Warriors of Heaven Expansion Questions.

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ShirreKnight's picture
Joined: 2011-03-05
Warriors of Heaven Expansion Questions.

Apolagies in advance, this will be a bit disjointed...

First one thing Im curious on, is do celestials with "effective priest casting abilitys" count as priests, for puposes such as getting a saving throw penalty if a godsmen, or being barred from the doomguard, or dustmen.

Second It says on various Celestials "can travel through X planes freely, does this mean they can teleport there at will, or simply that they are able to go there at all.

In any Warriors of heaven game, these questions need to be answered (I saw one that fell apart because of a debate on the issue)

Finally... is it MY IMAGINation , or is it a Trifle ludicrous , that Eladrin live less then 1,001, years, when thats how long their banished from the Prime, if they reveal themselves there.

Theirs Probaly a few other issues, but these are the most obvious, ones.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: Warriors of Heaven Expansion Questions.

First one thing Im curious on, is do celestials with "effective priest casting abilitys" count as priests, for puposes such as getting a saving throw penalty if a godsmen, or being barred from the doomguard, or dustmen.

I would say so.

Second It says on various Celestials "can travel through X planes freely, does this mean they can teleport there at will, or simply that they are able to go there at all.

If celestials are barred from most planes of existence, they'd make poor player characters.

Finally... is it MY IMAGINation , or is it a Trifle ludicrous , that Eladrin live less then 1,001, years, when thats how long their banished from the Prime, if they reveal themselves there.

Obviously. Guardinals and eladrins (and all celestials) ought to be immortal, like fiends.

This is one of the many reasons I hate Warriors of Heaven with the passion of a million suns. It's a truly awful work.

ShirreKnight's picture
Joined: 2011-03-05
Re: Warriors of Heaven Expansion Questions.

I liked a fair share of it to be honest, always wanted to play, well what my nick is.

But one last ABSURDITY

Except the Aginthion most Celestial races, their AC STARTS at its lowest value... which I learned once playing a Tulani fighter mage, isnt just a big advantage, but a unwieldly one when no one can hit you but (when your veiled) you cant hit anyone else either.

But I can see Some celestials being ULTIMATELY mortal, but Eladrin should at least live long enough to outlive a banisment unless they were allready elderly.

A note on celestials... I noted in 3rd edition, it would be a lot more difficult as organic and stremlined as it otherwise was, to play one, as (once you reached max hD) you were not getting any morepower... and I always fantasized about playing an asuras who went around throwing true dweomers at the hosts of baator, when I read through warriors of heaven)

Only other question that wasnt addressed in the book is a good reason for Celestial wizards to not know every single spellkey on the upperplanes, its easy to argue they would

That and the fact that theirs several wizards pells markeda s bein created by aasimons in spite of the fact that Aasimon CANT become wizards made me think

Think its ok for NPC Planetars devas and solars, to become wizards using the rules avaiblale for fiend wizards? it seemed suggested there, though it has deep connotations (especially with Solars allready super pered to be allowed to also be 28th level wildmages BRR the lower planes might as well offer their unconditional surrender at that point.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Warriors of Heaven Expansion Questions.

Only other question that wasnt addressed in the book is a good reason for Celestial wizards to not know every single spellkey on the upperplanes, its easy to argue they would

I imagine that only quasipowers and powers know of EVERY single spell key on any given plane.

ShirreKnight's picture
Joined: 2011-03-05
Re: Warriors of Heaven Expansion Questions.

is their a valid reason why the spellkeys of the upper planes wouldnt be well known to all celestial wizards, Tulani and Ursinals in particular are both A: exceedingly smart, and B: Have fairly ready access to the powers and C: Would likely share spell keys relatively freely amongst their own kind.

Same thing could probaly even be said of EINHERER Mages.

AnyGaps in those arguments?

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Warriors of Heaven Expansion Questions.

"Powers" is a Planescape term for the gods and similar such creatures.
The bit about sharing spell keys freely isn't necessarily true. Lower ranking members of a celestial race are more susceptible to "falling" (being seduced by evil), and are more likely to get captured by the enemy or by a mortal wizard with a planar binding spell. In all such scenarios, knowledge of spell keys could fall into the wrong hands.

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