Vocar the Disobedient

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Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
Vocar the Disobedient

This Vocar fellow (a former Exarch of Vecna) is mentioned along with well-known bloods like Shemeska the Marauder and Rule-Of-Three in the section on Sigil in the new 4E Manual of The Planes. Is Vocar a brand-new character, or has he appeared before and I just missed him? Sounds interesting...

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
think he's brand new. this

think he's brand new. this guy might have been the part of the book. i love that he has a secret about Vecna, god of dark secrets...


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Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
Vocar has some past history,

Vocar has some past history, just not in Planescape. He was a follower of Vecna in a past module, but it slips my mind at the moment just where he came from.

Rikutatis's picture
Joined: 2004-12-23
I believe Vocar was

I believe Vocar was mentioned in Domains of Dread . He was a priest of Vecna and acted as a spy (or secret cult leader) in Kas' domain I believe.

Thanael's picture
Joined: 2008-05-27
Interesting. There's a


There's a "Vocar the Obedient" in Domains of Dread, p. 115, a 16th-level priest and the secret leader of Vecna's cult in Kas's Ravenloft domain of Tovag.

He's also mentioned in the Ravenloft module Vecna Reborn:

Clutch of Vecna: Worshiping in utter secrecy, the cult of Vecna operates their hidden temple within a burned-out stable. Vocar the Obedient serves this cult as high priest and leader. A wicked, cruel man, Vocar favors the use of terrorism to weaken the spirits of Kas’s people, thereby strengthening the efforts of his master.

Vocar the Obedient, hm, M4/P16: AC 2 (bracers AC 2);MV 12; hp 64; THACO 10 (7 with dagger +3); #AT 1; Dmg 1d4+3 (dagger +3); 
SA spells, command undead; SD 82% chance to hide in shadows; SZ M ( 5 ’ 9 tall); ML fanatic (18); AL CE; XP 9,000. 
S 13, D 12, C 16, I 17, W 18, Ch 9. 
Appearance: Vocar is an old man with a long gray beard hanging from his otherwise bald head. He wears simple gray and brown robes except during rituals, when he wears the traditional red and black. Personality: Vocar is devoted to Vecna and will go to any ends to fulfill his master’s orders. 
Magical Items: bracers AC 2, dagger+3. 
Priest Spells (9/9/8/7/4/3/1):1st-bless, cause fear, command (x2), curse, detect magic, protection from good, sanctuary (x2); 2nd-aid, enthrall, hold person (x2), flame blade, heat metal, produce flame, silence 15’ radius, spiritual hammer; 3rd-animate dead (x2), dispel magic, locate object, meld into stone, prayer, protection from fire, speak with dead; 4th-cloak of feat, detect lie, divination, free action, protection from good 1O‘ radius, protection from lightning, tongues; 5th-air walk, flame strike, transmute rock to mud, wall of fire; 6th-fire seeds, stone tell, animate object; 7th-creeping doom. 
Wizard Spells (3/2): 1st-burning hands, color spray, message; 2nd-invisibility, strength.

(There's a picture of him on page 59 of Vecna Reborn)


In Vecna Reborn Vocar is trying to perform a ritual to have Vecna "reborn" inside Tovag, which would free him from his domain of Cavitus. The ritual - which stems from the Book of Inverted Darkness in Vecna's care - is to speak three great words of power, each having a requirement beforehand. (hands stained with the blood of an outsider, the release of a plague, and the murder of a king.) Then the ritual will cause Vecna to take the place of the newborn child in Vocar's pregnant niece Marit, upon it's birth which is the culminating point of the last part of the ritual. The adventure revolves around discovering and stopping Vocar's plan. 

There's no mention of the missing eye or hand in this module, so this appears to be a very interesting addition by the 4E authors.


For 3E I would stat him as a Wiz3/CloisteredCleric3/MysticTheurge1/Loremaster10 (or higher) with Loremaster casting applied to the cleric levels. I'd give him the feats Initiate of Vecna and Whispered Secrets among others. From the description he would probably have lost his clerical casting abilities, leaving only his rather meager wizardly powers,  and his more powerful loremaster abilities and his skills.


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