Useful applications of voidstone

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Zodar's picture
Joined: 2006-10-09
Useful applications of voidstone

As a quick reminder, voidstone is that stuff that occasionally pops up in the negative energy plane, fort save or it disintegrates you (when you touch it) if I remember correctly.

I was thinking if a resourceful wizard used a bit of magic in it's construction, they could make a pretty effective weapon out of voidstone, they'd have to use some magic to make it float slightly apart from the hilt/haft/etc. and voila: a neat looking and effective weapon.

Also of note is whether it would be especially easy to charge it with negative energy enchantments, likely being concentrated negative energy itself.

So, thoughts on the matter? Was this idea already implemented in a book that I am not aware of?

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Useful applications of voidstone

From the Manual of the Planes (pg. 81):

These chunks of voidstone might be the building blocks of such items as the sphere of annihilation.

That quote seems to open the door to other types of weapons made from voidstone.


Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Useful applications of voidstone

Why stop at weapons, when powefull and influental wizard or lich (like factol Skall of Dustman) could create woidstone golem?
Yes, the cost of creating would be astronomical but imagine such terror in hands of Dustmen or Doomguard.
They wold be like crossing of wallking anihilation spheres and deadly maruts.
On the bright side there could be only one or two in existance since voidstone is so rare.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Zeniel's picture
Joined: 2007-03-27
Useful applications of voidstone

You could also use one as a healing device for undead. Or perhaps a kind of super phylactory for liches perhaps. A wizard could summon one in battle to hurl at an opponent. Or perhaps a wiley assasin could place one inside someones house and the eminations from it would cause emotional or physical decay over time.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Useful applications of voidstone

I'm going from memory here, but isn't voidstone so volatile that it damages and disintegrates creatures that are normally immune to negative energy, including undead?

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Useful applications of voidstone

That is correct.

Quote from the same source as above:

Even natives of the Negative Energy Plane are vulnerable to voidstone.

Anything coming into contact with voidstone is "instantly destroyed" (Fortitude save DC 25). Though it is described as negative energy that has folded in on itself, the effects of voidstone don't appear to be negative energy based.

For comparison, here is part of the description for the sphere of annihilation from the 3.5 SRD:

: A sphere of annihilation is a globe of absolute blackness, a ball of nothingness 2 feet in diameter. The object is actually a hole in the continuity of the multiverse. Any matter that comes in contact with a sphere is instantly sucked into the void, gone, and utterly destroyed.


Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Useful applications of voidstone

Yes, the cost of creating would be astronomical but imagine such terror in hands of Dustmen or Doomguard.

Sounds like exacly the sort of insane thing the Doomguard used to keep in the Armoury... I shudder to think what happened to all those super-weapons after the Faction War.

Personally, I'd vote for making a sword out of it. Cliche I know, but I like the idea of stabbing people out of existence with absolute(ly) nothing. Mmm, good defence in Court afterwards too.

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Useful applications of voidstone

You want super-weapons, we give super-weapons. Imagine what would Doomguard cook up in Urban planescape setting: "Forget about fireball bombs, and buy our Voidstone bomb with enough firepover that could obliterate entire world or wipe out entire sections of planes."
In hands of Ilithids they could destroy suns with snap of fingers.
In fact Doomguard would not need bombs, they would yust have to figure how to drop one of trough gate that leads to prime.

Here is some other uses for voidstone (if way for keeping it safe is found-wall of force "boxes" spring into mind): As a power component for necromantic spells (or epic spells), and components for rods of desintegration (a little piece would do).

As for weapons: I know that swords are cool (spear would be cool either) and all that, but it would be simpler to make hammer or stone axe or morningstar (wich would basicly be lumps of voidstone on a stick), and since appearently the quantity of woidstone is unimportant for desintegration effect you could just have wand with tiny bit of woidstone on top. After that you just touch people and watch them go poof.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Useful applications of voidstone

Which leads my mind to the disturbing image of a bipolar Sinker in a tutu with fairy wings prancing around Sigil touching random passer-bys with her 'magic wand of go poof +6' and laughing like a mad scientist.

Hopefully, the above description leads your mind to the same. Laughing out loud

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
Useful applications of voidstone

Hmmm. I think force effects can be destroyed by a disintegrate spell, and Voidstone essentially functions as a continual effect Disintegration. A cleric capable of casting 8th level spells could use Greater Spell Immunity against the spell and would be capable of carrying one around for 10 minutes/level, but that's the only way I can think of moving one around safely. And by safely, I mean safe for the owner, not for anyone else Laughing out loud

As for the voidstone golem, I love the idea, but it would have to be continually moving or else it would just sink either forever or to the center of gravity if it was on a prime that worked that way. That's an interesting thought, actually. The doomguard hire the PCs to retireve it, and they wind up having to journey to the very center of some backwater prime to recover the blasted thing

Zodar's picture
Joined: 2006-10-09
Useful applications of voidstone

Someone ought to stat up a voidstone golem methinks, it's probably the best idea thusfar in this thread. I'll take the idea to the WotC Monster lair forums and see if anyone'll be willing to come up with stats. Or, alternatively, if someone here wishes to stat it, please do so!

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Useful applications of voidstone

With my ideas of a steampunk Planescape, it would be the challenge for a mad scientist/wizard to make a voidstone bullet. It would be in a specially made gun, containing only one bullet. Perhaps an ornate rifle that falls apart after the voidstone bullet is fired, or a very very special dueling pistol.

Though voidstone sort of reminds me of a sphere of annihilation, and the best way around it would be simply to find a Talisman of the Sphere if you want to handle voidstone.

Alitis's picture
Joined: 2007-04-05
Useful applications of voidstone

Other than finding various novel ways killing everybody, I think voidstone might have some...well, not 'safe' per se...but more peaceful uses. Drill bits and such that are made of the stuff could be used to bore a hole through just about anything. (Including fortifications and meaty things, now that I think about it. But I must stay peaceful.) Mining and construction could be done much faster in hostile environments like the Quasielemental Plane of Mineral with these kinds of tools.

You could also use a bit as a universal garbage disposal, capable of disintegrating everything from horribly failed experiments and dangerous waste to embarrassing evidence (be it alive, dead, or inanimate).

Finally, a soul gem made of voidstone would be a bloody hard prison to escape from. Any poor sod who tries to touch the gem is going to have a nasty surprise, and likely not be in any state to smash it.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Useful applications of voidstone

I agree on the sword idea, with a twist.

You know those rare and highly powerful swords that are designed to kill Race X, without hope of resurrection/reincarnation? Demon-slaying swords for example.

A (minute) amount of voidstone may well be one of the many required reagants. (Others are obviously needed as well -- items antithetical to tanar'ri, for example, in that specific case.) The voidstone might well be required for the "kill it, it stays dead" aspect of the enchantment.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Useful applications of voidstone

Iavas wrote:

Which leads my mind to the disturbing image of a bipolar Sinker in a tutu with fairy wings prancing around Sigil touching random passer-bys with her 'magic wand of go poof +6' and laughing like a mad scientist.

Hopefully, the above description leads your mind to the same. Laughing out loud

Indeed it does. Hmmm, maybe a new drawing is on the way.

As of voidstone: if way is found to refine it and dillude (for short time) its effects (prehaps with an high Alchemy (DC 30 or 40) check in very, very large and well stocked laboratory), it could be possible make it safe to handle and work with it (after all it is negative energy made solid).

Here is another Idea for steampunk setting: light that passes trough voidstone lens is turned into a death ray. ("The university has made fool of me for last time. Now this city will feel wrath of Dr. Garbanzo´s: "DEATH RAY"tm!!! Bwahahaha!!!")


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Useful applications of voidstone

it would be the challenge for a mad scientist/wizard to make a voidstone bullet.

I'd say the real challenge would be stopping the damn voidbullet after it had been fired - it just passes through everything at out the other side!

That would be a fun adventure: stopping a void bullet as it flew around Sigil, occasionally bouncing off a creature's spell resistence or The Lady's wards.

Fun for the DM, I mean Laughing out loud

Duster's picture
Joined: 2006-06-14
Useful applications of voidstone

Did anyone read "BLAME!" manga, the main character has a graviton pistol that creates an effect of almost the same magnitude of unstoppable bullet.
<- Killy(avatar), the character with before mentioned pistol.

I wanted to upload a picture, but when he fires a gune the trajectory goes on for a few pages, so it would take too much of the thread .

Moral-Decay's picture
Joined: 2007-02-22
Useful applications of voidstone

Rare? Don't you mean, "Dear Gods, I hope nobody's found a way to search the infinite Negative Energy Plane efficiently -- crap, Mellifleur might have"?

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Useful applications of voidstone

I'd say the real challenge would be stopping the damn voidbullet after it had been fired - it just passes through everything at out the other side!

That would be a fun adventure: stopping a void bullet as it flew around Sigil, occasionally bouncing off a creature's spell resistence or The Lady's wards.

One fired in Sigil (if it theoretically goes through anything it hit) will likely end up in the void, since Sigil is round.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Useful applications of voidstone

For some reason I can only quote from my own posts now...

Anyway, on the topic of the voidstone bullet in Sigil. Wouldn't it still be affected by gravity? If so, it seems to me that the bullet would follow the natural curve of Sigil's ground.

It would get caught into a permanent loop if it was shot exactly lengthwise or cross wise. Else it would be caught in a more complicated spiral depending on the angle.

And, would this bullet be able to pass through open portals? If so it could just disappear one day only to return days, weeks or months later through a different portal.


Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Useful applications of voidstone

[Hm - thats the second report of this error, and with a thread context to look at - I'll see what I can do to figure out that bug for you.]

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Useful applications of voidstone

Hmm, I think Speeding Bullet, a brief adventure for third level characters, would be a good way for a tabletop group to spend an afternoon. So, who want's to do the honors?

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Useful applications of voidstone

I have been reading old PS monster compendium appendix 3 (elemental creatures), and I got idea how void stone could be handled: there is this creature called elemental homunculus -suit version, fragile construct witch enables carrier protection from elemental or energy planes (depends on creation). So idea is : with little modification in creation process you could create elemental homunculus protective suit wich would protect wearer from voidstone effects (and negative energy plane).
Nuclear power plant workers image spring to mind.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

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