Vrock Feathers

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Joined: 2004-05-10
Vrock Feathers

Allright. Well I'm thinking about what kind of adventure would be a good adventure to introduce players to Planescape and I decided that the best way to examine this would be to make an intro advenure. Thus below I give you the start of an advenure that is a work-in-progress.

Vrock Feathers This is to be an adventure for 4 to 6 players with characters at level 1, and is intended to introduce those players to the Planescape setting.

A mage by the name of Mont De'Trust is looking to gather a group of stalwart adventurers to help him deal with a demon that has been causing trouble in the hive ward. He does not want the party to kill the demon, a vrock by the name of Skreek Bloodfeather, but instead to collect no less than twenty or so of the vrock's feathers. Mont or his apprentice Iram Cust will approach each of the party members separately about the job or as a group if they are already a team. Mont specifically wants a group of unknowns to do the job as he does not want Skreek to recognize them.

I would like to know what people think about the over all concept so far and what suggestions they might have. Also I'd like to hear where people think this adventure might go plot wise.

Basically, I am curios based on the intro paragraph what you people think this adventure is really going to be about. What dark's, portal-falls, twists and blades do you think a good planescape GM might have in store? And what do you think should be in-store?

I have my own ideas but I'll save them for a little later.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Vrock Feathers

Well here is some more stuff for the adventure.


Mont's Shop
Mont's shop is on the edge of the hive and lower wards; it is closer to the hive but Mont would say otherwise. It is a dingy three story affair built out of weathered granite blocks that appear to have been scavenged from a much older building. The front of the building, is almost entirely choked by razorvine that covers over the small display window and nearly obscures the shops sign. The sign is a warped plank, once brightly painted, that one can barely make out the words in planar common "Magik Missives" set on a winged scroll. At this point it appears that the only thing holding the sign in place is the razorvine that entangles it.

The Curled Vine

Located directly across the street from Magik Missives (Mont's shop) is the bar and inn called the Curled Vine. The establishment's façade is the cleanest and best kept in the area, but still that isn't saying too much. The razorvine covering the front has been made to grow in curly spirals through pruning and magical means. The roof of the building supports a tented structure with a glow, brighter than the city's normal glow, coming out from under it. Bits of green foliage can be made out from the ground but not much more.
The building is four stories tall with the first floor consisting of the taproom and kitchens. The second, third and fourth floors house the rooms of the in; however the second floor is kept on perpetual "reserve" for a group of "ladies" who work there. Their services can be purchased from the madam who has a formal agreement with the landlord. Still the third and fourth floors are for rent on a nightly or longer basis. The roof houses a garden where two druids of middling abilities provide light, water and soil to grow grapes, and some fresh produce. While they are unable to grow a large amount of food they are able to supply fresher produce to the kitchens below at a cheaper rate than most others can, giving the place a modicum of notoriety.

The Scragged Nail Bar and Lodging House
A run down warehouse poorly converted into a lodging house in the middle of the hive. Skreek makes his living "tending" to the place holding it and collecting rent for the real landlord. Skreek has converted the first floor into a "bar" by knocking down the walls and evicting or killing all the former tenets who lived there. In the bar the prices are high, the glasses are broken and the booze are bad. Skreek usually keeps two barrels of beer, each with their tops smashed open to serve to "paying customers." The vrock charges extra if a mug comes up with a dead cranium rat. Skreek considers himself to be an entreprenure and business fiend, and as such is quite happy to see customers come into his bar. He will be quick to offer "refreshment" and entertainment that usually consists of him terrorizing some unlucky tenant into dancing or singing for the guests.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Vrock Feathers

Getting A Vrock's Feathers

There are several ways the PCs might go about getting the feathers from Skreek and as the DM you have to be ready for any one of them. While it is imposable to count for all methods that the PCs might use you can plan ahead and here we'll go over some of the possibilities.

Direct Assault
This is one method that probably should be discouraged by the GM. However, you should allow the PCs to try if they insist, but you should also allow them to get away. Remember, that a party of first level PCs shouldn't be able to directly take down a Vrock, but with a good plan it might just be posable. Also remember that the PCs are instructed not to kill Skreek. Also if Skreek dies his feathers will dissolve and migrate back to the Abyss along with the rest of his corpse. In any case if the party simply treats the adventure as any other dungeon crawl they are quickly going to run into a lot of trouble. In any case engaging Skreek in direct combat will not be easy, or a fight that the PCs could likely win. See his write-up for more details.

While to some this might not seem to be a good option it is actually perfectly viable. Skreek is nothing if not greedy and if approached in the right way a savvy PC with diplomacy roles AND good role-playing should be able to get some of his feathers. Of coarse Skreek feels that his plumage is finely kept and flattery will get the PCs everywhere, but it also means he's going to ask for a good green(copper coin) in return.

One of the simplest ways of going about collecting the feathers, though it might also take the longest time, is for the PCs to scavenge for shed feathers. Remember most feathers that he has lost will be of poor quality and the mage needs 20 that are of sufficient size and quality to make quill-pens out of. Searching through Skreek's bar as a customer or a group of customers is a fairly easy way to find a few feathers. Have the PCs make a search check. Passing a DC 10 will give one or two feathers. For a DC 15 the PCs find 1d4+1 feathers, 18 gives 1d6+2, 20+ gives 1d8+3. Remember, Skreek might still demand payment if he realizes that the lost feathers are of value to the PCs. Another search check DC 18 (should be made secretly) gives the players the location of the trap door leading down to Skreek's private lair in the basement. Searching the lair gives twice as many feathers as the bar would.

Bribing the Boarders
The boarders living in the Scragged Nail are desperate for money and given a few days (about a week) they might be able to collect as many as 1d6 feathers. If the PCs buy their services caution should be used to keep the vrock from finding out. The boarders' secrecy will not cost extra, but there is still a 10% chance per week that Skreek will catch on; this chance should be modified by how well the PCs role-play and negotiate with the boarders.

Shadowing Skreek
Skreek loses feathers regularly, often during fights, and he gets into a lot of fights. The vrock when he is not terrorizing his tenants or tending his "bar" is usually making a random set of rounds through various small businesses, poor destitute persons living in the hive and others who can't defend themselves extorting money from them. For every fight that Skreek gets into roll 1d6 and subtract three, if the result is positive then Skreek has dropped that many feathers. Roll 1d20 to randomly determine the search DC for each feather dropped, if the roll is under 10 assume the feather fell in plain sight and no search roll is needed.

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