Apolagies in advance, this will be a bit disjointed...
First one thing Im curious on, is do celestials with "effective priest casting abilitys" count as priests, for puposes such as getting a saving throw penalty if a godsmen, or being barred from the doomguard, or dustmen.
Second It says on various Celestials "can travel through X planes freely, does this mean they can teleport there at will, or simply that they are able to go there at all.
In any Warriors of heaven game, these questions need to be answered (I saw one that fell apart because of a debate on the issue)
Finally... is it MY IMAGINation , or is it a Trifle ludicrous , that Eladrin live less then 1,001, years, when thats how long their banished from the Prime, if they reveal themselves there.
Theirs Probaly a few other issues, but these are the most obvious, ones.
I would say so.
If celestials are barred from most planes of existence, they'd make poor player characters.
Obviously. Guardinals and eladrins (and all celestials) ought to be immortal, like fiends.
This is one of the many reasons I hate Warriors of Heaven with the passion of a million suns. It's a truly awful work.