War of Many Facets OOC

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Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Errata: S2 should be at -26,

Errata: S2 should be at -26, not -22.  I'm not editing that into the post right now because it'll mess up my formatting >_<


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Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Just thought I'd note that

Just thought I'd note that Coal only has 8 temp hp, since temporary hit points don't stack.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Dunamin wrote:Just thought

Dunamin wrote:
Just thought I'd note that Coal only has 8 temp hp, since temporary hit points don't stack.

Good point.  I tend to miss some details sometimes!  Thank you for catching me! Smiling

I'll update you all tomorrow.  Right now, I've contracted the bubonic plague (actually I have a cold) and am not up to writing the next scene.  I'm thoroughly medicated, though, so I should be much better tomorrow.

Dunamin, check your PM's shortly.


http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

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Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Sorry I haven't posted

Sorry I haven't posted yet.  I'm still pretty under the weather and have a headache.  I'll attempt again tomorrow.  Meanwhile, please figure out whether you guys want to go to Thalivan's now or the next day.

Also, I've sent out word on the Perception checks for those that made it, so please make sure you check your PM's.


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Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Dunamin: No, it's not yet

Dunamin: No, it's not yet too late Smiling Go ahead.


http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

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Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
All right, the silence over

All right, the silence over the past day has been pretty telling Smiling So unless anyone objects, I will advance the War to Phase II tomorrow!


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Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Heh, I guess I just can't

Heh, I guess I just can't think of anything at present to add to the current scene. Smile

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
No worries! I prolly

No worries! Smiling I prolly should've updated a little sooner.  Anyway, Phase II is up and you can see it at the link below.


As mentioned in that thread, you can do any shopping you might want to do.  You may include the 500 gold payment Thalivan gave you, as well as the 250 gold retainer payment and finally the 50 gold daily fee that he hired you on.  If you do buy something, please let me know!

And now, enjoy the gnoll!

Ah yes, forgot to mention!  1,500 XP for all of you today for surviving the ambush and clearing Phase I!

And one other thing.  My friend NeoTiamat will be running the current NPC situation, with my guidance, so please welcome him aboard!


http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

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Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Hi!  I know I could read

Hi!  I know I could read the entire IC post to have this question sort of answered, but I figure it would be more efficient to just as you.  Would a non-evil character fit into this game?

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
To quote the original post

To quote the original post in this thread:

No evil characters.  All characters should be at least neutral, and
good tendencies are preferred.  Since mechanics do not have much effect
based on alignment in 4e, and alignment is largely irrelevant to nature
of the Inner Planes, I do not require players to list an alignment for
the characters.  If you choose to do so, though, please use the old
Nine Alignments system instead of the new 4e system.

So a non-evil character would be vastly preferred :)  If you are interested, I can introduce you in Phase III (Phase II will probably be rather short).

That being said, where is everyone?  I don't know if you all noticed the new thread (I linked it above) or if you're all away or what, but it's been pretty silent for a long time now...


http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

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Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Oh wait, is this 4E?  I

Oh wait, is this 4E?  I don't have 4E.  That doesn't make me not want to play though.  What kinds of character do you already have in your group?  What do you need?

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Tamara acquired hedge

Tamara acquired hedge wizard's gloves and a restful bedroll (both from Adventurer's Vault).


Pants of the North!

Atriden's picture
Joined: 2009-01-06
Hey Center of All Sorry,

Hey Center of All

Sorry, School has been murder lately. Il be posting later today and Il give you the heads up if I wont be able to post. 1500exp, wow thats nice Smiling

Atriden's picture
Joined: 2009-01-06
I wanted to inform that I

I wanted to inform that I have bought 3 healing potions

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Coal purchases a rod of





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Coal purchases a rod of corruption +1 and two potions of healing.

Will post soon.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Oh wait, is this 4E?  I

Oh wait, is this 4E?  I don't have 4E.  That doesn't make me not want to play though.  What kinds of character do you already have in your group?  What do you need?

To answer your question, Dire Lemon, the party currently has 2 Warlocks, 1 Swordmage, 1 Rogue, and 1 Wizard.  In role terms, that's 3 Strikers, 1 Defender, and 1 Controller.  I suspect the wizard has abandoned the game because it's been about 2, almost 3 weeks since his last post.  If there is anything the party seems to "need" right now, I would say it's a class with the Leader role (Cleric, Warlord, possibly Artificer).  A character with healing abilities, I think, would benefit the group more than a Controller, especially with 3 Strikers already on board.

You should read the first post in this thread.  It contains all the relevant information to creating a character and the hook to get a character involved in the game.  It should also answer most other questions you will have about the game.  If you have any further questions not addressed in the post, I'll be glad to answer them.  As I mentioned, you won't be able to join the game until Phase III, but that should give you plenty of time to create and polish a character if you are still interested.


http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

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Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Oh power!  Don't use those

Oh power!  Don't use those MMORPG terms!  They make me want to hate 4E!  Just so it's clear.  I don't have 4E, so I can't make a character all my myself.  I haven't read the first post yet so maybe there's something in there that'll help with that.  I'll take a look now.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Erm...Not sure what you're

Erm...Not sure what you're talking about with MMO terms.  Everything in my post is what the 4E calls it.


http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

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Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Waugh! Stop making me hate

Waugh! Stop making me hate 4E!!

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Okay, well, if you hate 4e,

Okay, well, if you hate 4e, I'm not going to force you to play.  But you might want to actually try it before jumping the gun and making a fuss about how terrible it is.

That all being said, I will post the impending combat tonight or tomorrow.  On a related note, I'd like a quick roll call here to see who is still with the game and intends to remain active.  Post rates have petered out considerably lately and I'm not entirely sure why.  If you can, please post today or otherwise contact me to let me know you're still on board, even if you've posted recently in the game.  It'll help me keep track better.  I need to know because I have to tune the encounters.  This way, I don't send three people against an encounter meant for five.

I suspect we've already lost Formula and I'm not factoring him in the next combat unless his player speaks up soon.  If I have too much attrition, I'll probably just close the game :/  So please let me know if you're still with it.


http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

http://www.planescapemetamorphosis.com/ -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Still here. I was just

Still here. I was just letting other people handle Drachmir.


Pants of the North!

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
No worries I understand

No worries Smiling I understand some of the recent things.  I'm referencing more Phase 2 as a whole.  But thank you for chiming in!


http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

http://www.planescapemetamorphosis.com/ -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
I didn't say I hate 4E. 

I didn't say I hate 4E.  You're the one describing it as a rip off of the worst computer game genre in existence.  Not my fault.Tongue out


I guess I'd like to try a Cleric.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
"You're the one

"You're the one describing it as a rip off of the worst computer game genre in existence.  Not my fault."

So then by using terms that are quite explicit in the 4e books (Leader, Striker, etc.) I am describing it as an MMORPG and making you hate it?  You're pretty off-base here.  I suggest you get over your "hatred" of things resembling MMORPGs if you intend to play 4e.  You came in here with a bit of an attitude and I'm not inclined to let you play if you can't abandon this nonsense you're spouting.  I haven't done anything except describe the 4e game in the 4e terms.  If you can't handle that, then I'd just as soon not have you play because this is stuff that will come up repeatedly.


http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

http://www.planescapemetamorphosis.com/ -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
I really think you need to

I really think you need to chill out and remember that this is the internet.  Expecting people to act exactly as they might in real life in a purely textual medium, where the only way to express emotion is to explicitly state what you are feeling at that moment or to use little smily faces is only going to get you angry at everything.  Then again, maybe you don't like people who make jokes allot in real life either, in which case I'm sorry.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Center of All wrote: So

Center of All wrote:

So please let me know if you're still with it.

Still here and ready to go, boss Smile. Sorry about the late inactivity, I guess I lost track of things for some days.

Atriden's picture
Joined: 2009-01-06
I am still here as well and

I am still here as well and looking forward to advance the game!

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Sorry for not posting. 

Sorry for not posting.  I've had to leave suddenly for a personal issue.  I'll be back by Thursday and will post then.


http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

http://www.planescapemetamorphosis.com/ -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
No problem, hope

No problem, hope everything's ok.

Atriden's picture
Joined: 2009-01-06
Take all the time you need

Take all the time you need buddy. We anxiously await your return.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I can't seem to access

I can't seem to access myth-weavers, been having such a problem since yesterday. Is anyone else having this issue, or is it just me?


Pants of the North!

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
I have the same problem.

I have the same problem. Luckily I could remember enough details about Coal or look through Part I for them to post anyway.

Let's hope Mythweavers fixes it soon.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I heard they were doing

I heard they were doing some maintenance, so with luck they'll be back up soon. 

I'll be posting tonight once I can update the map.  The bad thing about combats is I can't update at work unless the map's already done Smiling


http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

http://www.planescapemetamorphosis.com/ -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
I'll be away travelling for

I'll be away travelling for the next 2 days or so. Sorry about the short notice.


If need be, feel free to NPC Coal until I get back.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
All right, thanks for the

All right, thanks for the heads-up! Smiling Hope you have a good time.


http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

http://www.planescapemetamorphosis.com/ -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Whoa, Rock, that is

Whoa, Rock, that is amazingly poor luck! 4 misses in a row. Surprised

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Okay, as you all have

Okay, as you all have undoubtedly noticed by now, Phase II has ended!  It was rather short and much less happened than Phase I, but that's okay.  Now that that's done, I have a few things to mention

  • You are all level 6 now.  I'll recalculate and update the XP totals in a while, but please level up!
  • The next month or so is going to be extremely hectic for me.  I have a paper coming due and assorted other matters I need to deal with before the end of the semester, so posting from me may be more sporadic than normal.  As much as I love you guys for sticking with the game so far, I do need to graduate someday Eye-wink
  • I will be taking a break for about a week to get my ducks in a row before launching Phase III.  This should give you guys enough time to level up and get settled.
  • Lastly, feedback!  As I mentioned early on, I will probably make this adventure into a module to put up here on Planewalker.  So here's a chance to tell me what you think so far.  What have you particularly liked?  What haven't you liked?  Is there anything that you'd like to see in upcoming arcs?  Is there anything you think I could do better?  Any contributions you have are welcome!

I think that about does it, and if I've forgotten something, I'll come post it later! Smiling Thanks for playing so far and I hope the rest of the game works for you guys, too!


http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

http://www.planescapemetamorphosis.com/ -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Tamara has been advanced to

Tamara has been advanced to level 6.


Pants of the North!

Atriden's picture
Joined: 2009-01-06
Yo Center of All Great!

Yo Center of All

Great! level six eh? I was thinking of retraining some skills if that is okay?

 Anyway, I like the game so far. I will post you later with a more well defined answer Eye-wink

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Take all the time you





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Take all the time you need until you feel set for the next phase, Center. I definitely understand how much studies can cut in on free time – I’ve been posting pretty sporadically myself lately, because I recently started master’s thesis.



The game is very nice, and the conflict in question pretty intriguing. NPCs are colorful and scenery imaginative.


I think it has a good balance between combat and non-combat sections, though there might have been a point or two where I’d preferred slightly more time for investigation or non-plot related exploration. On the other hand, I like that you keep things moving briskly forward to maintain momentum, because that’s important for health of PBP games.


I suppose it would be nice with a fight, occasionally, that doesn’t push us to burn off all our daily resources, or one with some more room to navigate in (more than half the party are ranged combatants). I like the use of terrain features, though: difficult terrain, crates that can be pushed around, etc.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Quote:Take all the time you

Take all the time you need until you feel set for the next phase, Center. I definitely understand how much studies can cut in on free time – I’ve been posting pretty sporadically myself lately, because I recently started master’s thesis.

Oh, nice!  What's your thesis on?  I need to get working on mine next semester and really hammer it out over the next year and a half.

I suppose it would be nice with a fight, occasionally, that doesn’t push us to burn off all our daily resources, or one with some more room to navigate in (more than half the party are ranged combatants). I like the use of terrain features, though: difficult terrain, crates that can be pushed around, etc.

To address this particularly, I am really sorry both combats so far have been in allies that were almost identical.  I didn't think about it until I started the second combat and then I went "Oops!"  That being said, I promise the next combat won't be in an alley ;-)  The next Phase may or may not have combat, but will be pretty investigatively intense.

The fights are difficult for me to balance in this game and I've pulled several punches because I'd probably have killed characters otherwise.  You guys don't have a dedicated Leader and in addition, three of the four of you are pretty darn squishy.  Normal balancing rules don't quite apply in this group.  Add to it that you only have (I think) one character that can actually heal a significant amount -- even then only once per encounter or once per day.  If you guys had a single Leader character in the game, that would probably make most of these fights significantly easier.  Plus, Formula vanished and he was also a character with a healing ability.  Okeanos is a tough tank but he's only one guy and doesn't have much support beyond you all laying on the damage.  I know you all get second winds, but the action is not nearly as useful as the game makes it seem -- except, I am learning, for dwarves!  So I'm still working to figure out something that is a nicely balanced challenge for you guys.

All this being said, there's been a plethora of new resources that have come out since this game began.  PHBII came out recently and I believe Arcane Power is today.  If anyone sees something they like in the newer resources -- a new race, new class, what have you -- that can complement the group, feel free to talk to me about it.  Whether it's an entirely new character or a remake of an existing character, I'm open to ideas for rebuilding, especially in light of Formula's attrition and a general lack of healing abilities.  Also remember that if you do find a different concept appealing, you're not beholden to 4e's written flavor!  For example, I am completely open to a character that's mechanically a Bard but still uses Warlock flavor.

That being said, nobody's under any obligation or pressure to do this Smiling It's just an option that's there if you choose to take it.

I'll try to have Phase III up soon.  As mentioned, posting will be slow until the semester ends in a few weeks since I'll be pretty busy!


http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

http://www.planescapemetamorphosis.com/ -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
My posting may be somewhat

My posting may be somewhat sporadic - I lost internet at home, so I can only really make it online every few days. Hopefully I'll still be frequent enough that it won't be much of a disruption.


Pants of the North!

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Gotcha I'll hold off for a

Gotcha Smiling I'll hold off for a little while then.  Good luck getting reconnected!


http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

http://www.planescapemetamorphosis.com/ -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Center of All wrote: Oh,

Center of All wrote:

Oh, nice!  What's your thesis on?  I need to get working on mine next semester and really hammer it out over the next year and a half.

Heh, how technical would you like the description? It relates to molecular biology, medicine, biochemistry, and pharmacology.

I'm assembling and studying a nanoscale biomolecular transport system for delivering therapeutics efficiently to their intended target tissue. This system focuses on treating brain diseases - cancer, in particular.

Rock's picture
Joined: 2009-01-14
Hey, even if Center doesn't

Hey, even if Center doesn't want the gritty details, I wouldn't mind hearing them. This sounds like a very worthy research subject. Please, tell me more!

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
That actually does sound

That actually does sound pretty awesome, and you're helping to cure cancer, which is also awesome!  I imagine most of the technical stuff will fly way over my head.  I'm a history grad student, so I haven't had a science course in years.  But if you can explain more in layman's terms, I'd be glad to hear it!

As an aside, I'm considering making an open call for another player.  Failing that, since global interest wasn't terribly high to start with, I'll add a Leader-type NPC to the party so that I don't have to worry as much about killing you all.  Do any of you have preferences for/against this?  I think having a character dedicated to healing will seriously help make the encounters easier to build and easier to handle.

If I do an NPC, he'll be mostly for combat-purposes only.  He'll just kinda "be there" outside of combat.  If someone directs him to do something, he'll do it.  He won't have any influence on decision making unless specifically asked, and he won't take any initiative except when fighting (or in obvious circumstances where his attentions are needed).  Otherwise he'll just tag along with the group and do what everyone else does.

Lastly, this week should be the last of the crazy weeks for me.  I've got a convention Saturday that I'll be selling art at, and then once that winds down, I can relax and breathe for a while.  I'll have my end-of-semester paper to work on but I should be able to handle it and the early stages of Phase III.  So I should be restarting the game on Sunday or Monday next week.


http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

http://www.planescapemetamorphosis.com/ -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
The Leader ally sounds like

The Leader ally sounds like a good idea, whether PC or NPC. That would probably also help ease off the need for us to fire our big guns to compensate for lack of staying power in a fight.


Thanks for kind words on the thesis, I certainly hope it will be a good contribution to cancer research. Smile

Basicly I'm creating and modifying vesicles, which are small "containers" that your body uses to transport molecules around - sugars, proteins, waste products, etc. Since they by nature have been made optimal for delivery into cells, you can also "fill them with medicine" and have it delivered to cancer cells.

I modify these vesicles with additional components so they are stable long enough for the medicament to be delivered and so that they specifically recognize and find their way into cancer cells. In principle, you could also use them for treating many other diseases, though, by loading different therapeutic molecules into the vesicles and modifying them with different targeting systems.


Anyway, sorry about derailing the thread further. Looking forward to the next chapter in the game!

Rock's picture
Joined: 2009-01-14
That is amazing .... Would

That is amazing .... Would you please tell us how the research progresses? It'd be fantastic to be at ground zero for the discovery of the cure for cancer.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Sure thing, though let's

Sure thing, though let's not get ahead of ourselves here. Wink

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
All right, just so we're set

All right, just so we're set before I get started, I'd like to do another roll call.  Dunamin and Rock, I figure you two are still on board.  Atriden and Bob, if you guys could chime in at your earliest convenience, I'd be greatly obliged! Smiling


http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

http://www.planescapemetamorphosis.com/ -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

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