War of the Facets -- Phase II: Rescue

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Atriden's picture
Joined: 2009-01-06
"You just made the biggest

"You just made the biggest mistake in your career Sharish, give up while you still have your 'good' health left".

Okeanos attacks one of the goons and it disappears with a loud 'pop'. His focus shifts and he stares at Sharish. He quickly moves to help the others surround Sharish and attacks him.


Standard Action - Attacks T3 and uses Transposing Lunge. Hit: I teleport T3 to 10, G and it gets cold damage from T4 cold aura

Move Action - Moves to 15,H

Minor Action - Marks Sharish: Gets -2 penalty to attack other than me and if he attacks another than me and hits, he does 8hp less damage.

Uses Action Point: Attacks Sharish with Booming Blade. Hit: If Sharish moves away from Okeanos, he takes 1d6+3 thunder damage, not lightning damage

11 Bonus for weapon, arcane to do use transposing lunge against T3
I rolled 1d20+11, the result is 23.
6 Bonus for weapon, arcane to do damage T3
I rolled 2d8+6, the result is 19.
0 Bonus for Cold Aura surounding T4 to do damage adjacent enemies
I rolled 1d10+0, the result is 2.
11 Bonus for Weapon and possible Thunder, atk vs AC to do hit Sharish with Booming Blade
I rolled 1d20+11, the result is 20.
6 Bonus for Weapon to do damage Sharish
I rolled 1d8+6, the result is 13.
3 Bonus for thunder to do damage sharish if booming blade hit and if he moves away from O.
I rolled 1d6+3, the result is 7.
Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Coal feels





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Coal feels a rejuvenating rush coursing through him when some of the genasi crooks become spiritual fuel for the Blazing Lotus. In turn, he feeds the dead flames with the essence they need to burn with darkness, ushering yet another genasi towards its awaiting doom.


With Okeanos putting some much-welcomed pressure on Sharish, Coal backs off and a burst of flame erupts from his avian wand to tear into the chain-wielding menace.


[Coal gains 8 temp hp from the felled foes due to pact boon. He sustains the Hunger of Hadar, hitting Fortitude 21 with a total of 12 damage for T4. Then he shifts to E17 and casts Hellish Rebuke on Sharish, hitting Reflex 19 with 9 damage.

EDIT: Whoops, missed the quite obvious teamwork effort of Okeanos teleporting T3 into the Hunger... and it's a crit! That means T3 takes 12 damage. Of course, the Ts take 2d10+1 again when they start turn - god I love this power! Laughing]


8 Bonus for Hunger of Hadar secondary attack to do hit T4 (Fortitude)
I rolled 1d20+8, the result is 21.
6 Bonus for Hunger of Hadar secondary damage to do
I rolled 1d6+6, the result is 11.
8 Bonus for Hellish Rebuke vs Reflex to do hit Sharish
I rolled 1d20+8, the result is 19.
6 Bonus for Hellish Rebuke damage to do
I rolled 1d6+6, the result is 9.
0 Bonus for Curse damage to do further damage T4
I rolled 1d6+0, the result is 1.
8 Bonus for Hunger of Hadar secondary attack to do hit T3 (Fortitude)
I rolled 1d20+8, the result is 28.
Rock's picture
Joined: 2009-01-14
"Not fun anymore, sirra?"

"Not fun anymore, sirra?" Seigi shouts as he follows the lightning genasi pace for pace, twirling his shortsword in an elaborate, evasive pattern. "Not fun anymore, because the cutting's going the other way now? Well, here is where the fun starts for us, you blackguard, sir! Have at you!" Seigi's sword dances, dips -- and shoots at Sharish's guard, to dig for his vitals. And sadly, misses again.

 (OOC: I'm not even going to dignify this with typing up the numbers.)

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
"Tch," Sharish smirked at

"Tch," Sharish smirked at Okeanos, "Maybe you'll grow up someday, boy.  But the likes of you won't take me down."  The chain-wielder's body crackled with bright blue lightning.  A peal of thunder rumbled from his body and in an eyeblink he stepped from his position between you all and darted into the shadows and somewhere beyond.  "I'll be seeing you again!" the assassin called from the other side of Coal's veil.  The thugs caught inside the shadows made no sound, not even a noise of flight.  Perhaps they, too, were dead.

Ghadir nodded curtly to you all after Sharish fled and everyone caught their breath.  "Thanks for the save," he said, "Thought I was about to get scribed.  Be seein' ya now."  He turned to run off again.

That's it for the combat session!  You can try to chase Sharish if you really want but he has a nice head start (just shifted 8 squares and took off).  Ghadir is still around, though if nobody stops him, he'll probably run off, too.  In the opposite direction.


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Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
While dissipating the

While dissipating the vision of flameless night, Coal considers Sharish’ parting words with a distant look in his eyes.


“Ah, yes, I see we will… Dusk is in his wake, however, and will claim him before our path has reached its embers.”


Center of All wrote:

Ghadir nodded curtly to you all after Sharish fled and everyone caught their breath.  "Thanks for the save," he said, "Thought I was about to get scribed.  Be seein' ya now."  He turned to run off again.





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“With due respect,” Coal steps in ahead of Ghadir before he runs off. “We were hoping the recent events would at least let you spare us a moment of your time, good sir. Many life-flames may be at stake.”


Atriden's picture
Joined: 2009-01-06
The kick of the adrenaline

The kick of the adrenaline pumping in his veins almost commands him to pursue Sharish to keep the steady juice flowing. Combat is where he belongs and is the only time where he truly feels like being whole. Every move in battle is so carefully trained and exercised to perfection. Here he knows who he is and finally the scattered pieces inside his mind get reassembled in the correct order. He is about to run after Sharish when Coal's words remind him that there are more important things at stake. "This isn't over Sharish!!!"

He listens to Coal and as the water genasi cools down, the pieces in the mind starts to break again and the feeling of knowing gently drifts away, the world becomes once more an unfamiliar place and he must continue to explore.

"Listen Ghadir, we need your help cutter. We need to know if there is a portal leading from the Plane of Salt to the City of Glass. I can’t tell you how important this is. Many lives might be at stake"

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Ghadir stopped and

Ghadir stopped and frowned.  "Not my problem," the genasi said tersely, "'Less you got a good reason for me to care, I got scribes tryin' to dead-book me.  So if you'll get out o' my way..."


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Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
"How about some coin? How

"How about some coin? How much would it take for you to tell us about this portal to the salt plane?"


Pants of the North!

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Ghadir laughed at Tamara's

Ghadir laughed at Tamara's comment.  "Berk," he said, "You better have either a sodding lot of jink or a big high-up behind you if you want me to rattle my bone-box about bleedin' salt portals.  What makes you think I know anything about salt portals anyway?"


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Atriden's picture
Joined: 2009-01-06
Okeanos clearly look's

Okeanos clearly look's furious by Ghadir's reply and is not pleased. Taking some time to control his temper he joins the converstion again. " We have already saved you from being scribed in that damn book! What better payment is there for the information we seek. It is also in your best interested that we get that information! The very same people that are hired to put you down, are the ones we are trying to stop, so you have everything to gain in this matter! "

Taking some time to relax and clear his head from the anger he continues. " Thalivan sent us and he told us that you could help us find the salt portals "

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Ghadir bristled at

Ghadir bristled at Okeanos's retort and opened his mouth to say something until the swordmage mentioned the arcane's name.  The gatecrasher promptly sobered up.  "Thalivan, eh?" he asked, "Well, at least he's good for it."

The water genasi glanced around suspiciously.  "Not here, though.  We gotta talk somewhere quieter.  C'mon."  And with that he led you off.

Ghadir's kip was a small two-room affair about a mile from the Glowing Gem.  The apartment was cluttered and barely large enough for all four visitors and Ghadir himself.  As soon as you all got inside, the gatecrasher began picking up scrolls, papers, maps, and charts and shoved them into a bag of holding.  It seemed he was anxious not to waste any time.

"There used to be some Salt portals in the City of Glass," he explained hurriedly as he packed, "But they closed up a few centuries back.  As far as I can tell, they closed up naturally, so they shouldn't be able to be reopened.  I haven't been there to look for myself yet, but all chant I've ever read or heard says they're not working anymore."


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Rock's picture
Joined: 2009-01-14
"Be that as it may," Seigi

"Be that as it may," Seigi says, after clearing himself a space to sit down in, "did they come to be naturally?" The old man is looking a bit grim and haggard after the fight; his hands tightly clutch his cane, even when sitting down, and his breath is coming in harsh gasps, which culminates in a bout of coughing. "Do excuse me," Seigi apologizes through the snowy folds of a rather large handkerchief. "Now, then. Seeing as you are an exceptionally well-informed individual, could you tell us whether those portals you mentioned came to be in a natural fashion, or whether they were created by some interested party? And if created they were -- and even if they were not -- can you think of anyone interested in reopening them, and plunging Water and Salt into direct warfare once more? As policemen throughout the multiverse say: 'Where's the money'? And in this case, 'where is the money' in causing such a sad conflict?"

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
"As far as I know," Ghadir

"As far as I know," Ghadir said, "They're as natural as any portal ever happens to be.  And they close up just the same.  If you're lookin' for me to give names, though, you're on your own.  It's a sodding huge Multiverse out there, berk.  I deal in chant on portals and paths.  It's beyond me to guess at what barmy would want to open old Salt portals within the City of Glass."


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Rock's picture
Joined: 2009-01-14
"Then might I make you a ...

"Then might I make you a ... business suggestion?" Seigi says. "Our current location seems to have become a little too 'hot' for your comfort. Why not go to the authorities of the City of Glass and offer your expertise? An experienced Gatecrasher can surely detect the sudden opening of portals -- and don't you fine fellows have tricks to shut them, as well? Everyone would win by such an act: you yourself would have the protection of the authorities of the City of Glass, can probably make a pretty penny out of it, and the City-folk would be safeguarded against further Salt invasions. My goodness, you might come out of this deal with a medal, or even a statue in your honour!"

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
"If Sharish is after me, no

"If Sharish is after me, no 'authorities' are gonna be able to give him the laugh.  We got lucky today, berk.  Sodding lucky.  And if I wanted a medal or a statue, I'd have taken up public service."

The genasi testily stuffed more into his bag and tromped around looking for anything else he wanted to take along.

"I'm going to disappear until this blows over.  I know a lot of hiding places that nobody else does, and I can just camp there until it's safe.  So if you've got any more questions for me, you better ask 'em now."


http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

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Rock's picture
Joined: 2009-01-14
"Very well. Who hired that

"Very well. Who hired that unpleasant fellow to do you in?" Seigi asks, neatly shaking out his handkerchief, then folding it up again.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
"You think I know?" Ghadir

"You think I know?" Ghadir asked, a touch incredulously, "Here's a dark you'd do well to learn.  Most scribes don't say who they're working for, berk.  If I knew who wanted me dead, I'd at least have the satisfaction of knowing who I'm hiding from!"


http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

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Rock's picture
Joined: 2009-01-14
"You mean you have no idea

"You mean you have no idea who you might have offended that has the cash to hire an infamous hitman?" Seigi replies, sounding rather mellow considering the subject. "Golly, you must make enemies like nobody's business!"

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Ghadir gave Seigi an

Ghadir gave Seigi an irritated glare.  "I don't sodding make enemies, berk," he snapped, "I know almost every bleeding path through the Inner Planes.  That includes paths that're still dark to most bashers.  If someone's trying to dead-book me, they're probably trying to use one of those darks and they don't want folks like yourselves finding out."

He stuffed more into his bag.  "Oh, and before you ask, no, I don't know which dark they want to keep hidden."


http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

http://www.planescapemetamorphosis.com/ -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Rock's picture
Joined: 2009-01-14
"Any of them pass near Salt,

"Any of them pass near Salt, do they?" Seigi asks, still unruffled.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
"Lots of 'em do," Ghadir

"Lots of 'em do," Ghadir retorted, "And those I'll be avoiding.  Look, what in the Nine Hells do you sodding want from me?  I told you, the only portals to Salt that I've ever heard about have been closed for years."


http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

http://www.planescapemetamorphosis.com/ -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
"Where were these portals?

"Where were these portals? We could go check them out for ourselves."


Pants of the North!

Atriden's picture
Joined: 2009-01-06
Okeanos nods " Good Idea

Okeanos nods " Good Idea Tamara, let's check them out. Maybe those bastards have found a way to reactivate them"

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Ghadir looked at Tamara and

Ghadir looked at Tamara and thought for a moment.  Then, he rummaged through his bag of holding and pulled out a map of the City of Glass.  He unrolled it out on the table and, with a pen from his bag, quickly marked X's on assorted places throughout the city.

"That should be all of 'em," he said, "These haven't been active for centuries so most of 'em are probably underground.  If you're huntin' for 'em, check cellars, basements, tunnels and that sort of thing.  And tell Thalivan he owes me for the map.  Now, anything else or can I give this place the laugh?"


http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

http://www.planescapemetamorphosis.com/ -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
“Sharish.” Coal





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“Sharish.” Coal gazes over the map, looking for patterns across the city beyond that formed by the array of salt portals.


“The assassin’s presence will flare up upon the lotus path once more. Anything you can tell us about him beyond what we’ve already personally experienced?” He rubs his shoulder where the chain left a sore spot.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The genasi shrugged.  "I

The genasi shrugged.  "I know paths, cutter," he said a little shortly, "Not people.  Most of what I know about Sharish is same as you.  Chant is he's an expensive scribe, and he never works alone.  He's not one of those sneaky assassins.  He's more of a thug.  Heard he does some bodyguard work when dead-booking sods isn't paying well."


http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

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Rock's picture
Joined: 2009-01-14
"Might you know a place

"Might you know a place where we can find out more about the gentleman - and I use the term loosely," Seigi says, studying his cane. After a brief thought, he pulls out a second handkerchief and starts to give the gentleman's little helper an impromptu polish. "Or perhaps who he'been, aheh, 'dead-booking' for, or whose body he has been guarding? Since you know how to get to places, as you've mentioned."

Atriden's picture
Joined: 2009-01-06
" I think it would be a

" I think it would be a waste of time trying to find Sharish, no offense Seigi. I am sure our paths will cross in the future since he surely is involved. We must try and look at the places Ghadir marked on the map " He graps the map and nods to Ghadir as thanks for the map. " Let's head out, we might be wasting time we don't have. If you need our help Ghadir, contact Thalivan, he will know where we are. ". Okeanos put's the map in his backpack and heads for the door. " I am going to wait outside and Ghadir, if you learn anything more about the salt portals then I am sure Thalivan will pay you handsomely for the information "

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Ghadir looked sourly at

Ghadir looked sourly at Seigi for a moment, but seemed to bite his tongue.  "No clue," he said finally, "Prolly don't know much more than you bashers do.  He's a killer, commands a lot of jink for his services, but I try not to stay on the side of the law he's on.  Bad for business when a body gets too caught up in that blex."

The water genasi nodded to Okeanos.  "Careful, cutter," he advised, "If someone's bringing a blood like Sharish into this, you might be better off hipping a portal, too, and disappearing."  He stuffed the last few bits of map into his bag and closed it.


http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

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Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
“I agree with the kid.





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“I agree with the kid. We should focus on our own path; it will flicker across that of Sharish eventually.”


Coal trails off, considering for a moment whether he should take his own foreboding death and the appearance of an assassin as the sign. The final one.


“I’ll give a heads up if this meeting is heralded with another vision. In the meantime, I recommend we get moving and investigate these locations. Standing around in one place for this long does not sit well with me.”

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
All right, unless there is

All right, unless there is anything else, I'll wrap up shortly!


http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

http://www.planescapemetamorphosis.com/ -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Ghadir nodded and took his

Ghadir nodded and took his pack.  "Well, best of luck to you bashers," he said, "You'll need it."  And without another word, he jogged out the door and was gone.

And so, you all eventually made your way back to the City of Glass.  Thalivan would be awaiting your report and you had a lot of news to share.  That there could be a back door in the City of Glass for the facets to use was disconcerting.  If those portals could be opened, it could give way to a full-scale invasion of Water by the water-hating salt creatures.  Time for the City of Glass was limited unless you could stop it.

That's a wrap for Phase 2.  Check the OOC thread for more.


http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

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