WALL·E and modrons

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ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
WALL·E and modrons

I'm kind of late posting this topic, but it's still somewhat topical. I couldn't help but think of modrons while watching the movie. I'm sure you all did too.

 Most of the robots would be monodrones, endlessly repeating a single task. The protagonist is a duodrone at best, if you consider making garbage cubes and stacking them to be two different tasks (I think his job is simple enough for monodrones to do it). But, accidentally abandoned for centuries, he's developed an individual personality (while still being dedicated to his "directive"), and essentially become a rogue. His habit of keeping personal items and listening to music is aberrant enough that Primus would want to purge the hierarchy of a modron caught doing that sort of thing.

EVE is slightly more complex than WALL-E, being able to attack if need be in pursuit of her primary directive, searching for plantlife. Effectively a duodrone, though she eventually goes rogue too under WALL-E's influence. I could perhaps see her as a slightly higher-ranked base modron, though she's  not capable of complex speech and her job really isn't that complicated.

Auto, the ship's autopilot, somewhat resembles a decaton physically, though he essentially rules the ship (the Axiom, which would be a very good name for a modron vessel) as an octon rules one of Regulus' gears. "Decaton" is a good enough interpretation of Auto, though, as the ship has no other hierarchs unless you count the human Captain, who is essentially a figurehead.

The primary conflict in the movie comes from the fact that Auto has been given two conflicting orders, one of them based on information that is many centuries out of date. "Irrelevant," says Auto; his duty is his duty, and the strict letter of the law is all that is important. It's a great excuse for a modron antagonist. 

Translating the whole movie into Planescape, perhaps a world was all but overwhelmed by the forces of Chaos long ago, transforming all the land into a Limbo-like soup. The defeated forces of Law retreated to another plane with the last humanoid occupants of the world, tasked with keeping them safe.  One monodrone was accidentally left behind, which fulfilled its directive as best as it could, slowly transforming raw Chaos into 1x1 cubes of solid matter. After centuries it has created a city-sized chunk of land suitable for recolonization. The forces of Chaos have long since grown bored with the world and abandoned it for other diversions, but the decaton in charge of the humanoid refugees isn't aware of this and doesn't care. The fact that the abandoned monodrone has unexpectedly succeeded in reestablishing a bastion of Law on the world is also irrelevant in the decaton's mind; the humanoids cannot go back home because it has been ordered not to bring them back home. The PCs have to somehow alert the decaton's superiors in Regulus that matters have changed, or simply defeat the decaton in battle. 





sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Hmmm, need to see this movie

Hmmm, need to see this movie it seems...


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Nevrose's picture
Joined: 2008-07-03
I love this adaptation.

I love this adaptation. There is engouh room to play a couple of adventures. Thanks :]

Brom Blackforge's picture
Joined: 2008-07-01
Better late than never! 

Better late than never!  What a great take on the movie!  Thanks for the insight!  It makes me want to take a party around the Great Wheel and try to adapt a movie plot to each stop along the way....

Renfield286's picture
Joined: 2008-07-10
it works in spelljammer

it works in spelljammer too.


but why did he have a play and record function?

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