WANTED: Lower Planar Creature Illustrations

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nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
WANTED: Lower Planar Creature Illustrations

Are cambions and alu-feinds really neccessary? The half-feind template (with the modifications to the template for immediate ancestry here) is all you really need to represent them.

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
WANTED: Lower Planar Creature Illustrations

Hey, would it be cool for me to post the B&W's I have and see if anyone's up to coloring them? The last step always kinda gets me (especially when my pencils are breaking and dull >.<) I have quite a few Lower's ready to go...drawing wise Laughing out loud

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
WANTED: Lower Planar Creature Illustrations

'nick012000' wrote:
Are cambions and alu-feinds really neccessary?

No, they're not necessary, but I kinda liked having some specific half-fiend breeds, without adding the "half-something" race factor to the LA equation.

Not sure if we'll include them in the final release, though.

@princessbunny: Go right ahead, B&W is OK.

Zenosaga's picture
Joined: 2006-06-23
WANTED: Lower Planar Creature Illustrations

'Nemui' wrote:
'nick012000' wrote:
Are cambions and alu-feinds really neccessary?

No, they're not necessary, but I kinda liked having some specific half-fiend breeds, without adding the "half-something" race factor to the LA equation.

Not sure if we'll include them in the final release, though.

"Cambion" and "Alu-fiend" are merely the male and female terms for half-fiends, respectively. They are not seperate breeds as such, although the ones you mentioned are likely to be of primarily human ancestry.

'Nemui' wrote:
I'll add some sample 2E illustrations later, just in case our poorly worded yet lovingly composed descriptions aren't illustrative enough for you.
Allow me to assist. Creatures like the Sohmien, Trelon, Trigit, and Tuscampa are original monsters that appeared in PlaneScape: Torment. Here are some pictures and descriptions:


Sohmien are horrible horse-like monsters that emerge randomly from the Hinterlands, appearing only when some creature desires vengeance. Sohmien vaguely resemble horses with leathery, ashen hides, and mist-shrouded hooves that kills any vegetation they touch. Frifhtful wails accompany their ride. Sohmien heads feature dead white eyes, wide mouths full of needle-like fangs, and downward-sweeping horns. Their shoulder blades extend beyond their heads and necks, and three bone spikes extend from each soulder, extensions of their spinal column.

When summoned, sohmien must be ordered to ride, destroying all in the path leading to the creature that has wronged the summoner. The ride ends only when the sohmien are slain or when they have reduced the offending creature to near death. At that point, the sohmien wait, pawing the ground. if the victim desires vengeance for the attack, he can send to sohmien stampeding back to the summoner.

These creatures are said to have been born from the fall of the last of the nightmare lords. According to legend, this nightmare lord was lured to the Gloom Meet by his subjects, then attacked by fiends who had tired of bartering for permission to use his nightmares. The nightmare lord was driven into the Hinterlands, his body riddled with cold iron spears and arrows. it is believed that where his blood struck the earth, sohmien sprang forth.

According to the myth, sohmien are creatures of vengeance. Sohmien hate nightmares and attack them in preference to all other opponents. It is said that the ride of the sohmien will not end until they kill every nightmare in existence. They can be summoned by any vengeful spellcaster of sufficient power through the sohmien pact, a ritual believed lost long ago. No one has ever successfully used a sohmien as a mount. Myths claim that the summoner's voice joins the firghtful wails that follow the sohmien as they ride from the Hinterlands.


Trelons seem to combine the worst characteristics of demons and insects, and favour cool, shadowy places. According to legend, trelons were created to exterminate wizards on some long-dead Prime world, and the scent of arcane magic causes them to swarm.

Trelons have been described as a "mixture of orange and shadow." They have two long arms that end in curved spikes, two mandibles near their fanged mouths, and two long, spindly legs. They speak their own language, a combination of soft clicks and chittering noises that rises to a near-defeaning screeching when they strike.

A trelon swarm is terrible to behold. When they appear, the mob any nearby creature, tearing through their victims like scythes. Trelons attack with their two armspikes, bisecting an opponent like a pair of cutting shears.When they have killed an opponent, the mandibles around their mouth scoop up the remains of their victims. They do not stop to feed until they have killed every non-trelon in sight.


Ravel's Black-barbed Maze is said to hold the legendary night hag herself - but in the centuries that she's been gone from Sigil, she's had the opportunity to alter her personal maze. Seeds fell from her hair as she traveled through the maze, and the peculiar energies of the maze spawned these creatures - the trigits. They're essentially sentient trees, and they seem to have a hunger for blood.


These monsters seem to be native to the prison plane of Carceri. Their huge tusks deliver a painful ripping to those unfortunate enough to be in the way, and their natural armor plating seems to protect them from bludgeoning attacks. They don't seem to be very intelligent, but what they lack in wits they make up for in brawn. More's the pity.

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
WANTED: Lower Planar Creature Illustrations

Alrighty...now i'm not very good at the HTML part, so let me see if i can't figure out how to post these images....



Male & Female Erinyes....Eyrines....I can't spell tonight.










Red Abashai


http://www.deviantart.com/view/35231787/ Lemure

http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/35231677/ Green Abashai

http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/35231353/ Black Abashai

Feel free to color these, anyone...and we can both have credit XD

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
WANTED: Lower Planar Creature Illustrations

That one you labelled a nupperibo looks considerably more like a lemure to me.


Pants of the North!

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
WANTED: Lower Planar Creature Illustrations

I drew it off of the written description instead of the picture. the are described alot like lemures as well...but drawn as bipedal creatures. ah well Laughing out loud

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
WANTED: Lower Planar Creature Illustrations

Nice work, princessbunny.
The marilith is lovely.
The ultroloth is very ... sanctimonious, just as it should be.

@ Zenosaga: In 2E, the cambion and alu were most certainly not "merely the male and female terms for half-fiends". For one, they were specifically tanar'ri, none were baatezu- or loth-spawned.

The way I see it, since the generic fiendish template didn't replace the tieflings, the generic half-fiend template shouldn't replace the cambion/alu-fiends.
Modifications to the template are nice, but I wanted the cambion/alu primarily as a potential PC race.

Zenosaga's picture
Joined: 2006-06-23
WANTED: Lower Planar Creature Illustrations

'Nemui' wrote:
@ Zenosaga: In 2E, the cambion and alu were most certainly not "merely the male and female terms for half-fiends". For one, they were specifically tanar'ri, none were baatezu- or loth-spawned.

The way I see it, since the generic fiendish template didn't replace the tieflings, the generic half-fiend template shouldn't replace the cambion/alu-fiends.
Modifications to the template are nice, but I wanted the cambion/alu primarily as a potential PC race.

Then what are the [gender] specific terms for half-fiends and tielfings of various fiendish origin? Additionally, I always thought alu-fiend refered to any female half-fiend, while the terms alu-demon (tanar'ri), alu-devil (baatezu), alu-daemon (yugoloth), alu-demondand (gehreleth), etc. referred to specific fiendish origin; "tainted" referred to abyssal tieflings (tanar'ri) of either gender, and "nephilim" referred to corrupted aasimar (evil celestial) of either gender. What is the absolute truth on this matter? Do you know?

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
WANTED: Lower Planar Creature Illustrations

'Nemui' wrote:
Nice work, princessbunny. The marilith is lovely. The ultroloth is very ... sanctimonious, just as it should be.

huzzah Laughing out loud i'll get working on some of the others as well and post what i get accomplished

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
WANTED: Lower Planar Creature Illustrations

'Zenosaga' wrote:
Then what are the [gender] specific terms for half-fiends and tielfings of various fiendish origin?

On the Mimir it was suggested to use zu'ling, tanar'ling, and loth'ling for tieflings of the three fiendish races.


Pants of the North!

Zenosaga's picture
Joined: 2006-06-23
WANTED: Lower Planar Creature Illustrations

'Bob the Efreet' wrote:
'Zenosaga' wrote:
Then what are the [gender] specific terms for half-fiends and tielfings of various fiendish origin?

On the Mimir it was suggested to use zu'ling, tanar'ling, and loth'ling for tieflings of the three fiendish races.

Then what of half-fiends and tieflings who are of non-human mortal ancestry? Like part drow, dwarf, halfling, elf, orc, etc.

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
WANTED: Lower Planar Creature Illustrations

'Zenosaga' wrote:
Then what of half-fiends and tieflings who are of non-human mortal ancestry? Like part drow, dwarf, halfling, elf, orc, etc.

I don't think there would be any difference. Once a part-demon, always thought of as a part demon Laughing out loud

Then you'd have to turn tifeling(/lothling etc) into a template instead of a race choice.

Zenosaga's picture
Joined: 2006-06-23
WANTED: Lower Planar Creature Illustrations

'princessbunny99' wrote:
'Zenosaga' wrote:
Then what of half-fiends and tieflings who are of non-human mortal ancestry? Like part drow, dwarf, halfling, elf, orc, etc.

I don't think there would be any difference. Once a part-demon, always thought of as a part demon Laughing out loud

Then you'd have to turn tifeling(/lothling etc) into a template instead of a race choice.

There are demi-human tieflings, and it really irks me that the default planetouched races are of human origin. There exist the Fey'ri (elf/tanar'ri tieflings), Tanarruk (orc/tanar'ri tieflings), Maeluth (dwarf/baatezu tieflings), and Wisplings (halfling/tanar'ri tieflings). I do personaly believe that tiefling should be a template.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
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But standard tieflings don't get any specifically human abilities - no extra feat, no extra skill points, and their favored class is rogue. If they don't get specifically human abilities, they shouldn't get the abilities of any other mortal race either - they shouldn't get the elven bonus to dexterity or the orcish bonus to strength. They shouldn't get dwarven stonesense or gnomish illusion powers or anything githzerai get.

If that's the case, what's the point of making it a template? Just change how the tiefling is described, and it works for any combination.

That said, with all the different fiends out there, there's nothing wrong with customizing your tiefling. Maybe it inherents some power other than darkness, maybe it has a bonus to strength instead of dexterity, maybe it inherits some ability from its mortal side - human skill points, githzerai psionics, a dwarf's favored class. But that presents infinite possibilities that a single template can't possibly cover. As a generic tiefling, the standard one is fine.

Zenosaga's picture
Joined: 2006-06-23
WANTED: Lower Planar Creature Illustrations

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
But standard tieflings don't get any specifically human abilities - no extra feat, no extra skill points, and their favored class is rogue. If they don't get specifically human abilities, they shouldn't get the abilities of any other mortal race either - they shouldn't get the elven bonus to dexterity or the orcish bonus to strength. They shouldn't get dwarven stonesense or gnomish illusion powers or anything githzerai get.

If that's the case, what's the point of making it a template? Just change how the tiefling is described, and it works for any combination.

That said, with all the different fiends out there, there's nothing wrong with customizing your tiefling. Maybe it inherents some power other than darkness, maybe it has a bonus to strength instead of dexterity, maybe it inherits some ability from its mortal side - human skill points, githzerai psionics, a dwarf's favored class. But that presents infinite possibilities that a single template can't possibly cover. As a generic tiefling, the standard one is fine.

You are wrong. The Fey'ri and Tanarruk are described in Monsters of Faerun as their own unique races, and the same goes for the Maeluths and Wisplings in Fiend Folio. The "generic" tiefling is of human origin.

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
WANTED: Lower Planar Creature Illustrations

'Zenosaga' wrote:
You are wrong. The Fey'ri and Tanarruk are described in Monsters of Faerun as their own unique races, and the same goes for the Maeluths and Wisplings in Fiend Folio. The "generic" tiefling is of human origin.

Actually it isn't necessarily, but ... could we please move this discussion to another thread? This one is supposed to be for art posts only.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
WANTED: Lower Planar Creature Illustrations

'Zenosaga' wrote:
There are demi-human tieflings, and it really irks me that the default planetouched races are of human origin. There exist the Fey'ri (elf/tanar'ri tieflings), Tanarruk (orc/tanar'ri tieflings), Maeluth (dwarf/baatezu tieflings), and Wisplings (halfling/tanar'ri tieflings). I do personaly believe that tiefling should be a template.

I've made elven aasimar before, and I've got an elf/tiefling in the works. I consider it mostly a matter of description. But then again, I'm big on ignoring FR material.


Pants of the North!

Zenosaga's picture
Joined: 2006-06-23
WANTED: Lower Planar Creature Illustrations

'Bob the Efreet' wrote:
'Zenosaga' wrote:
There are demi-human tieflings, and it really irks me that the default planetouched races are of human origin. There exist the Fey'ri (elf/tanar'ri tieflings), Tanarruk (orc/tanar'ri tieflings), Maeluth (dwarf/baatezu tieflings), and Wisplings (halfling/tanar'ri tieflings). I do personaly believe that tiefling should be a template.

I've made elven aasimar before, and I've got an elf/tiefling in the works. I consider it mostly a matter of description. But then again, I'm big on ignoring FR material.

The Maeluth and Wispling appeared in the 3rd edition Fiend Folio.

Additionally, I would just like to make it *known* that the images and descriptions I posted are meant to be sample 2e pictures to allow artists to know what said original creatures look like. They are NOT my submitted artwork.

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
WANTED: Lower Planar Creature Illustrations

Hey Nemui....do you want to post a list of what you still need after the submissions you already have? Laughing out loud

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
WANTED: Lower Planar Creature Illustrations

'princessbunny99' wrote:
Hey Nemui....do you want to post a list of what you still need after the submissions you already have? Laughing out loud

You mean in addition to what I listed above? I could, but I don't know yet what plane (set) we'll work on next, so it's kind of pointless, isn't it?

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
WANTED: Lower Planar Creature Illustrations

Oh, I mean....if people have turned in a significant number of those listed above, could we have a shortened list of how many we still need for this specific release?

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
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Andyr's picture
Joined: 2005-08-21
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That is very, very good Rip.

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
WANTED: Lower Planar Creature Illustrations

@ rip: I love the baern's head (we can change the bit about curved horns), but the lower half seems unfinished and somehow ... overly stretched. Would you mind terribly if we cut it in half?

'princessbunny99' wrote:
Oh, I mean....if people have turned in a significant number of those listed above, could we have a shortened list of how many we still need for this specific release?

Actually, we still need all of above. Multiple versions of same creatures are perfectly OK. Just do the ones you feel like doing.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
WANTED: Lower Planar Creature Illustrations

'Nemui' wrote:
@ rip: I love the baern's head (we can change the bit about curved horns), but the lower half seems unfinished and somehow ... overly stretched. Would you mind terribly if we cut it in half?

That's 'cause I only shaded the head and arms and parts of the torso. Also, the scan isn't as good as it could have been. He does have curved horns, though - they just curve down in front of his face like mandibles. They still start at the top of his head.

I assumed you'd crop it, actually. The unshaded legs *do* look unfinished. I just thought I'd post the whole thing.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
WANTED: Lower Planar Creature Illustrations


ripvanwormer's picture
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WANTED: Lower Planar Creature Illustrations


ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
WANTED: Lower Planar Creature Illustrations


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