Other spell/power/etc. AoE's should remain the same, except for ones which create disembodied hands/weapons/etc. (e.g. Icy Claw, Bigby's Clenched Fist, Spectral Hand, etc.) Of course, bear in mind that the effect will suffer size-related penalties as well. This makes a lot more sense than a size collosal dragon casting Bigby's Clenched Fist and invoking a medium sized humanoid fist. Range remains the same.

Logically, thrown weapon range will also increase based on size.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
While I'm at it, here is a compiled list of Inner Planar...


First of all, you will want the 3.0 Manual of the Planes, and the (free) 3.5 update booklet (pdf file available on Wizards website), and the Planar Handbook, if you don't have those already.

The Inner Planes campaign expansion (2E Planescape sourcebook), Al Qadim Secrets of the Lamp, and the Planescape Monstrous Compendium III are good for in-depth fluff. (and yes, all are from 2E)

And, of course, you'll want the PSCS Denizens of the Inner Planes and Denizens of the Transitive Planes, which are both available on this site.

You might also want to pick up Dragon Magazine 347, as it contains info on the princes of elemental evil, some new elemental evil spells, hazards of the elemental planes, paraelemental monoliths, templates for paraelemental creatures, some elemental magic items, and elemental weirds (lesser and greater. The lesser weirds we are familiar with from 2E, but the greater weirds are something new entirely.)

Dragon Magazine 285 contains a few new monsters for the Princes of Elemental Evil (minus Cryonax) and some new spells for their clerics and arcane caster servants.

If you have any plans of running a campaign on the Paraelemental Plane of Ice (or Stygia, or Cania, or the 4th layer of Acheron for that matter), then you'll definitely want to pick up Frostburn (in fact, most of my postings in the Paraelemental Ice topic focus on this supplement). It includes tons of spells, hazards, environmental rules, dungeon rules, tons of cool monsters, a few magic items, feats, and a few prestige classes.

The "Far Corners of the World" articles on Wizard's website contain some useful monsters and such. Of particular use are the monsters of air as well as many spells and magic items (some of the spells are updated in the Spell Compendium, but some aren't. The cold spells are all updated in Frostburn.)
The articles can be found here:

You may also wish to pick up Sandstorm and Stormwrack. Stormwrack has some (but not a whole lot) of expanded rules for underwater adventuring and quite a few underwater nasties. Sandstorm introduces Desiccation damage, which is important if you plan to run a campain on Quasielemental Salt, and it also introduces a few salt-based spells. Some of the heat-related rules might also come in handy for Elemental Fire. These two rulebooks are done in the same style as Frostburn, but unfortunately they're nowhere near as expansive. I almost forgot! Sandstorm also contains some expanded rules on Touchstones (introduced in the Planar Handbook)

Though not strictly Earth-elemental climate supplements, Forgotten Realms: Underdark and Dungeonscape offer some rules for spelunking and the like, and Underdark introduces several new earth-based spells (and a couple earth-elemental monsters).

Note that I am not going to bother listing things from Manual of the Planes, the Core rulebooks, the Planar Handbook, or (in most cases) things from Frostburn, Sandstorm, or Stormwrack.
Also, this is a work in progress (though it's mostly finished)

--Black Flame Zealot (FR: Undermountain Adventures, Complete Divine) (nongood worshipper of Kossuth)
--Crinti Shadow Marauderer (FR: Shining South)
--Cryokineticist (Frostburn) (this is a Psionic PrC)
--Dungeonlord (Dungeonscape) (This is a monstrous prestige class for dungeon and underdark-dwelling creatures. This PrC also works for natives of Core Earth and Core Ice.)
--Earthshaker (Dragon 314) (Divine caster who channels seismic and geothermal power)
--Elemental Archon (FR: Faiths and Pantheons) (Worshipper of one of the elemental deities)
--Elemental Master (Draconomicon) (prestige class for dragons)
--Elemental Savant (Complete Arcane) (a good prestige class for worshippers and servants of the elemental deities and archomentals, as they seek to become more like their god)
--Elemental Scion (Magic of Eberron) (requires the use of elemental grafts described in the same book)
--Firestorm Berserker (Dragon 314) (berserker who rages with the power of fire)
--Frost Mage (Frostburn)
--Glorious Servitor (FR: Lost Empires of Faerun) (worshipper of Geb or Shu)
--Heartfire Fanner (Dragon 314) (performers who inspire passion in listeners and reveres fire)
--High Handcrafter (Dungeon 104) (a smithy who acquires powers from the Plane of Earth)
--Icesinger (Dragon 314) (performers who create cold effects by singing of tragedy)
--Inquisitor of the Drowning Goddess (FR: Underdark) (worshipper of Blibdoolpoolp)
--Master of the East Wind (Dragon 314) (Hybrid monk/mage who venerates air)
--Master of the North Wind (Dragon 314) (hybrid druids/monks who venerate air)
--Master of the South Wind (Dragon 314) (spellcasting rogues who specialize in espionage with mild access to spells of air and subterfuge)
--Master of the West Wind (Dragon 314) (hybrid cleric/monk who venerates air)
--Planar Shepherd (Faiths of Eberron) (Druids of the planes)
--Planar Vangard (Wizards website) (this is a Psionic PrC)
--Purebreath Devotee (Dragon 314) (divine caster so in tune with Elemental Air that she no longer needs to eat or drink)
--Sea Mother Whip (FR: Underdark) (worshipper of Blibdoolpoolp)
--Sea Witch (Stormwrack) (chaotic-aligned casters of the deep)
--Shadow Apostle (Dragon 322) (Worshipper of Erebus)
--Shadowcraft Mage (Races of Stone)
--Skypledged (Races of the Wild) (raptorians who swear and oath to air elementals)
--Slime Lord (Player's Guide to Faerun) (worshipper of Ghaunadaur)
--Stonelord (Complete Warrior) (Dwarven warriors empowered by their connection to earth and stone)
--Stormcaster (Stormwrack) (non-lawful casters who specialize in violent weather)
--Stormtalon (Races of the Wild) (raptorian warrior)
--Walker in the Waste (Sandstorm)
--Wavekeeper (Stormwrack) (undersea druid)

Elemental Savant epic levels
3.5 conversion:

This is one of the few areas where I will encorporate elements from the Planar Handbook.
Variant Rule: These substitution levels can be given to natives of the Inner Planes. In such cases, substitution levels that affect "Extraplanar" beings refer only to those not native to their home plane, including primes.
Lv. 3- Portal Sense (Planar Handbook)
Lv 7- Planar Damage Reduction (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 11- Menacing Rage (replace "material plane" with "native plane" (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 6- Portal Dissonance (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 12- Planar Discordance (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 1- Planar Dismissal (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 11- Planar Banishment (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 1- Elemental Companion (Complete Mage)
Lv. 4- Resist Extraplanar Might (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 9- Planar Tolerance (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 13- Counter Summoning (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 4- Planar Study (replace "material plane" with "native plane") Planar Handbook
Lv. 12- Aura of Stability (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 5- Resistant Body (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 8- Portal Intuition (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 13- Planar Tracking (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 6- Breach Sense (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 10- Slip the Bonds (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 16- Blink (Planar Handbook)
Special Ability Option: Frostfell Terrain Mastery (Frostburn)
--Shadow Soulknife (all levels) (Dragon 330) (this is for Drow, only)
Lv. 5- Force-Charged Energy (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 9- Extraplanar Spell Penetration (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 13- Spontaneous Summoning (elementals only) (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 6- Unimpeded Magic (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 14- Enhanced Magic (Planar Handbook)

--Aventi (Stormwrack)
--Azerblood (Dragon 350) (azer and dwarf)
--Dhinni (Dragon 350) (halfling and djinn)
--Dwarf, Glacier (Frostburn; the info on this race is rather limited, and I'm planning to expand upon it in my Paraelemental Ice project)
--Elemental Genasi (Races of Faerun, Dragon 293)
--Elf, Aquatic (PHB, Races of Faerun, Stormwrack)
--Elf, Avariel (Forgotten Realms: Races of Faerun)
--Elf, Ghost (Dragon 313)
--Half-Elemental (Manual of the Planes, Dragon 326; this is the 3.5 update from MotP, and is now a monstrous class. Personally I like the 3.5 Paizo update since I thought the race was rather overpowered in MotP.)
--Lumi (Monster Manual 3)
--Mephling (Planar Handbook)
--Paraelemental Genasi (Dragon 297)
--Raptorian (Races of the Wild) (though the raptorian is a forest-dweller, it has close connections with Elemental Air, thus colonies are likely to be found on Air. Also, Dragon Magazine 347 presents a giant floating plant/vine where they could live)
--Shadowswyfts (Planar Handbook)

These creatures are presented as optional PC races, but the stats are incomplete; in some cases racial ability adjustments were not given, while for others, large amounts of information (such as how to play such a character) is missing.
--Elf, Snow (Frostburn)
--Gnome, Ice (Frostburn)
--Halfling, Tundra (Frostburn)
--Nereid (Stormwrack)
--Planetouched, Shyft (Fiend Folio) (descendent of an ethereal creature)
--Shadar-Kai (Fiend Folio)

--Armor, Coral (Arms & Equipment)
--Armor, Dendritic (Arms & Equipment, Races of Faerun)
--Saddle, Flyer's (Races of Stone)
--Spelunker's Kit (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)

These poisons come from ingredients found on one or more Inner Planes. This is one of the few resources where I will list items from Frostburn/Stormwrack/Sandstorm.
--Blue Anemone Oil (Stormwrack)
--Cone Snail Venom (Stormwrack)
--Dragon Bile (DMG, Complete Adventurer)
--Fire Coral Extract (Stormwrack)
--Icegaunt Dust (Frostburn)
--Icetoad Bile (Frostburn)
--Seasnake Venom (Stormwrack)
--Shadow Essence (DMG, Complete Adventurer)
--Snowflake Lichen Powder (Frostburn) (this can be bought for a mere 25gp on The Precipice, and 50gp in adjacent regions of Ice)
--Snow Spider Blood (Frostburn)
--Stonefish Venom (Stormwrack)
--Yellow Urchin Extract (Stormwrack)
--Yeti Oil (Frostburn) (I fail to see how this is poisonous, but it still makes more sense than wooly mammoth eye juice...)
--Virile Madness (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--White Pudding Essence (Frostburn) (obviously this answers the age old question as to whether or not white puddings are edible)

This is one of the few resources where I will list items from Frostburn/Stormwrack/Sandstorm.
--Alchemist's Mineral Acid (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Armor Insulation (Frostburn)
--Clearwater Tablet (Complete Scoundrel) (does not work on supernatural liquids)
--Darkvision-Invisible Paint (Forgotten Realms: Underdark
--Dwarfblind (Arms & Equipment)
--Frostfire (Savage Species)
--Ice Chalk (Frostburn)
--Icewalker Oil (Dragon 301)
--Melt Powder (Frostburn) (only useful on Ice against cold creatures)
--Razor Ice Powder (Frostburn)
--Rockburn Oil (Dragon 298)
--Shadowlight Oil (Dragon 337)
--Weeping Flask (Complete Mage) (creates drinkable water)

--Adamantine (Mineral) (DMG)
--Blended Quartz (Mineral (Arms & Equipment Guide) (A natural blend of quartz with iron; very heavy)
(HP/Inch: 15 Hardness: 8 )
--Blue Ice (Ice) (Frostburn) (deep blue to blue-gray variant of eternal ice which can be worked like metal and weighs 25% less than steel)
(HP/Inch: 20 Hardness: 10)
--Bronze (Mineral) (DMG)
--Crystal, Deep (Mineral) (Expanded Psionics Handbook) (Psionics-enhancing crystal found in massive mundane crystal cores)
(HP/Inch: 30 Hardness:10)
--Crystal, Mundane (Mineral) (Expanded Psionics Handbook)
(HP/Inch: 25 Hardness: 8 )
--Elukian Clay (Water) (Arms & Equipment) (type of clay associated with the Elemental Plane of Water)
(HP/Inch: 30 Hardness: 10)
--Fluidstone (substance similar to Elukian clay)
(HP/Inch: 5 Hardness: 10)
--Fyrite (Fire, Magma) (Dragon 347) (metallic substance immune to heat, but takes double damage from cold)
(HP/Inch: 30 Hardness: 10) (same as steel)
--Mithril (Mineral) (DMG)
--Stone (Earth) (DMG)
--Riverine (Water) (Stormwrack) (A layer of water enclosed inside a Wall of Force)
(HP/Inch: -- Hardness: --)

--Adult Dragon's Blood (Air, Earth, Fire, Ice, Water) (Dragon 332)
--Adult Red Dragon's Tonuge (Fire) (Dragon 317)
--Adult White Dragon's Tongue (Ice) (Dragon 332)
--Ancient White Dragon's Heart (Ice) (Dragon 332)
--Ancient White Dragon's Horn (Ice) (Dragon 332)
--Aurial Sapphire (Air) (Complete Champion)
--Black Sapphire (Mineral) (Magic of Faerun)
--Chromatic Dragon Eggshell (Air, Earth, Fire, Ice, Water) (Dragon 332)
--Chromatic Dragon's heart (Air, Earth, Fire, Ice, Water) (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Devil's Eye (Magma) (Complete Mage)
--Diamond (Mineral) (Magic of Faerun)
--Djinni's Tongue (Air) (Dragon 317)
--Elder Elemental Vital Essence (any Elemental, Paraelemental, or Quasielemental) (Dragon 317) (vital essence is essentially the elemental's soul/body)
--Elder Fire Elementals's vital spark (Fire) (Dragon 317)
--Emerald (Mineral) (Magic of Faerun)
--Feather of an Intelligent Creature (Air) (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Jacinth (Mineral) (Magic of Faerun)
--Mature Adult Dragon's Eyes (Air, Earth, Fire, Ice, Water) (Dragon 332)
--Mephit's right hand (any Elemental, Paraelemental, or Quasielemental) (Dragon 317)
--Nixie's Scales (Water) (Dragon 332)
--Old Blue Dragon's Horn (Air) (Dragon 332)
--Old Chromatic Dragon's Heart (Air, Earth, Fire, Ice, Water) (Dragon 332)
--Old Green Dragon's Horn () (Dragon 332)
--Old Green Dragon's Tongue () (Dragon 332)
--Old Red Dragon's Horn (Fire) (Dragon 332)
--Pegasus's Hooves () (Dragon 317)
--Primal Essence (Ethereal) (Complete Mage)
--Pure Ore (Earth) (Dragon 347)
--Red Dragon's Tooth (Fire) (Dragon 332)
--Remorhaz's dried heat glands (Ice) (Dragon 317)
--Ruby (Mineral) (Magic of Faerun)
--Sapphire (Mineral) (Magic of Faerun)
--Scales of a dragon with DR (Air, Earth, Fire, Ice, Water) (Dragon 332)
--Schorl (ravenar) (Mineral) (Magic of Faerun)
--Soil of Stone (Earth) (Complete Champion)
--Star Ruby (Mineral) (Magic of Faerun)
--Star Sapphire (Mineral) (Magic of Faerun)
--Very Old Black Dragon's Fangs (Dragon 332)
--Very Old Red Dragon's Heart (Fire) (Dragon 332)
--Winter Wight's Skull (Ice, Negative) (Dragon 317)
--Wyrm White Dragon's Jawbone (Ice) (Dragon 317, Dragon 332)
--Xill's scales (Ethereal) (Dragon 317)

The following is a list of magic items which are useful on the Inner Planes (most only bestow energy resistance or allow the use of elemental spells though)
--Armor of Dragonshape (Draconomicon)
--Armor of the Long Journey (Dragon Magazine Compendium)
--Azure Skullcap (Dragon Magazine 308, Dragon Magic)
--Belt of Many Pockets (Complete Arcane) (like having several miniature bags of holding attached to your belt)
--Beruto of the Carp Dragon (Dragon Magazine 308, Dragon Magic)
--Blackstone Rune (Fiend Folio)
--Book of Perfect Balance (minor artifact) (Forgotten Realms: Underdark) (neutral equivalent of BoED and BoVD)
--Boots of Fire Walking (Dragon 347) (climb conflagrations)
--Boots of Mountaineering (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20040612a)
--Boots of Lavawalking (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20031227a)
--Bottle of Memories (Complete Arcane) (Stores a day's worth of memories)
--Bottle of Spells (Complete Arcane) (Stores a spell for later use)
--Bottle of Thought (Complete Arcane) (Stores a single thought)
--Bracers of Whirlwind (Dragon 347) (turn into a whirlwind)
--Brassy Bracers (Dragon Magazine 308, Dragon Magic)
--Choker of the Sirens (Dragon 347) (breathe water)
--Cloak of Elemental Protection (Magic Item Compendium)
--Cloak of Stone (Forgotten Realms: Underdark, Magic Item Compendium) (meld into stone)
--Cloud Cloak (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20050311a)
--Crimson Claw (Dragon Magazine 308, Dragon Magic)
--Crimson Dragonhide Bracers (Draconomicon, Magic Item Compendium)
--Cupric Brooch (Dragon Magazine 308, Dragon Magic)
--Death Spear (FR: City of the Spider Queen)
--Dragonrider Armor (Draconomicon)
--Ebon Mask (Dragon Magazine 308, Dragon Magic)
--Elemental Elixir (Dragon 347) (turn into an elemental; also available in paraelemental and quasielemental versions)
--Ethereal Reaver (Complete Psionic) (Wielder can see into Ethereal and attack ethereal and material creatures without having to be in the Ethereal or Prime)
--Everlasting Rations (Heroes of Battle)
--Extradimensional Anchor (Dragon 306, Dragon Magazine Compendium)
--Fiery Kabuto of the Celestial Dragon (Dragon Magazine 308, Dragon Magic) (normally reserved for samurai)
--Fiery Tunic (Magic Item Compendium)
--Figurine of Wonderous Power, Limestone Crab (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20040320a)
--Finder (weapon quality) (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Fireflower Pendant (Magic Item Compendium)
--Gal-Ralan (Fiend Folio)
--Gauntlet of the Dwarven Forge (Complete Warrior)
--Gauntlet of the Vortex (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20050311a)
--Gloves of Burrowing (Dragon 347) (gain burrowing speed)
--Gloves of Flame (Magic Item Compendium)
--Golden Visor (Dragon Magazine 308, Dragon Magic)
--Horn of the Planes (Dragon 317, Dragon Magazine Compendium)
--Icicle Rod (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20030323a)
--Instrument of the Winds (Magic of Faerun) (summons an air elemental)
--Lascit's Aquatic Earring (Dragon 347) (understand and speak Aquan)
--Lavalash (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20031227a)
--Magnetic armor quality (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20040612a)
--Mantle of Energy Resistance (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Mantle of the Silver Dragon (Draconomicon)
--Mask of Water Breathing (Forgotten Realms: Unapproachable East)
--Night Extract (Fiend Folio)
--Opalescent Amulet (Dragon Magazine 308, Dragon Magic)
--Portal Finder (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Psionatrix of Air Control (Complete Psionic) (Gain use of Control Air powetr)
--Psionatrix of Dimension Swap (Complete Psionic (Gain use of Dimension Swap power)
--Ring of Airwalking (Elder Evils)
--Ring of See Invisibility (FR: City of the Spider Queen)
--Ring of Stone Mastery (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20021228a)
--Ring of Weatherproofing (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20050311a)
--Robe of the Inferno (Complete Mage, Magic Item Compendium)
--Rod of the Deluge (Dragon Magazine Compendium)
--Rod of Mountain Mastery (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20040612a)
--Rod, Portal Finder (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Rod of Vapor Control (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20050311a)
--Rope of Climbing, Superior (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Shadow Veil (Libris Mortis)
--Slippers of Shadowwalking (FR: Waterdeep)
--Spiralburst Bottle (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Staff of Earthen Might (Dragon 314, Dragon Magazine Compendium)
--Staff of Entrapment (Complete Arcane) (Allows for use of Dimensional Anchor)
--Staff of Ethereal Action (Complete Arcane) (Allows use of Ethereal Jaunt; functions as +1 Ghost Touch Quarterstaff)
--Staff of Greater Shadow (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Staff of the Jetstream (Complete Divine)
--Staff of Lesser Shadow (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Staff of Planar Defense (Complete Divine)
--Staff of Portals (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Staff of Stone (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Staff of Storms (Complete Divine)
--Staff of the Tides (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20040320a)
--Staff of the Watery Grave (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Staff of Winds (Complete Divine)
--Stalactite (weapon quality) (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Sterling Collar (Dragon Magazine 308, Dragon Magic)
--Stonemelt Powder (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20031227a)
--Talisman of Adaption (Dragon 306)
--Talisman of Pure Neutrality (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Thunder Armor (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20050311a)
--Trident of Red Brine (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20040320a)
--Volcano Seed (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20031227a)
--Xorn Movement armor property (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)

(Yes, most of these creatures are listed in the Denizens book and Crystalkeep, but not all of them)
--Abomination, Chichimec (Epic Level Handbook)
--Abomination, Phaethon (Epic Level Handbook)
--Abomination, Xixecal (Epic Level Handbook)
--Airjelly (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20050211a)
--Ashen Husk (Sandstorm) (ashen husks can conceivably be found on any extremely dry plane such as Fire, Smoke, Earth, or Ash, but are likely to be most common on Salt.)
--Ash Rat (Monster Manual 2, 2.5 update pamphlet) (despite its name, Ash Rats are native to Fire and Smoke)
--Avatars of Elemental Evil (Monster Manual 4; there is no avatar for Cryonax)
--Blazewyrm (Dragon Magic)
--Breathdrinker (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Caller From the Deeps (Stormwrack)
--Chraal (Monster Manual 3) (Chraal is native to Paraelemental Ice)
--Cinderbrute (Dungeon 110)
--Cinderspawn (Libris Mortis) (in the Planescape setting, Cinderspawn are Fire natives *Elementals in particular* who journeyed too close to Ash and died there, or were killed by natives of Ash)
--Cinder Swarm (Monster Manual 3)
--Cloudscout (Dungeon Magazine 110)
--Creeping Stone (Dragon 314)
--Crysmal (Expanded Psionics Handbook)
--Desiccator (Libris Mortis) (in the Planescape setting, Desiccators are Water natives who journeyed too close to Salt and died there, or were killed by natives of Salt)
--Dragons, Ferrous (Dragon 356)
--Dragons, Gem (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Dragon, Hex (Dragon 343)
--Dragon, Obsidian (Wizards website: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psb/20030124b)
--Dragon, Tome (Dragon 343) (many of these are likely to be allied with Yan-C-Bin)
--Drakes, Elemental (Draconomicon)
--Drakes, Paraelemental (Draconomicon)
--Drowned (Monster Manual 3)
--Dry Lich (Sandstorm) (found in Salt, of course)
--Dune Stalker (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Dustform Creature template (Sandstorm)
--Dust Twister (Sandstorm) (found on Dust, not Air)
--Dwarf, Glacier (Frostburn)
--Dune Stalker (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Dungeonbred Monster (Dungeonscape) (ideal for inhabiting the Plane of Earth's tunnels)
--Dust Wight (Monster Manual 3)
--Earthdelver (Dungeon Magazine 111)
--Earth Glider (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Earth Whisper (Races of Stone)
--Elemental, Demonically Infused template (Dragon Magazine Compendium)
--Elemental Gen (Dragon 315)
--Elemental Grue (Complete Arcane)
--Elemental Monolith (Complete Arcane)
--Elemental, Primal (Epic Level Handbook)
--Elemental Steward (Complete Psionic)
--Elemental, Storm (Monster Manual 3)
--Ember Guard (Monster Manual 5)
--Entombed (Frostburn)
--Fire Bat (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Firesnake (Dungeon 111)
--Firetongue Frog (Dragon 285)
--Forlorn Husk (Sandstorm) (native to Salt)
--Frost Giant, Mauler (Frostburn)
--Frost Giant, Tundra Scout (Frostburn)
--Frost Salamander (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Galeb Duhr (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Genie, Qorrashi (Frostburn)
--Ghost, Frostfell (Frostburn)
--Glitterworm (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Golem, Black Ice (Dragon 324)
--Golem, Ice (Frostburn, Dragon 317)
--Grue, Mud (Dungeon Magazine 138)
--Gulgar (Monster Manual 3) (extremely rare encounter for earth; might be more common on Mineral)
--Ice Beast template (Frostburn)
--Icegaunt (Frostburn)
--Ice Toad (Frostburn)
--Ice Serpent (Monsters of Faerun, 3.5 Forgotten Realms Monster Update)
--Icy Prisoner (Dragon 324)
--Immoth (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Inferno Spider (Monster Manual 4)
--Lavaborn Monster (Dungeonscape)
--Lavawight (Epic Level Handbook)
--Living Fossil (Libris Mortis) (These creatures are mentioned briefly in the Inner Planes campaign expansion in the Earth section as extremely rare encounters.)
--Magma Hurler (Miniatures Handbook)
--Mephit, Glass (Sandstorm) (native to magma)
--Mummy, Salt (Monster Manual 3)
--Necromental (undead elemental) (Libris Mortis)
--Ooze, Brine (Sandstorm)
--Ooze, Conflagration (Monster Manual 3)
--Ooze, Lava (Sandstorm)
--Ooze, White Pudding (Frostburn)
--Ooze, Snowflake (Monster Manual 3)
--Orlythys (dragon 285)
--Princes of Elemental Evil (Dragon 347)
--Princes of Elemental Good (Dragon 353)
--Paraelemental Creature template (Dragon 347)
--Paraelemental Monolith (Dragon 347)
--Prismfly Swarm (Dragon 321)
--Radiant Creature template (Dragon 321)
--Rainbow Dweller (Dragon 321)
--Rainrunner (Dungeon 111)
--Razoreel Swarm (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20040221a)
--Rukarazyll (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Salamander, Larva (Dragon 314)
--Sandknight (Dungeon Magazine 110)
--Shape of Fire (Epic Level Handbook)
--Skeleton, Burning (Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil)
--Soarwhale (Arms and Equipment)
--Spawn of Juilblex (Monster Manual 5)
--Spectral Savant (Complete Psionic)
--Spider, Snow (Frostburn)
--Spirit of the Air (Fiend Folio, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Stonechild (Miniatures Handbook)
--Stone Flyer (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Stone Spike (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Swarm, Crystal Beetle (Wizards website: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mm/20030516a)
--Sylph (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Thunder (Dragon 317)
--Thunderspiker (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20050211a)
--Thunder Worm (Fiend Folio, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Tralusk (dragon 285)
--Troll, Fire (Dragon Magazine Compendium)
--Troll, Ice (Forgotten Realms: Unapproachable East)
--Voidwraith (Libris Mortis) (in the Planescape setting, Voidwraiths are Air natives who journeyed too close to Vacuum and died there, or were killed by natives of Vacuum)
--Walking Wall (Miniatures Handbook)
--Wavearcher (Dungeon 110)
--Weird, Elemental (greater and lesser) (Dragon 347)
--Weird, Ice (Frostburn)
--Weird, Snow (Frostburn)
--Windghost (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Windraptor (Dungeon Magazine 111)
--Wind Warrior (Dungeon Magazine 124)
--Winterwight (Epic Level Handbook)
--Wolf, Cloud (Dragon 293)
--Wolf, Magma (Dragon 293)
--Wolf, Mist (Dragon 293)
--Wolf, Shard (Dragon 293)
--Wolf, Thunder (Dragon 293)
--Wyste (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet) (found in Ooze)
--Yeti (Frostburn)
--Yeti, Abominable (Frostburn)

In addition to natives of Water and Air, the Elemental Planes of Air and Water are quite hospitable to many other creatures as well. The following can be found on Air or Water (I think you can figure out which goes to which)
--Blood Hawk (Fiend Folio, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Cloud Ray (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Crayfish, Giant (Dragon 285)
--Devil Sail (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psb/20030523b)
--Dire Barracuda (Stormwrack)
--Dire Eel (Stormwrack)
--Eagle, Giant (Monster Manual)
--Elf, Aquatic (Stormwrack)
--Giant, Ocean (MM2)
--Griffon (Monster Manual)
--Hamaguan (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psb/20030523c)
--Hammerfish (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psb/20030523d)
--Hippocampus (Stormwrack)
--Kopru (Monster Manual 2, Stormwrack Web Enhancement)
--Kuo Toa, Crazed (Monster Manual 5)
--Kuo-Toa, Whip (Forgotten Realms: Drow of the Underdark)
--Leech, Giant (Stormwrack)
--Merman (Monster Manual)
--Nereid (Stormwrack)
--Ramfish (Stormwrack)
--Sirine (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Swarm, Jellyfish (Stormwrack)
--Swarm, Leech (Stormwrack)
--Swarm, Pirahna (Stormwrack)
--Triton (Monster Manual)

The Inner Planes Campaign Expansion states that every known type of ooze, slime, and jelly can be found in the Paraelemental Plane of Ooze. It states that their intelligence is one step higher on this plane, but since that doesn't apply to 3.5, treat them instead as always having full HD on Ooze.
Here is a list of oozes found in 3.0 and 3.5. Some should not be placed on Ooze, so I won't list those.
--Ghaunadan (Forgotten Realms Monsters of Faerun)
--Ooze, Aquatic, Reekmurk (Fiend Folio)
--Ooze, Cesspit (Cityscape) (also a perfect encounter for The Hive of Sigil)
--Ooze, Gelatinous Cube (Monster Manual 1)
--Ooze, Gray (Monster Manual 1)
--Ooze, Ochre Jelly (Monster Manual 1)
--Pudding, Black (Monster Manual 1)
--Slime Creature (Dungeon 132)
--Slime, Olive (Dungeon 132)
--Worm that Walks (Epic Level Handbook)

--Monster Manual 3 (as well as some of the Eberron books and I think a Dragon Magazine article) introduce a monster type known as 'living spells'. Some of these could be encountered on the Elemental Planes. Perhaps, there is a chance spells matching the element of the plane they are cast on could spring to life, explaining the existence of these things. (Living Spells are originally a phenomenon linked to Eberron)
Here is a list of the Living Spells applicable to the Inner Planes and their sources.
--Acid Arrow (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ls/20060918a)
--Burning Hands (Eberron Campaign Setting)
--Chilling Fog (Monster Manual 3)
--Color Spray (Sotl.W)
--Disintegrate (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ls/20061026a) (found on Dust)
--Enfeeblement (Monster Manual 3) (Native to the Negative Energy Plane)
--Fireball (Wizards website)
--Flaming Sphere (Sotl.W)
--Flesh to Stone (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ls/20060918a)
--Glitterdust (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ls/20061002a) (found on Radiance)
--Glitterfire (Monster Manual 3)
--Ice Storm (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ls/20061002a)
--Prismatic Spray (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ls/20070115a)
--Whirlwind (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ls/20061026a)
The Eberron Campaign Setting gives the template for creating a Living Spell.

--Bone Weird (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Colfel (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Crystal Screamer (Bastion of Broken Souls)
--Energon, Spiritovore, Soulmarauderer (Bastion of Broken Souls)
--Energon, Spiritovore, Soulscaper (Bastion of Broken Souls)
--Energon, Spiritovore, Soulsipper (Bastion of Broken Souls)
--Evolved Undead template (Libris Mortis) (inhabitation of the Negative Energy plane is likely to accelerate this process greatly; many if not most undead of Negative are likely to possess this template.)
--Ghost Brute (Libris Mortis)
--Ghost, Frostfell (Frostburn)
--Giant, Death (Monster Manual 3)
--Glimmerskin (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Lumi (Monster Manual 3)
--Orb Wraith (FR: City of the Spider Queen)
--Silveraith (FR: City of the Spider Queen)
--Slow Shadow (Dungeon 112)
--Trilloch (Monster Manual 3)
--Umbral Creature template (Dragon 322, Libris Mortis)

--Aoa (Fiend Folio, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Beacon Moth (Dragon 322)
--Bleakborn (aka Moilian) (Libris Mortis)
--Dark Creature template (Tome of Magic)
--Darkness Pseudo-Elemental (Dragon 322; I believe this is also covered in Denizens of the Transient Planes)
--Darkweaver (Fiend Folio, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Doppleganger, Ethereal (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Dragon, Ethereal (Draconomicon)
--Dragon, Shadow (Draconomicon)
--Elemental, Shadow (Tome of Magic)
--Ephemeral Hangman (Tome of Magic)
--Ethereal Defiler (Monster Manual 5)
--Ethereal Slayer (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Ethergaunt (Fiend Folio, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Ether Scarab (Monster Manual 3)
--Eye of Fear and Flame (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Genie, Khayal (Tome of Magic)
--Giant, Shadow (Fiend Folio, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Ghost Brute (Libris Mortis)
--Ghost, Frostfell (Frostburn)
--Gloom (Epic Level Handbook)
--Golem, Shadesteel (Monster Manual 3)
--Nethersight Mastiff (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Ooze, Ethereal (Fiend Folio, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Phase Wasp (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet) (note: phase wasps technically do not dwell in the Ethereal; they can attack ethereal creatures from the Prime)
--Quickbiter (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Shadow Asp (Fiend Folio, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Shadow Beast (Miniatures Handbook; not a template)
--Shadow Creature template 3.5 update (Dragon 322, Lords of Madness)
--Shadow Eft (Complete Psionic)
--Shadow Spider (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Shadar-Kai (Fiend Folio, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Shadow Walker template, 19+ level character (Forgotten Realms: Unapproachable East)
--Shedu (Fiend Folio)
--Skiurid (Monster Manual 3)
--Spectral Savant (Complete Psionic)
--Thought Eater (Expanded Psionics Handbook)
--Thought Slayer (Expanded Psionics Handbook)
--Umbral Creature template (Dragon 322, Libris Mortis)
--Veserab (Anauroch: Empire of Shade)

--Adamant Algae (Mineral-- ) (Dragon 347)
--Chromatic Shells (Water) (Dragon 347)
--Emberroot (Fire) (Dragon 347)
--Fluidstone (Water) (Dragon 347)
--Hardfire (Fire, Magma, border w. mineral) (Dragon 347)
--Iron Coal (Earth, Mineral, Radiance) (Dragon 347)
--Lambent Fires (Fire) (Dragon 347)
--Platinum Pearls (Water) (Dragon 347)
--Pure Ore (Mineral) (Dragon 347)
--Ripplewood (Air) (Dragon 347) (Ripplewood is usually inhabited by monsters and such)
--Sky Lotus (Air) (Dragon 347)
--Stoneshroom (Earth) (Dragon 347)

In addition, there are quite a few converted monsters in En World's Creature Catalogue (which is free). Here are a list of Inner Planar monsters not covered in the official materials or the Denizens books.
--Crystal Spider
--Diurge (there are two versions of this)
--Dragon, Firedrake
--Dragon, Ice Lizard
--Elemental, Earth, Dragger
--Elemental, Earth, Griveling
--Elemental, Earth, Tympanix
--Flail Snail (on Water, found only on reefs and earth pockets)
--Golden Ammonite (there are two versions of this)
--Jelly, Mustard
--Lava Children
--Moonstone Dragon
--Olive Slime
--Olive Slime Creature
--Ooze, Deadly Pudding
--Ooze, Slithering Tracker
--Paraelemental, Iceling
--Paraelemental, Shiverbug
--Paraelemental, Snowfury
--Quasielemental, Mineral, Chamrol
--Quasielemental, Mineral, Energy Pod
--Quasielemental, Mineral, Glomus
--Quasielemental, Mineral, Shard
--Quasielemental, Mineral, Spined Shard
--Quasielemental, Trilling Crysmal
--Snow Mischief
--Troll, Ice (actually, this one is covered in FR: Unapproachable East)
--Troll, Rock
--Troll, Snow

In addition to spells found in the resources mentioned early on in this post, here are some additional spells from various sources.
--Additional spells of elemental evil can be found in Dragon Magazines --- and 347. Note that only clergy and servants of the Evil Archomentals are likely to possess these spells.
--Dragon Magazine 312 presents nearly a dozen cold-based spells for Auril's clergy (Forgotten Realms deity of cold). One could, alternatively, adopt them as Ice planar spells.
--Dragon Magazine 314 presents some sample elemental priesthoods and rules (and prestige classes).

--Acidic Splatter (Reserve; Complete Mage)
--Air Devotion (Domain; Complete Champion)
--Anchoring Blow (Dragon 306)
--Aquatic Breath (Reserve; Complete Mage)
--Aquatic Spellcasting (Lords of Madness)
--Augment Elemental (Magic of Eberron) (summoned elementals are stronger)
--Black Lore of Moil (Metamagic; Complete Arcane)
--Blistering Spell (Metamagic; Player's Handbook II)
--Burning Focus (Dragon 314) (+1 morale bonus to penetrate same monster's spell resistance again)
--Clutch of Earth (Reserve; Complete Mage)
--Darkness Familiar (Dragon 322)
--Deep Vision (Psionic; Complete Psionic)
--Drowning Glance (Reserve; Complete Mage)
--Earthbound Spell (Metamagic; Player's Handbook II)
--Earthcraft (Dragon 314) (+2 bonus on all Knowledge (architecture and engineering) and (dungeoneering) checks.
--Earth Devotion (Domain; Complete Champion)
--Earth Focus (Dragon 314) (+1 DC to spells of the Earth subtype. Spells w.o. DC are instead cast at +1 CL.)
--Elemental Adept (Complete Mage; for Wujen only)
--Elemental Focus (Metamagic; Dragon 319)
--Elemental Grafter (Magic of Eberron) (create elemental grafts onto an organic creature)
--Energy Affinity (Metamagic; Miniatures Handbook)
--Elemental Envoy (Psionic; Complete Psionic)
--Elemental Essence (Wild; Complete Champion)
--Elemental Healing (Divine; Complete Divine)
--Elemental Smite (Magic of Eberron) (channel energy from elemental graft into a smite attack)
--Elemental Smiting (Divine; Complete Divine)
--Elemental Strike (Dragon 343) (shugenja only)
--Energy Admixture (Metamagic; Complete Arcane)
--Energy Strike (Dragon 343) (divine classes w. energy resistance class feature, only)
--Energy Substitution (Metamagic; Complete Arcane, FR: Shadowdale, the Tearing of the Weave)
--Envoy Cognizance (Psionic; Complete Psionic)
--Fiery Burst (Reserve; Complete Mage)
--Fiery Fist (Player's Handbook II)
--Fiery Ki Defense (Player's Handbook II)
--Fire Devotion (Domain; Complete Champion)
--Flash Casting (Dragon 314) (nimbus of light imparts -2 to attack rolls of monsters who look at you)
--Flash Frost Spell (Metamagic; Player's Handbook II)
--Floatation (Dragon 314) (float easily on water's surface)
--Flow with the Current (Dragon 314) (+2 to Initiative and Reflex saves while swimming)
--Friend of Earth (Dragon 314) (+4 bonus on Cha-based checks to influence Earth-based creatures, and +2 to Dwarves)
--Hurricane Breath (Reserve; Complete Mage)
--Lord of the Uttercold (Metamagic; Complete Arcane)
--Nature's Fists (Dragon 343) (druid and wildshape-using prestige classes only)
--Nightbringer Initiate (Faiths of Eberron) (instead associated with planar Druids with an affinity to or native to Shadow. Gate can only call creatures from Shadow.)
--Paraelemental Power (Metapsionic; Complete Psionic)
--Piercing Evocation (Reserve; Complete Mage)
--Planar Tracker (Dragon 306)
--Privelaged Energy (Psionic; Complete Psionic)
--Radiant Spell (Metamagic; Dragon 314) (fire-based spell also temporarily blinds or dazzles)
--Shadow Born Warrior (Drow of the Underdark) (fighter bonus; +2 insight to initiative, + 1 dodge to AC in shadowy concealment)
--Shadow Veil (Reserve; Complete Mage)
--Slimy Spell (Megamagic; Dragon 358)
--Storm Bolt (Reserve; Complete Mage)
--Stygian Archon (Psionic; Complete Psionic)
--Stygian Power (Metapsionic; Complete Psionic)
--Summon Elemental (Reserve; Complete Mage)
--Sunlit Eyes (Reserve; Complete Mage)
--Turn Elemental (Dragon 343) (shugenja only)
--Umbral Shroud (Reserve; Complete Champion)
--Umbral Spell (Drow of the Underdark) (metamagic; add darkness descriptor to spell)
--Unyielding Bond of the Soul (Faiths of Eberron)
--Water Devotion (Domain; Complete Champion)
--Water Focus (Dragon 314) (+1 DC to spells of the Water subtype. Spells w.o. DC are instead cast at +1 CL.)
--Winter's Blast (Reserve; Complete Mage)

--Klkkikk't't, Shade Sahuagin Rogue/Ranger (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fc/20021108)
--Taibo, Ethereal Filcher monk (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fc/20060224a)

Some sourcebooks (esp. the climate-based ones) present additional diseases. In addition to those found in the PHB, here is a list of inner-planar diseases and where they can be encountered.
--Cabin Fever (Frostburn) (only non-natives to Ice are susceptible to this)
--Coldfire Ruin (Ice) (Frostburn)
--Coral Scratch (Water) (Stormwrack)
--Creeping Frost (Ice) (Frostburn)
--Filth Fever (Ooze) (PHB)
--Sandeyes (Ash, Dust, and especially Salt) (Sandstorm)
--Scaleflake (Ooze) (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Sea Rot (Water, esp. near borders with Ooze) (Stormwrack)
--Sea Sores (Water) (Stormwrack)
--Volcanic Fever (Magma) (Sandstorm)
--Winter Rot (Ice) (Frostburn)

Here is a list of hazards by source and inner plane.
--Amber Barnacles (Ice-- Sea of Frozen Lives, Water) (Dragon 347)
--Anchor Mists (Steam) (Dungeonscape)
--Ash Willow (Ash, Fire) (Dragon 347)
--Avalanche (Ice-- Precipice) (Frostburn)
--Black Sand (Earth, Shadow) (Sandstorm)
--Blood Snow & Blood Snow Blizzard (Ice) (Frostburn)
--Brine Coral (Salt-- ) (Dragon 347)
--Buried in Snow (Ice) (Frostburn)
--Caerulean Magma (Fire, Magma) (Dragon 347)
--Coldfire (Ice) (Frostburn)
--Cramped Spaces/Tunnels (Earth, Ice, Mineral) (Forgotten Realms: Underdark, Dungeon Master's Guide II)
--Crevasse (Ice) (Frostburn)
--Crumblestone (Earth) (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Currents and Streams (Water, Ice-- Sea of Frozen Lives) (Stormwrack)
--Darkshine (Dust, Earth, Negative) (Dragon 347)
--Darkstone (Earth) (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Death Hail (Ice-- Precipice) (Frostburn)
--Dehydration (condition) (Air, Ash, Dust, Fire, Magma, Smoke, Vacuuum) (Sandstorm)
--Devil Dunes (Ash, Dust) (Sandstorm)
--Dream Mist (Air, Steam) (Dragon 347)
--Drowning (Ice-- Sea of Frozen Lives, Ooze, Water) (Stormwrack)
--Ebony Ice (Ice-- Precipice) (Frostburn)
--Ebony Mote (Ash) (Dragon 347)
--Entangle Weed (Water) (Dragon 347)
--Explosive Gas (Earth, Mineral) (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Flamestorm (Fire, Smoke) (Sandstorm)
--Freezing Fog (Ice, Steam) (Frostburn)
--Freezing and Thawing (Ash, Ice) (Frostburn)
--Furnace Wind & Zone (Smoke) (Sandstorm)
--Getting Lost, Cavern (Earth) (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Getting Lost, Dungeon (Earth) (Dungeonscape)
--Getting Lost, Frostfell (Ice) (Frostburn)
--Ghost Tunnels (Earth, Ice, Mineral) (Dragon 347)
--Glass Sea Terrain (Fire) (Sandstorm)
--Gripsilt (Ash, Dust) (Dragon 347)
--Heatstroke (Fire, Magma, Smoke) (Sandstorm)
--Howl of the North (border with Air, Ice) (Frostburn)
--Hypothermia (condition) (Ash, Ice, Water) (Frostburn, Stormwrack)
--Ice Bridge (Ice) (Dungeon Master's Guide II)
--Inferno Star (Fire, Smoke) (Dragon 347)
--Irritating Fumes (Earth, Mineral, Smoke) (FOrgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Lava (Fire, Magma) (Dungeon Master's Guide II)
--Leech Salt Flats (Salt) (Sandstorm)
--Lightning Pillars (Ice-- Shimmering Drifts) (Frostburn)
--Liquid Air (Water) (Dragon 347)
--Maelstrom (Water) (Stormwrack)
--Mineralmites (Dust, Earth, Mineral) (Dragon 347)
--Moondust (Ash, Dust, Earth, Salt) (Sandstorm)
--Photogenerative Rock (Earth) (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Plains of Glass (Fire) (Sandstorm)
--Poison Gas (Earth) (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Quickslush (Ice-- border bet. Core Ice and Sea of Frozen Lives) (Frostburen)
--Quickstone (Earth) (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Rain, Snow, Sleet, Hail (Air border, Ice) (Frostburn)
--Razorgrit Storm (Fire, Salt, Smoke) (Dragon 347)
--Razor Ice & Sleet (Ice) (Frostburn)
--Rope-Bridge Combat (Air, Earth, Ice, Mineral) (Dungeon Master's Guide II)
--Shimmer Air (Radiance-- )
--Shiver Sludge (Ice-- Sea of Frozen Lives, Water) (Dragon 347)
--Silent Stones (Earth) (Dragon 347)
--Slipsand (Ash, Dust) (Sandstorm)
--Snowflake Lichen (Ice-- Precipice) (Frostburn)
--Softsand (Ash, Dust) (Sandstorm)
--Stormfire (Lightning, Radiance) (Stormwrack)
--Suffocation from particulate matter (Ash, Dust, Smoke) (Sandstorm)
--Temperature, Cold (Ash, Ice, Water) (Frostburn)
--Temperature, Hot (Fire, Magma, Smoke) (Sandstorm)
--Vapor Field (Air, Steam) (Dragon 347)
--Whispering Wind (Air) (Dragon 347)
--Whiteout (Ice) (Frostburn)
--Winds (Air, Ice, Smoke) (DMG)

--Akadi (Air) (Faiths and Pantheons)
--Eadro (Water) (Stormwrack)
--Erebus (Shadow) (Dragon Magazine 322)
--Grumbar (Earth) (Faiths and Pantheons)
--Istishia (Water) (Faiths and Pantheons)
--Kithin (Ash) (Races of the Wild)
--Kossuth (Fire) (Faiths and Pantheons)
--Lliendil (border between air, ice, steam, and lightning) (Races of the Wild)
--Mask (Shadow) (Faiths and Pantheons) (in 3x Mask and Shar have their domains on the Plane of Shadow, but if you want you could rule that they have a secondary realm there while retaining their primary realm from 2E.)
--Shar (Shadow) (Faiths and Pantheons) (in 3x Mask and Shar have their domains on the Plane of Shadow, but if you want you could rule that they have a secondary realm there while retaining their primary realm from 2E.)
--Tuilviel Glithien (Air) (Races of the Wild)
--Ventila (Steam) (Races of the Wild)

--Balefire, City of Lanterns (Shadow) (Dragon 322)
--Black Abyss, The (Ethereal) (Dragon 353)
--Demiplane of Imprisonment (Ethereal) (Dragon 353)
--Moil, Demiplane that Waits (Ethereal) (Dragon 353)
--The Shadow Citadel (Shadow) (Cormyr- The Tearing of the Weave)
--Shadowglade (Shadow) http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20030714x
--The Shadowscale Warren (Shadow) (Cormyr- The Tearing of the Weave)


Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
The Raptorian Pantheon in Races of the Wild

Looking at RoS, it looks like the Raptorians have strong connections to the Elemental Plane of Air. Not only that, but most of the Raptorian deities have elementals listed as allies.
This is going to be a tad problematic, though, because their portfolios all involve animals and plants, and their elemental affiliations are a bit kooky.

I'll probably refine this later, but here's what I can come up with for now:

Tuilviel Glithien (CG) the main raptorian deity. Seems to be connected with elemental air, but her portfolio is really strong in the area of forests and forest hunting. Part of her Portfolio is also "the night", which is kinda difficult to cover on the Elemental Plane of Air which has no night... Nonetheless, she seems to be strongly connected to the Elemental Plane of Air. I... I just don't know what the creators of Races of the Wild were thinking; correction, I think I have an idea on what they thought: very little. They seem to have put very little thought into this.

Duthila: Probably an outer planar deity, but this guy is all weird. He's a true neutral deity, yet his allies include astral devas and planetars...

Kithin: His portfolio and such makes him fit the Quasielemental Plane of Ash, though I'm not sure if a deity can survive making a negative Quasielemental Plane (esp. Ash or Vacuum) their dominion.

Lliendil: (CN) storms are his portfolio, but his allies include both water and air elementals, so I'm not sure where to put him, and he reigns both over water and air, yet ice isn't a huge part of his portfolio -_- I have absolutely no clue where to put this guy, though he's obviously an inner-planar deity.

Nithilia (N): I don't know what to make of this one. Her portfolio is warm summer winds, and... her allies include both eladrins and fire elementals? How in the world does that work?! I have no idea where to place her (in wind somewhere? Only problem is that when you get towards fire, things get smoky, which doesn't really fit the gentle and benign nature of this deity.)

Ventila (N): I think she belongs in Quasielemental Steam. This is the only Raptorian deity I can really wrap my head around.

Any ideas, folks?

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: The Raptorian Pantheon in Races of the Wild

Hyena of Ice wrote:
Tuilviel Glithien (CG) the main raptorian deity. Seems to be connected with elemental air, but her portfolio is really strong in the area of forests and forest hunting. Part of her Portfolio is also "the night", which is kinda difficult to cover on the Elemental Plane of Air which has no night...

Deities can have any sort of day or nighttime they wish within their own domains. Shu, a 2e deity in the Egyptian pantheon, had a Domain on Air in which one could see sunbeams and floating motes of dust, despite there not being an actual sun to provide them. Of course, there are elemental deities with Outer Planar domains; Poseidon is a god of oceans and Hades a god of earth, but both reside on the Outer Planes. If you want Tuilviel to have an Inner Planar domain, perhaps the Domain features a three-dimensional forest of trees rooted in midair and pointing every which way, and deep within the forest the shadows get thicker and thicker until night reigns.

Kithin: His portfolio and such makes him fit the Quasielemental Plane of Ash, though I'm not sure if a deity can survive making a negative Quasielemental Plane (esp. Ash or Vacuum) their dominion.

A deity can survive anywhere it wants to. IIRC, the Hindu deity Shiva resides on the Plane of Negative Energy.

Lliendil: (CN) storms are his portfolio, but his allies include both water and air elementals, so I'm not sure where to put him, and he reigns both over water and air, yet ice isn't a huge part of his portfolio -_- I have absolutely no clue where to put this guy, though he's obviously an inner-planar deity.

Check back in the Inner Planes and note the positive quasielemental Plane of Lightning. Perhaps in one of the areas bordering the watery regions; there is a thoroughly stormy area around there, IIRC.

Nithilia (N): I don't know what to make of this one. Her portfolio is warm summer winds, and... her allies include both eladrins and fire elementals? How in the world does that work?! I have no idea where to place her (in wind somewhere? Only problem is that when you get towards fire, things get smoky, which doesn't really fit the gentle and benign nature of this deity.)

Then she simply declares that her domain is not smoky. "Warm" really only implies a slight heating, so she'd be on Air, near the border with Fire, but in a realm where the winds are clear. Alternatively, with eladrin allies, her domain is on Arborea.

Idran's picture
Joined: 2007-06-10
Re: The Raptorian Pantheon in Races of the Wild

Jem wrote:
Kithin: His portfolio and such makes him fit the Quasielemental Plane of Ash, though I'm not sure if a deity can survive making a negative Quasielemental Plane (esp. Ash or Vacuum) their dominion.

A deity can survive anywhere it wants to. IIRC, the Hindu deity Shiva resides on the Plane of Negative Energy.

There's a deity that lives in Vacuum too, if I remember correctly, though their name slips my mind. Something two-word and alliterative, I think?

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: We need more spells and special materials for some ...

""Deities can have any sort of day or nighttime they wish within their own domains. Shu, a 2e deity in the Egyptian pantheon, had a Domain on Air in which one could see sunbeams and floating motes of dust, despite there not being an actual sun to provide them. Of course, there are elemental deities with Outer Planar domains; Poseidon is a god of oceans and Hades a god of earth, but both reside on the Outer Planes. If you want Tuilviel to have an Inner Planar domain, perhaps the Domain features a three-dimensional forest of trees rooted in midair and pointing every which way, and deep within the forest the shadows get thicker and thicker until night reigns.""

The difference being that Poseidon and Hades don't have elementals as their allies.

""Then she simply declares that her domain is not smoky. "Warm" really only implies a slight heating, so she'd be on Air, near the border with Fire, but in a realm where the winds are clear. Alternatively, with eladrin allies, her domain is on Arborea.""

Yeah, it's pretty confusing. The only way her allies could consist of both inner and outer planar creatures is if she has a realm in both, really.

Idran's picture
Joined: 2007-06-10
Re: We need more spells and special materials for some ...

Hyena of Ice wrote:
""Deities can have any sort of day or nighttime they wish within their own domains. Shu, a 2e deity in the Egyptian pantheon, had a Domain on Air in which one could see sunbeams and floating motes of dust, despite there not being an actual sun to provide them. Of course, there are elemental deities with Outer Planar domains; Poseidon is a god of oceans and Hades a god of earth, but both reside on the Outer Planes. If you want Tuilviel to have an Inner Planar domain, perhaps the Domain features a three-dimensional forest of trees rooted in midair and pointing every which way, and deep within the forest the shadows get thicker and thicker until night reigns.""

The difference being that Poseidon and Hades don't have elementals as their allies.

What? Yes they do. Or at least Poseidon does. Haven't you read any Greek mythology? The Nereids? To a lesser degree, the Oceanids? And beyond that, if you're saying that the god of the oceans and seas wouldn't have water elemental allies...well, that's adhering strictly to Planescape canon to an absolutely ludicrous degree.

If a deity wants to have eladrin and fire elemental allies and dwell on only the inner or only the outer planes, they will. And there will be eladrins and fire elementals there in either location. Gods break the rules. They don't make their realm in a given plane because that plane best fits them. They make their realm there because it's comfortable. And usually, comfortable implies a good fit. But not always.

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Joined: 2009-09-25
New Feats, Magic Items, Etc.

This will be the post where I compile all my new and variant spells, magic items, and feats. For variants, I am not going to print out the entire text so as to avoid possible copyright infringement, merely the changes to the original and where it can be found.

----------NEW AND VARIANT FEATS-----------

Cold Devotion [Domain]
You can freeze your enemies with your melee attacks.
Benefit: Once per day as a swift action, you can sheathe your body in a swirling, shimmering pale blue cloud of freezing fog 5 feet in diameter. The fog obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. A creature 5 feet away has concealment (attacks have a 20% miss chance). While you are surrounded by this fog, each of your melee attacks deals 1 extra point of cold damage + 1 point for every three character levels you possess (maximum +7 at 18th level). This effect lasts for 1 minute.
Any foe injured by this numbing cold suffers 2d4 Dex damage unless it succeeds on a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Cha modifier). If an assailant's Dex reaches 0, it is frozen in place as per a Flesh to Ice spell.
Special: You can select this feat multiple times, gaining one additional daily use each time you take it.

ICY FIST [General]
By channeling your ki energy, you sheathe your limbs in magical cold. Your unarmed strikes deal extra cold damage.
Prerequisites: same as "Fiery Fist"
Benefit and Special: same as "Fiery Fist" (see Player's Handbook II for details), except that you deal cold damage instead of fire.

You channel your ki energy into a swirling cloak of freezing mist that injures any who attempt to strike you.
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Wis 13, Icy Fist, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, base attack bonus +8
Benefit and Special: same as "Fiery Ki Defense" (see Player's Handbook II for details), except that you deal cold damage instead of fire.

ELEMENTAL KNIGHT [Exalted or Vile]
You are devoted to an Archomental of elemental good or evil, and seek to destroy all who oppose their alignment and element.
Prerequisites: Elemental Devotee, Base Attack Bonus +4
Benefit: Any weapon you wield is treated as evil- or good-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. In addition, you gain a +1 sacred or profane bonus to attack rolls against creatures of the elemental subtype opposite of your patron Archomental's.
Special: This feat can only be taken once. A character who takes this feat cannot also take the Demonsworn Knight, Hellbound Knight, or Tormented Knight feat. A fighter can select this feat as one of his fighter bonus feats. In addition, as soon as you take this feat, your body henceforth emulates your devoted element in some minor way (e.g. skin becomes hot or cold to the touch, hair becomes constantly windblown, features become sharper, etc.)
(note: This feat is based off of Demonsworn Knight, Hellbound Knight, and Tormented Knight from "Forgotten Realms: Champions of Ruin." Elemental Devotee is a feat in the same vein as Disciple of Darkness, Scion of Sorrow, Thrall to Demon)

By channeling your ki energy, you surround your limbs in magical crackling electricity. Your unarmed strikes deal extra electrical damage.
Prerequisites: Same as "Fiery Fist"
Benefit and Special: same as "Fiery Fist" (see Player's Handbook II for details), except that you deal electrical damage instead of fire.

You channel your ki energy into a crackling corona of electricity that injures any who attempt to strike you.
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Wis 13, Shocking Fist, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, base attack bonus +8
Benefit and Special: same as "Fiery Ki Defense" (see Player's Handbook II for details), except that you deal electrical damage instead of fire.

--------NEW AND VARIANT SPELLS----------
I'm not going to repost the "breathe x" spells again as I already posted them twice.

Shape Ice, Greater
Transmutation [Cold]
This spell is identical to Greater Stone Shape from "Underdark" and the "Spell Compendium", except that it affects ice instead.

Soften Snow and Ice
Transmutation [Cold]
This spell is identical to "Soften Earth and Stone", except that it affects ice. Ice becomes packed snow which is easily molded or shaped, packed snow becomes loose snow, and loose snow becomes powdery snow.
It's more useful than "Thaw" (see Frostburn) on planes of unearthly cold such as Paraelemental Ice and Cania where the temperature is below -50f/-45c (cold enough to where water freezes in mere seconds)

Transmute Ice to Snow
Transmutation [Cold]
This spell is identical to "Transmute Rock to Mud" except that it instead turns ice into loose snow.
It's more useful than "Thaw" (see Frostburn) on planes of unearthly cold such as Paraelemental Ice and Cania where the temperature drops below -50f/-45c (cold enough where water freezes in mere seconds)

Transmute Snow to Ice
Transmutation [Cold]
This spell is identical to "Transmute Mud to Rock", except that it turns loose, packed, or powdery snow into solid ice.

-----------EXPANDED FEATS/ETC.---------------
Complete Champion in particular offers a few feats that add additional rules/benefits, but only cover say-- domains from the PHB.

ADDITIONAL IMBUED HEALING DOMAINS (see feat of same name from Complete Champion)
Cold: Gain cold resistance 5.
Thirst: Gain desiccation resistance 5.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Just looked through the Inner Planes book again.

Hoo boy... I see a few special materials I need to make, but I have no idea how to go about doing that.
I need to make the following materials:

--Brightice (this is the only easy one; the stats are identical to mundane ice except that it's way more expensive and sheds light.)

--Radiance-Forged (I'm not sure whether this would be a special material or a weapon/armor template a la PHBII. Probably the latter.)

--Vividium (hoo boy, no idea how to handle this special material. Inner Planes states that it's solid lightning.)

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Religion of the Elementals

This is something I have worked on for awhile that I need to finish up for Wicke's sake. I'm open to input on whether or not everything I post here is a good idea.

Note that these rules also apply to mephits and (to a certain extent) genies as well, and not just de-facto elementals. Basically, it applies to most elementals and elemental outsiders.

As with many races, religion for elementals comes in various forms. Most elementals do not worship powers in the same way that mortals and some genies do, and more often it takes the form of more of a reverence towards a power.
Another common manifestation, however, is a belief that the elemental plane itself is a sentient being of sorts and a provider and "Great Mother" (similar to how Gaiaists view the earth). Most such elementals wish to follow the "will" of their plane, and view at least one power or demipower (most often the elemental lords-- Kossuth, Grumbar, Akadi, and Istishia) as a physical embodiment of the plane's will. The exact range of worship practices and beliefs of this religion vary of course-- while some elementals literally worship the powers themselves and view the power as independent from the plane itself (but acting in-line with the plane's will), others see them as a mere manifestation of the plane's power, much like a mortal would view a magical lightning bolt shot from the heavens from Talos himself or from the hand of his avatar. Then of course, there are the vast majority of elementals whose beliefs fall somewhere in between the two examples given.
Of course, not everybody native to an elemental plane agrees on just what exactly the plane's will actually is, and this can result in conflict. Like with all races, not all elementals are religious, either, though most at least pay lip-service to a power. Being immortal elementals and outsiders, the indigenous natives focus far less on concepts of the afterlife than mortal prime races do. Most view death either as something mysterious and something to be avoided (outsiders and elementals possess the drive to self-preservation just like any mortal organism), or that they will become one with the plane itself. Others hope to merge with their patron deity's consciousness.
Reverence for one's indigenous plane is a common and natural religious manifestation of nearly all Inner and Outer Planar indigenous races, and is found even among races not normally known for their piety, such as Tanar'ri. For you see, all such spiritual beings were born of their native plane's essence, whether they were born spontaneously, sexually, or due to sentient hands (e.g. the baptismal rites of the Baatezu), and all such races are well aware of this fact. These beings know that they could never have thrived or been borne without the nurturing philosophies and/or energies of their native plane. In addition, said plane is their ancestral home, and their refuge against the philosophical/physical horrors of other planes.
These religious beliefs are referred to by sages as "Planotheism".

Most elementals who revere the elemental lords do not join wars of conquest unless they believe that a part of another plane was previously stolen from theirs (unfortunately, there are a lot of elementals who claim such things, so most of them do indeed engage in wars of conquest). A majority (but certainly not all) of the elemental lords' followers believe more in maintaining balance rather than expanding the power of their element. Just as good cannot exist without evil, so is water unable to exist without fire, and air without earth-- no matter how destructive nor frightening such things may be.
Nonetheless, this religion also teaches that war between opposing elements is necessary to keep the elements in equilibrium. In return, all (or at least most) Outer and Inner indigenous beings wish to protect their mother plane from impurities, such as planar pockets and non-natives. Most celestials, fiends, slaadi, and modrons however do not mind the presence of other races that partially match their alignment-- alliances and trade with such beings is seen as beneficial. However, should a non-indigenous being acquire a position of power (e.g. the Hag Countess of Malboge), the native beings usually take offense, and will seek the most expeditious means (short of violating their own alignment's ethos) of purging such "impurities" from their home.

Cultists of the Princes of Elemental Good are more concerned with warring against the cults of Elemental Evil and evil races such as the Efreet and Dao. Like the followers of the Elemental Lords however, they are opposed to expanding their element's influence, sharing the same belief in cosmic balance, and that the frightening opposing element is necessary for all existence. However, some followers believe that the true nature of their plane has been degraded towards evil or neutrality, and that the plane's true nature is towards good. The vast majority however, along with their Archomental patron, believe simply that evil is an affront to the plane's nature, and wish to purge it from their plane.

Cultists of the Princes of Elemental Evil are a different matter entirely. Though they usually share the belief of the Elemental Lords' religion and the good Elemental cults that they themselves are following the will of the plane, they do not adhere to the belief of cosmic balance. Instead, they believe that their plane's will is to swallow everything, and overwhelm all other elements with its power. Some followers are attracted to the cults of elemental evil out of overwhelming fear or hatred of the opposing element, as each evil Archomental has promised its followers that the opposing element will eventually 'die'. In the minds of such elementals, this promise not only entails the destruction of what they view to be Hell, but ensures the end of much war and strife (As the Inner Planes book states, wars are waged more on elemental rather than ideological/alignment lines. That is to say, instead of Law being at war with Chaos, Fire is at war with Water.) However, the cruelty of the Archomentals of evil and their cults usually deters any individuals from joining the cult for anything less than evil or self-serving reasons.

Mephits hold prettymuch identical religious practices, except that a minority belong to cults dedicated to the mephit lords such as BwimbII and Chilimba. Most mephits however simply view them as their ruler or as an inspiration (I doubt too many magma mephits willingly accept Chilimba as their ruler, considering how cruel he is)

Genies are a tad different, and tend to mix the practices found among mortals with those practiced by de-facto elementals.

Note that fiends, slaadi, and modrons are likely to hold similar religious to quasi-religious reverence for their home plane, even Tanar'ri and Yugoloths who aren't normally pious races feel such reverence towards the plane that birthed them.

It's also worth noting that the ratio of truly devout outsiders and elementals is far smaller than what one would find among any mortal race, and even most who are fanatically loyal will not obey their power if it commands them to do something detrimental to its family, tribe, or race. This is one of the major psychological differences between mortals and immortals-- with very rare exception (at a rate which sages suggests indicates that such are aberrations of normal outsider and elemental psychology), the immortals place the duty towards their own race above their duty to one's deity-- this is true even of angels. Sages have long been perplexed by this, but several sages as of late believe they have stumbled upon an answer.
It has long been known that, percentage/per-capita wise, the turnover rate among the immortal races is far far greater than what is found among mortals. Among the vast majority of mortal races, barring times of disaster or hardship, one can expect anywhere between 20 to 80% of all live births to live long enough to give birth to live young at least once in their lives.
However, among the immortal races-- even in the uppermost planes, this rate is far lower than what one would see among most species of invertebrate-- where the survival rate from hatchling to adulthood (not even touching on whether or not it succeeds in reproducing) ranges from 1 to 10%.
The immortal races *with a few exceptions, such as geniekind* share a common trait with insects-- they undergo metamorphasis into more advanced life stages. However, unlike an insect, which possesses only four life stages (embryonic, larval, pupal, and adult), most outsider races possess a minimum of 7 life stages, and their survival rates through each stage are roughly on-par with the survival rates from larva to adult among insects.
Many sages believe that this complex life cycle explains why elementals and outsiders continue to gain power as they age (and in fact, age is the primary factor which determines an elemental's or outsider's might.) As such, the eldest members of an elemental or outsider race-- ones which manage to survive for tens of thousands of years-- tend to become the leaders, and hold by far the most influence over their plane's ecology, when compared on an individual basis.
Thus, the theory proposed by these sages, is that outsider and elemental races-- even Tanar'ri and Slaad, are more loyal to their own kind than to the powers because their bretheren and, particularly-- their offspring, is because the true death of older members of their race has a highly imbalancing effect. Whereas the mortal races (with the exceptions of true dragons and some aberrations) possess an innate, predetermined lifespan of comparably short duration.
The fact that discretionary behavior runs inverse to the number of life-cycle stages from birth supports this theory further-- that is, these sages claim, the older the outsider, the more it comes to fear death. Others dispute this idea, claiming that such behavior is probably due to the same elements that make older mortals more discretionary-- they have come to understand that they are not invulnerable.

One common myth among the elementals, similar versions of which are also shared among the Kuo-Toa and the dragons, is the myth about the "Sleeping Ones", and the creation of the Multiverse.
According to elemental mythology, there was an entirely different reality and multiverse before this one, and it was, for the most part, destroyed long ago. That reality was dominated by strange but powerful entities reminiscent of those native to the Far Realm, and in some versions of the myth, were responsible for creating the previous reality (some of them were powers, you see), which elementals refer to as "The Previous Age". However, something happened, and their multiverse was almost entirely destroyed. Many of the Sleeping Ones remained, though probably not in anywhere near the numbers that lived during the peak of their existence. From the ashes of the previous multiverse arose the Ethereal plane (possibility). The Outer Planes at this time were mostly just empty space (if they existed at all), and much of the Prime was likewise empty (though some matter remained, as indicated by the fact that some of the aberrations from the Previous Age such as the aboleth survived). From the Ethereal was spawned the Elemental, Paraelemental, and Quasielemental planes, whereupon the elementals were born, and from the Astral was born the first deities. (Yes, the elementals claim that the gods were created before the Outer Planes and the Prime. Other scholars, particularly Illithid ones, claim that the first gods were spawned by "aberrant" *in the illithids' own words* beliefs of their slaves) By that time, the "Sleeping Ones" were beginning to, for some unknown reason, go into a death-like state of dormancy. The few who didn't may have been attacked by the newly born gods and elementals. Other versions stress this as a certainty, that the first powers and the remaining fought in a great war over dominance of the new multiverse, and the newly formed powers were the ones that won, forcing most of the "Sleeping Ones" into a death-like state, while banishing the rest to prison demiplanes. Eventually, when the gods began to create the Outer Planes, they often did so by forming layers, cubes, spheres, etc. over the dormant remains of these massive Sleeping Ones.
Legends state that, among other places, the Sleeping Ones can be found in Core Ice and in the seas of many of the Lower Planes, or even entombed within the walls of Pandaemonium (supposedly this is one of the places that the gods 'put' the members of the race who refused to go to sleep)
The elemental version of this myth always states that one day, the Sleeping Ones will awaken, with catastrophic results-- they will bring about the end of our Multiverse, and probably themselves, as well. Probably, only a handfull of the gods of this Multiverse, alone, will survive to see the birth of the next reality. Of course, this apocalypse myth contradicts that of the Illithidae, who state that the Multiverse shall eventually die of entropy. Many scholars (including many elemental, fiendish, and celestial ones) believe that the Sleeping Ones are a type of Elder Evil and their spawn.

The Elementals, Genies, and mephits aware of such creatures generally agree that powers such as The Great Mother, Tharizdun, The Patient One, and Ghaunadaur originate from, and are survivors of The Previous Age, along with aberrant races such as the Aboleth.
Some elemental scholars (the few sane or marginally sane ones with knowledge on such a subject) also believe that the Far Realm is, in fact, The Previous Age, and that recorded instances of the Far Realm leaking into the Multiverse were, in fact, a manifestation of time gates between this and the Previous Age, rather than a rift between this and a paraellel multiverse.

Better-versed scholars split the age of the "Sleeping Ones" and the age of the Aboleth/Ghaunadaur/etc., stating that the age of the Sleeping Ones came first. (note: The "Sleeping Ones" are, in fact, Draeden, the Immortals-hating creatures from the Mystara setting, detailed in "Wrath of the Immortals" boxed set.)
Even the wisest elemental scholars know extremely little about the "Sleeping Ones", except that a few of their artifacts and structures can be found among the inner planes (such as The Monolith on Magma).

Both the true powers and the quasipowers of the Elemental, Paraelemental, and Quasielemental planes are aware of both the Draeden and the Far-Realm taint (generally better versed on the former than the latter), and are vigilant towards any alienists who attempt to contact either.
Their Far-Realm knowledge is always (intentionally) limited to knowing the basics about what a Cerebral Blot (see Dragon 330: Enter the Far Realm) and Far-Realm influences look like, and ability to identify (and know very basic facts) about some of the more commonly encountered creatures originating from there (such as Neh-Thallgu, Dharculus, Wyste, Amoebic Crawlers, and Psurlons), and that encounters with such beings cause a sort of "unease" in elementals, mephits, etc. The Elemental, Mephit, and Genie powers do not, however, know anything about the Powers of the Far Realm, though most are aware of the history of Firestorm Peak and the Elder Elves. Rifts opening to the Far Realm are thankfully incredibly rare, so when such a phenomena does occur, the whole Multiverse gets word of it.

Note for DMs: It's okay if the myths contradict other sources in some way, and in fact it was partially intentional on my part. You have to bear in mind that the Elementals in fact did NOT exist during the previous age, and that at the beginning of the current multiverse (which would have been prior to creation), the elementals were a relatively young and primitive race lacking a written language. Most of this ancient mythology was passed down solely through oral tradition for millennia before it was first written down.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Written and Spoken Language of the Elementals

This is partially covered in the PHB, in which there are four primary languages.
I am introducing two additional languages, Entropian and Vivacian, the languages of the negative and positive energy planes, respectively. As one might expect, Entropian is also the official language of the Plane of Shadow. Entropian and Vivacian are available languages for player characters to learn via the "Speak Language" skill.
Creatures of the Paraelemental and Quasielemental planes speak creole languages (a creole is a language which is a mix of two languages). The languages are thus:

Note: You should be able to figure what paraelement or quasielement each entry belongs to by looking at its 2 components.

Caliginan: Aquan + Vivacian
Candorian: Ignan + Vivacian
Cineran: Entropian + Ignan
Fulguran: Auran + Vivacian
Fumian: Auran + Ignan
Glacian: Auran + Aquan
Inan: Auran + Entropian
Limian: Aquan + Terran
Mineralian: Terran + Vivacian
Pulveran: Entropian + Terran
Vulcan: Ignan + Terran

Characters need only know the two base languages in order to understand the creole language. Knowledge of only a single language will not help understand the language, nor will knowledge of the two languages by separate people (though for the latter you could make the opposite rule if you wish)
A paraelemental or quasielemental creature can be listed as proficient in either the two base languages or the creole language; it makes no difference (just be sure to note in parenthesies which two languages the creole stems from).
Bear in mind that these are hardly the only languages spoken on the elemental planes; in addition to these elemental languages, many of the native (and non-native) races possess their own indigenous language. However, the elemental languages listed here and in the PHB are the lingua franca (universal/official language) of each inner plane.
The average native of the Inner Planes does not understand common/planar trade; that language is only understood by nobles, sages, planar guides, and some merchants.

Elementals and elemental outsiders currently use non-standardized alphabetic languages, usually offshoots of written languages found on the prime. Attempts have been made by (usually tyrannical) rulers on the elemental planes to standardize the script used on a particular elemental plane, but failed due to a severe lack of centralized government (that said, each genie race has their own standardized script)
They are as follows:
Air, Fire, Ice, Lightning: Draconic
Earth, Magma, Mineral, Smoke: Dwarven
Salt, Steam, Water: Elven
The creatures of Ash, Dust, and Vacuum lack an official written language for obvious reasons, and I don't know what language creatures of Ooze would use. The prevailing theory among sages is that all written languages known to intelligent races were passed down from outsider races, including elementals, and that the written languages found on Prime worlds are a combination of different inner and outer planar scripts, related most closely to the scripts of those immortal beings the race has most contact with. Although, sages are at a loss to explain why Elven script seems to be an offshoot of Aquan script.
Different kingdoms on the planes stress the use of/favor different forms of the scripts. The rate of literacy varies from race to race, though it's universal among genies and near-universal among sentient elementals.
These alphabetical scripts are not the only writing system used by the inner planar races. In fact, there are numerous ancient logographic (hieroglyphic/ideographic) writing systems, each one unique to a particular elemental plane, and between races (for instance, the ancient logographic system of the djinn is different than that used by air elementals). The logographic system has long since been abandoned except for certain esoteric applications and for heraldric symbols. Literacy for the logographic systems tends to be limited to sages, clergy, and nobles. Different elemental types cannot read one anothers' logographs. Full-blooded genies and elementals (as well as certain elemental outsider races such as salamanders and tojanida) can read their corresponding hieroglyphs with sufficient ranks in Knowledge (arcana or religion, respectively; heraldric symbols are recognized by Knowledge, the Planes.). All other races must take sufficient ranks in Decipher Script, and the DC's are likely to be pretty high since we're talking about logographs/hieroglyphs, aka writing systems with several hundred to several thousand different characters. (in comparison, an alphabet, abjad, abugida, or syllabary would amount to a much lower DC, as such systems usually tend to be limited to 15-40 characters)

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Assorted info on the Elemental Princes

Mostly this focuses on the ones of Elemental Evil. Assorted info not organized.

First off, it is prudent to remember that an Archomental's strength is based primarily on age. Of all the Archomentals (good and evil), Ogremoch is the eldest, and so not surprisingly, he is also more powerful than the others.
Yan-C-Bin is the youngest of the Princes of Elemental Evil, though his prowess is on-par with that of Cryonax and Olhydra.
Zaaman-Rul is the youngest of all the Archomentals, and thus is also the weakest.

Also, the Archomentals (both good and evil) are listed as "carnivore" under the "Diet" entry in the Planescape Monstrous Appendix III. What that basically means, in all likelihood, is that though they do not require such things for survival, the Archomentals do enjoy consuming flesh (and possibly derive some degree of sustenance from it much like the Immoth do). For the Princes of Elemental Good, this would likely be limited to animals, while the Princes of Elemental Evil will likely prefer the flesh of sentient creatures.

Though not mentioned or encorporated in 3x, going by description, the Archomentals (as well as most 'nilla elementals) are likely to take penalties to Move Silently checks outside their native environment. For instance, Imix is described as emitting a constant hissing and crackling noise. Cryonax, Ogremoch, and Sunnis are massive creatures made out of ice or stone respectively, and there's no way in hell that Yanny and Chan can move silently outside of a windstorm.
On a similar note, Imix's body varies in brilliance based on the intensity of his emotions. In game terms, this would PROBABLY act as a trait (a la Unearthed Arcana), giving him a -2 penalty for Bluff and +2 bonus to intimidate (or -/+4, whichever you prefer).
Some of the other Archomentals may well have traits or even flaws as well. For instance, Cryonax's unemotional demeanor will likely give him a -4 penalty for Diplomacy, but a +2 Chuck Norris-like bonus for Bluff and Intimidate.

Yanny and Ben Hadar are more likely to have a disadvantage, though I'm not sure how it would play out. (I've considered giving Yanny bibliomania, but it would be kinda lame if you could defeat Yan-C-Bin simply by throwing a book at him)

The Elemental Devotee feat from "Denizens of the Inner Planes" is considered a Vile or Exalted feat, depending on whether your patron is a Prince/Princess of Evil or Good respectively. Elemental Devotee is neither vile nor exalted for those who choose Crystalle as their patron.
Likewise, the Princes of Elemental Good and Evil should be capable of taking Exalted or Vile feats, respectively.

Information (canonical) can be gleaned about the archomentals from the following sources:

Imix: Dragon #347, I12 Egg of the Phoenix (not to be confused with R3; that thing sucks and doesn't feature the Archomentals) 1E Manual of the Planes, Monster Manual 4, Planescape: Inner Planes Campaign Expansion, Planescape Monstrous Compendium III, Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil

Ogremoch: Dragon #347, I12 Egg of the Phoenix (be warned that Ogremoch's appearance and personality is very different in 1E.) 1E Manual of the Planes, Monster Manual 4, Planescape: Inner Planes Campaign Expansion, Planescape Monstrous Compendium III

Olhydra: Dragon #347, I12 Egg of the Phoenix, 1E Manual of the Planes, Monster Manual 4, Planescape: Inner Planes Campaign Expansion, Planescape Monstrous Compendium III

Yan-C-Bin: Dragon #347, I12 Egg of the Phoenix, 1E Manual of the Planes, Monster Manual 4, Planescape: Inner Planes Campaign Expansion, Planescape Monstrous Compendium III

Cryonax: Dragon #347, Planescape: Inner Planes Campaign Expansion, Planescape Monstrous Compendium III, Fiendish Codex I (brief mention of being hostile to exploring Obyrith prior to the Law-Chaos war)

Sun-Sing: Fiendish Codex 1, Planescape: Inner Planes Campaign Expansion

Crystalle: Dragon Magazine 174 (cameo reference in Planescape: Inner Planes Campaign Expansion and in Dragon 353)

Ben-Hadar: Dragon #353, Planescape: Inner Planes Campaign Expansion, Planescape Monstrous Compendium III (brief mention of being hostile to exploring Obyrith prior to the Law-Chaos war)

Brista-Pel: (dead) Dragon #353

Chan: Planescape: Dragon #353, Inner Planes Campaign Expansion, Planescape Monstrous Compendium III

Sunnis: Dragon #353, Planescape: Inner Planes Campaign Expansion, Planescape Monstrous Compendium III

Zaaman-Rul: Dragon #353, Planescape: Inner Planes Campaign Expansion, Planescape Monstrous Compendium III

I rememeber one of the Age of Wyrms Adventure volumes (I thought it was the first or third or 129) of Dungeon mentioning something about Ogremoch, but I can't seem to find it, now.

Dragon 294 gives the stats for an artifact associated with Olhydra-- the Everlasting Chalice, and mentions the existence of 3 other artifacts associated with 3 of her brothers, but gives no stats for them. Chances are, they possess similar uses as being both a blessing and a curse (the Everlasting Goblet's primary feature is that one need not drink while holding the chalice, but if they discard or lose it, they become dehydrated by the amount of days they went without fluids.)

The following are personality traits established ot alluded to in canonical sources.

--Ben-Hadar (good water): Kinda difficult to wrap one's brain around this guy, but his primary features seem to be a superiority complex (regarding Water creatures), impulsiveness, arrogance... The frequent descriptions such as "oafish", "rude", "boistrous", "obnoxious", and "boorish" combined with the artwork depiction of him in the Planescape Monstrous Compendium III (he's fat with a beard and a curly 'ponytail') seems to suggest he's a gluttonous/selfish (gluttony here need not refer literally to food overindulgence) slob. The "oafish" and "boorish" descriptions also suggest to me that he probably shares Ogremoch's love for smooshing things, but in Ben-Hadar's case it's more likely to be limited to medium and smaller vermin; the messier, the better. It also means, most likely, that he's heavily into college humor. Ha ha, no wonder Chan can't stand him. Oh, and since he seems to be associated with crustaceans (pincer-arms), and they're scavengers, I'm sure the 5-second rule factors into this somehow. Oh, gosh, just thinking about the sorts of scenes one would depict with this guy makes me LOL.

--Cryonax: Cryonax personifies cold, calculating cruelty. While all the evil archomentals are cruel in their own way, Cryonax embodies it even more. We are not talking about sadism however, but simple callousness and uncaringness. Most sources emphasize Cryonax's callous personality by detailing his schemes involving magical (experimental) engineering of new monsters. Dragon 347 states that he is "low to anger or excite", and combined with one of his titles (Bleak Monarch), it is obvious that he doesn't show (or perhaps even possess) much emotion. In many ways, he is like Ogremoch-- dispassionate and practical, yet while Ogremoch's vice is bloodlust, Cryonax's is with the fascination over his "collection" of unusual organisms-- mostly congenital oddities and natural cross-breeds-- to the point of frequently using skull talismans and coldflow (coldfire from Frostburn) potions of Healer's Vision (Csco spell that allows the caster to see a creature's internal anatomy), particularly during blood sports. However, while Ogremoch is industrious, Cryonax is brooding, spending most of his time planning military excursions, thinking up new experiments or new goals for his mages to use on living test subjects, or consulting with his advisors.

--Crystalle (neutral mineral): He seems to embody regality, and thus is probably somewhat arrogant. He is known to be condescending towards earth elementals, and uses them as disposable pawns when not killing them for invading his territory. It's likely he treats dwarves and gnomes similarly, though he appears to show hospitality to dwarves and gnomes who seek permission to take a small amount of mineral for benevolent purposes.
Crystalle cultivates the ioun stones and other gems in the region of the Gemfields/Ioun like one would tend to a garden.

--Imix (evil fire): Arrogant, paranoid, lively, energetic, passionate (this does not refer simply to sexual passion, but to passion in regards to anything he feels or does.) He is also very charismatic and a tactical genius in battle. Dragon 347 also states that he has a hair-trigger temper. It's likely that he has a strong libido, considering his recklessness in having sexual relations with Brista Pel. Dragons 347 and 353 don't mention anything about the relationship between him and Brista Pel (whether their fling was purely lust, or something else-- or even if it was consentual *though it likely was since the good/evil archomentals of the same element tend to be about evenly matched in power, which would make any attempts towards non-consentual sex extremely difficult and dangerous. Plus, fire creatures are pretty well known for raging passions and out of control libido*) It could make for some interesting backstory and character development for Imix, whatever the case. (note: In my timeline topic, I fleshed this out a bit-- Imix and Brista Pel, while enemies, did love one another, and Brista Pel's murder at the hands of the mephit lords drove Imix into a furious rage against the planes of Magma and Smoke, leading directly to a simultaneous major extinction event on many prime worlds including Oerth and Toril *corresponding to the Permian Triassic extinction event*. After receiving a message, Imix joined the raiding party at Brista Pel's palace, believing the strange behavior observed in the servants to indicate that they are protecting a powerful artifact. In reality, they were protecting a young Zaaman Rul, whom Imix manages to figure out is his biological son. However, the two eventually had a major falling out. Zaaman Rul came to despise his father for abusing him and especially his kinsfolk, and Imix kicked Zaaman Rul out of his dominion after realizing that he was too old and powerful to fall under the influence of his alignment-changing evil aura. Not long after, Zaaman Rul was incorrectly told by a mislead former servant of Brista Pel that Imix was the one who murdered his mother. For this Zaaman Rul confronted and attempted to kill Imix, but that fight ended in a draw. BTW, I see Imix's assignment to Asgeroth as another manifestation of his rejection of his own son, in a twisted way-- rejection to such an extreme that he won't even dignify his son by slaying him with his own hand, nor to so much as be present to watch him die. I suppose, some might interpret it as some sliver of goodness in Imix, that he assigns someone else to kill his own son due to being unable to do so himself. I see his motives as being forged more from arrogance than reluctance-- e.g. "you're so beneath me-- you don't even deserve the privelage of dying in my presence, much less by my hand!"
Though in the backstory, I had imagined Imix as reluctant to kill his own son, even after being disappointed by his goodness. However, the exile also was meant to have a heavy tone of rejection to it, with the intended message to Zaaman Rul being that he is too insignificant to be worthy of the privelage of being executed by Imix or even by his lowliest of minions.)

--Ogremoch: Ogremoch and Cryonax seem to have a lot of common personality traits. Though Cryonax lacks Ogremoch's lust for brutality and violence, and Ogremoch lacks Cryonax's mad scientist theme. Also, like Yanny, Ogremoch seems to be a paradoxial character-- brutal and violent, loves smooshing things, yet also slow and pensive. The canonical sources also stress 'rigidity' as a personality trait, and like Cryonax he is extremely practical and dispassionate. Also like Cryonax, he will kill any organisms he deems to be useless to his plans, and his definition of "useful" is much narrower than that of the Prince of Evil Cold Creatures.

--Olhydra: I have a lot of difficulty pinning down her personality beyond that she is obsessed and preoccupied with Imix and seems to embody the anger of a stormy sea.

--Sun Sing: (Prince of Quasielemental Evil Vacuum) Very little info is given about this guy, other than that he's stealthy and secretive-- a lover of subterfuge. As such, his goals are not known, though he appears to hate the obyriths (and probably the tanar'ri as well). Either that or he just likes to mess with them.

--Yan-C-Bin: Flighty, with a near-compulsive need to wander. Of all the Princes of Elemental Evil, Yan-C-Bin is the least malicious; not because he is less cruel or evil than the other princes, but simply because he usually can't be bothered with the task of killing something in front of him, and cannot be bothered with sticking to a task for long periods (e.g. he's likely to abandon a fight). Yan-C-Bin and his rival Chan both embody the freedom associated with the wind, which is the very reason why neither amasses an army. Paradoxially, Yanny is also a knowledge/lore fiend, and will often negotiate with other creatures for information. He is described as having a strong sense of honor, and thus keeps any promises he makes. He's also very rogue-like. Oh, yeah, he's also claustrophobic, but I imagine that's a common trait among air elementals.

The favored weapons are as follows:
Ben-Hadar: trident
Chan: flail
Cryonax: heavy pick
Crystalle: heavy pick
Imix: shortspear
Ogremoch: warhammer
Olhydra: harpoon (this weapon can be found in Frostburn and Stormwrack; substitute the javelin if you lack both supplements)
Sunnis: heavy mace
Sun Sing: scimitar
Ty'h'kadi: Javelin
Yan-C-Bin: spiked chain
Zaaman-Rul: longsword
For the purpose of bonus feats, all Archomentals also possess the Slam Attack as a favored (natural) weapon. The primary natural attack of the associated elemental (e.g. icicles/claws for Ice Paraelementals) also counts.

Each Archomental has one or two sacred colors. They are as follows:
Ben-Hadar: teal, gold
Chan: pale blue *bluish white*, silver
Cryonax: light *sky* blue, silver
Crystalle: clear (or white), gold
Imix: red, brassy yellow
Ogremoch: mud-brown, black
Olhydra: blue-green, black
Sun Sing: gray, black, white
Sunnis: beige and emerald green
Ty'h'kadi: yellow
Yan-C-Bin: silver, white
Zaaman Rul: vermillion, black

HOLY SYMBOLS (Most of these are as described in Dragon Magazines 347 and 353)
In most cases, the holy symbol takes the form of a medallion or token between the size of a golfball and the size of the cultist's fist.
Ben-Hadar: A teal wave inside a golden circle
Chan: a pale blue eye within a silver circle
Cryonax: a silver snowflake inside a sky blue circle
Crystalle: White or clear diamond (upper two sides are shorted while lower two are elongated) with golden edging, or a scepter with a diamond-shaped head
Imix: red lozenge or red banner/curtain/etc. w. an amber-colored lozenge
Ogremoch: brown triangle or an equilateral brown triangle with short hashmarks through each leg.
Olhydra: blue-green square
Sunnis: hourglass with sand trickling downward
Sun Sing: black circle
Yan-C-Bin: white circle edged with silver
Zaaman-Rul: flaming longsword or a vermillion 'Z'.

Each Archomental has an esoteric chant-- a religious proclaimation that serves purposes similar to a Buddhist sutra or mantra. They are as follows:
Ben-Hadar: Devotion washes away the reprobates.
Cryonax: Ice freezes all who defy us.
Imix: Fire burns away my enemies.
Ogremoch: Stone crushes the weak.
Olhydra: Waves pound relentlessly.
Sunnis: Endurance buries the tyrant.
Sun Sing: Annihilation hungers in the darkness.
Yan-C-Bin: Wind scatters those who oppose us.
Zaaman-Rul: Courage blazes eternal.

Each archomental has certain stones and metals sacred to it. Thus far they are as follows:

Ben-Hadar: coral
Cryonax: clear quartz
Crystalle: gold, quartz *any*
Imix: obsidian, brass, red marble
Ogremoch: brown marble, iron, gray marble
Olhydra: black coral, green marble w. blue streaks
Sunnis: sandstone, emerald
Sun Sing: jet, onyx
Yan-C-Bin: alabaster, silver, pearly white marble

In Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil, each of the four temples contained a musical instrument. So I've given the others these as well. I have yet to think of an instrument for Zaaman Rul, however.
Ben Hadar: horn/trumpet
Chan: flute/ocarina
Cryonax: bell/chime
Crystalle: harp/lyre
Imix: drum
Ogremoch: drum
Olhydra: horn/trumpet
Sunnis: drum
Yan-C-Bin: horn/trumpet

Each Archomental according to Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil has a sacred tool.
Ben Hadar: bowl,
Chan: incense/censer, fan
Cryonax: mirror, sculpture/figurine
Crystalle: stone/crystal, scepter
Imix: scepter, candle
Ogremoch: lithograph, stone
Olhydra: chalice/goblet, bowl
Sunnis: hourglass/sand
Yan-C-Bin: incense/censer
Zaaman Rul: longsword, candle

Ben Hadar: Squallbringer, The Shimmering Wave, The Valorous Tempest
Brista Pel: The Dancing Flame, The Nurturing Spark
Chan: The Glowing Zephyr, The Silent One (Pejorative or unwelcome nicknames: Wind B****)
Cryonax: The Bleak Monarch, Bringer of Endless Winter, Master of the Pureflow (or Coldflow)
Crystalle: Guardian of the Ioun Stones, The Many-Faceted One
Imix: Lord of Hellfire, The Eternal Flame
Ogremoch: The Black Tyrant, Master of the Black Earth, Stone Tyrant
Olhydra: Mistress of the Black Tide, Lady of the Black Coral, Princess of Watery Evil
Sunnis: The Chisled Guardian, Lode Mother, The True Stone (pejorative or unwelcomed nicknames: Emerald-Eyes)
Sun-Sing: The Endless Hunger, Lord of the Void
Yan-C-Bin: The Great Cloud, Master of Evil Air (pejorative or unwelcomed nicknames: Yanny)
Zaaman Rul: Flame of Purity, Resilient Ember

Various canonical sources give a small amount of information about the role which the Archomentals played during the Law-Chaos war.

According to Dragon 347, the Princes of Elemental Good all sided with Law, while the Princes of Elemental Evil "For the most part" sided with Chaos. Yan-C-Bin is the sole confirmed exception to this rule, as he sided with the Wind Dukes, but solely because they were of the same element as he (though not lawfully or chaotically aligned, both Yan-C-Bin and Chan likely favor Chaos over Law.)
The brief mention of Cryonax in the Fiendish Codex I (in the section about Vacuum Portals; it mentions both he and Ben-Hadar (along with the late Sung Sing) as enemies of the Obyrith during the Law-Chaos war) possibly denotes that he also sided with Law, at least during certain times. (In all likelihood, Cryonax probably limited his participation to playing both sides with the hopes that both the Vaati and the Obyrith would destroy one another. The Vaati Empire spanned all of the Inner Planes not of the Earth subtype, which would have made Cryonax quite resentful. At the same time, I don't think he would have liked the effects that such chaotic beings as the Obyrith and the Slaad would have had on his plane, and in most of my writings, he sides with Law due to viewing the Obyrith as foreign invaders.
Yan-C-Bin likely would have been similarly resentful, yet at the same time taking solace in the fact that at least he's being ruled by creatures of Air. Hearing which side Ogremoch took only would have cemented his decision to support the Vaati, and a likely altercation with Pazuzu would have cemented this further.)
Zaaman Rul is never mentioned, and presumably was too young at the time to participate.
Ogremoch is presumed to have joined the side of Chaos simply because Yan-C-Bin was on the side of the Vaati.
Crystalle is likely to have sided with Law for the same reason as Cryonax (viewing the Obyrith as foreign invaders)

The mephit lords Ehkahk and Chilimba are also stated to have sided with Law, and they were responsible for the death of Brista Pel, Princess of Good Fire. After that event, Chan divorced herself from the entire war and Ben-Hadar switched sides to Chaos, while Sunnis alone remained loyal to Law.
Zaaman Rul is either unaware of their involvement in his mother's death, or is too obsessed with destroying Imix to care.
Finally, Bwimb is mentioned as having joined the side of Chaos.

Like other quasipowers, the Archomentals can provide devotees with a choice of four clerical domains. They are as follows.
--Ben Hadar: Good, Ocean, Water, ????
--Chan: Air, Good, Knowledge, Trickery
--Cryonax: Cold (Spell Compendium, Frostburn), Evil, Temperance (Dragon 355; I will reprint it below since it's not anything groundbreaking), Winter (Frostburn)
--Crystalle: Balance (Spell Compendium, Underdark; only available to true neutral characters), Life (Eberron Campaign Setting-- use Healing if you don't have this) Metal (Spell Compendium), Mineral (see below)
--Imix: Evil, Fire, Passion, (Eberron Campaign Setting) Planning (Spell Compendium)
--Ogremoch: Earth, Evil, Strength, War
--Olhydra: Blackwater (Stormwrack), Evil, Ocean, Water
--Sunnis: Earth, Good, Sand (Sandstorm), War
--Sun Sing: Destruction, Evil, Trickery
--Yan-C-Bin: Air, Evil, Knowledge, Trickery
--Zaaman Rul: Courage (Spell Compendium, Complete Warrior), Fire, Good, War


The two vegetation spells are of limited usefulness in an Inner Planes or underdark setting. Replace them as follows:
--Replace Plant Growth with Undead Bane Weapon.
--Replace Animate Plants with Mass Death Ward.
Both spells can be found in the Spell Compendium and Libris Mortis. (Alternatively you could replace Plant Growth with Positive Energy Aura, a Spell Compendium/Planar Handbook spell)

Note that because several of the spells on the Sand list also possess the Air subtype, and we're dealing with Earth Archomentals and their worshippers, the domain spells should be different. Adjust them as follows:
--Replace Black Sand with Whispering Sand
--Replace Haboob with Soul of the Waste
--Replace Flaywind Burst with Fuse Sand

Here is a reprinting of the Temperance domain from Dragon 355, though I have substituted some of the spells to make the domain more chaos-law neutral for Cryonax's worshippers and the 9th level spell more in-line with Paraelemental Ice.
Granted Power: When you prepare spells you immediately heal 1 HP per spell level of domain spells you still have prepared from the previous day.
Temperance Domain Spells
1. Remove Fear
2. Calm Emotions
3. Dispel Magic
4. Neutralize Poison
5. Atonement
6. Greater Dispel Magic
7. Symbol of Stunning
8. Mind Blank
9. Hold Monster, Mass

The following can be replaced in the elemental domains provided by the Archomental.
--Replace Chain Lightning with Storm Slave (Dragon 347) for Yan-C-Bin.
--Replace Chill Metal with Cold of the Grave (Dragon 347) for Cryonax.
--Replace Fire Shield with Charnel Fire (Book of Vile Darkness) for Imix.
--Replace Horrid Wilting with Befoul (Fiendish Codex I, Lords of Madness, Book of Vile Darkness) for Olhydra.
--Replace Produce Flame with Blazing Bones (Dragon 347) for Imix.
--Replace Resist Energy with Burning Hate (Dragon 347) for Imix.

The following are new domains.

Granted Power:
Ability to rebuke Mineral creatures (essentially, anything on the bestiary list for Mineral in the Inner Planes Resource Index) or turn earth creatures.
1. Crystal Spray (see below)
2. Glitterdust
3. Detect Metals & Minerals (Races of Faerun) --OR-- Treasure Scent (Spell Compendium)
4. Shape Metal (Races of Faerun)
5. Magnetic Pulse (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20040416a) (note that if you have BoED, you should substitute this spell with Warding Gems for Crystalle and his devotees, but ONLY them.)
6. Wall of Crystal (see below)
7. Prismatic Spray
8. Repel Metal or Stone
9. Elemental Swarm (Mineral quasielementals, only)

Crystal Spray
Level: Mineral 1, Wiz 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time: standard
Range: 15 ft.
Area: Cone-shaped burst
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Spell Resistance: Yes
A cone of tiny razor-sharp quartz crystals sprays from your fingertips. Any creature caught in the spray takes 1d4 points of piercing damage per caster level (max 5d4) which pierces all forms of damage reduction save Epic (CL 21 or higher casting can bypass epic damage reduction).

Wall of Crystal
This spell is identical to Wall of Iron except as detailed below:
--Appearance: A roughly hewn, sheet-like, vertical wall of quartz crystal, filled with impurities (making it milky/brown within the interior, which does not allow light or vision to pass through)
--Each 5 foot section has 25 HP/inch of thickness and a hardness of 8.
--DC 25 Str check to push the wall over.
--DC 24 Str + 2/ inches of thickness to breach the wall with a single attack
--Broken fragments turn into worthless sandstone. Wall crumbles to common sand once 12 hours have passed since the casting.
--Wall reflects spells with the [Light] subtype back in the direction of the caster, reflects rays back at the caster/firer/etc.
--Vulnerable to Sonic damage. In addition, any physical attack which also deals an amount of sonic damage bypasses Hardness.
--Material components: A small sheet-like quartz crystal plus 30gp worth of diamond dust.

I plan to make paraelemental and quasielemental mantles eventually. Mantles are essentially domains for divine psionicists; you need the Complete Psionic in order to use the rules.
These use the "separate mantle for each element" rule from Wizards website.
(this writeup is not yet complete)
Ben Hadar: Good, Guardian, Life, Water
Chan: Air, Freedom, Good, Knowledge
Cryonax: Cold*, Conflict, Evil
Crystalle: Mental Power, Mineral*
Imix: Conflict, Evil, Fire
Ogremoch: Conflict, Earth, Evil, Physical Power
Olhydra: Evil, Water
Sunnis: Conflict, Earth, Good, Guardian
Sun Sing: Deception, Destruction, Evil
Yan-C-Bin: Air, Deception, Evil, Freedom
Zaaman Rul: Conflict, Fire, Good, Justice
*= new mantle, see below.

The following two mantles are for use by cultists.

Granted Ability:
When you are psionically focused, your melee attacks deal an extra 1 point of cold damage
2. Energy (cold) Emanation
3. Energy (cold) Lance
3. Energy Wall (Cold)
4. Energy Flash (Cold)
5 Energy (Fire) Nullification Field
6 Suspend Life
7 Energy Claw
8. Matter Manipulation

Granted Ability:
Upon taking this mantle, you gain bonus psionic feats as a psion (1 for the same level you take the mantle, and an additional bonus feat every 4 levels after that). This ability only allows you to gain the following Psionic and Psionic Item feats: Psicrystal Affinity, Improved Psicrystal, Psicrystal Containment, Dual Dorje, Craft Dorje, Craft Psicrown, Psicrystal Power, and Craft Cognizance Crystal.
In addition, the character gains a +2 bonus on all Craft checks used to craft mundane and psionic items made from any type of crystal (which technically includes blue ice from Frostburn).
The character must still meet all prerequisites for the feat.
1. Crystal Shard: Ranged touch attack for 1d6 points of piercing damage.
2. Crystalstorm: Crystal spray deals 2d4 damage +1d4 Con damage.
2. Swarm of Crystals: Crystal shards are sprayed forth doing 3d4 slashing damage.
3. Solicit Psicrystal: Your psicrystal takes over your concentration power.
4. Burrowing Bonds: Crystalline bonds deal 3d6 damage plus 1d6 damage for 1 round/level.
5. Hail of Crystals: A crystal explodes in an area, dealing 9d4 slashing damage.
6. Crystallize: Turn subject permanently to crystal.
8. Iron Body, Psionic: Your body becomes living iron.

The Archomentals have the following creatures for servants:

--Ben-Hadar: Aquatic Elves, Nereides, Ocean Giants (MMII), Sisiutl, good Tojanida, Tritones, good Water Elementals, good Water Mephits, good Water Weirds (MMII)
--Chan: good Aerial Servants, good Air Elementals, good Air Mephits, Air Weirds (MMII), Arrowhawks, Asperi (MM2), Djinn, Dragon Horses, Fog Grues (a good, peaceful subspecies of air grues defected from Yanny), Giant Eagles, Invisible Stalkers, Nymphai, Pixies, Spirits of the Air (Fiend Folio), Sylphs (MM2)
--Cryonax: Chraals (MMIII), Demonically Fused Elemental (Dragon Compendium), Frost Giants, evil Ice Beasts (Frostburn), Ice Golems (Frostburn), Ice Mephits, evil Ice Paraelementals, White Dragons, Yeti
--Imix: Demonically Fused Elemental (Dragon Compendium), Efreet, Ember Guards (MM5), evil Fire Elementals, Fire Giants, Fire Grues, evil Fire Mephits, Firetails, Firetongue Frog (Dragon 285), Red Dragons, Salamanders
--Ogremoch: Demonically Fused Elemental (Dragon Compendium), evil Earth Elementals, Earth Grues, evil Earth Mephits, Khargra, Rukarazylls (MM2), Sandmen, Stone Giants, Thoqqua, evil Xorns
--Olhydra: Coral Golem (Stormwrack), Demonically Fused Elemental (Dragon Compendium), Drowned (MMIII), Sea Hags, Hezrou Tanar'ri, evil Tojanidas, evil Water Elementals, Water Grues, evil Water Mephits, evil Water Weirds
--Sunnis: good Earth Elementals, good Earth Mephits, Galeb Duhr, Hammer Archons, Oreads, Pech, good Stone Giants, Stone Spikes, Xorn
--Yan-C-Bin: evil Aerial Servants, Air Grues, evil Air Mephits, evil Arrowhawks, Breathdrinkers (MMII), evil Cloud Giants, Demonically Fused Elemental (Dragon Compendium), evil Invisible Stalkers, Tome Dragons (Dragon 343)
--Zaaman Rul: good Azer, good Fire Elementals, Fire Genasi, good Fire Mephits, Firetails (Denizens of the Inner Planes), good Fire Weirds, Firre Eladrins, Monadic Devas, Phoeras (MMIII), Phoelarchs (MMIII), Redeemed Efreeti (Book of Exalted Deeds), Sun Giants (MMII)

The archomentals have the following creatures for cultists.

Cryonax: amitok (EN World Converted Monsters; arctic hobgoblins.) evil druids, Frost Giants, evil Glacier Dwarves (Frostburn), ice archons, evil Ice Paraelementals, Malysanep (Frostburn), Yeti (Frostburn)
Crystalle: Glitterhaunts (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20040509a), mineral archons, neutral Mineral Elementals, psionicists, Sulywarii (Violet Dawn-- Complete Book of Denizens), Tsnng, a few dwarves and gnomes (not many though-- Crystalle's demands run contrary to their nature)
Imix: Blighter druids, Efreet, evil Fire Elementals, fire archons, Fire Giants, Salamanders
Ogremoch: evil planar and Greyhawk Drow (on Greyhawk the Elder Elemental Eye is worshipped instead of Ghaunadaur), evil Dwarves, earth archons, evil Earth elementals, Gargoyles, evil Rock Gnomes, Stone Giants, evil Svirnefblin, Troglodytes, Trolls, and "uncounted number of subterranean creatures"
Olhydra: Anguillian (Stormwrack), Eyes of the Deep (Lords of Madness), Kopru (MMII) Kuo-Toa, Kraken, evil Mermen, evil Nereids (Stormwrack), Sahuagin, Scrags, Seawolves (Stormwrack), evil Sharkkin (Races of Destiny), evil Tritons, evil Water Nagas, water archons, and many other sea creatures
Yan-C-Bin: air archons, evil Avariel (Races of Faerun), evil Cloud Giants, evil planar and Greyhawk Drow (on Greyhawk the Elder Elemental Eye is worshipped instead of Ghaunadaur; not as odd as it sounds; evil Drow would revere Yan-C-Bin because of the wind element's associations with grace, speed, and freedom.), evil Monks, evil Raptorians (Races of the Wild), and evil Shugenjas

The cults of Elemental Good are far, far smaller than their evil counterparts since the Princes of Elemental Good do not encourage their worship. They do exist, nonetheless.
Ben-Hadar: good Aquatic Elves, good water archons, good Sharkkin
Chan: good Aaracokra, good air archons, good Air Elementals, good Avariel, Djinn, good monks, good Raptorians
Sunnis: Galeb Duhr, good Dwarves, good earth archons, good Earth Elementals, Khargra,
Zaaman Rul: good Azer, good fire archons, good Fire Elementals,

Crystalle's cultists include a sizable (among non-elementals at least) holy order of Sulwynarii druids, wizards, and arcane devotees (Violet Dawn Complete Book of Denizens) known as the "Gardeners of Ioun". In actuality, this order includes the most elite members of an entire colony of Sulwynarii who fled Avandu for the Planes shortly before it was sealed off from the Phlogiston and the rest of the Multiverse 10,000 years ago. The nature of the Sulwynarii to cultivate and protect crystal formations led to Crystalle forging an alliance with them so long ago-- they work for him by cultivating the ioun stones and other gems of the Gemfields and Crystalle rewards them with a tiny portion of the finished product. The Gardeners of Ioun also include a smattering of dwarves and gnomes, though it is rare for Crystalle to take them as his servants since their influence on mineral ecosystems tends to be destructive.
Actually, the order is split into two groups. The Gardeners of Ioun include the priesthood and the arcane casters, while the Knights of Gemguard include fighters, rangers, and other melee-based classes who guard the treasures of Crystalle's dominion from intruders. Not surprisingly, a good 30-40% of the Sulwynarii in both orders are planetouched-- usually mineral genasi, but 10-15% consist of half-quasielementals.

As evil cults, the cults of the Princes of Elemental Evil demand living sacrifices just like any Demon Prince, Archdevil, or Yugoloth Prince does. The nature of the sacrifices varies little, though there are certain rules to the rituals and practices:

Each of the evil princes have similar practices to that mentioned of Ogremoch in Dragon 347: imprisoned (via Imprisonment, Temporal Stasis, or some similar spell) victims within the Archomental's stronghold are essentially a form of sacrifice victim whose spiritual energy (soul) is slowly siphoned off (devoured) by the Archomental over time. The Princes of Elemental Evil generally reserve this fate for the most audacious of enemies: usually those foolish enough to challenge them, members of a hated religion or cult, or minions foolish enough to backstab the Archomental.

The sacrifice varies by Archomental, but usually encorporates the element said Archomental belongs to. That is to say, sacrifices to Imix are immolated, sacrifices to Olhydra are drowned, sacrfices to Ogremoch are either buried alive or bludgeoned to death with a rock, sacrifices to Yan-C-Bin are strangled, smothered, or exposed to violent gales, sacrifices to Cryonax are either frozen to death, or their blood is spilled over ice or snow. Obviously, the rituals for sacrificing sentient elementals is a bit different if they are of the same element.
A common feature of the sacrificial rituals of each is that (when possible), esoteric logographs (from long-dead, ancient written ideographic languages of the elementals; each element, paraelement, and quasielement uses a different logographic system, and there may be more than one logographic system used in the past by the same element) are etched into the surface of the victim's body. The ideographs used tend to be of religous significance to the Archomental worshipped by the cultists. ) are encorporated, often by being carved into the victim's body or flesh.
Archomentals are likely to be more powerful while in their stronghold. Their stronghold is likely to function similar to a Godly Realm, while inside, Archomentals are likely to enjoy many of the powers enjoyed by Divine Rank 1/Demigods (this same rule holds true for Abyssal Lords, Archdevils, Slaadi Lords, Yugoloth Princes, etc.). Therefore, you should NEVER force the players to fight an Archomental or an Archfiend in their own stronghold. These benefits include (in addition to the being's other powers)
--Effects of a Godly Realm; The Archomental can designate the temperature, scents, and sounds within its stronghold, but only to the degree of a Rank 1 Deity.
In addition, it can temporarily alter the interior of its stronghold (we've seen this ability from Malcanthet in the Savage Tide Adventure Path), including its layout.
--The Archomental cannot die from massive damage while within the walls of its stronghold (though if foolish enough or forced to leave the stronghold at -10 or more HP, it will die)
--Remote viewing out to 1 mile beyond the walls of its stronghold. The remote viewing can penetrate any barrier save a Divine Shield (salient divine ability) by a power of equal or greater rank.
Remote sensing is not fooled by misdirection or nondetection or similar spells, and it does not create a magical sensor that other creatures can detect.
--Block divination spells, as well as sensing abilities of powers of lower rank within 1 mile of the Archomental's stronghold.
--+1 to the CL and DCs of their Spell-Like abilities
--Gains the "Divine *Elemental* Mastery" Divine Salient Ability (For Cryonax, Divine Cold Mastery has the exact same effects as Divine Fire Mastery, except that the competence bonus applies to ice and snow, frost/frostburst weapons, holds complete control/manipulation over non-magical ice and snow, and can duplicate the effect of any spell with the Cold descriptor.)

It should be noted that Yan-C-Bin's and Chan's strongholds are not stationary; such a thing would not be befitting of an air elemental of any kind. Their strongholds are constantly moving, but follow a circular 'track' which extends through most of their territory. Either Archomental always innately knows the exact location of its own stronghold within its territory. Oh, yeah, remember how both possess strongholds made from "solid" wind/air currents? Both archomentals (as well as Akadi) can pass freely through these "solid air" walls of their own stronghold (but not that of one another's). The same holds true for any structure made of 'solid air' that is not a power's or quasi-power's realm.

In addition, each Archomental has a "territory"-- a large tract of land in which they hold dominion/control over, and can legitimately claim as their territory.
Unlike their stronghold however, Archomentals lack any divine powers over their territory.
Nonetheless, the Archomental holds near-complete sway over its territory, which it subjects to its own mandates (essentially, "laws" or "rules", but a bit more loosely since some of these beings are mildly chaotically-aligned) and is usually very heavily patrolled by minions.
Adventurers of opposing alignment to the Archomental are in great danger while crossing its territory, and the reaction of patrols to the adventurers varies by individual Archomental and individual circumstances.
A few of these territories are known by name, and thus far include:
Cryonax: Valley of Frozen Souls (a deep valley situated within the mountain ranges of air, located close to the Precipice's center, but slightly towards the Vacuum side. The valley is more flat/level than most of the Precipice, but it's covered in snowflake lichen, coldfire rivers (both surface and ice-covered), and despite being a valley, is constantly battered by a bitterly cold wind (though oddly, this wind only erodes certain areas). There are a few outposts and strongholds of natives here, and they are all under the oppresive rule of Cryonax. Cryonax has also divided the valley (and surrounding mountain passes) into several "checkpoints", where guards from Cryonax's army demand tribute before allowing anyone to pass.
Crystalle: The region is called Gemguard.
Imix: Plain of Burnt Dreams (as described in canonical resources)
Yan-C-Bin: The Floating Graveyard (as described, though not by name, in canonical resources)

If Zaaman Rul currently has a stronghold, it is likely to be a secret base of operations, and thus the territory (if he even has one) is unknown (Zaaman Rul isn't stupid; he won't focus his dealings on the area surrounding his secret base)

Thus far, three Archomentals are confirmed to have reproduced, and in all cases, the reproduction was sexual.
Imix and the late Brista Pel (princess of elemental good fire) bore Zaaman Rul, the current prince of elemental good fire.
According to Dragon 347, Olhydra has also reproduced with the Obyrith Lord Dagon, bearing twin daughters.
Could any of the other Archomentals have borne offspring? Who knows for sure, but here I review the possibility.

--Ben Hadar- Ugh. Well, he does possess a lover (one of the Eladrin queens in the Court of Stars, though I don't recall which one). Of the archomentals listed here, he's probably the most likely to have offspring.
--Chan- I find it unlikely that she'd be willing to bring a child into a world with Yanny present.
--Cryonax- I can absolutely guarantee you he hasn't. First of all, Cryonax is not very passionate-- he has no use for sex, and it's unlikely he is capable of any type of affection in the first place (not that he can't feign or simulate it pretty well for the purpose of manipulation, I'm sure). Second, with his logical bent, he'd be more likely to use some form of contraception (whatever form that might take), or in extreme circumstances, kill the offspring out of fear that it might become too powerful.
Before you wonder, no, there is no chance that Cryonax would intentionally impregnate his herald. Not only for the reason mentioned above (however remote it might be-- Frigidora is nowhere close to Cryonax in power), but also because it would put his herald temporarily out of commission, and because it would risk her defiance-- early in her life, Frigidora was extremely hesitant to harm and extremely protective of her mortal giant surrogate family. She would surely be even moreso of her own progency (esp. knowing that he or she would be doomed to a cruel life of experimentation)
--Crystalle- It's quite possible. If I remember correctly, he has vied for Sunnis's affections (which I'm sure failed dismally since he normally hates earth elementals).
--Ogremoch- Like Cryonax, Ogremoch isn't very passionate (aside from the emotions of anger and hatred), so he is unlikely to find any use in sex. Also, he seems like the type who, even if he did possess and give in to such passions, would not allow his partner to live, afterwards. Also, being that he's such a bully, it seems unlikely that he'd choose someone equal to him in power such as Sunnis-- in fact, Sunnis's physical and psychological toughness are likely a huge turnoff to Ogremoch-- assuming he has a sex drive at all. Even if he foolishly fiddled with the idea of producing a future minion of his own stone and adamant (which would require allowing his partner to live), it's unlikely, barring that the offspring (upon rebelling) remains henceforth in Grumbar's or Sunnis's territory, that he or she would be alive today. In all likelihood, the following scenarios would have resulted: *The offspring is evil and thinks HE should be the rightful ruler of Earth; resents Ogremoch's tyrrany, seeks to undermine him if not outright rebel. *The offspring is neutral, and resents Ogremoch's cruel treatment; goes AWOL. Either way, Ogremoch would make it a point to hunt said offspring down and kill him/her, being useless.
--Sunnis- It's quite possible. Entemoch (son of Grumbar) is said to be a consort of hers, and Dragon 354 makes it clear that she is capable of such affections, but is overall more dedicated to opposing Ogremoch and protecting her people. Of the archomentals in this list, she is one of the most likely to possess offspring.
--Yan-C-Bin- It's possible. Yanny can be very impulsive and flighty, so something like this could have occured on a whim *and it would have been purely out of lust*. Yanny is not the type to "dedicate" himself to most tasks however (such as a long-term relationship or childrearing), so it's highly unlikely that Yanny would have raised said child. With how secretive Yanny is, it's entirely possible that Chan has never learned of such a creature (explaining why the fluff has yet to mention such a thing). However, Yanny's personality doesn't exactly strike me as the sort that would have much use for sex. Even if the progency rebelled, unless it undermines Yanny directly and on a regular basis, I doubt he'd care enough to have him/her assassinated.
--Zaaman Rul- Though his personality would likely permit it, it seems unlikely that he'd give in to such desires until Imix is dead. His personal experience makes it even more unlikely (being that he is somewhat of a war orphan, meaning that he would be unwilling to bring such a horrible fate onto a flameling.)

That said, I can guarantee you that none of the archomentals are virgins. They're some of the oldest beings in the multiverse, and even Cryonax and Ogremoch have likely tried it a few times (just to see what all the clout is about-- they may even have found it pleasurable).

I'm not going to bother creating each archomental for now using the template, but here are their attributes:

Ben Hadar: 47/39/36/25/26/26
Chan: 38/48/36/25/28/26
Cryonax: 40/44/36/25/26/26
Crystalle: 46/26/40/26/26/26
Imix: 40/44/36/25/26/26
Ogremoch: 48/26/39/25/26/26
Olhydra: 46/40/36/25/26/26
Sunnis: 48/27/38/25/26/26
T'kadi: 48/33/37/25/26/26
Yan-C-Bin: 38/48/36/27/26/26

If you want to make them a tad more different/unique and fitting a bit more with their personalities, then here are some recommended point redistributions (I can't remember which source originally gave this rule-- I think it was UA though)
Ben Hadar: 48/39/37/24/26/25
Chan: 37/48/36/26/28/26
Cryonax: 44/40/36/25/26/26
Crystalle: 46/26/40/26/26/26
Imix: 40/44/36/26/24/27
Ogremoch: 48/26/39/25/26/26
Olhydra: 46/40/36/25/26/26
Sunnis: 48/27/38/25/26/26
T'kadi: 44/38/37/25/25/26 (this is more balanced since T'kadi already inflicts electricity damage)
Yan-C-Bin: 38/48/36/28/25/26
You can hone them further by giving them character traits found in UA and DndWiki (yes, LOL, I know, but several of their traits aren't bad/are balanced.) Just remember to recalculate skill points, save DC's, AC, (and bear certain feats like Weapon Finesse in mind) if you use these stats.

Here's also a quick look at the stats of Chilimba and Ekhak. (using the paragon template + half magma paraelemental template for Chilimba-- which I have not yet completed)
Chilimba: 29/26/29/22/27/30
Ekhak: 25/31/25/22/30/27

In addition to the known Archomentals, there are several Mephit Lords who rule over the mephits and (in some cases) all other beings of their Paraelemental or Quasielemental plane.

--Alu Kahn Sang- Not an archomental, but he's getting closer. Quasielemental lord of Dust.
--Alyolvoy, "evil archomental" of Water mentioned briefly in Dungeon 37. Most likely a mephit lord, however.
--Bwimb II- The Princess of Ooze. There are rumors (and claims by she, herself) that she is an Archomental rather than a mephit lord, but even if that is so, it's unlikely that she's on the same level as the other ten.
--Chilimba- The lord of magma mephits and essentially the ruler of Magma. Chilimba may well be the most powerful of the mephit lords, and according to Inner Planes, this may be because he is half magma paraelemental. He is of the rare higher-order half paraelemental like Frigidora, meaning he possesses nearly full powers from both his mephit and paraelemental lineages, and is slightly resistant to criticals.
--Ehkahk- The lord of smoke mephits and ruler of Smoke.
--Entemoch- Son of Grumbar and consort of Sunnis mentioned briefly in Driz'zt's Guide to the Underdark. Obviously an Archomental since he is surely of Divine Rank 0 (making him a quasideity)
--Gazra- (not to be confused with the devil of the same name) The lord of Ash quasielementals; he's not an actual archomental, though he's getting there.
--Sun Sing- Since there are no vacuum mephits, it's likely this guy truly is an Archomental prince of quasielemental evil.
--Ty'h'kadi- The Lord of Storm Elementals; resides on the Elemental Plane of Air as a companion (but not lover) of Chan. Is indeed an Archomental.
--Uzrith, "evil archomental" of Earth mentioned briefly in Dungeon 37. Most likely a mephit lord, however.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Hazards, Terrain Features, and Materials

This post will encompass various resources and rules for hazards and terrain features.

First off, here is an index of materials found on the Inner Planes, and their most base stats. Using this resource, you can also determine the HP/inch and hardness of equipment made from these materials.
As I list the materials, I will give their Hardness, then HP/inch. In many cases, I will use decimals because incomplete stats are given by canonical sources (in these cases, only the stats for a wall of specific thickness is given, and the stats may not be accurate as different rules are often used for objects vs. walls. Also, the stats for glass walls are inconsistent between sourcebooks).

Blue Ice: 10/20 (Frostburn)
Glass: 1/1 (DMG)
Ice: 0/3 (DMG, PHB, Frostburn)
Obsidian: 8/4 (Dungeon 83), 6/5 (more realistic) (note: piercing or slashing weapons made from obsidian have extremely sharp points. As such, they function as +1 weapons, but this bonus does not stack with magical enhancements. Breaking obsidian walls, floors, or objects poses the same risks associated with their glass equivalents as given in Dungeonscape, except that the shards have a non-magical +1 enhancement.)
Salt (solid): 0/2.5 (Sandstorm) 0/1 (realistic)
Stone, Metamorphic: 9/15 (FR: Underdark)


--Dehydration (condition) (Sandstorm)
--Dream Mist (Dragon 347)
--Hypothermia (condition) (Frostburn, Stormwrack)
--Strong Winds (DMG)
--Vacuum Vortex (Dragon 347) (creatures sucked through the vortex end up in Vacuum instead of Negative)
--Wall of Air (Dungeonscape)

--Cave-In/Collapse (DMG)
--Chasm (DMG)
--Cramped Spaces/Tunnels (Forgotten Realms: Underdark, Dungeon Master's Guide II)
--Crumblestone (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Darkshine (Dragon 347)
--Explosive Gas (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Getting Lost, Cavern (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Getting Lost, Dungeon (Dungeonscape)
--Ghost Tunnels (Dragon 347)
--Irritating Fumes (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Mineralmites (Dragon 347)
--Poison Gas (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Poor Air (FR: Underdark)
--Quicksand (DMG)
--Quickstone (FR: Underdark)
--Slickstone (FR: Underdark)
--Suffocation (DMG)

--Active Lava Flow (Dungeon 146)
--Caerulean Magma (Dragon 347)
--Catching on Fire (DMG)
--Dehydration (condition) (Sandstorm)
--Flame Geyser (City of Brass)
--Flamestorm (Sandstorm)
--Flaming Rivers (City of Brass) (note: immersion dmg should be 20d6, not 20d10)
--Heatstroke (Sandstorm)
--Inferno Star (Dragon 347)
--Irritating Fumes (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Lava (DMG)
--Lava Lake (Dungeon 146)
--Lava Vent (Dungeon 146)
--Magma Rivers and Firefalls (Manual of the Planes)
--Poison Gas (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Rain of Hot Ash (Manual of the Planes)
--Temperature, Hot (Sandstorm)

--Brine Coral (Dragon 347) (border w. Salt)
--Coral Reef (Stormwrack)
--Currents and Streams (Manual of the Planes, Stormwrack)
--Drowning (DMG, Stormwrack)
--Entangle Weed (Dragon 347)
--Hypothermia (condition) (Frostburn, Stormwrack)
--Liquid Air (Dragon 347)
--Maelstrom (Stormwrack)
--Red Tide (Manual of the Planes, Stormwrack)
--Sargasso (Stormwrack)
--Shiver Sludge (Dragon 347)
--Temperature, Cold (Frostburn)

--Avalanche (DMG, Frostburn) (Precipice)
--Blood Snow (Frostburn)
--Blood Snow Blizzard (Frostburn)
--Buried in Snow (Frostburn) (Precipice)
--Cave-In/Collapse (DMG)
--Coldfire (Frostburn)
--Cramped Spaces/Tunnels (Forgotten Realms: Underdark, Dungeon Master's Guide II) (Core Ice only)
--Crevasse (Frostburn)
--Death Hail (Frostburn) (Precipice, Stinging Storm)
--Drowning (DMG, Stormwrack)
--Ebony Ice (Frostburn) (Stinging Storm, Frigid Void)
--Flash Flood (Sandstorm) (Core Ice border w. Sea of Frozen Lives only)
--Freezing Fog (Frostburn)
--Getting Lost, Frostfell (Frostburn)
--Ghost Tunnels (Dragon 347) (Core Ice)
--Howl of the North (Frostburn) (Precipice)
--Hypothermia (condition) (Frostburn, Stormwrack)
--Ice Sheet (DMG)
--Lightning Pillars (Frostburn) (Shimmering Drafts)
--Poor Air (FR: Underdark)
--Quickslush (Frostburn) (border between Core Ice and Sea of Frozen Lives)
--Quicksnow (Frostburn)
--Rain, Snow, Sleet, and Hail (Frostburn)
--Razor Ice & Sleet (Frostburn)
--Running Water/Shallow Stream (Dungeon 114, Fantastic Location: Frostfell Rift) (found in the water drainage tunnels of Core Ice near the Sea of Frozen Lives.)
--Shiver Sludge (Dragon 347) (Sea of Frozen Lives)
--Snowflake Lichen (Frostburn) (Precipice)
--Strong Winds (DMG) (Precipice, only)
--Suffocation (DMG)
--Temperature, Cold (Frostburn)
--Thin Ice (Frostburn, Stormwrack) (Core border w. Sea of Frozen Lives, only)
--Whispering Wind (Dragon 347)
--Whiteout (Frostburn) (Precipice, Shimmering Drafts, Stinging Storm)

--Caerulean Magma (Dragon 347)
--Catching on Fire (DMG)
--Dehydration (condition) (Sandstorm)
--Flame Geyser (City of Brass)
--Heatstroke (Sandstorm)
--Irritating Fumes (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Lava (DMG)
--Suffocation (DMG)
--Temperature, Hot (Sandstorm)

--Acid (DMG)
--Drowning (DMG, Stormwrack)
--Irritating Fumes (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Suffocation (DMG)

--Catching on Fire (DMG)
--Dehydration (condition) (Sandstorm)
--Flamestorm (Sandstorm)
--Furnace Wind & Zone (Sandstorm)
--Heatstroke (Sandstorm)
--Inferno Star (Dragon 347)
--Irritating Fumes (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Poison Gas (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Rain of Hot Ash (Manual of the Planes)
--Smoke (DMG)
--Strong Winds (DMG)
--Suffocation from particulate matter (Sandstorm)
--Temperature, Hot (Sandstorm)

--Animating Fields (Manual of the Planes)
--Irritating Fumes (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Lightning Pillars (Frostburn) (Glittering Crystal)
--Thunderstorm (DMG)

--Cave-In/Collapse (DMG)
--Cramped Spaces/Tunnels (Forgotten Realms: Underdark, Dungeon Master's Guide II)
--Ghost Tunnels (Dragon 347)
--Irritating Fumes (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Mineralmites (Dragon 347)
--Poor Air (FR: Underdark)
--Suffocation (DMG)

--Catching on Fire (DMG)
--Dehydration (condition) (Sandstorm)
--Heatstroke (Sandstorm)
--Shimmer Air (Dragon 347) (on border with Air only)
--Temperature, Hot (Sandstorm)

--Anchor Mists (Dungeonscape)
--Dream Mist (Dragon 347)
--Freezing Fog (Frostburn)
--Heatstroke (Sandstorm)
--Hot Steam (Sandstorm)
--Hypothermia (condition) (Frostburn)
--Poor Air (FR: Underdark)
--Temperature, Cold (Frostburn)
--Temperature, Hot (Sandstorm)
--Vapor Field (Dragon 347)

--Dehydration (condition) (Sandstorm)
--Ebony Mote (Dragon 347)
--Gripsilt (Dragon 347)
--Hypothermia (condition) (Frostburn, Stormwrack)
--Suffocation from particulate matter (Sandstorm)
--Temperature, Cold (Frostburn)

--Darkshine (Dragon 347)
--Dehydration (condition) (Sandstorm)
--Mineralmites (Dragon 347)
--Suffocation from particulate matter (Sandstorm)

--Brine Coral (Dragon 347) (Saline Sea)
--Cave-In/Collapse (DMG)
--Crumblestone (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Dehydration (condition) (Sandstorm)
--Leech Salt Flats (Sandstorm)
--Razorgrit Storm (Dragon 347)
--Suffocation (DMG)
--Suffocation from particulate matter (Sandstorm)

--Dehydration (condition) (Sandstorm)
--Suffocation (DMG)

The following are variants of canon hazards.

--Ice Floe (Stormwrack) (Ice Floes are only found in the Sea of Frozen Lives. The main hazard comes from underwater collision of two ice masses. You will have to modify the rules given for Ice Floes in Frostburn in order to encorporate this.)

--Razor Ice (Frostburn) (in addition to the description given in Frostburn, Razor Ice can also take a more large crystalline, jagged form. This has the exact same in-game effect, except that creatures who step on it may be affected as per stepping on Spike Stones)

--Thin Ice (Frostburn, Stormwrack) (On the Precipice and Core Ice, thin ice forms over bodies of coldfire. Thus, characters who fall through the ice suffer the effects of coldfire exposure and immersion rather than freezing water exposure and immersion)

--Thunder Storms (DMG) (On Lightning, a thunderstroke that strikes a character's square deals 1d8x10 instead of 1d8x1d10 electricity damage. As with lightning strikes on the Prime, a successful Reflex save halves the damage.)

This sections covers the basic damaging environment of the Elemental Planes. Remember that exposure to a hazard or attack/supernatural power deals damage in addition to that inflicted by the Plane (depending partly on what protective spell you use of course)
Do not forget: damage caused by the environment AND inflicted by monsters stacks.

Fire- 3d10 fire/rnd, just like in MoTP and Sandstorm. Flammable items also burst into flames if they fail a saving throw, and fluids vaporize.

Ice- Inner Planes states that this varies. The standard (going by Inner Planes rather than 3x) is 1d6 cold/rnd, but protective clothing reduces this to 1d6/minute. (Although you're free to ignore the 'protected' part (protected refers to warm clothing, but the Paraelemental Plane of Ice is a helluva lot colder than a prime arctic climate)
Some areas are colder-- Cryonax's Chisled Estate causes 2d6 cold/rnd to unprotected creatures, and 1d6/rnd to protected creatures.
The Mountain of Ultimate Winter is an area of True Cold (see new hazards below)

Magma- 3d8 fire/rnd if we use the same conversion rules that WotC used for Elemental Fire. Thank goodness it's not 20d6 as is the result of normally being immersed in lava. Breathe Fire or Magma is needed in most areas. In air-containing areas, said air is toxic and inflicts 1d4 points of constitution damage/rnd to anyone who breathes it.

Ooze- 1d8 acid/rnd (not all areas of Ooze inflict acid damage however) Characters need Breathe Ooze spell.

Smoke- Characters take 1d3 points of Con damage/rnd from the toxic particles and vapors. Most of the plane lacks overtly damaging traits, but areas close to fire, magma, and radiance inflict 3d4 fire/rnd.

Radiance- 3d6 fire/rnd. Creatures not immune to light effects are dazzled and/or blinded.

Ash- 1d6 cold + 1d6 negative/rnd. Characters also need Breathe Salt, Dust, or Ash.

Dust- 2d6 negative/min. Characters also need Breathe Salt, Dust, or Ash.

Salt- 2d6 desiccation/rnd. Characters also need Breathe Salt, Dust, or Ash spell.

Vacuum- Lack of air means that characters can only survive here for 1d4 rounds unless they cast No Breath.

Most of these hazards have been converted from the Inner Planes book. A few of them are new.

--Blazing Cloud (Fire, Magma, Smoke) (Ex) Formed of volcanic gases, this is a cloud of incendiary gas mixed with sulfur dioxide (sulfur dioxide is that infamous gas that forms sulfuric acid upon contact with H2O). Unprotected characters exposed to this gas take 2d10 damage-- half fire, half acid. Sulfur Mephits can often be found near or within such clouds.

--Coldfire Geyser (Ice) (Su)
Eruptions of coldfire sometimes occur on the Paraelemental Plane of Ice. This results in coldfire being violently expelled from a vent in the ice. Eruptions shoot 1d4x10 feet high and their vents typically affect a 20 foot burst, dealing 10d6 points of cold damage (DC 15 reflex save half) to all creatures within the area. More powerful vents up to twice this size have been reported.

--Coldfire Volcano (Ice) (Su)
"Volcanoes" of coldfire, which erupt intermittently, can be found on the paraelemental plane as well. Some volcanoes possess coldfire lakes within their caldera. Weak spots in the ice near the volcano can cause temporary or permanent coldfire geysers, as described above.
Active flow: rivers of coldfire that leave destruction in their wake. Active coldfire flows spilled during an eruption are typically 1d10x100 feet wide and move at a rate of 160ft per round. They otherwise have the same effects as normal coldfire bodies.

--Coldfire Fog: (Ice) (Su)
Coldfire fog results from heavy churning and splashing from a coldfire body, such as "whitewater rapids" or coldfire falls. This hazard has the same effects as fog (vision reduced to 5 ft), and inflicts 9d6 points of frostburn damage to all air-breathing creatures not immune to cold damage, as the coldfire enters and coats the delicate lining of their lungs. Characters who are exposed to the fog for more than 1 round must make a Fortitude save or contract Coldfire Ruin, but the save is made with a -4 penalty.
Creatures who need not breathe or who possess some manner of effective respiratory protection take only 6d6 points of frostburn damage and make the standard saving throw against Coldfire Ruin.
Coldfire Fog that results from a violent eruption has a width of 1d10x1000 feet and moves at a rate of 100 feet per round, though strong wind effects can increase this speed exponentially. Because the coldfire particles are so light, wind does not easily disperse the cloud (it can only be dispersed into harmlessly diluted particles at the base of the eruption site in the case of volcanoes, and 1 mile away from the point of origin in other circumstances.)

--Coldfire Falls (Ice) (Su)
A waterfall of coldfire. The same rules for coldfire fog apply, except that the cloud exists only within 50 feet of a small waterfall (less than 10 feet wide), 200 feet within a medium-size waterfall (less than 20 feet wide), and 500 feet within a large waterfall (20 feet wide or more). Furthermore, the damage and DC penalty is halved at half the fog's maximum range. Characters stupid enough to step under the falls not only take damage as though they were immersed in Coldfire (20d6 frostburn damage + DC 22 to avoid catching Coldfire Ruin), but also take 4d6 points of subdual damage. Creatures immune to cold, indigenous or not, still take the subdual damage.

--Dry Ice (Core Ice, Mountain of Ultimate Winter) (Ex) In some areas of True Cold, air freezes to become dry ice. In such areas, this functions just like regular ice, except that it sublimates into air when melted. Breathe Earth is required in order to survive in it, just like with normal ice.
1. The entire True Cold zone of the Mountain of Ultimate Winter is under this effect. The Immoth and other creatures living on the mountain live under the layer of Dry Ice, which is atop a layer of regular ice mixed with various forms of eternal ice.
2. Cryonax's cold aura does not produce this effect, for whatever reason.

--Frozen Light (Ice) (Ex or Su) In areas of True Cold, light 'freezes'. To be more specific, light is suspended. This affects all illumination, spells with the [Light] descriptor, and ray spells. A DC Fort 20 saving throw must be made for objects, while casters must make a DC 20 Spellcraft check. Failure indicates that the light does not spread beyond 5 feet within the area of True Cold. Indigenous natives to Ice need not worry about making this check when casting ray spells with the [Cold] descriptor, such as Polar Ray. (Yikes, this is going to make Cryonax tougher than I thought, as I wrote that his cold aura is an area of True Cold...) If the area of True Cold is the result of a magic item, creature, or spell, then the caster must make an opposed spellcraft check.

--Lightning Balls (Lightning) (Ex) Masses of electricity that dance from cloud to cloud, often in a somewhat spherical or ovoid form. Those struck suffer 1d4x1d10 electricity damage, but a successful Reflex save negates any damage. Unfortunately, there is a 50% chance that the lightning ball will be drawn to the character, in which case it will make a U-turn to strike the character again. This chance is raised to 75% if the character is carrying more than 5 lbs of metallic equipment.

--Noxious Fumes (Earth, Mineral, Smoke) (Ex)
This hazard functions exactly like "Poison Gas" from FR: Underdark except that it affects characters as per a "Stinking Cloud" spell.

--Plasma Pocket (Lightning) (Ex) Wells of electrical energy the size of elemental pockets. Eventually they explode, dealing 20d10 damage (half electricity, half sonic) plus 2d10 bludgeoning damage to anything in the area.

--Razor Crystal (Mineral, Obsidian Forest) (Ex)
Razor Crystal functions as Razor Ice and Spike Stones, except that it's made of mundane crystal, and might inflict slashing instead of piercing damage. Otherwise, it's identical to Spike Stones.

--Razor Obsidian (Obsidian Fields, Obsidian Forest, Fire) (Ex)
Razor Obsidian is similar to Razor Ice and Spike Stones, except that it's-- well, made of obsidian. It inflicts 1d8 slashing damage as an object with a +1 modifier due to its extreme sharpness, to anyone passing through its square. Characters who step on obsidian spikes may be affected as if they stepped on Spike Stones. Read the first section (special materials) for additional information about damaging obsidian.

--Razor Salt (Salt) (Ex)
This functions like all the "razor" hazards and Spike Stones already mentioned, except that it inflicts 1d4 points of slashing damage and 1d4 points of Desiccation damage. Bare feet of creatures without footwear or DR can be injured as per Spike Stones, but the halite is too soft to pierce tough skin (creatures with DR and/or natural AC) or footwear.

--St. Elmo's Fire (Lightning) (Ex)
Any creature or object that spends 2 or more rounds on Quasielemental Lightning (and any of its border regions) becomes outlined in an electrical corona. This corona inflicts no damage, but outlines the subject similar to Faerie Fire (except that it provides illumination like a torch), bestowing all benefits and penalties associated with that spell.

--True Cold (Ex or Su)
In some regions of Ice, temperatures reach such extremes that more than just water and flesh freeze-- thoughts, ideas, and even fire freezes.
Being in an area of True Cold has the following effects:
1. Treat the region as Unearthly Cold (see Frostburn for temperature band details), except that non-native subjects (those not INDIGENOUS to the Paraelemental Plane of Ice, such as planewalkers, winter wolves, frost giants, yeti, remorhaz, white dragons, etc.) take an additional 2d6 points of lethal damage. Even with complete immunity to cold (be it natural or magical), non-indigenous natives take 1d6 points of lethal damage per minute. Mere resistance to cold will not nullify any of the damage.
2. Once per hour in a True Cold area, a character must make a DC 15 Will save simply to speak or write. The character must make a separate DC check for each sentence. Failure indicates that his words or ideas have frozen. If this happens, he takes a single point of permanent Int, Wis, or Cha damage, and a tiny crystal materializes at his feet. The character can heal the ability damage simply by moving to a warmer region and melting the crystal against his skin. The character still recovers the ability damage if the crystal thaws on its own, even if he's not in direct contact with or near it. (there are exceptions to this rule-- specially prepared containers and magical or supernatural means can allow other beings to utilize the frozen idea.) Nothing else short of a Wish can restore the lost ability score; not even Heal or Greater Restoration.
3. Any non-magical flames (50% chance of either) either freeze solid (becoming chunks of ice) or turn into accursed "black flame". See the rules for Black Fire below.
Known areas of true cold include the Mountain of Ultimate Winter, the lower levels of Cryonax's Chisled Estate, Cryonax's cold aura, and scattered pockets in Core Ice *and a few on the Precipice*. These pockets follow the generals rules for Elemental Pockets as presented in the Manual of the Planes.

--Black Flame (Ice) (Ex or Su)
In areas of true cold, even fire freezes. Non-magical fire is 'converted' with no save. There is a 50% chance it will turn to ice, and a 50% chance it will become "black flame". This is different than the substances by similar names associated with necromancers and Lolth's priesthood. On Ice, Black Flame is a 'fire' that turns black and emits cold, but either little to no light. Magical fires get a saving throw vs a DC of 20 in most instances (exceptions being supernatural effects from creatures, such as Cryonax's cold aura). If it fails, it freezes or becomes Black Flame for as long as it manifests. Magical fire-based items (such as a flaming weapon) who fails their saving throws either freeze or become black flame for 1d4 rounds.
Use the chart below to determine what happens.
1-5: Flame freezes solid, becoming a chunk of mundane or (if the flame was magical) supernatural ice in the shape of the flame at the instant it froze.
6-7: Flame becomes Black Flame; sheds 1d4 cold damage instead of warmth, illumination reduced by 75%, rounded down by 5-point increments (if it previously shed light out to only 15 feet or less, then it now sheds no light)
8-9: Flame becomes Black Flame; sheds 1d4 cold damage instead of warmth, and sheds no light.
10: Flame becomes Black Flame; sheds 1d6 cold damage instead of warmth, and sheds magical or non-magical Darkness out to the same radius of its former illumination.
Note: Whether or not the cold damage and darkness are magical depend on the properties of the fire prior to the transformation; only magical fires inflict magical cold and darkness.

This is a rundown of what level of natural defense a monster, NPC, or PC will need against the environment simply to survive-- useful for planning adventures and encounters.
Long term residents outside of Planewalking towns and cities will typically need complete immunity.

Fire- Fire Resist 30.

Ice- Cold resist 10, just for normal areas. Palace guards and other top ranking minions of Cryonax will need cold resist 15.

Ooze- Acid resist 10; will also need means of breathing slime, mucus, or acidic sludge.

Magma- Fire resist 25; will also need means of breathing and swimming through magma.

Smoke- many areas are going to be hot. I would estimate a Fire Resist of 15-20 would be best (assuming hotter areas of smoke inflict 2d6 or 3d6 Fire damage). Creatures will also either need the Fire Subtype, lack a need to breathe, or have some means of enduring an incredibly smoky environment.

Lightning- Though there are no automatically damaging traits, nothing short of immunity to electricity will make this plane bearable for very long thanks to the electrical storms.

Radiance- Fire resist 20; protection from prismatic and light effects is also required.

Ash- The creature will either need to have the cold subtype (with discretion; Yeti for instance wouldn't be able to endure here as they possess body heat to be drained) or be immune to negative energy (players will need Protection from Negative Energy up to 5 pts or 15 points per attack to avoid damage)

Dust- Characters and creatures will, at the very least, need resistance or immunity to negative energy. Even then, it might not be possible for non-indigenous corporeal creatures to survive here for long.

Salt- Desiccation resistance 15 is needed.

Vacuum- Characters will need the No Breath spell; not much will protect them from hazards like the egarus. Egarus make Vacuum an inimical long-term habitat for corporeal creatures.

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Joined: 2009-09-25
Expanded Info on Raptorians

Not finished yet, but here is where it will go. Raptorians are an interesting race introduced in Races of the Wild with strong ties to Air Elementals, who appear as slightly anthropomorphic falcons (basically, very similar in design to the avariel, except that they have the feet and legs of a raptor, and thick eyebrows)

Some of the things I intend to expand upon:

--Additional Raptorian subraces (desert, seacliff, snowy, and tree)
--New Raptorian feats
--More info on Raptorian deities
--Raptorians in the Planes
--Feats from other sources useful to Raptorians
--Spells from other sources useful to Raptorians

This information is an expansion upon the incomplete info given in Races of the Wild. The allies given are in addition to or in replacement of the standard.

Tuilviel Glithien
Home Plane: Elemental Plane of Air
Divine Realm: The Forest of Twilight, which consists of a massive Elemental Earth pocket covered in dense woodland. Many animals-- an entire ecosystem from the Prime-- can be found here, along with rivers, streams, and waterfalls that eventually run off the side of the Earth pocket.
Allies: same.

Home Plane: Elemental Plane of Air
Divine Realm: on a massive Skyberg just outside the border with the Precipice (Air/Ice region), within an elemental pocket of Quasielemental Ash.
Allies: (alternative) medium, large, and huge ash quasielementals

Lesser Goddess (Neutral)
Home Plane: Elemental Plane of Air
Divine Realm: towards The Precipice (Ice/Air region), on a large Elemental Earth pocket covered in forestry. It is similar to Tuilviel Glithien's realm except considerably smaller (though still quite massive), but realm is in a state of perpetual Autumn at peak harvest.
Allies: replace the asura with an elder arrowhawk.

Home Plane: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning ( Region)
Divine Realm:
Allies: (additional) medium, large, and huge lightning quasielementals

Lesser God (Neutral)
Home Plane: Elemental Plane of Air
Divine Realm: near the junction between Air and Smoke. Within the divine realm however, the air is clean and clear.
Allies: replace the Bralani eladrin with ... uh...
I guess a 7HD Fire Element Giant Eagle.

Home Plane: Elemental Water
Divine Realm: a massive Elemental Air pocket near the Quasielemental Plane of Steam. Elemental Water penetrates the pocket in the form of streams and small rivers. Lush vegetation grows both around and inside these bodies of water. Portals lead to Tuilviel Glithien's, Kithin's, and Nilthina's divine realms.
Allies: (alternative) Medium, Large, and Huge Steam quasielementals

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Joined: 2009-09-25
New Special Materials

Here are the stats for some new special materials; only one is anything particularly special. The others are simply materials that have been in need of a writeup for quite some time.

Bone: Bone items are discussed briefly in the DMG (but not in the SRD). On many of the planes, bone is used as a construction material for equipment instead of wood, since the latter is extremely rare on most planes. Unlike the rules given in the DMG, wooden weapons instead constructed from bone do not suffer penalties to attack or damage rolls. Also, bone does not take double damage from fire like wood does. Bones constructed from a creature with energy immunity are treated as being immune to that type of energy damage, so the natives of the most hostile planes usually craft bone items from such creatures. Bone equipment costs the same amount as its wooden counterparts, and on inner and outer planes that inflict energy damage simply by virtue of someone being present in them, this rule applies to bone equipment made from energy-immune creatures as well (though planar merchants on these planes who recognize someone as a foreigner may offer such items at a highly inflated price, recognizing the likely value of such an item in the victim's native society) Wooden items are also likely to be sold in regions where wood is incredibly scarce, such as polar and suburban or rural desert regions.
Remember that bone has an additional point of hardness in comparison to wood.

Dragonbone: Large bones of dragons can be made into weapons and some types of armor. For weapons, a dragon of one size-category larger than the wielder is needed. Any weapon normally made from wood or metal can be made into a dragonbone weapon. Items normally made entirely out of wood (such as a quarterstaff) deal damage at one higher level of damage die (for instance, a dragonbone quarterstaff for a medium-sized creature inflicts 1d8/1d8 instead of 1d6/1d6 damage) For armor, you will need to consult the chart on page 116 of the Draconomicon for hide armors. The prerequisites for the standard dragonhide armor are what are required for dragonbone scale mail. The other prereqs remain the same. Armor is made from the choicest bones of a slain dragon and carved into plates, scales, or sheets.
In addition, a helm can be made directly from a dragon skull of the same size as the creature to be fitted.
All such weapons and armor are of masterwork quality (but use the price modifier below instead)
Because dragonbone is not made from metal, druids can wear it without penalty. Like dragonhide armor, dragonbone weapons and armor are immune to damage of the same energy type, including breath weapons, but the character does not benefit from this unless they use the dragoncrafter feat.
Dragonbone armor takes an additional 3 days to make.
Hardness: 12 HP/Inch: 15
Weapon: +800gp
Weapon, Double: +1500gp
Armor or shield: +500gp
Other items: 400gp

Obsidian: While obsidian appears in Oriental Adventures, I did not find its stats to be realistic, both in terms of the damage/attack bonus and the price (way too expensive for a stone-age material). Here are the new, non-OA stats.
Obsidian is a type of translucent brown to black volcanic glass, and made the absolute best stone-age slashing and piercing weapons. In game terms, obsidian can only be used to make slashing or piercing weapons, and only for the components that would normally be metal. Obsidian is incredibly sharp; so much so that obsidian weapons gain a +1 enhancement bonus to damage. This bonus does not stack with magical enhancements. Obsidian weighs as much as steel. Obsidian is much more durable than glass, but still somewhat brittle. Items made from obsidian take only half as much damage from fire. Obsidian weapons cost an additional 500 gp to manufacture in most cultures (in stone-age cultures, especially pre-Columbian Mesoamerican ones, they only cost as much as their steel counterparts, and on Fire and its border regions, such weapons only cost an additional 100gp.)
Obsidian suffers the same effects as metal items when exposed to extreme cold (see Frostburn for details)
Hardness: 8 HP/Inch: 15

Shell: Normally used by aquatic races, this is made from the shells of large univalves and bivalves. Any type of armor normally made from metal can be made from shell, except for chain and banded mails and chain shirts. Aquatic races often wear shell armor instead of metal armor because it's cheap, easy to produce, and is not subject to rust or similar underwater unpleasantries. Shell armor provides 1 less point of AC than its standard type. In addition, it is treated one category lighter for the purpose of movement penalties, maximum Dex bonus is increased by 1, armor check penalty is reduced by 1, arcane spell failure is reduced by 5%, and it weighs 50% less.
Shell armor costs 50% less to make than its steel counterparts.
Hardness: 6 HP/Inch: 10

Here are the Hardness/HP modifiers for some of the materials.

The following are modifiers to hardness/hp to blue ice as opposed to steel equipment.
Note: Items made on Ice will have either bone or blueice hafts. If a weapon normally possessing a wooden haft instead has a blueice haft, then treat it like its metal-hafted equivalent.) The chart is by hardness, then HP.
Light Blade: 10/2
One-Handed Blade: 10/3
Two-Handed Blade: 10/7
Light Metal-Hafted Weapon: 10/7
One-handed metal hafted weapon: 10/14
Two-handed metal hafted weapon: 10/14 (these are a tad more expensive than their standard wood-hafted cousins)
Wood-hafted weapons: since they'll be hafted by bone, change the hardness to 6.
Chain Shirt: 10/20
Scale Mail: 10/20
Chain Mail: 10/25
Breastplate: 10/25
Splint Mail: 10/30
Banded Mail: 10/30
Half-Plate: 10/35
Full Plate: 10/40
Buckler: 10/3
Light Shield: 10/7
Heavy Shield: 10/14
Tower Shield: 10/14

Banded Mail: 10/30
Breastplate: 10/25
Full Plate: 10/40
Half-Plate: 10/35
Hide: 10/15
Scale Mail: 10/20
Buckler: 10/3
Light Shield: 10/5
Heavy Shield: 10/10

Light Blade: 12/1
One-Handed Blade: 12/3
Two-Handed Blade: 12/5
Light bone-Hafted Weapon: 12/5
One-handed bone hafted weapon: 12/10
Two-handed bone hafted weapon: 12/10
Wood-hafted weapons: unchanged
Scale Mail: 12/20
Breastplate: 12/25
Banded Mail: 12/30
Half-Plate: 12/35
Full Plate: 12/40
Buckler: 10/3
Light Shield: 12/5
Heavy Shield: 12/10
Tower Shield: 12/10

(note: only short weapon hafts, such as those of blades and arrows, can be made from shell.)
Light Hafted Weapon: 6/2
One Handed Hafted Weapon: 6/5
Two Handed Hafted Weapon: 6/10
Scale Mail: 6/20
Breastplate: 6/25
Banded Mail: 6/30
Half-Plate: 6/35
Full Plate: 6/40
Buckler: 6/3
Light Shield: 6/5
Heavy Shield: 6/10
Tower Shield: 6/10

(Only slashing and piercing weapons can be made from obsidian)
Light Blade: 8/2
One-Handed Blade: 8/3
Two-Handed Blade: 8/5
Light Metal-Hafted Weapon: 8/3
One Handed Metal-Hafted Weapon: 8/10

Note: Only short-bladed weapons, such as daggers, can be made from stone. On Earth they rarely are however, since few creatures there are vulnerable to slashing or piercing damage.
Light Blade: 8/2
Light Hafted Weapon: 8/3
One Handed Hafted Weapon: 8/10
Two Handed Hafted Weapon: 8/15

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Joined: 2009-09-25
New Monsters

New monsters and templates go here. I don't have anything yet, but here are my plans:

--Avatar of Paraelemental Evil Ice
--New colossus golems (this will take awhile and a lot of calculations.)
--New Half golems (ditto)
--Half Paraelemental and Half Quasielemental Templates (I'm still working on the clerical domain lists for the spell-like abilities)
--Reflavoring of the Ash Golem from Terrors of the Deadlands to match the theme of Quasielemental Ash
--Reflavoring the fluff for golems from Terrors of the Deadlands and Terrors of Athas
--Possibly reworking the Mist Golem from Denizens of Dread to simply be a quasielemental Steam-associated golem
--Create a Blue Ice Golem
--Paraelemental and Quasielemental Primal Elementals
--Quasielemental Monoliths
--Positive Pseudoelemental
--Reworked Frigidarch (Creature Catalogue-- if they're Cryonax's elite generals, then they should be a lot more powerful)
--Create the Arctic Tempest variant for 3.5 from the Tempest Elemental.

Half Paraelemental, Ice
Available To: Any corporeal creature with 4+ Int
New Type: Outsider
AC: +1 Natural
Special Attacks: As base creature, + following Spell-Like Abilities for 8+ Int or Wis
Special Qualities: As base creature, + Immune to Disease and Cold effects. +4 racial Fort save vs. Poison.
Saves: As base creature
Adjustments: +4 Dex, +2 Wis, +2 Cha
Skills: As Outsider or Character Class
Feats: As base creature

Spell-Like Abilities per Int/Wis mod
1. Chill Touch
2. Chill Metal
3. Sleet Storm
4. Ice Storm
5. Wall of Ice
6. Cone of Cold
7. Control Weather
8. Polar Ray
9. Obedient Avalanche

Half Quasielemental, Mineral
Available To: Any corporeal creature with 4+ Int
New Type: Outsider
AC: +1 Natural
Special Attacks: As base creature, + following Spell-Like Abilities for 8+ Int or Wis
Special Qualities: As base creature, + Immune to Disease and acid effects. +4 racial fort save vs. poison.
Saves: As base creature
Adjustments: +2 Str, -2 Dex, +4 Con, +2 Wis

Spell-Like Abilities per Int/Wis mod
1. Crystal Spray (see Archomental post)
2. Glitterdust
3. Detect Metals & Minerals (Races of Faerun) --OR-- Treasure Scent (Spell Compendium)
4. Shape Metal (Races of Faerun)
5. Magnetic Pulse (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20040416a) (half-Quasielemental Sulwynarii get Warding Gems instead)
6. Wall of Crystal (see archomental post)
7. Prismatic Spray
8. Repel Metal or Stone
9. Elemental Swarm (Mineral quasielementals, only)

Half Quasielemental, Mineral, Psionic
This template is identical to the regular Half-Mineral Quasielemental, except that they gain Psi-Like abilities from the Mineral Mantle (detailed in the Archomental post) instead of the Mineral Domain.
A certain percentage of half quasielementals are attuned to psionics instead of magic-- usually around 1 in 8, though this can vary by race, all the way to a 1 in 2 or even 7 in 8 chance.

Psi-Like Abilities per Int/Wis mod
1. Crystal Shard
2. Crystalstorm
2. Swarm of Crystals
3. Solicit Psicrystal
4. Burrowing Bonds
5. Hail of Crystals
6. Crystallize
8. Iron Body, Psionic

Mephling, Ice (Humanoid, Extraplanar)
Adjustments: +2 Dex, -2 Int, +2 Cha
Size: S
Base Land Speed: 30
Alignment: Often N
Favored Class: Ranger
LA: +1
Appearance: Physical features slightly more angular. Skin is pale blue, like that of a frost giant, and hair (if the mephling has any) is snow-white.
Cast spells with the Cold descriptor at +1 CL

Mephling, Lightning (Humanoid, Extraplanar)
Adjustments: +2 Dex, -2 Int, +2 Cha
Size: S
Base Land Speed: 30, Fly 10 (Good)
Alignment: Often N
Favored Class: Scout (use Ranger or Rogue if you don't have Complete Adventurer)
LA: +1

Mephling, Mineral (Humanoid, Extraplanar)
Adjustments: -2 Dex, +2 Con, -2 Int, +2 Cha
Size: S
Base Land Speed: 30, Burrow 10
Alignment: Often N
Favored Class: Fighter
LA: +1

Mephling, Mist (Humanoid, Extraplanar)
Adjustments: +2 Dex, -2 Int, +2 Cha
Size: S
Base Land Speed: 30, Fly 10 (Good)
Favored Class: Rogue
LA: +1

Mephling, Smoke (Humanoid, Extraplanar)
Adjustments: +2 Dex, -2 Int, +2 Cha
Size: S
Base Land Speed: 30
Alignment: Often N
Favored Class: Rogue
LA: +1

Mephling, Steam (Humanoid, Extraplanar)
Adjustments: +2 Dex, -2 Int, +2 Cha
Size: S
Base Land Speed: 30
Alignment: Often N
Favored Class: Rogue
LA: +1

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Elemental Physiology

I've been working on this subject for awhile-- I think I've finally polished it up enough.

First of all, it goes without saying that elementals are pure matter or energy given sentience. In other words, they are literally living wind, ice, flame, etc.
As such, they lack internal or external anatomy-- not only do they lack internal or vital organs (and thus do not need to breathe), but they also lack bones, muscles, blood, nerves, or skin. Locomotion for matter-based elementals (such as those of magma, ice, earth, and mineral) is achieved through some poorly understood supernatural means, but often follows the range-of-motion limitations of the creature or design it is modeled after (that is to say, humanoid elementals cannot bend their knees backwards, cannot bend appendages except where a joint would be located were they an organic creature, while elementals with 'tentacles' have entirely prehensile appendages). Energy-based elementals tend not to suffer such limitations to movement; every single part of their body is fully prehensile and can be contorted to extreme degrees.
As far as I know, none of the canonical sources from 1E to 3x answer the question as to what happens if an elemental is decapitated. (This answer would be even more difficult in the cases of Yan-C-Bin, Chan, and Olhydra since they take the form of ambulatory heads...) Presumably some of its senses would be affected (see below), at the very least.
Presumably, an injured elemental can eventually heal its injuries. The rules are entirely silent on this issue, so presumably the body of an elemental heals itself from damage in a similar way to that seen in multicellular organisms, though probably it would need to be in close (but not necessarily direct) contact with its own element.
An elemental that suffers an amputation can presumably regain its lost limb, though this would likely take a lot of time (a decade at the very least), and only when it is immersed in its own element. It's also likely that consumption or conversion of whatever source gives it nourishment (e.g. heat for ice paraelementals, combustibles for fire elementals) would be necessary in order to heal such injuries.
In terms of game rules, a Knowledge: The Planes skill check would be used in place of a Heal check to administer first aid or injury/etc. treatment to a damaged elemental.
For elemental outsiders such as mephits or genies, a Heal check would still be used since these are beings of flesh, with the same basic anatomy and bodily functions as any other organic tetrapod (for those unaware, a tetrapod is a classification of animal, and includes mammals, avians, reptiles, amphibians, and some fish. Tetrapod means '4 legs', and refers to the basic common design of having four appendages.)

Elementals appear to possess all the same senses that organic creatures do, though they do not necessarily have all the same effects over them.

One exception to the internal and external anatomy rule is that elementals actually do possess sensory organs, generally equivalent to the eyes of vertebrates in function. As with organic creatures, an elemental can be blinded if its sensory organs are badly damaged, though it's uncertain whether or not this is permanent, or if the damaged organs can fully heal and regain their normal function.

Elementals are clearly capable of smell, as indicated by the air elemental's love of scented objects and vapors. (in fact, air elementals' sense of smell is much keener than that of most other elemental types) It's unknown what the full range of effects this has on them (the game rules don't specify either way), though for air elementals, incenses, perfumes, and other scented products clearly bring them pleasure. It's unknown what effect noxious odors might have on them, but considering that elementals lack stomachs, it's unlikely that say-- a Stinking Cloud spell or a rotting corpse would have the same physical effects on them (though air elementals may still suffer some form of distraction or discomfort from it) Other types of elementals probably don't have as strong a sense of smell that humans possess, while Ooze paraelementals are likely to find many of the odors considered noxious by most races to be a pleasant perfume. For instance, fresh feces would be considered a delectable perfume equivalent to frankincense, whereas a bloated corpse would be the equivalent to a juicy steak.

I would presume that the matter-based elementals (particularly earth and mineral) have a sense of taste, though I can't see what good it would do for energy-based elementals. In fact, I recall one of the 2E books stating that water elementals identify one another by taste.

Logic dictates that elementals should have tactile sensation, and even be capable of feeling pain (how else is the earth or ice elemental going to know that it just stepped in a small puddle of lava?) However, as indicated by their immunities to stunning and paralysis, elementals do not suffer the array of disabling effects from pain that organic creatures do (such as nausea and vomiting), as they lack an actual nervous system. That is not to say that they lack reflexes, but merely that these reflexes are not the result of nerve impulses like they are in fleshy creatures.
In game terms, the rules are entirely silent on whether or not elementals can be nauseated or sickened, so presumably they can-- it just doesn't translate into the same story elements as one would see in a flesh-based creature (e.g. the conditions would result in feelings of malaise rather than feeling like one might vomit, and are more likely to be limited to certain supernatural effects-- namely negative energy exposure and exposure to the elemental's opposing element, or something directly harmful to it, such as exposing a fire elemental to a powerful flame retardant.)

Clearly elementals can hear, though they lack auditory organs. Nonetheless, the rules do not state that they cannot be deafened.

Most elementals begin life as small elementals (as presented in the Monster Manual), split from the bodies of mature elementals of the same type. Even more elementals begin their lives as elementites, but due to the much smaller size, lower intelligence, and lack of parental guardianship, extremely few of these survive long enough to become small elementals.
As a small elemental ages, it will grow to become a medium, large, huge, greater, then elder elemental, though this process usually takes centuries if not millenia. The general rule of thumb with elementals is identical to that of outer and inner planar outsiders: the older the creature, the more powerful it becomes.
Another rule elementals and outsiders share is that they do not age beyond physical maturity-- that is to say, an outsider of any kind will never physically age beyond the human equivalent of 24 and a half years.
Thus, like outsiders, elementals only die due to accidental injury or violence.

Elementals gain nourishment both from the essense of their native plane, and from the consumption or conversion of something related to their element.
Consumption and conversion are not necessary for their survival, though elementals may need such things in order to grow. Also, what is consumed or converted varies by the type of elemental, and not just its element (for instance, garden variety ice paraelementals convert heat into cold, while Immoths feed on the life-essence and flesh of organic creatures)
Elementals are likely to enjoy more than just the substances listed under their Diet entry in the Monstrous Manual and Planescape Monstrous Compendium III, as well.
For instance, it's likely that all elementals greatly enjoy the alchemical substance known as 'pure element'. Ice paraelementals are likely to enjoy certain types of eternal ice, and possibly even coldfire (see Frostburn if you don't know what coldfire is).
Consumption (not conversion) of matter takes the form of engulfing with most elementals. The matter is then suspended within the elemental's body, in whichever spot they choose it to be (most eyewitness accounts state it tends to be near the core of the elemental's body).
For less amorphous elementals such as Earth, Mineral, Salt, and Ice, (as well as immoths) consumption appears much like ingestion by most sentient races and animals. In fact, a temporary pocket inside the elemental's body opens up to accompany the matter. Hunters of such elementals have observed that this pocket is usually located inside the torso, within the abdominal region, which many sages reason is evidence of parraellelism.
Of course, the elementals vehemently deny such an idea. After all, they came before the so-called "fleshlings".
Nobody knows where the consumed matter goes, and the elementals aren't telling, so it remains a mystery, but sages speculate that it is broken down into its basic elemental and positive/negative components, with either the unusable elements ejected in some way (which is how the amorphous elementals do it), or somehow converted into usable elements. Usable elements tend to include those identical to the elemental in question, its opposites (in the cases of paraelementals), etc. and either positive or negative energy (only negative quasielementals acquire sustenance from negative energy, though not all of them. Those that live closer to borders furthest away from Negative itself tend to rely on positive energy, while those closest to Negative have adapted to reliance on negative energy. Those towards the core of the Quasielemental plane can be of either subspecies, and there have been unsubstantiated reports of quasielementals in the core regions capable of absorbing and gaining sustenance from BOTH positive and negative energy.) The quasielementals with a Negative energy preference tend to be more dangerous since they possess level-draining and spawn-creating abilities (this would give them an effective +2 to CR if you use this optional rule). Luckily, the "Create Spawn" supernatural power of these subspecies only works on other elementals, which will turn them either into necromentals of their respective element, or one of the three special elemental undead found in Libris Mortis.

Though apparently capable of sexual reproduction with outsiders of the same element as themselves (as evidenced by Chilimba and Frigidora), elementals generally do not reproduce via sexual reproduction. Instead, they are (usually) created via one of two ways. The most common means is via division off of a huge, greater, or elder elemental, creating a small elemental of the same type. On their native planes, elementals often form immediate or even extended family units, thus would presumably also be quite protective of their young. While it is true that elementals are highly individualistic and are sometimes loners, like humans and other races, elementals tend to form communes to maximize survival.
Elementals are also created spontaneously in areas with particularly strong elemental energy, where the elements literally acquire sentience. Elementals born this way begin their lives as elementite swarms; masses or swarms of insect-sized elementals with minimal sentience. Only a few will survive long enough to eventually become small elementals, and it is assumed that the first elementals were born as elementites.
Many of those who deal frequently with elementals have reported consistent accounts of the gestation process. Among amorphous elementals, the pre-developed offspring is at all times suspended within the center of its bodily core, scrunched into a sphere. Among solid elementals, it appears that two different forms of gestation have evolved. In both forms, the pre-developed offspring is situated at the abdominal region of the parent elemental. Though some sages point to this excitedly as undeniable evidence of parralelism, others insist that the similarity to mortal pregnancy is one of convenience-- a swollen abdomen produces the least interference with normal activities, and is much easier to protect with the limbs and wit than a bulge on the back or on an appendage. A similar argument could be made about food being suspended inside the abdominal cavity in matter-based, non-amorphous elementals. At any rate, in the dominant form, the pre-developed elemental is suspended inside a hollow cavity inside the parent's abdomen. The "birth" process takes place over a matter of hours as the offspring slowly moves towards the surface of the parent's abdomen, where it eventually detaches.
The less common form sees the pre-developed elemental attached, in a dome-shape, to the outside of the parent's abdomen. Sages speculate that the former might be the more common type because, assuming that the two designs are inherited, the pre-developed elemental is less protected outside the abdominal cavity. The "birth" process is much quicker in this instance and only takes around an hour or two. It is apparently not painful, but is distracting and possibly causes some degree of discomfort for the parent.
The gravid parent usually seeks out a safe/secluded place to give birth. Most elementals are less aggressive and territorial than typical during this process, though they will not hesitate to attack anything that comes too close. Depending on the race and tribe/habits/etc. of the elemental, its birthing place may be viciously guarded by extended family or fellow tribal members.
Interestingly, both genders of elemental, at least among some groups, are capable of reproducing asexually according to numerous genie testimonies, but only the female can carry the offspring conceived through sexual reproduction.
It's also worth mentioning that, unlike most creatures, elementals lack any natural aversion to incest-- this is because they are not creatures of flesh, and therefore lack DNA. This means that they are not subject to recessive (or any) genetic traits. This rule does not hold true of all elemental tribes and clans of course, since many are subject to the cultural influences of genies and mephits.

The immediate offspring of an elemental and a non-elemental will be a half-elemental (as per the templates in Manual of the Planes). Half elementals also result when genies and fleshy non-genies mate. Genasi are the result of this lineage diluted by several generations of mortals. (the product of a union between mortals and mephits are mephlings). Genasi can also result from a natural pregnancy between two non-indigenous humans who spend prolongued periods (generally most of the pregnancy as well as the conception) on an elemental plane.
Sages speculate that, judging by the existence of both Frigidora and Chilimba, that unions between elementals and elemental outsiders (e.g. genies, mephits, tritons, salamanders, etc.) can produce a higher-order half elemental which more closely resembles its elemental parent, but such births appear to be extraordinarily rare.
These "greater" half-elementals tend to possess many of their elemental parent's abilities and qualities, and tend to be stronger than either parent, though physically they look nearly the same as any other half-elemental of their kind. There are minor differences, nonetheless. Supposedly, such differences are most obvious when these beings sustain any degree of injury-- the damaged tissue appears to be every bit as much raw elemental material as it is flesh (for instance, if Frigidora were punched in the face hard enough to leave a gash, one would likely notice cracks in the surrounding skin, and the wound might mildly resemble chipped ice)

(this has been moved to a different post)

Har Megidon's picture
Joined: 2010-08-27
Re: We need more spells and special materials for some ...

I really like the Elemental psychology/culture thing!

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: We need more spells and special materials for some ...

Thanks. I also have some phrases that they use, which I might as well post now.
These are non-elemental specific, for the most part (except for flesh baloon) I intend to eventually post an Ice-related one in my Project Ice topic.

Astral Void: In Elemental oral tradition, the Astral Void was a region of emptiness from which the first powers birthed from the Astral Plane would create the Outer Planes. Conflicting versions of the creation myth along with ambiguity of the term in surviving oral traditions leaves uncertainty as to whether the Astral Void was literally a part of the Astral Plane, or whether the term is merely figurative for an empty, alien void.

Clods/Dirt Clods: A derogatory term used by Mineral natives when referring to inhabitants (particularly elementals, genies, and magical beasts) native to Earth. Such words can also be found among air-dominant elemental, paraelemental, and quasielemental planes, though to a lesser degree.

Fleshbag: A derogatory term used by some types of elementals to refer to creatures made of flesh. See Fleshling.

Flesh Baloon: A derogatory term used by Fire elementals and their other fire-subtype cousins to refer to non-native (usually Prime-native), non-fire-immune beings made of flesh. As mentioned in the 1E Manual of the Planes, Fire Elementals view such creatures as "giant water-baloons of flesh threatening to burst at any moment".

Fleshling: A derogatory term used to refer to creatures made of flesh. This includes mortal races, most forms of outsiders (such as fiends, celestials, mephits, and genies, though obviously not Modrons or Inevitables). Many, if not most elementals view themselves as superior to beings made of flesh and blood.

Great Mother/The Great Mother: Refers to the elemental's native plane; synomatous with "Mother Earth" (see my earlier post about Elemental Religion for details behind this). Mistaking this as a reference to the beholder Goddess is likely offend elementals (as well as Genies and Mephits who hold similar religious beliefs) greatly-- in many cases they will react with hostility.
It should be noted that the word in native elemental languages for "Mother" used in this context, though feminine, does not exclusively denote female sex-- merely a feminine parental role. (Note: even the most non-pious of immortal races usually feel some degree of religious reverence for their native plane-- that even includes Tanar'ri and Yugoloths! After all, most immortal races know that it was from their home plane's essence that they were born, and, should they die, it is their home plane's essence that they shall return-- it matters not what means birthed them-- sexual, asexual, via petitioners, or literally/spontaneously from the plane's essence, the ultimate origin is all the same.)

"A mephit is worth more than this/that/him/her/etc." or alternatively "Worth less than a mephit" (Elementals, Genies, other indigenous outsiders): Basically means that the subject in question is worth less than zilch (on most elemental, paraelemental, and quasielemental planes, the elementals and other native outsiders view mephits as inferior, sub-sentient beings.

Mother of All Beholders: The Elemental term for "The Great Mother" deity of Beholderkin.

Mother *element*: Same as "Great Mother".

Multiverse Traitor: A term also frequent among outer planar races (particularly the non-mortal ones) for alienists and other Multiverse natives who mess around with anything pertaining to the Far-Realm, the Sleeping Ones, and some other nasties commonly known as "Elder Evils", along with other "inimical, alien" aberrations such as beholderkin, illithidae, grells, and aberrations indigenous to the Far-Realm. Elemental natives, as well as even most outer planar natives (even Tanar'ri and Baatezu-- though not Obyrith) naturally find such creatures disgusting. This disgust, for whatever reason, does not extend to magically created aberrations and non-aberrations, however.

The Previous Age: Refers to a supposed "era predating creation itself", in which "a previous multiverse existed", with very different rules from the current one. The elementals were among the first races created in the current multiverse, and thus some oral traditions of the beginning of the creation cycle survive among the elemental races.

Rustpile, The: A derogatory term used by air-dominant natives (e.g. those of Air, Lightning, Ice, and Smoke) to refer to Sigil, which to them is a hideous place "polluted" with earth, rust, and metal. (most such beings have not stepped foot on Sigil, but have heard descriptions of it)

Sig: (Outer Planar inhabitants, inner planar inhabitants, non-Sigilian planewalkers) A universal derogatory term for Sigilians, particularly those who view Sigil as the Multiverse's greatest city, who refer to all other cities as "Berg", along with Sigilians who hold a condescending view of non-Sigilians. Generally denotes a person who is full of themselves, not-well traveled *and thus ignorant of the multiverse around them*-- a Sigilian who thinks they know everything, but who is, in fact, very ignorant and full of BS. These are the stereotypes of the average Sigilian. Some creatures refer to all Sigilians in this way, while others only use it as a pejorative to denote a Sigilian "with a superiority complex" or "an attitude problem".

The Sleeping Ones: God-like, alien beings that feature in the creation stories of both the Kuo-Toa and Elementals. Elemental oral tradition claims that they are beings from The Previous Age, who, for reasons which vary by version of the myth, went into a death-like state at the end of creation. Many of them went to sleep on the Paraelemental Plane of Ice (and likely other elemental planes as well), while many others went dormant in the "Astral Void". In all likelihood, the Sleeping Ones are better known as "Elder Evils" and their lesser minions. (note for DMs: the Sleeping Ones actually refer to the Draeden, a race of ultra-epic Cthulhu-like beings from the D&D Basic Rules Immortals Campaign setting, a subsetting for Mystara. A 3.5 version of the Draeden can be found on Vaults of Pandius, and no, it it not vastly overpowered, as these things were meant to be the ultimate challenging monster to the gods of Mystara, which the Immortals Campaign Setting allowed players to become and play as.)

The Stone Prison: (all indigenous elemental air native) A transliteration of the Auran word for the Elemental Plane of Earth. Note that most air elementals (including Yanny and Chan) are claustrophobic to some degree. Most air-kin (Djinni, Sylphs, etc.) are also somewhat claustrophobic, though it varies by species and individual. The strongholds of both Chan and Yanny are made of solidified air with only one or two exits, but both Yanny and Chan can freely 'glide' through solid air if they please.

Note: In all elemental societies and cultures, words for the opposing element are viewed as mild to moderate (and sometimes severe) profanities. Telling or wishing someone to suffer under the opposing element is an often-spoken non-divine/arcane/etc. curse. (example: "May the winds grind him to dust!" by Earth elementals or "May you burn forever in Fire" by Ice Paraelementals). In general, elemental-based profanities follow the same rules as "damn!" and "hell!", though some are as severe as F-bombs. This rule applies not only to elementals, but also geniekind, mephits, and other indigenous species (e.g. salamanders)

Also as mentioned earlier, elementals do not refer to bodyparts in their speech (e.g. "you break my heart", "that takes serious balls", "but I don't think you have the stomach for it", "he's of my own flesh and blood", "I feel it in my bones", "you cold-blooded traitor!", "if you had a brain, you'd be dangerous", etc). Mephits and genies do, however.

Elementals (again as mentioned earlier) generally do not use gender-based or sexually-based insults, so insults are usually neuter and do not make references to the target's potency. Genies do use such insults, however.

Most elementals do possess a sense of taste and smell, and therefore usually possess a profanity in their language for feces (and yes, it usually holds the exact same meaning in their language, e.g. synonym for rubbish), though it's important to keep in mind that comparisons to fecal matter are actually a compliment on the Paraelemental Plane of Ooze and can refer to something being delicious, nourishing, smelling wonderful, or just plain being/looking like food. Similar rules apply to shouting "Oh, what died in here?!"

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: We need more spells and special materials for some ...


This is a quick guide to sacrifices by element, for elemental powers (including the Elemental Lords and Archomentals)
Generally, only neutral and evil-aligned powers accept sentient creatures as sacrifices, and only evil powers emphasize such things.

Note: Sacrifice of certain bodyparts does not play a prominent role in elemental cults. This is because elemental culture does not associate the bodyparts of 'fleshlings' with abstract concepts such as life, fertility, or vitality.
Also, powers of evil cults much prefer sacrifices of other elementals over flesh-based creatures, even ones with an elemental subtype. The elementals in question typically are either of the same type as the power in question (e.g. fire elementals to Kossuth) or of the opposing type (e.g. water elementals and perhaps ice paraelementals to Kossuth). Flesh-based creatures of the same or opposing subtype to the power are also vastly preferred to those lacking a subtype. Also, of course, circumcision plays no role whatsoever in any elemental cult (some prime cults may possess such rites, but they are not of divine mandate)

The following bodyparts can be sacrifices to an elemental power.
*Air- breath (typically sacrificed via strangulation or asphyxiation)
*Cremation ashes (typically thrown into a brazier followed closely by fire retardant powders or salts)
*Earth- crushed bone and marrow. Obviously, cultists do not sacrifice their own body fats.
*Fire- tallow (fat) Hair may also be given, though this is considered quite inferior. Obviously, cultists do not sacrifice their own body fats.
*Ice- body heat (typically sacrificed via exposure to cold environments or by placing ice against bare flesh)
*Lightning- Body organs of electrical conductivity, i.e. heart, nerves *esp. spinal cord*, and brain. Obviously, cultists aren't going to donate their own.
*Mineral- Blood, muscle, and ground bone (richest sources in minerals)
*Ooze- Probably best not pondered upon too deeply, though most typically, true beings of ooze prefer sacrifices of vomit. Bilous vomit for extra points. The powers of ooze also appreciate epithelial tissues-- that is, body tissues and organs that secrete mucous, such as the nasal septum, inside of the mouth, inside of the eyelids, GI tract, respiratory tract, and external female genitalia, and the male glans. The respiratory and GI tracts are most preferred, of course. Though not as appreciated as the first two categories, the most protein-rich bodyparts (gonads and muscle tissue, I think-- I know the gonads are). The richer in protein decaying organic matter is, the nastier it stinks when it rots.
*Salt- body moisture or blood (the former typically by exposure to arid conditions or fasting without food OR fluids.)
*Smoke- prettymuch any part-- the actual sacrifice is the smoke from the body parts-- smoke from the tallow is preferred.
*Steam- as air
Vacuum- asphyxiation (but NOT strangulation)
*Water- blood

Unsure about magma or dust.

This is demanded primarily by evil powers.
*Air- strangulation or exposure to a violent windstorm
*Ash- cold exposure, typically by being left in a cold furnace or other device with an inactive fireplace.
*Earth- buried alive or stoned to death
*Fire- immolation
*Ice- exposure to cold, burial in snow
*Lightning- electrocution (typically, victim is tied to the base of a lightning rod)
*Magma- thrown into a volcano or pool of magma
*Ooze- drowned in mud/silt or thrown into pool of acid
*Salt- death by thirst
*Smoke- smoke inhalation or roasted alive (requirements for latter are that actual flames are not used and hot metals cannot come into direct contact with the skin-- death must be via hot air)
*Vacuum- death by asphyxiation (either smothering or left in a small non-ventilated room)
*Water- drowning

Unsure what methods would be used for dust, mineral, or steam. (I'm leaning towards stabbing via precious metal and/or quartz ceremonial daggers and acute heavy metal poisoning for mineral)

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Elemental Culture and Society (Races Of .... style)

Note: this is a work in progress.

Prettymuch covered in the first section of the physiology post above.

Elementals do not wear clothing. For one thing, they lack any need for such things-- there are no 'private parts' that need covering *except during actual sexual encounters*, and their bodies are made of materials far more resilient than flesh. In addition, they lack a need for meager protection from the elements of their own native planes.
During wars, elementals may be assigned with a large, brightly painted insignia or retained colorful substance to identify which side they belong to. Air and Water elementals sometimes retain special substances to make themselves visible to non-indigenous mortals *e.g. Ben Hadar might retain phosphorescent algae when meeting with a group of prime-native adventurers*.
Elementals may wear particularly fine *esp. if enchanted* accessories *particularly cloaks, ankle bracelets, rings, braclets, amulets, and circlets*, though it is not something most ordinarily practice. They may also wear enchanted gloves or boots, but prefer not to do so.
Elementals of higher socio-economic status often wear precious gems either studded into their bodies or suspended inside their bodies-- in the former case this causes no reduction in HP since the injuries have already healed over.





Covered in the Physiology post under "Reproduction and Family".

Elementals are frequently at war with one another, with other indigenous races, with those of another element, or with outsiders.

Elementals are capable of and proficient with simple weapons, but rarely use them-- elementals much prefer to use their natural attacks to batter opponents, relying on manufactured weapons only when direct contact with their opponent becomes harmful. For this reason, elementals are most often observed using polearms and thrown weapons. Purely ranged weapons such as crossbows and slings are disregarded among elementals due to extreme limitations in utility. The most preffered weapons are spears (including javelins and harpoons), quarterstaves, and morningstars. Air, lightning, and smoke elementals almost never use ranged weapons since most creatures on these planes can use winds to buffer them from projectiles. Weapons are usually made from materials readily available or stable on their native plane-- for instance, Ice Paraelementals use weapons made from eternal ice, while Fire Elementals and Magma Paraelementals tend to use weapons made of obsidian or *if employed/enslaved by efreeti*, weapons of fyrite. Earth Elementals use weapons of stone or less commonly, of metal, while mineral quasielementals use metallic or crystalline weapons. Weapons of water elementals are most often made from coral, shell, or pearlsteel.
Elementals never wear armor, and rarely if ever use shields. The wearing of armor is a rather foreign concept to elementals, whose bodies are already composed of durable material. In addition, they lack internal organs, and thus do not possess vital organs in need of protecting. The one type of "armor" they may wear, if you will, is "eye armor"-- essentially goggles or visors, to protect their visual organs. They can indeed suffer blindness if these organs are damaged, though unlike fleshy beings, they very rarely suffer permanent impairment (the eyes eventually regenerate, though this can take months or even years)
Noble elementals may wear accessories-- this tends to be limited to very light headwear such as a crown, diadem, headband, or circlet; bracelets or armbands; rings; ankle bracelets *elementals have no need for footwear*; belts; goggles; and amulets, necklaces, or chokers. They may rarely wear a cloak. Standard gauntlets/boots/helms/etc. can be adjusted fluff-wise into one of these items.

Aging was covered in the Physiology post. Death will be covered here at a future time.


Elemental leaders are chosen by strength and age (basically the same thing). That elemental remains the leader of its group and territory so long as it can maintain its claims with physical force, wisdom, and cunning. It loses its title if defeated by a challenger in combat.
A leader may also be defeated via coup. In this case, it is defeated (or even killed) by several weaker elementals. It may also lose that title if defeated by a genie or mephit, or other indigenous outsider, or even a dragon. However, other elementals (as well as mephits and genies) are far less likely to recognize the authority of a dragon, as it is a Prime-indigenous creature.

This varies by race, plane, region, and many other factors. On most planes, one can find groups of both nomadic and civilization-dwelling elementals. One is also likely to find both communal and loner elementals on each plane. I shall briefly overview the structure as given in the Inner Planes book:

Air: The plane is ruled by the Djinni under their Caliph, though their influence only extends to certain parts of the plane. Yan-C-Bin's and Chan's regions tend to be dominated with spies and assassins rather than any military might. Most air natives are fiercely individualistic and nomadic (even those with a permanent dwelling place frequently wander) Many suffer from wanderlust and claustrophobia. Air natives tend to be graceful, swift, and deft.

Earth: This plane is dominated by the Dao, though their influence isn't as expansive as that of the Efreet. In Dao-dominant areas, any non-Dao and non-Efreet are treated as 2nd-class citizens-- often enslaved or occupied. Within Dao territory, near the border with Magma, is Ogremoch's dominion, which is ruled purely by brute force and the threat of brute force.

Fire: This plane is dominated by the Efreet, who rule much of it. Areas not ruled by the Efreet tend to be ruled by the salamanders or by fire elementals. The Plane of Burnt Dreams, Imix's region of influence, is frequented by military patrols. Most areas of Fire are either ruled by tyrants or frequented by nomads. Many of the fire races-- particularly elementals and efreet-- are well known for their decadence, of levels that would make even the average urban Drow blush. Fire elementals are far more likely to be born as a result of sexual reproduction than any other elemental, paraelemental, or quasielemental type. Native inhabitants of this plane also tend to be very passionate-- raging emotions and desires flare here, and the rampant decadence is a part of that.

Water: This plane is partitioned into many areas ruled by different races and powers. The most influential are the Marids, though for the most part they do not exert their power over other indigenous groups. Water paraelemental kingdoms are very xenophibic and don't tolerate anything larger than a minnow in their territory. The natives tend to be open-minded and adaptable.

Ash: The mephits tend to be nomadic, while the quasielementals build vast empires.

Dust: None of the native races have anything resembling civilization. They all are primitive, nomadic, and/or individualistic.

Ice: The natives of Ice tend to either form in permanent communes or in small nomadic tribal groups. For the most part, paraelementals and mephits coexist and enjoy equal social status among one another. The region ruled by Cryonax (Valley of Lost Souls) is a despotic regime under martial law, full of patrols and toll passes. The skyberg layer of the Precipice is ruled by the Qorrashi genies, under the monarchy of the Caliph; it is a legalist society that clings to tradition. Qorrashi act quite different in uninhabited areas and often pick fights with other creatures and each other. Attitudes of the natives depend on whether they more closely resemble ice or snow. Snow-dominant types tend to be erratic, energetic, graceful, ill-tempered, and chaotic, while the ice-dominant types learn more towards law, and tend to be calm, aloof, apathetic, and patient. Cruelty marks the evil-aligned inhabitants of this plane, far more so than most other planes, though it is almost never of a sadistic nature. Instead, the cruelty represents utter callousness and disregard for a victim.

Lightning: The natives here tend to be impulsive and anarchistic, though the mephits develop small strongholds. The shockers tend to be a different matter (they tend to be individualistic, but more lawfully-inclined). The quasielementals are playful and child-like. None of the indigenous races are hostile with one another.

Magma: Though not well-organized, magma is dominated by mephit-ruled tyrannies. Other indigenous natives of magma are treated as second-class citizens, and the mephits exert their will through force. As a result, most natives try to avoid the mephits, and the paraelementals often war with them. Magmin also form their own nations, and often forge alliances with the paraelementals, as well as fire and earth elementals.

Mineral: The entirety of the Positive Energy border-region, 1/4th of Core Mineral, and the interior-most part of the border region with Elemental Earth is under Crystalle's control. Crystalle rules as a true neutral monarch with lawful tendencies. On all areas of mineral, Quasielemental society is arranged in the form of well-organized militias-- sometimes even armies-- consisting primarily of quasielementals, mephits, crysmals, quasielemental creatures, and occasionally, tssng. These creatures attack any earth-indigenous creature they find, and will often attack any other non-indigenous creature as well. Those under the dominion of Crystalle will not attack sulwynarii, nor will they attack priests of Dumathoin (so long as they abide by certain rules), and in fact, seek out members of either group in distress. They will however attack any Dao they encounter within Crystalle's territories.
The natives on the rest of the plane have a binding treaty with the Dao. The treaty requires that the natives take a hands-off approach with the Dao and get out of their way when they move through Mineral. In exchange, the Dao will not take mineral natives as slaves or harass them. Essentially, the two groups ignore one another. If a member of any group breaks this treaty, then such individuals are fair game for retaliation, enslavement, etc.
Psionic variants exist for all indigenous races, even the non-sentient ones *use the phrenic creature template, with adjustments as needed since IIRC elementals and outsiders can't normally take the template*, and planetouched races tend to possess a large percentage of psionically awakened individuals-- often making up between 5-50% of the race, depending on species.

Ooze: Most natives are nomadic. The mephits are hostile towards ooze sprites, as they tend to enslave them or order them around. Ooze paraelementals, for some reason, are hostile towards everything, including one another. The more objective sages agree: the idea that ooze sprites and ooze paraelementals are 'disgusted with their own forms' is likely nothing more than human and Prime-centric nonsense. Most of their behaviors are easily explainable though other motivators. For instance, their hostility towards planewalkers is probably a combination of three things: first of all, planewalkers are not native nor even indigenous to the plane, and like most types of elemental, ooze paraelementals likely view them as invaders as a result. Second, most flesh-based beings-- mortal ones in particular, possess bodies containing and made from many substances that ooze natives find delectable-- put simply, ooze indigenous beings view planewalkers as gourmet food. Lastly, those who have had contact with planewalkers before or are well-educated tend to be quite aware of what planewalkers think of them-- one cannot blame them for holding hostile feelings towards someone who views them as little more than a walking rubbish pile. As for the hostility beings of ooze show towards one another, sages are unsure, but surmise it is simply an innate personality trait of the creatures indigenous to that plane, just as the natives of air tend to be freedom-loving and the natives of fire tend to be passionate and decadent.

Radiance: There is no rulership here; the creatures here function like an anarchic and individualistic society. The quasielementals tend to be philosophical and treat the mephits as 2nd-class citizens, though neither race harasses the other. They despise the efreet and view them as invaders.

Salt: Salt mephits tend to either be nomadic or naturalize with other indigenous races. They despise the facets, as these tend to enslave their race.

Smoke: The more plentiful mephits are ruled by Ehkhak, while the smoke paraelementals tend to ignore his authority and build their own strongholds. Both races coexist in peace, but despise both the Efreet and the Djinn who tear up their plane with their wars. Belker hate everything, and in turn tend to be hated by everything else. Hanawar genies also exist here, but always as nomadic outcasts (Hanawar are a race found in... I think the first Tome of Horrors by Necromancer-- they are hybrids between Djinni and Efreeti, and not a true genie race. As hybrids, it is unlikely that their genome is stable-- that is, the offspring or grand-offspring of a hanawar is likely to be a full-blooded djinni or efreeti, or barring that, is likely to completely lose most of the traits of one side, recovering traits of the other.)

Steam: The steam and mist natives war incessantly with one another. Steam creatures also go to war regularly against the natives of Ice. Both the mist and steam mephits tend to be spies and assassins-- this is often true of the quasielementals as well. The steam mephits also possess an alliance with the Dao.

Vacuum: Vacuum quasielementals tend to be nomadic and solitary; they either do not build civilizations or keep them hidden/secret. Vacuum quasielementals destroy anything they encounter, sometimes including other vacuum quasielementals.

I believe this was covered in the Physiology post.

This varies quite greatly by plane, race, tribe, etc. As a general rule, more 'socially advanced' Prime races view elementals as sub-sentient animals, while more 'primitive societies' view elementals as divine spirits. Whatever the case, Prime native races tend to view them as mysterious, alien, otherworldly creatures.
The elementals themselves hold diverse and varying views of other races, but as a general rule, view themselves as the pinnacle of life, and view all creatures with internal anatomy (often referred to by elementals as 'fleshlings') as inferior to them. Creatures from other planes and the prime who lack the ability to survive or move freely on their home plane are particularly viewed with condescention. Even genies, fiends, and celestials are viewed as inferior. Their condescention towards non-natives unable to survive on their plane often reaches levels of outright hostility.
Not all are unfriendly towards Prime-indigenous creatures with an elemental subtype however-- this is largely because many such creatures have become naturalized to the planes-- common examples include chromatic dragons, giants, and hellhounds *hellhounds are of course indigenous to Baator-- normally elementals are also unfriendly towards Outer Planar natives*.
--Element-Kin: Because there are so many kinds of element-kin, this varies widely. As a general rule however, elementals despise element-kin races that violate their right to self-determination.
--Genies: The relationship between elementals and genies depends on the race of both. In general, evil-aligned genies (Dao and Efreet) are despised by their respective elementals, while Djinn, Marids, and Qorrash are more tolerated. Most elementals view genies as inferior to themselves *as genies are fleshy beings*, they are considered to be far closer to equals than most other creatures. Genies tend to view all non-genies as vastly inferior to themselves, and as a result tend not to be liked by elementals and other races.
--Grues: Elementals, like most indigenous *and even non indigenous* inhabitants of the elemental planes, view such creatures as annoying, loathesome vermin which debase their home plane, though the Archomentals *esp. Yan-C-Bin and Chan* are known to employ them *Chan's air grues are referred to as "fog grues".
--Mephits: As a general rule, all elemental species view mephits as a lowly race far beneath them. Beyond that, their relationship varies by planar species. The one-- no, two exceptions are Ice Mephits and Ice Paraelementals, which seem to get along well, though there are still plenty of Paraelementals with condescending views of mephits. The other exception is Mineral Mephits and Mineral Quasielementals, which possess a somewhat strained but mutual relationship similar to what one would observe among Archons and Eladrin.

Below are several examples of the type of disposition elementals hold towards the "fleshling" races.

--Curiosity: Fleshlings are strange, alien creatures with alien, inexplainable habits. Elementals who view fleshlings with curiosity tend to view them as exotic and mysterious.

--Disgust: Many elementals view all fleshlings-- esp. non-elemental ones-- with revulsion. These revolting creatures are full of quivering, undulating masses called "organs", and when injured leak strange and alien fluids. They exude offensive odors and substances, and seem to do this either when injured or on a regular basis as part of their normal biological process. Their bodies react in unsettling ways to severe injury or sickness, making repititive, rhythmic, aimless movements or excreting offensive fluids, the latter which seems to cause the fleshling great discomfort. Pain itself likewise has really unexplainable or creepy effects on fleshlings. For instance, if they experience pain in certain parts of their body, they tend to become helpless or collapse to the ground, and may exude offensive fluids. Even creepier, these reactions seem to be beyond the fleshling's ability to control. Worst of all, their bodies appear to consist partly of substances resembling the opposing element. Outer Planar natives are even worse-- they seem to possess resistances to opposing elements, marking them as true abominations of the Multiverse.

--Pity: These fleshlings appear to require very specific environmental conditions for survival. They die quickly without a proper medium to draw continual nourishment from (they asphyxiate when out of air or water), and on top of that, the mortal ones require habitual nourishment or else they wither away and die. Their internal anatomy makes them particularly vulnerable to injury, and they also die if they lose too much of their life fluids. Mortal fleshlings in particular seem to be extremely soft-bodied and brittle. How miserable their existence must be...

--Tasty: A view common to Ice and Ooze Paraelementals along with Salt and Ash quasielementals, is the view of mortal fleshlings as food. Ice Paraelementals are not attracted to any physical part of fleshling anatomy, rather they desire bodyheat. This is likewise the case with Ash Quasielementals, while Salt Quasielementals desire the safe levels of moisture present in a fleshling.
Unfortunately for fleshlings, they also tend to be rich in many sources that ooze paraelementals can draw nourishment from and find quite delectable-- feces, chyme, stomach contents, bile, and nearly any type of epithelial secretion-- mucus from just about any organ or mucous membrane (including the inside of the eyelids), saliva, phlegm, etc. Even worse, many ooze paraelementals can 'smell' the proteins and fats that make up the fleshling's body. Proteins and fats make for the most offensively putrid soup imaginable, so it's not unusual for ooze paraelementals, ooze sprites, etc. to slay planewalkers and leave them in the muck for a few days to 'ripen'.

As mentioned before, most elementals aren't religious in the same sense that mortals are-- that is to say, the majority do not worship any particular deity. They do, however, possess a reverence for their home plane, to quasi-religious if not outright religious degrees. In this sense, they can be most closely compared to Gaiaists, as they view their home plane as a mother-like, living, sentient, fate-like figure, and much of the xenophobia they exhibit is a manifestation of their desire to protect their homeland from elemental impurities. In general, elementals believe that their purpose is to uphold their plane's will. The vast majority of the war and fighting between them is a result of disagreements between various factions as to what their plane's will truly is. Other wars are fought between the natives of different planes in order to expand their homeland *also often thought to be the plane's will*. The Elemental Lords and Archomentals are also viewed by many as being manifestations of the plane's will-- similar to an avatar. Many elementals actually do worship these so-called "avatars", but they are a minority.

The majority of elementals (around 75%) are of purely neutral alignment. The rest are of a pure alignment-- NG, NE, LN, CN. LG, LE, CG, and CE elementals are exceedingly rare, and those that do exist are usually victims of an Archomental's influence who were originally LN or CN.


Each of the four types of elementals possesses its own language and writing system. Paraelementals and Quasielementals speak a creole-- paraelementals speak a creole combining aspects of both their elemental aspects, while quasielementals speak a creole combining aspects of both their elemental and positive/negative aspects.
They are as follows: (including spoken and written language)

Air: Auran/Draconic
Earth: Terran/Dwarven
Fire: Ignan/Draconic
Water: Aquan/Elven

Negative: Entropian/Infernal. The natives of Negative who are literate use a writing system most similar to the form of infernal used by Yugoloths, but even more ancient, and it lacks any sort of evilness that is associated with infernal writing systems.
Positive: Vivacian/Celestial. The natives of Positive who are literate use a writing system most similar to the form of celestial used by guardinals, but it is far more ancient and lacks any association or cannontation with goodness.

Ice: Glacian/Draconic *Glacian being an Auran/Aquan creole*
Magma: Vulcan/Dwarven *Vulcan being an Ignan/Terran creole*
Ooze: Mucorian/Dwarven *Mucorian being Aquan/Terran creole*
Smoke: Fumian/Draconic *Fumian being Auran/Ignan creole*

Lightning: Fulguran/Draconic *Fulguran being Auran/Vivacian creole*
Radiance: Luxan/Draconic *Luxan being Ignan/Vivacian creole*
Mineral: Haven't decided yet. Written language is a very ancient form of Dwarven, though it bears a heavy resemblance to the most archaic forms of Celestial.
Steam: There is one language on this plane, but two dialects: Nebulan and Vaporan-- the former used by mist creatures, the latter used by steam creatures. Officially, the lingua franca is Nebulan, since this is the language the Steam Quasielementals use. The written language is an ancient form of Elven.

Ash: Cinian/Draconic *Cinian being Ignan/Entropian creole*. The form of draconic used is extremely primitive and somewhat incomplete.
Dust: Pulvian/none *Pulvian being Terran/Entropian creole*. The natives of dust never developed a written language, though they do possess quite a few esoteric symbols and a few pictograms.
Salt: Salian/Draconic *Salian being Aquan/Entropian creole*
Vacuum: Vacan/none *Vacan being Auran/Entropian creole*. The natives of vacuum lack a written language because there is nothing to write on or with, and possess only a meager selection of esoteric symbols which are most often used off-plane.

Much of the Doomguard's esoteric and aesthetic symbolism is borrowed heavily from that used by the Negative-dominant quasielemental races. Many non-undead negative quasielementals take exception to such uses of their symbols since they do not view themselves as the antithesis to creation or existence *though the dust and vacuum natives tend to have little problem with it* The Salt quasielementals tend to be offended by this use, as they overwhelmingly view themselves as just another state of being, and not as any sort of destructive or entropic force.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
New Magic Items

These are mainly based on extant magic items, but for the Paraelemental and Quasielemental Planes.

Crucible, Cinders of the Volcano
This is a sealed crucible composed of a high-fyrite brass alloy (much higher than typical Efreeti brass and bronze.) Inside the crucible are several tiny, smoldering cinders of volcanic stone and ash.
When poured over at least 1 ft by 1/2 ft of solid stone, the cinders become red hot and melt said stone into bubbling lava.
In 1d4+1 rounds, an equal number of small Magma Paraelementals emerge from the magma pool.
The paraelementals are not under any control, although they can be controlled later through charm monster or other magic.
They attack the nearest creature or creatures, continuing their rampage until destroyed or banished.
Caster Level: 17th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, elemental swarm; Market Price: 7,650 gp; Weight: --

Pouch, Shards of the Vein
This black pouch contains several sharp, diamond-shaped shards of quartz. When the shards are emptied onto soil or rock rich in metallic and/or crystalline minerals, the shards spin like tops, burrowing into the earth, and causing a slight tremor.
In 1d4+1 rounds, an equal number of small Mineral Quasielementals emerge from the ground.
The quasielementals are not under any control, although they can be controlled later through charm monster or other magic.
They attack the nearest creature or creatures, continuing their rampage until destroyed or banished.
Caster Level: 17th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, elemental swarm; Market Price: 7,650 gp; Weight: --

Vial, Snowflakes of the Blizzard
This tiny, roughly hewn quartz vial contains a small amount of constantly ---- snowflakes. When released into breeze or better wind conditions, they begin to dance about in a small snowdevil and the winds turn cold. If poured into a pool of water at least a foot wide and an inch deep, the water's surface begins to freeze and crack.
In 1d4+1 rounds, an equal number of small Ice Paraelementals emerge from the snowdevil or the pool.
The paraelementals are not under any control, although they can be controlled later through charm monster or other magic.
They attack the nearest creature or creatures, continuing their rampage until destroyed or banished.
Caster Level: 17th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, elemental swarm; Market Price: 7,650 gp; Weight: --

Cloak of Snow
This snow-white cloak is identical to the Cloak of Stone from Underdark and the Magic Item Compendium, save that the subject can Meld into Ice as the spell.
Prerequisites: Identical to Cloak of Stone save that the required spell is Meld into Ice from Frostburn.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Crystalle and the Sulwynaari

You've read me singing songs of praise for the Violet Dawn campaign setting before *an exotic/otherworldly setting heavily influenced by the Dark Sun campaign setting, but with far more varied terrain and a LOT more HP Lovecraft*. In this post, I will detail the fluff and mechanics behind the colony on Quasielemental Mineral.
Sadly, Inner Circle went off the radar in late 2009, so we may never see more of the materials, but at least for the time being, they are still selling their products, which tend to have fluff of 2E Forgotten Realms level quality and depth.

You will require the Violet Dawn Complete Book of Denizens in order to fully appreciate the mechanics material here, though fluff-related material for the race *including some not found in the books* can be found here (yes, this is OFFICIAL fluff).

The blood of the Sulwynaari of mineral is not pure; the millenia spent on the Quasielemental plane has resulted in many dalliances with the natives of mineral, along with augmentation from Crystalle himself to make the race more resilient. As a result, the Sulwynaari have acquired an immunity to petrification on earth-dominant planes (and ONLY in regards to this) and a +4 racial bonus on saves vs. mineral-based poisons (e.g. arsenic, mercury). They also lost their low-light vision, which has been replaced by darkvision, and a Positive Resistance 5 in respect to accumulating temporary hit points. (note: the attribute modifiers given in the Violet Dawn books are a bit loopy for 0 LA, so you should change the Cha bonus from +4 to +2.)
The Sulwynaari who work the gemfields tend to be priests, wizards, artisians, or warriors with either positive protection spells or a ring of protection from positive energy, though others are planetouched.
These sulwynarii do not automatic weapon proficiencies with swords or bows.
Among the Sulwynaari, around 20% of the population consists of Kariwynaari, a planetouched race similar to genasi.
A small number of Sulwynaari exist on the Outer Planes-- primarily in Sigil, but also a few on Elysium, Arborea, and Celestia *with the highest number on Elysium*. Sulwynaari in Sigil tend to associate with the elves or dwarves-- typically moon/gray elves and dwarves associated with the priesthood of Dumathoin.

---2 Dex, +2 Con, +4 Cha
--Size: M
--Base Land Speed: 30
--Merge with Mineral (pass through stone, metal, or crystal 1x/day)
--Mineral Resistance: +1 on saves vs. earth and mineral-based effects.
--Favored Class: Fighter
--+2 racial bonus on Diplomacy and Spot checks
--Bonus Languages: Terran and Vivacian (together allow one to speak ---- *I have yet to decide on a name for the creole language spoken on Mineral*)
--Mineral Resistance: +1 on saves vs. earth, metal, and crystal-based effects.
--Immune to environmental petrification effects on Earth-dominant planes
--Positive Resistance 10
--LA +1
Appearance: Their skin has a metallic *generally bronzy* or glittery sheen. The hair of males is nacrescent like mother-of-pearl, while the hair of females is a metallic fiery red. Their eyes tend to be a deep sapphire blue, emerald green, or citrine yellow. They tend to possess broader bodies than normal Sulwynaari, with large feet.
10% of Kariwynaari are attuned to psionics instead of magic. These individuals typically become psychic warriors *the favored class* combined with a few levels of psion or divine mind.

5% of Mineral's Sulwynaari population consists of half quasielementals. Like their Kariwynaari bretheren, they tend to have broader bodies and large feet. The irises of their eyes look like emeralds, sapphires, or citrines. Their fingernails look like clear quartz, and their teeth look like diamonds. Beyond that, they appear identical to the Ularwynaari, though their quasielemental colorations are more vibrant.
--+2 Str, -2 Dex, +2 Con, +6 Cha
--Immunity to petrification
--Immunity to mineral-based poisons, such as arsenic and mercury
--Immunity to Positive Energy (that is, they do not gain temporary hit points from positive energy effects)
--Vulnerability to sonic
+3 LA
Sulwynaari and quasielemental society always has BIG expectations of half-mineral Sulwynaari due to their resistances and the fact that they represent half of both worlds. Thus, Sulwynaari are usually expected to become high priests, high divine minds, hierophant druids, or wizards who tend the Gemfields for Crystalle, or to become fighters or rangers tasked with their guardianship. This is because of the positive-dominant trait of the Gemfields, which makes it costly to hire anyone lacking at minumum, a positive resistance of 15. Others are expected to become mediators-- embassadors if you will, to mediate any disputes between the Sulwynaari and the Quasielementals. 25% of half-Mineral Sulwynaari are attuned to psionics instead of magic. These individuals typically become divine minds, psions, or psychic warriors. Due to the inherent clumsiness of the race, lurks are nearly unheard of.

Crystal Reflectors, a wild animal protected by the Sulwynaari in the Forest of Waethe on their home world of Avadnu, were brought to Mineral long, long ago. Unlike their prime cousins, the Mineral subspecies gains nourishment from positive energy emanations rather than sunlight. These creatures instead can duplicate the following spell-like abilities using their Harness Light supernatural ability: Sunbeam, Sunburst, Daylight, Cure Serious Wounds, Lesser Restoration. It gains the [Positive] subtype and is immune to petrification. It's Challenge Rating increases by 1. 1 in 12 of this subspecies consists of half-quasielemental Crystal Reflectors. These gain +2 to Str and Con, -2 to Dex, and +4 to Cha, vulnerability to sonic, along with the typical half-elemental immunities. Their CR is increased by 2 instead of 1 like the typical mineral subspecies of Crystal Reflector.

Millenia ago, the Sulwynaari Empire rose on their now-forgotten homeworld. It was shortly before that time that Sulwynaari planewalkers made their way to Mineral. When they came upon the ioun stones of the Gemfields, they decided to cultivate the minerals themselves. Crystalle's minions took exception to this and attacked. Many of these Sulwynaari were killed, but some were successful in fending off their assailants. Those minions who failed reported back to Crystalle, who was quite angered, though he had noted a very low fatality rate among his sentries who fought these invaders-- in fact, most of the accounts he had been given seemed to suggest that these invaders held some sort of aversion to seriously harming his minions.
Eventually, Crystalle sent a regiment against these interlopers, tasked with capture instead of extermination. They succeeded in bringing more than a dozen Sulwynaari to Crystalle's throne room for questioning. However, when these Sulwynaari gazed upon Crystalle's visage, they immediately and voluntarily fell prostrate in reverance, proclaiming that they were surely in the presence of a god. Realizing that Crystalle was the owner of the crystals they had taken control over (due mostly to chastisement and comments from their capturers during the trip to Crystalle's stronghold), they apologized for their actions. Crystalle was shocked by their reaction-- and he could tell that their reaction was genuine and not mere acting. He had them explain why they took control of his gems, to which they replied that the cultivation of crystals and gems was simply their way. They described their homeworld, the living crystals which grow in forests like trees, and the significance of crystalline minerals-- both natural and synthetic-- to their culture. They also explained that they had absolutely no wish to harm creatures as beautiful as Crystalle's quasielemental patrols.
Intrigued, Crystalle decided to strike a bargain with them-- they could have free access to his plane, and would even get a small portion of the crystal harvest *he made sure to articulate that this was a VERY generous offer*, in exchange for their servitude. This servitude would be voluntary of course-- the Sulwynaari are free to refuse to work for him, but those who do not also will not be rewarded. The Sulwynaari graciously, and with much gratitude, agreed to this proposal. The tiny colonies under his employment also established a cult dedicated to him. Crystalle soon embraced this, and accepted them as worshippers.
A bit over a millenium later, the Sulwynaari homeworld was struck with disaster. The Sulwynaari numbers on the Quasielemental plane initially swelled, though immigration quickly dwindled to a near-halt. Eventually it stopped altogether. Crystalle does not know where the Sulwynaari homeworld lies (In the early days of their service, Crystalle does recall that they told him the name of their home several times, though he has long since forgotten its name, and all knowledge of the Sulwynaari homeworld was lost among the race millenia ago) Crystalle assumes, due to the long standing lack of Prime-Sulwynaari immigration, that the homeworld was either destroyed or sealed off from the Multiverse thousands of years ago.
Sulwynaari culture on Mineral is similar to that on Avadnu, but also very different. The Sulwynaari tradition of ulwynaarl continues on Mineral, but the story of its origins as well as its rationale has drastically changed. The practice is identical to that on Avadnu, but the stone binds the individual's essence with the Quasielemental Plane of Mineral itself, and connecting him or her to the plane's energies. The rationale behind this practice is that, upon reaching adulthood, a Sulwynaari seeks out and crafts an ulwynaarl to symbolize the ancient pact made with Crystalle and the Mineral Quasielementals. The ulwynaarl embodies their oath to serve Crystalle and is an allegory of the bond between Sulwynaari and Quasielemental. Many Sulwynaari also have their ulwynaarl attuned in a way *usually by a high priest* so as to ensure that their essence merges with Crystalle himself upon their death (since Crystalle is not an actual deity, he lacks petitioners, and cultists can only merge with him-- in the style that petitioners merge with their deity-- by pledging their soul to him. This rule holds true for all cultists of quasipowers.) Though by default, the ulwynaarl is simply attuned to the plane in a way that ensures their essence will merge with the Quasielemental Plane itself, much in the way that an indigenous native's essence would upon their death.

Sulwynaari do exist on the Outer Planes, but they are far fewer in number. Most Outer Planes Sulwynaari worship Arshan and Shanarr, the twin sun gods of Avadnu, though they also tend to revere Lathander, Pelor, and Belenus (and a minority even worship them).

An additional note, the alliance between Crystalle and Dumathoin dates all the way back to the Dwarven neolithic period, back when Dumathoin prohibited mining and harvesting of minerals. When Dumathoin changed this rule, the relationship between the two was greatly strained. Despite this however, Dumathoin was in the somewhat unique position of understanding exactly the anguish Crystalle felt when his minerals were plundered. In addition, Dumathoin still held strict rules for his miners and panners which prohibited unnecessary damage to the environment, overharvesting of materials, and disturbing other sentient races with the mining. As such, he made a deal with Crystalle that mostly repaired the damage to their relationship-- Crystalle must allow Dumathoin's worshippers free reign of Mineral and to take/harvest a certain amount of non-enchanted material. His minions must also give aid to Dumathoin's worshippers if they are harassed or, in particular, become trapped in a crystal slide or the like. Also, Crystalle may not treat Dumathoin's worshippers as tools or rabble like he commonly does with most non-mineral natives. In exchange, Dumathoin will place a strict limit on how much material his worshippers may harvest from the plane, prohibit them from plucking Crystalle's cultivated ioun stones and other gems without permission, treat the mineral natives with respect, limit their outposts to certain areas, and seek Crystalle's permission before entering his palace. Dumathoin would even go so far as to expel priests and worshippers from his church who violate the quota, respect of native, and ioun stone rules *after all, even the indigenous natives are made of precious metals and minerals, thus disrespect for them shows disrespect for Dumathoin.* Crystalle did not care for prime mortal races, but he thought this was a very good deal.
It should be noted that Crystalle's dwarven cultists actually far exceed his number of Sulwynaari cultists, since dwarves are literally hundreds if not thousands of times more plentiful a species. However, the percentage of cultists among the two races is exponentially higher among the Sulwynaari. (It should be noted that a large percentage of Crystalle's dwarven cultists possess a few levels of druid. Like the dwarven druid/rangers of Dumathoin, they, and those with levels in druid AND ranger in particular, are tasked with hunting down those who abuse the mines. However, Dumathoin's druid/rangers, unlike Crystalle's, are tasked with punishing dwarves and non-dwarves alike who abuse a mine or alluvial deposit in a way that displaces other sentient creatures or worse, causes them physical harm. It does not matter whether the victims are dwarven or not, or even if they are an evil race or one of the dwarves' racial enemies, since the greatest victims of these abuses typically are innocent children who suffer heavy metal poisoning.) To Dumathoin, those who cause the loss of innocent life with irresponsible mining are even worse than pillagers (those who overharvest or take minerals to the surface for "selfish" reasons) -- far so, in fact.

RainOfSteel's picture
Joined: 2007-02-09
Re: We need more spells and special materials for some ...

Hyena of Ice wrote:
Another thing I hope to accomplish for the Inner Planes [...] is a modified encounter table of sorts.


Any ideas on how to implement this?


TableSmith Home Page -- For easy and automatic random information generation.
TableSmith Support Group -- For answers to all of your questions.

Tablesmith is perfect for what you want in my opinion.

Hyena of Ice wrote:
ON SPECIAL MATERIALS --We need a melt-proof special material for Fire, or at least a form of tempering that makes the metal able to withstand temperatures of 5000 degrees or higher (this would allow it to withstand magma AND avoid becoming weakened due to reaching the half-way-to-melting-point). --Need a special material for the Ethereal Plane --Need a crystalline special material for the Quasielemental Plane of Lightning that doesn't attract and is resistant to lightning.
  • Inarium: The source ore is found only in Elemental Earth pockets in the Elemental Plane of Fire or Magma. When smelted in the flames or heat of the plane where the pocket was found, a deep orange-tinted metal is produced. It has the general characteristics of iron. Any item forged from where the final quench is into a barrel of water from the Elemental Plane of Water, becomes absolutely immune to magical fire and heat of less than 9th level of effect.
  • Immateria: The substance that is not. It cannot be touched or seen by any save the native inhabitants of the realm, whose assistance is required to gather it. It can only be found by travel into the deepest zones of the Ethereal where strange beings who hunger for mortal beings await. It can only be stored and transported within specialist force spells. Used in all manner of Ethereal, phase, and dimensionally-related magic items. A precious or more expensive substance.
  • Anthacryl: This is the gold-colored semi-translucent crystal associated with lightning (electricity) that I have been using in my fantasy campaigns for years. It comes in large crystal formations similar to quartz of up to many thousands of carats. Only small portions are flawless, generally 50 carats or less. It is a semi-precious stone. You can assign whatever magic-related characteristics you want to it.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: We need more spells and special materials for some ...

Ah, nice. Though I should probably change my specifications to non-metallic special materials. Dragon 347 has a substance called Fyrite, and aside from the price modifier and associations with cerulean magma, I believe I've reprinted all the stat info about it (and also added the fluff that fyrite is an essential component used to make Efreeti bronze and brass alloys)

Immateria, while I like the idea behind it, I don't like how it would be implemented in gameplay-- it's essentially a variant of Riverine from Stormwrack (and viridium from Inner Planes would likely fall in the same category). Essentially, it's a ridiculously expensive substance that can nullify damage, but can be destroyed via targetted Dispel Magic or Antimagic Field.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Planescape Quotes

The site won't let me add my own for some reason (yes, I made sure I was signed in), so they go here for now. (for the moment, these are all slightly humorous)

Yeah, of course I'm an "Indep"! Why would I believe in any stupid system thought up by the dull brains of dumb mortals?~~A rather mistaken juvenile Efreeti when asked what Faction he belongs to

"Yanny"?! Hsssss, you're one of The Wind B****'s lackeys, aren't you?!~~Yan-C-Bin to a verbally abusive adventurer

...Clearly you have me mistaken for someone else...
Frigidora, kill him.
~~Cryonax, to a Cornugon attempting to bribe him with Thirty of his "most nubile fiendish concubines" in exchange for sparing his life

Did you hear about the dwarf who tried to pee out a fire elemental?~~The first half of a common juvenile Efreeti urban legend

Yes! Did you hear that "splotch"?! And look at those splatter clouds! Such distance! I think I broke my old record!!~~Ben Hadar boasting to his servants, after smashing a Spitter scavenging around in his palace

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: We need more spells and special materials for some ...

Came over from the Council of Affairs thread - great stuff Hyena, will take me awhile to get through it though...


Health Resources: Register family with 911 services, so providers will have info prior to emergency/disaster. Also mental health info & hotlines, articles, treatment assistance options, prescription assistance, special needs registries, legal aid, and more!

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Common Misconceptions about Elementals

Ugh, my HD died on me, and the last time I backed up my files was on May 4th (to make matters worse, I was really writing stuff out and list-making from the canonical and 3rd party books like crazy during the last 2 weeks before the HD death. I had actually converted the lotuses in Dragon 120 to 3x rules with the exception of pricing, along with stats for 4 or 5 Paraelemental Ice indigenous plants.... crap man.)

This section will also include some misconceptions about elemental outsiders (genies, mephits, salamanders, etc.).

--Elementals and Outsiders lack souls (this misconception can be recognized as such by simple logic when considering the mechanics of True Resurrection. Were outsiders and elementals to truly lack souls, then nothing short of a wish or miracle would bring them back to life.)
--Elementals are not sentient, or only sub-sentient (as explained in both Inner Planes and Magic of Eberron, elementals seem to lose intelligence when encountered outside the Inner planes.)
--Elementals lack parental instincts and/or are cruel/callous/lack empathy/"are evil" because they literally lack hearts (utter nonsense on so many levels. First of all, most elementals do indeed possess parental instincts. Second, the charge of cruelty is due to a combination of misconceptions which will be covered shortly. Third, there is no evidence that internal organs (other than the brain) have any effect on a being's personality beyond esoteric and arcane applications.
Misconceptions are the result of mortal interaction with elementals summoned to their prime world, often against their will. The elementals will attempt to fill the same ecological niche they filled on their home world, which is to keep their native plane pure and to destroy impurities. In addition, while elementals normally require active nourishment only for growth, (that is, the plane itself sustains them), most prime worlds possess such meager levels of elemental energies that the elemental in question begins to starve. Thus, barring circumstances where it is summoned to a volcanic or fiery environment, a fire elemental must ignite combustibles almost constantly in order to survive.
Another misconception of cruelty or "evilness" arises because elementals tend to view fleshy mortals as being every bit as alien as said mortals view the elemental. Also, most elementals believe that they are higher lifeforms than "fleshlings", just as genies innately view themselves as superior to both elementals and mortals.
However, such viewpoints are no more cruel nor evil in and of themselves than the misguided views of most mortals that elementals are sub-sentient and "animal-like".
Mosconceptions about parental instincts are almost entirely the result of assumption based on how elementals and elemental outsiders treat their half-mortal offspring.
--Elemental outsiders lack parental instincts and/or are cruel/callous/lack empathy because their bodies consist as much out of the "cold elements" as they do tender flesh (utter nonsense for the same reasons mentioned above)
--Elementals are cruel because their hearts are made from coal/ice/stone/whatever (utter nonsense since elementals lack internal anatomy altogether)
--Elementals are incapable of sexual reproduction and can only reproduce via division (as mentioned in the physiology post, elementals are quite capable of sexual reproduction, even with fleshy mortals, though this is incredibly rare outside the cults of Elemental Evil and the Elder Elemental Eye. It is vastly more common for elementals to consort with elemental outsiders. Those rare few who do consort with mortals almost always limit such dalliances to mortals of the same subtype such as dragons and giants.)
--Elementals cannot feel pain (elementals possess all the same senses as fleshy beings, though there are certain sensations, such as itchiness, which they cannot experience naturally)
--The Elemental/Inner Planar languages descended from Draconic (it's actually the other way around, though the misconception is exceedingly common among most mortal races OTHER than dragons.)
--Elementals consider mortals to be a delicacy (only true of certain types)
--Negative Quasielementals are undead (negative quasielementals are quite alive, though some possess spirits of negative rather than positive energy much like the trilloch.)
--Negative Quasielementals, negative pseudoelementals, and other negative-subtype creatures are evil, just like negative energy (most such creatures are neutral, and negative energy is neither good nor evil.)

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: We need more spells and special materials for some ...

Hey, still going through this Hyena, and I have to read through the Dragon articles on elemental things, but curious on your thoughts about art and valuables in the different Elemental Planes.

I was thinking the Plane of Radiance might value prisms and stained glass, the Plane of Air might value living songs as pets, and the planes juxtaposed to Earth (as well as Earth itself) might value fractal patterns of cracks in different stones, patterns that are exceedingly rare.


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Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: We need more spells and special materials for some ...

I think the 1E Manual of the Planes had a bit on what each plane valued as far as paying a planar guide. Earth-dominant planes like gems, the creatures of fire like unusual combustibles, air natives like incense and perfumes, Ice natives like ice sculptures, and I can't remember what water natives or the other types like (as a general rule, they can be bribed with whatever the 2E books list under "Diet". For the standard elementals that incluides what was listed above and liquids for water elementals, while Ice paraelementals like heat and salt qiuasielementals like moisture.)
All elementals value gems, and those wealthy enough carry them embedded or suspended in their bodies according to the 1E Manual of the Planes.
The gems and other treasures most valued are likely to be types found only on the Prime or Outer Planes, such as certain meteorites and frystalline.

Here we go. Here are the bribes mentioned in the 1E MotP.

Air: incenses and perfumes
Earth: gems
Fire: rare combustibles (oils, woods, alcohols, etc.)
Water: rare liquids
Ice: ice sculptures
Smoke: rare smokes
Ash: burned valuables
Dust: ground powders (likely of gems and the like)
Steam: rare perfumes and vapors
Vacuum: unknown

The other elemental types are not mentioned, but here are their diets from the 2E books:

Air: air
Earth: stones, gems
Fire: rare combustibles (woods, scented oils)
Water: liquids
Ice: heat
Magma: any solid
Ooze: any solid
Smoke: air
Lightning: any energy
Mineral: any stone
Radiance: darkness
Steam: any gas
Ash: heat/fire
Dust: any matter
Salt: moisture
Vacuum: everything

Genies are listed as omnivores, and it is in a much more literal sense than what omnivorous mortals consume (for instance, the favorite food of the Dao is gems)
Mephits gain nourishment from their immediate environment. I'll read the elemental stats later and see if the books mention anything in particular that they favor as food.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Secret History of the Elder Elemental Eye

This was mentioned (but not yet encorporated into) the timeline topic. It is unlikely to be known by any save the four Elemental Lords (Kossuth, Akadi, Grumbar, and Istishia), Sun-Sing, and Crystalle.
During the latter days of the era of the Protogenoi (the elemental and elemental-like gods born during the early parts of the Multiverse's creation and did not require worship for survival, which includes Gaea, Nyx, the Ogdad, and the four Elemental Lords), when mortal creatures were just beginning to become prevalent on the Prime worlds (the pre-Cambrian explosion analogue) and the General of Gehenna had only recently discovered iron and blacksmithing, a Greater Power calling itself Tharizdun, one of the Far-Realm escapees during an earlier rift into that reality, declared war against the powers and all creation. He was also one of the few powers to successfully ally himself with the Draeden during the Protogenoi-Draeden war earlier.
When the Protogenoi realized that this threat was real, and what Tharizdun intended to do, they all banded together, regardless of alignment or disposition, to stop him.
The war between Tharizdun and the powers went on for some time, due in large part to the fact that, because Tharizdun was a Far-Realm native, he did not obey the rules of the multiverse-- this made it difficult for the gods to harm him or determine his vulnerabilities. On the flipside, the combined power of the gods was quite a bit greater than Tharizdun's alone. However, as time went on, the Protogenoi eventually figured out how to harm him. Tharizdun had feared something like this might occur, and came up with a contingency plan-- he would (likely with the aid of a powerful artifact) corrupt the Elemental Overpower known as the Elder Elemental Eye-- the omnimental overlord whose portfolio was maintaining balance between the elemental and paraelemental planes.
Over the next few centuries, Tharizdun slowly corrupted him. When the corruption was nearly complete, he began the task of slowly consuming the Eye. During the gradual absorption process, Tharizdun made the Eye create four offspring, each representing one element-- these would become the Princes of Elemental Evil. As a further contingency-- in the unlikely event that the Prince of Air or Princess of Water should be destroyed, he also bore a prince of paraelemental evil ice. Bearing them at this point rather than later was necessary, because once the Eye became fully corrupted and absorbed, it would be incapable of creating life. Furthermore, Tharizdun sought to have the Eye create life entirely naturalized and indigenous to the multiverse so that his plot would never be uncovered. This also played part in the reason why the absorption process was so slow.
At the same time, Tharizdun sought to corrupt the princes of neutral positive and negative energy-- Crystalle and Sun Sing respectively. He succeeded in corrupting Sun-Sing, but Crystalle was not receptive to his temptations.
Tharizdun had made sure to keep a low (or at least lower) profile during all stages of establishing his contingency, resuming his battle against the powers only after his absorption of the Elder Elemental Eye was complete. The Elemental Lords had been completely oblivious to this scheme until the very end.
The Elemental Lords wasted no time once the Elemental Eye left the inner planes-- they promptly made war with one another, with the intent of destroying their opposite plane, which they considered to be an abomination.
This, combined with the meddling of an emergent intermediate-greater power of vegetation, brought about a catastrophe that would realign the Inner Planes, promote Positive and Negative energy from demiplanes to full-fledged planes, create the Quasielemental Planes, and cause Elemental Earth and Elemental Fire to switch places.
As for Tharizdun, the Elder Elemental Eye became a secret aspect of his, and combined with the Princes of Elemental Evil, would be his ticket to escaping imprisonment, should it occur-- Tharizdun knew this would be the Protogenoi's solution since he knew it was impossible for anything in this reality to kill him.
Of course, the Protogenoi were able to destroy most of his power before imprisoning him-- demoting him down to an Intermediate power, but unlike what some sages of today believe, the "lack of worship" has not resulted in a dwindling of his power since imprisonment. Tharizdun, like the Protogenoi, is not a god in the true modern sense, and thus does not require worship in order to be sustained. In fact, very few powers during that era were worshipped at all, and most of the worshippers consisted of elementals and elemental outsiders. Also, the powers still had yet to "discover" worship-- or even proxies, for that matter. The only sentient mortals in those days were the Aboleth, and let's face it-- they're not very reverent.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: We need more spells and special materials for some ...

"Bearing them at this point rather than later was necessary, because once the Eye became fully corrupted and absorbed, it would be incapable of creating life."

Like this detail, makes sense that a creature of the Far Realms shouldn't be able to manipulate our reality without its own consequences/limitations.


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Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: We need more spells and special materials for some ...

Actually, it was due to Tharizdun's portfolio of destruction/entropy, which was more the idea of Ripvanwormer that Tharizdun and his aspects shouldn't be capable of doing the polar opposite of his portfolio.

I should mention that it's up to the DM whether or not Kossuth and the others were actually aware that the Elder Eye had been fully corrupted and absorbed by Tharizdun when the event reached its finality. They were certainly aware that it had been corrupted and 'destroyed', but still existed elsewhere in some corrupted form. They probably at least suspected Tharizdun to be responsible since they had been at war with him at the time, and the same likely holds true for the other Protogenoi as well (of course, today the vast majority of Protogenoi have long since either been destroyed, imprisoned, absorbed by the Titans and other powers, shattered into multiple lesser powers a la Tymora and Beshaba, or just plain withered away. The Draeden war prior to Tharizdun's uprising already wiped out 2/3rds of them, just as it wiped out 2/3rds of the Draeden. Then the war with the Titans some time after Tharizdun was imprisoned wiped out another 1/10th of them.
To give you an example, Pelor is the 5th generational incarnation of a fragment of what was originally the sun protogenos Liga. The second incarnation rose during the Draeden war when he absorbed what remained of his twin sister. The third arose from the remains of the second incarnation which had been slaughtered by Tharizdun and actually participated in his imprisonment. The modern incarnation known as Pelor evolved from the 4th when it chose to transform itself from an elemental-like protogenos into a modern deity-- this probably occurred between -28~35DR. That is just one example of how most of the surviving protogenoi changed form over time. Lathander is another good example; he is a fragment of Amaunator, who was his previous incarnation. Amaunator was a fragment of the Protogenos of Realmspace's sun.)

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Epic Level Artifacts of the Law-Chaos War

The following is the fluff for two epic-level artifacts from the Law-Chaos war, related to the Inner Planes.

Winter's Resurrection
After Brista-Pel, Princess of Elemental Good Fire Creatures and secret lover of Imix was murdered by Ekhak, Chilimba, and Vesvolch (now-deceased prince of paraelemental evil Magma), the three scrambled to annex the princess's territory. Made aware of this all, Imix flew into a rampage, annexing much of Smoke and Magma, and slaying Vesvolch, who unlike the mephit lords was foolish enough to challenge the fire prince. As a result, many inhabitants and even the energies of Magma and Smoke were displaced into adjacent planes such as Elemental Air. This event resulted in most prime worlds becoming hotter and drier. Because of the methane deposits that had accumulated on the ocean bottoms of many prime worlds over millenia, the result was a nasty feedback loop that swallowed up even more of the Air and Water dominant planes. Eventually the situation reached critical mass with the Permian-Triassic extinction analogue. Millenia later, the war shuddered to a close with the Cretaceous–Tertiary (or K-T) extinction event analogue, which initially bathes many prime worlds in fire, leaving them in smoldering ruins.
By that time, the Inner Planes were at the brink of a paradigm shift, with Smoke and Magma threatening to become full-fledged elements, while Water and Air were about to be demoted to mere Paraelements (and Ice a quasielement)
Feeling threatened by these encroaching events, even Yan-C-Bin and Chan forged an unlikely alliance in their desperation. Around the same time, Istishia forged a powerful artifact which might finally be capable of quenching the fires of Fire and Magma. Over time, the artifact switched hands between each Archomental of Water, Ice, and Air, until finally being claimed by Akadi-- each being further honing the artifact, making it more powerful. This artifact, in the shape of a crystal ball sized for a large or huge creature, came to be known by those participants and their top-ranking minions as "Winter's Resurrection". It had the desired effect; Water and Air finally gained dominance over Earth and Fire after so many millenia. This snuffed out the embers still burning across the surfaces of so many Prime worlds even 3 years later-- the one thing preventing these worlds from cooling due to the blocked sun. This heralded a long, cold age of Elemental Air and Water dominance.
However, so much power had been packed into the artifact that its physical form could scarcely contain it; thus, when Akadi used the Winter's Ressurection to reclaim the Inner Planes, the orb shattered into 999 fragments, and scattered across all the Inner Planes.
All 999 fragments still exist, and today Cryonax seeks to reforge the orb. Luckily, such a task will not be easy. For one thing, Yan-C-Bin is in possession of a fragment, and the chillsword, a powerful artifact forged from but a tiny sliver of the Winter's Resurrection, is buried in a cooled spot on Paraelemental Magma.
Most difficult of all however, would be retrieving the fragment which powers the glacier that seals Levistus away in his tomb on Stygia. This, is, in fact, the secret strange alliance between Cryonax and Levistus; Cryonax wants the shard, and the only way it can be retrieved is by freeing Levistus from his prison.

Quaereim, the Traitor's Fork
When Ekhak and Chilimba planned a false flag attack and ambush against Brista-Pel, the two mephit lords each comissioned pitchforks enchanted with Quasielemental Ash to be constructed for the occasion, and both weapons were used to inflict a cruel and painful death upon the princess. In the instant that Chilimba dealt the fatal blow, his fork gained a malevolent sentience, becoming Quaereim, a sentient pitchfork borne from betrayal. The blade immediately made Chilimba feel sick, so he discarded it in that battlefield. However, Quaereim's "purpose" had only begun. After satiating itself on Brista-Pel's soul, it now thirsted ravenously for the lives of both Imix and Zaaman-Rul. Because it was borne from betrayal, it both sows and feeds on betrayal and feelings of betrayal. Though its multitude of possessed hosts which it can control from a distance *provided it was wielded by that individual at some point in the pst*, Quaereim has kept the lie that Imix slew Brista Pel alive, in order to sow even greater betrayal against the two than what was already inevitable. For whatever reason, it has taken its precious time in devouring the family of its first victim, though it has long-since achieved one of its other goals: it wasn't long after Quaereim acquired sentience that it slew the smiths who forged it.
Of course, once it claims the souls of Imix and Zaaman-Rul, it still has one final goal: it will slay and devour the soul of its very creator, Chilimba, the one whom it despises more than anyone or anything else in the multiverse. After all, it WAS borne from betrayal.

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